Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/592

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H A N Bodington, Bag. of Breanaere, Ilants, and loft, with other liacciesfeld, their son assnnsed the nante of hasslEs, from the issue, a son and sstzeesser, 1. WILLIAM liaNnAM, Bag. of Dean’s Cenrt, who was of the eetebrated amttiquary Camndea, preaeroed among the created a baronet, 04 May, 1667. Sir William ci. Elizabeth, ttnrleian maeoscriltts in the British Stnaenna; and from this dan. of George Cotiper, Eoq. of Clarendoit t’ark, en. Wilts, marriage the male descent of the fasnity of haunter is unbroken to and niece of Anthony Ashley, lot Earl of Shaftesbary, by the present lay. Sir Thomas de Macclesfiold was o. by his son, whom ho had an only son, his successor in I f71, It. SIn Jona, who ,o. Jane, silly dan and heir of William of Carnarvon Castle. lie utt. liawys, or Alicia, of Fowls, and Eyro, Faq. of Neaton Park, so. Wilts, by whom he had e’ae father of three sons, Given, of blaantor, living 2 Ena’aan II, four surviving sans, and was a. by the eldest, 111. Sm WILLIAM, who ot. in 1717, Mary, oldest dan. of t’nILIp Ilasalema, of ltannter, at. Agnes, dan. and heir of William Norris. Esq. of Nunench, as. Wilts, by wham lie Davitl ap hind ap Itltya Sale, denved frans Tudor Trevor, Lord had four sons an,l one dan., Eleanor, so. to Joltii Grove, of Ileroftrd (tee Sloaxvs of Tolsere), amid was a by his son, Log. of Fonts. Ole a. in I 702, and was .s. by his oldsst situ, Sta DAvID hIAasInx, who a-as appointed a jodge in the court IV. SiR WI SW] A51, liout. -col of rho Dorostshirs militia, of King’s Bench in the GIlt year of BIctIaman II, and received and drpnty-lieut. of fhat ca. This gcntlensan itt. 1 at, tIme honour of kniglsthoad front tltust umonarolm. 11 is lordship Anne, dan. of James Jstmings, Bag. of Shiplake, Oxon, by so. Agnes, dan. of Llewelyn Ddu ap Griffith ap Icraerth Veel, whom he had nit lactic; atsil lndly, Mary, dan. of Br. of the tm-ibe of Tudor Trevor; and had, with a dan., liargaret, William Lynch, doan of Cantorhury, by whom he had an its, to Gs’cn op Griffith Vychan, Lord of Glyndwrdwy, the famed only attn. lIe at. ardly, Iltsrrii itt, 3rd dan. of Henry lirax Gwen Glontlower (tee Buses’s Loadotl Coastry, hlecuss on’ Bag , by whom Ito had no mono. Sir William d. 11 Fob. a son autd sueeeaaor, 1778, and was a. lty his son, V. Sns WI i.t.t 051 TunMas, 8. in 1763 who if. s. p. 19 Aug brotlmer-in-tan’, at time battle of Shrnmvshtnry. lie Is. 1st, Margaret, 1791, stid was a. by hio undo, yj ‘file Rev. Sin JaaIne, youngest sen of Sir William, Edwin, Lord of Tegaisgl, and had by her a aen, GntrsmTn, of the 3rd 1 ‘art at et. This gentleman to. Jtsne, niece and attic wlmomtm presently. ito su. 2ndty, Efa, ilsus. ammd Imoir of David ap heir of William Phslipe, Eag. of Corfe Mullen, en. Ilarset, Grteso at loraerth, of Lal, en. Flint, anti had by her tao sans, by svhoat he had, with tither issue, I. J,sMea, his successor. II. William, d. in 1809. The eldest son, GalenITu lissome, was fathor of III. Edward, lient. RN., ii. in 1808. IV. I hark’s, a. Anne, dan. of Philip &hirc, Eaq. of Jersey, ltmdnanu llaaamea, Esq. of Ilsouner, a’ha to. Margaret1 dan. of tsod had lootle. v, John, S. ill 1000. I. Jane-Penelope, it. 27 Dee. 1840. mm. Elizabofh, d. 3783. (iroy, Eau’l of Tanhorvillo, by Antigonne, dan. of Humphrey I It. Ilarrirt, d. 1900, Iv. Eleanor. V. Maria, ti. to Itiehord Bentley, Esq. (who is deceased), SIR Tnoamas llAaaIen, who received the Imanour of knighthood grardoon of Dr. Richard Bentley, master of Trin. Ccl front lheamnr VIII, at Itcologno. lie as. Jane, dau. of Sir handle Cani. ; tsnd it 27 Nov. 1811, leaving issne. VI. Pcnolttpe. Sir James si. 11 March, 1008, and was s. by his eldest non, VII. Sin Jauen, ill holy orders; is. 1st, 10 April, 1792, Enwaxu VI., whose son, Anne, dan. of Edward l’yko, Esq., RN., by whona (who S. Jeusm Itasamox, Esq. of haunter, SIP, far the town of Flint, 13 July, 1001) he had issue, WILLIAM, present baronet. Pholips. 0. 24 June, 1001, in hAy orders, rector of flinton and ono of rite council of the president of the Starches of Wales. 01,srlelt, Dorset; if. S March, 1952. Jane Penelope, if. 24 Aug. 1830. lie to. 2ndly, 14 Dee. 1013, Eliza-Dean, dan. of Lient. William hinmaelf knighted by JAMEs I. in IfOl. lIe to. 1st, Anne, dan. of Patsy. It N., by whttnt he hatl tslsa icons, James, h. 20 Joly, iS2it it’. 4 Get. 1810. Jolln, 0. 14 Jan. 1823; eapl. amId ad). 11th DepOt Battalion ageit 22; and Indly, Catherine, dun, of Sir Thomas Olostyn, Ens. Staff; ti. ii Aug. 1503, Anty-L’rsute, dan. of the Isle Alexander of liostys, tiy whonm Ito had a son and successor, Coplantl, Faq. anti had issue, jens-ArexAanen, 0. Smn Joss Ilasoasa, lint,, who was created a Baronet, 8 July, 0 Jttly, 1054; t’helittn-Brocke, 0.27 Starch, 1050; Amy; and 1820, and represented the eo. of Flint in parliament in lfIh. Bliza-b’rances. Captain tlanham, wits had distingoioltett Sin Jtdmn teas s. by an only son, histsetf in the Sntloj eampais, was (together with Lieol.-Col. Sia Tnoomas MANSiOn, StoP. for the eo. of Flint, and cupbearer Croften,am’ri stilt’, Cetaexov, than.) shot by a seltlier of the tInt root., at l’restce, and it. of the wound If Sept. 1001. Thomas-Barnabas, citstm. R.N ; sts. lot, 0 Slay, 1047, Emily— civil war, ta’o truaps of horse Sir Thontas ass to have been Annie, dan. of Edward Castlentaut. Esq. of Chettle Domet, one of the knights of the Royal Oak bad the institution of that which lady ml. Slice, tool; anti lndly, 30 Oct. 1804, JosephineIdo order actually lakcn place. He tts, 1st, Elizabeth Baker,” of - Godson, only child of the late William. i-leery Scott, D’hittinghautm, co. Smuffolk, maid-of-honour to Queen HrsnIEnAMania, Bag., fornierly af Paris and Vorsailtos, and by her (mobs d. 0 Jan. lOif( hat a dan., lthaad.Phelitts.Agaths. Cept. Benham tti. lrdty, at Nencltatet, 1 tIed. 1005, Edith-llary, of Sir IVilhiana Ihorvey, lint, of Ickmeorthm, by mehom ho also left wittcw of SIa(. Jabs Swinborse, 10th regt. Elizabeth-lIarianne, if. young, 10 July, 1825 Sir James it. 2 April, 1049. Ct’catiass—74 May, 1067. Atws—Qoarterlyt or and go., on a Jalin attained the rank of majar-gon. in the army; but dying bend, esgraileti, as., throc crcasea-pstde, of the first. Crest—A griffin’s head, erased, or, deeatly gorged. Peel—Dean’s Court, near Wiunherne, ca Dorset. HAMMER, SIR JORN, of Hanmer, eo. of Flint; cleated, in 1701, for Ilue eo. of Suffolk; and chosen co. Flint, H.P. for that co. 5. 22 speaker of the Ilonso of Comuutons in 1712. He sat more than Dec. 1809; r. his grandfather, as thirty years in the Reuse of Commons, and was also distingoishod 3rel bart., 4 Oct. 1828; no. 3 Sept. Shahtspeare romsiums lhto boat nmomorial. Sir Tlmomas in. 1st, in 1833, Georgiana, youngest dan. of 1695. Isabella, Dneltoss Tlomoagon of tlrsfton, in her oa’n right Sir George Clactsvynd, Barotset, of Cosmtoss of Arlington, only dan, and heir of the 1st Earl; and Grendon Hall, Warn’ickehirc 3Liitnc. David de Hampton granted is bIts nx IlaNMexa the Fenni * She was dan. of Sir Thomas Baker, KnL and sister end heir Wood, by a deed yet exlnnt, dated Monday next after Feast of of Thomas Baker, Esq. of Whittingham. All Saints, A-n. 1180 (10th Bienian I.). The desoendtiat of this JouR 05 ItAaMrRr., in the female line, co-heir of Sir Olenry North, llart., of Mildonhall, but he gave marrying, in the reign of King hlessv 110., Sir Thomas do her the whole of the property. 542 H A N family and estate of Itis mother, as appeara from a 0.atin letter Jous, keightod tty Eing Enwaman I, and in his reign constable who if. o. p.; ttavid and POILIP. The 3rd son, SIR Jons Ilasamen, lint., who fell under the hsnuor of hie dan. and Imoir of David ap ttlethin Vyehan, derivod front Enwanu, of Frnns, anrostor of the H.ssMrns sj’Feons. Itieluard, of tiettisfirld. Sir Roger ltyuaastaa, ef Mordley (by Elizabeth, dac. of henry Plantagcnet, Dnloe of Gloucester) soul had a son and successor, Brerotcu, lint., and loft a datu., Ellen, ma. to her cousin, Williaus t-lanmor, of Fenns, and a san, SIR Tnoslas llaaasnn, knighted by royal mandate, 1st sit. Jane, dan. of Sir Jolsn Snlisbnry, of Llea’enny, hint,, and left, SIR Tnoaraa HASMER, lint., who avas SIP, for the eo. of Flint, lie alsc attended the Earl of Dcrby into Fmneo with the cnigns of the Garter to Hraxv Ill., from Queen Euizanrxo and woe JoInt Tslbot, of Graftnmm, whose son Georgo was aflorwards 9th Earl Shrsa’ahnry, by whom he had issue, Eatherine, if. note. to Cmuans.ea 1., in a’lmoae cause he raised, during the by whona he left a son, June; and lndly, Snsan, dan. issue. He moos o. in 1f70, by Imis cIder son, Sun June ltasnrn, SIB. for the eo. of Flint, and eoh. of a regimnont, uniter Eimmg WILLIAM, at the battle of the Boyne. Sir willsont isane, in 1701, the title dovolrod mupon his nophow, Sin Tuoauas Hasamrn, 0. itt 1676, son of William Ilanmor, Esq. (eldest son of Sir Thomas the 2nd baronet, by his 2nd mmsan-iago) by his wife, Foregninr, sister and heir of Sir hhonry North, Rart.t of Shildon Ball. Sir Thonmas Bannser a-as returned to parhiantent, at the accession cf Queen Asse, for the 01 a man of letters, of wimich his a-eli-known edition of lutdly, Elizabeth, only dan. and heir of Thomas Folkes, Esq. of Barton, so. Suffolk, whiob lady also died issueless, Sir Thomas She was daim. of Sir Henry North, Rant. and sister and I-TAN1IE R.