Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/596

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Pnitip, isho a. his untie as It d earl. lie so. 2n’tly, .90 11cr. I 702, Agnt’lts, dan. and en-heir of I lent-v ,lcl,nston, lDsq. of (treat tict’lttt,tttistcad, II ci to, by ii html hi’ hail isstte, I Cltartrs—I’hitit’ (tile Right lion.), nc of the tillers tsf site EcehettUer, mat anise lOne first i’d of the Atliotto Ii)’. F It, tout S.A., ft. 12 lIon-It, 171)1: itt ,lLtlv liii). liar— emit, last. ‘f (_l,tictes Mannittghttttt, Esst. t nn,t tf.o.jt. 14 March, 1841. 2 Joeplt.Sydecy (Sit). vt€’e-a,intteal 1sf’.1’. an’) itt_P.. 0. ii .1 one, lion, to - 151, iii Match, It )to, l’,t,ettt,elht 11 coke, dan. if ,latstt-s I tilt’ or, Fs1. of .tlherets,n. isn’t by her (Otto 1. 110 Jon. 1012) 1,0,1 tsstte,5 CssAeLcmt’tll Lie, t5’c pt-er. - 1 learn—I Ie,Jnstlit, TI - .1., :,selsdettet’tt of lists t,ngdost, rector of 19’ htnpsde, f’,,t,ttritl4cstttcc’, sal tat” ‘‘I .ts1,e,ten, t I et’tt, ft ittt Ittet. tOOt t ,,,. 10 Ntis - 101,1. Pt,,co—l2soot,etlt, 3etl don. ‘f tile lot,’ General Sic Alexontler (‘atsslthell, hart., I(.t’.li.. stat by tire (ss tie 1. 12 J011. 1512) taos tsstte, t’hilils_Oislttey, ft. 71 lIce. 103-I. I tent I -111101, f,. 4 Jtsl> , I Oil, sI. 19 ,lnly, 1991. Jiegtnsttd.lte.Ittcltatthti ft. Ill stttg. l9’Ill ‘s - 10 April, s. Eltetti,etht, ‘it. to bos’tt Ansots, and si, in 1760. I saT, k’srolnst —Astgsislo, 2nd dan. sf Cs,, 5, cii Boyd, is. itlarc’arct, t,s. to Ste khiibcs’t Ileotlteote, BaD., and d. hO hloralie—Arthtie, 0. 3 Jtsne, 1818. Ate oat,dent’tittiittielt, it. 12 2,01 1032. FIesta k’ortttine, - I If 01cc. I 91,11. to II. 91’. Ctsrric, EM., only ss’ss ttf NV. Ctiet’ie, Faq. of West I leesiey t’l,sce. S,te,sn—.kttielitt, ,,t. I It I Icc. 1017, Is C.—J-.’l’. llatohoo, 17M (l,y Aoss,bel, eldest dan. t,nd co—heir of Iletsry ,he Grey, toot Eliot-lit’ ass,, talc MU., ft. 29 April, 1 nfl: ,,,. 31 Jon. 1 E,stiiy—Ast ee.itIelicettl, testy itaa. cf the Isle Estttitns— hi-i ts,.,ten,,ol gtatnslfattai’e, tI:tnoust Os Lr,eas of Crcttlsrell, ond llenr3 —Ilcltti,’ liodcf itie, Ent, 01 1 ltleitott t’rtOe3’, hens, Mas’chi,sness di dire)-. TIte issue of this snot ci age wet’e, C,ranlltatts.ithitttlon, 31. 1 preltendttt y if Lirttfleld , rector of Antal,el, late Couesess de Grey. (See 19,tf lifts.) St. t’lsilips, hfirs,ingltont, tte,l rnral dean. 0. 14 Feb. l009 Jemist,a, who was as. in 1790, to Thomas, 2nd Lord Gronthasn, st. 10 31,trelt, 1030, itlai’ian—Ftttit3’. eldest dot,. ‘it list late Sir lleney—C. ithsttgnnset’y, halt., by selsten iso lids, Joscplt—Antgtisios, itarrislfe, ft. 2$ SepI. 1031 to. I Feb. 111* lordship dyhsg, 10 May, 1799, withoatt scale issue, Ihe mog— 1092, t’lo,’eitee—ittat’3’—Elioa, ‘2t,it sinai. of ‘l’ttotinss Cltatta— ,,tlicetst seat 01 Nt’nest, ss itit tise sltpeodant estates of tite Duties bed. East. of Warwick I iat’detts, Kensington, anti gt’ond— o1 Fetst, went to hits dotta., t,s,tl tlte hsonoura devoivetl upon niece of hr. Jnsiiee Cltatttbr2. E,lilh.f,entrtole. All ce-Snsan, so. 0 Oct 1009, to the lion, and 71ev, NV-S. 1’IItLle Yoane, led earl (resort to Charles, 2nd san of the lot ‘rwistettn-tVyhehast-l’ iennes, 4th son of Lord Saye and eorl), 0. 31 lhay, 1797, Nfl., DCL.,, and AS. This Ode. Itet tl,a-Atttciia. lslat’ion-ftersl’ltne. C,,tt,l,,,tee-Elirtt. Slit,) red—Violet, ‘1. 29 Pci,, 1901. Agneia-F,haol’cth, at. 21 Feb. 1970, to Rol,erl C-h. Revas,, Etieolietlt-Mongat’et, to. 6 belt. DOG, to Charles, lots Lor,I Esq.. eldest ‘on of tlavitl Devon, 125,1. of i$eta,otit, lIens and if. 9 July, loll. Sir Jtioepia is. 2ntfty, 22 May, 1811, tlcanto-Annie, Marettios,ess—Dosvsger II is locdsl,ip tsad, besules, tltnee st’,ss, the etdeat of svhosn, Pltilip, of Clsnricsr,le, sOslow, attilly, ol Colonel Viseost:,t tloyston, seas ls,at its a st,tntn off Lnbcelc, I Aptil. 1808, Prier Kingt’tts, ant ‘lots, of (it’oege, 12th Martjatess of in his tss’enly—ftirsrtit year; tlse 2nd anti 11w youngest 111,1 not Wincitestee, ss itfeh its’13’ if. ‘27 13cc. I 043. Sic Josi-pit was n,’cidcnlalty dt’owecti 9 hay. 1071. I Caroline. Conaless of St. klecn,ans, il_ito July, 7918. its. 10sep15 (Sir). F.B.,,’tn officer it rants ut the ocitay, and ti,e honoetra derstlved upon i,is nepl,ese, than Itrssent noel. aide—dr—catti1, to his roytil ltilbnL’ss the lIaise if Cetnl,erlaa,t at the tt,,ttle of Fotitetety. lie to. ‘22 ,lsttac, 17o1, l.’ltr,sli,tna. Ct,ach,lle—htaegoeel, only d,ttt. of I ltssts—l lets,’y, I i,icsnt tic 1794 —‘1 t’,,,o—Arg., on si satlier, 00., a bcoant. Cta sl—.9 lion’s Slttekets, itt toestniantc. lie was des atcd It, the pew’oge as itea,l, ecoss’,t, pte., collared, gn., isa lite collate, a bcoant. Snjt— 32’ i,”,, lf”c, s’ 19 Scitt. tTsO, Ittit il issnelfss, 2 Dee. 1192, p’o’f’ ‘a—I exter, a hots, eas,ttpatst—g,tarrlant, tIe, collared, gts., lIsa scl,cn the title ao’ttse,t. re. J,,itn, 1. 27 Ang. 1779 l to. Elioat’etta, d,tn. of tleginaid nttgttle,t, or, ,a’llared as ttse lion. JI,,lio—Nec cts1das, nec Lygt’tt, itsq. o7 M,,,iresfiel,1, a,til 1. isa I 7119. leaving ts don., i,,etoas. ,9’,,,I—W’in,1oile 1ia,Ii, itrar Art’ington, Combnidgeshire. Jenaftsta, seito seas ‘it - to tite Rtgtst lion. tlcgttiold—Fole Carew, l’s,oo Jloeto—tt, I’oetntost Squao. anti t5. i’s I 04. v. Jts,taes, 15.1’., bishop of Ely, 9. 9 March, l7lO ri. 29 Jtme, 1792, 3lary, ,htn. ctf the lltgltt lice. ts,tae hlaalocka, bisho1t of Worcester, and lying 26 Attg. 1900. teff, 1 Jtnet,lt, 9. in 1703 , t. 17 Nov 1000, Calhet’tne, dais, of Jotstes Curbs, Esq., bt’, ‘titer of Ch,n los, Los’tt Sosaers, and dying o Dcc. 1070, left issue, ,lttscplt, of l’orl lta,tsl,l,tn Court, (Iloetceslerihire, shet-iff of that ci’. 1013—9, 0 11 Jan. 1687, it. 71 lice, 1534, Fno,tt’es—A,ttonia, dna. t,f the loin Right lIon. Reginald— t’ole Cares,’. .,nit has isstio, John-Reginald, Ml’. toe Tewkestnry, 5. 29 Jan, 1830’ ot. I hIt,, clt, 1 05)2, Attgttsla—Etttitcliste, yoasstgcst dots. of (tea. Sir Thsotos Ilonitath itoeglos, N.C.R. She d. 10 t’eb. 1007. Jantes-Choeles, h.0 Feh. 1910; ,,,.31 Gel. 1039, GeorgionaAugttsla, ilon. of tite 17ev. Clsortes tlosckins, eanots— reoitlctilt.try it brIe, ttssd has hsttc, 3 at,,eo-Cliotles, 1’. 20 Tl,e fos,,ity sf1 lane ciaisn.s fo he a sciosi of the lsottse of llare— Oct. 1s41 hlcghsald-S’,tncrs, 9. 10 Jane, I s94; Algrenon ft. I .ai,ti’. Catheriste—.kae:t—Cneklttst’n ; (lecitia—Eaaity—Cartdisie t Angnsfo-hIos’y; C.eeegina-Esttsn’a ennrt tsr blanroort, it, Loet’ainc, as’I,a nero Counts of Normandy; Ilorrict—Ethoaltetit ; ats,h a,tt’titer lout. Cathecinc-Ilarcietl. 0,. 11 .kng. 1031,10 Col. I Iency-htocgoe Fno’oen Loisto, Esq. sif Ivee, tiio’ks (whose will was proved Clilfoed, of Llontilio, ittonnsonlhsltiee. (See INane’s in 1649), descended, in eotsnaon with Ihe Sloneteigh Abbey Ltt,,,fe’f Cc,, fist.) 2 t’hiitlt, i’s hasdy octicre, prebendary of Ely, ft. in 1771 - itt. 1.ei,gh. lila 2,s,t sass, in 1797, to ttte lion. Anna-itIaria Cocks, dan. of Charles, Taos,xs Lntott, E9. of London, Tsekey merchant, on. lIary, * Tite yensger chiltiren of fhe late Sir Jnsoph have ebtained 0. Ilaisinsood, Esq., and eventually co-heir of her brotlsee, Sir the eank and precedence of an earl’s issue. 511) II A It 1st Lord Sonters, and sI 29 May, t8t7, leaving issue by her (whoi). it, 27 Jnly, 1939), I’itittli_Jttstteo, e,doncl in tlte orsasy, ft. 13 Oct. 1799) 50’ ‘21 April. 1011, Estity, oorttgest dat’. ‘‘f Ilse lode Morgan (‘lihfi,nl, Fatj. sf l’et’o dine, cc. hloreford, irhicit lady ,f. 16.011. lse9. 0. 7 Ott. 1 sOl, in holy orders; reeler of Sticnf,cl,t. Essex; is,. 17 lIce. 1010, Ellen, yonngest don. c,f the tale ,I,,lits l,etgla, Estt. if Ssn,lltillo, and if. 23 J oly, hail , ltatvtt,g h,,tI l’liilip, legttt,tl’l, ,is,t tltts’niet. Rcgntat,1, ret) ‘eul reor- o,lit,., 9. 21 Nos—. 15011 ti. 90 Nov. I oIl, I Ittrri”c d,tsi. cit tite latte ,J,ds,s IVollser, Esti. of Fur— tttse,la lark, Ilttnis, :tt,,l hits a solo, 0. Attg. 1997 astothee so,,, ft. 20 ‘Itag. 1 sd and two dons. lIcnt’ietta-.ta,,at,el. Cac,’lisie. Asna-itIaeio, o.27 Nov. 1838, 10 the late Right lien. Sir k,l,asrs,,,l 11 ettd, lion. Jentiu,s-Cothcs-ioe. Jnliono-Caeoliee. Cbas’lotfe-Anne. I Margaret, ,,,. 178°. ‘fhossos Waddiugion, DR.1 ,f. 1910. 2 Rlio,ittelti, it,. its 1799, to Ji’laas 11011cr, Esq. of Morvol. Aug. 1709. Ills lonihol,f1, if. 9 hlarrh, 1749, and was o. by his eldest son, l’tssutc, 2t,il cod, 9. 9 Ises - 1720; svhn s. 22 May, 1710, Lady Je,sttt,,a Cotsthiliell, c’itt3’ datta. of 3 i,ltti, led coil of B, codalbase I teske of Ket,t of tltat lilac)), svl,o beeas,,c, niots the demise of sttd if. in I 30. itis nepitese, nobleman as. 21 July, 1 7n2, Eltoatteth, ttan. of ,tattaes, oti, Earl of Iiats’arrea, by svh,oin (sritti ,f 20 3Iay, 1099) he left, Antse, “a. so Joi,n, lr,t Earl of llctttocnrsgli. Cailoc,’,ne-Free,,,an, so. I,, Dtsprs), 2nd Earl of Caledon, and ,f. his aeh,lon’, 9 July. 1 sOd. Staat’t de ltothcsay (o,e “tOe, tisiTe, II.), and d.21 Jt,nc, 1097. Carohine-Ilarniee, a, to John Sonos’s, 2nd Both Sou,ees. sanvive itsfaney. The earl, wlto ants lord-lieulessasst of leehoso,1 Irons loot to 1009, dyIng thtis sritl,ont tnale issne, 18 Nov. 1834, f’s ofio,,s—h’ani,n, 23 Nov. 1721. Vfsconnt and Earl, 2 April, oohhar el,os’e’ed s,’itla a bco:tnl I stitislrl’, a stag, ppr., atti,’eti ,,sid HARE. IlanE, SIlt TttG9tAo, nf Stow Hall, to. Norfolk; late otsptaila 111 tIm fuel lifo’gnat’els ; 5. 18 July, 1907; s. hie father, as fuel hart. 15 Fob. 1534 ; rn 1 Oct. 1864, Miss Nnl’tnau, nn,l has a son, Grni:nE-RALPH-Lntoss, I. 16 March; 106d. 31.111 £itçJC. h,sr full h,onlictstors, ire ltr’aae’a Ref ittcl Bn,rasebcge. fasaa7y, settose orttsa tie bore, frotsa the ancient Cheshire itonse of doo. of Sir Thonsos Ilare, Port., by Elirabolh 1,1, n’ife, don. cf Geot’go hare, al whose death, in 1764, the baronetcy, created in