Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/598

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Cr, i,iisos—li.iron, Is Jnne, 57l6. Visit. sad Earl, 7 Sept. I 513. A to, i—St., a cross, Jititoitee, wi ci, is a bonhiro, or. trio-I—A ii, ui’s heal, ci injo d at the neck, cent., itineeled, go.. buckled, or, collared, of the second, rim coil and Jihum, who i - I°raioees, tia,,. of Terrhighaun Norieood, Esq. stii’lde,l, gild. .Sappiiti’ ri—Dexter, a hear, erm. , niiieeltd awl a, illarel, go., hiiekle,l ni,l cliiiiiied, 11w deiiii reltexe,1 over the hark, or, the collar stud,l,-,l nid rimmed, g’ Id, anti penlent therefroni a slut 1,1, ‘ ir, ctriigai’l ‘.vith i Cross patonee, si. sinister, a bull, tie., ,irnie’l, lungs led, and amoco of m,,l— lets, or, ml br, chain, and sinelil, as 1110 dexter. 3/otto—In si,h, 1 ie , 5 this. Soils—Il -ieu’svssd II ease, iVellierby, lark— of Cmi in ens I, Ibis gentlemen is. Ilargery, dan. and coheir shire t oldsb’,nsigs hail. k,s,reshsrsiiicli , Y,,rkohiro. Tows lleass—lI,i ew,,sel House, 13, Hanover Square. H A Ii I N G T 0 N. HaI1INOTON, SIR Josix-Enwaun, and after the Reshie’ati in was,with 31,155010, Viscount Castlenilitase, of llidlhsgton, eo. Rutland ; 0. 2d pardon, anti subjected to certain pains, penalties, May, 1521 e. his fathor, as 10th an 1 forfeitures (molt extending, it has been held, beyend bae,inot, 5 Jan. 1535 is. 21; Oct. his life), imposed on him by an act of parliament, 13 Cnsnoas 1s46, Jane-Agnes, dait. of tlse late It., c IS. Sir James a. Catherine, dun. ,and co-heir of .J.-S. liriiwnrigg, Esej., Ml’. Sir Al,lernsan Sir Edward Wright, lord naayor of London, by John graduated at theist Church, svhi,mu lie had a numerous faintly. Hod, in 1600, and was e. Oxford. lie was lately a captain in by lua eldest son, the 4 5th regt. IL iii cage. This ancient family ileeires its name, formerly written rea’erte’l Is Ins nephess’, ltavanneur,’o, from their cot dc a I’ ‘rdsluip in Cnmberleaud. VI. Suit Jasirs, if Burton, cs. Oxf,rd. This gemutleman In the regis of Rote-inn I. they ri-nina ed ta hclinlian, in iou. lot, Catli ems, dan. of William hioncher, Esq. ef the Lancashiio, which was ;e,snl ed to Iisnnnr ns Jta vr.i,,wnT,,N, 31 Sidle Temple, by as-li am lie 110,1 isOiiO, or llai’l’iGTiN, ‘in 1155 nsarria,ce with .tgnes, rister and heir m. Jasir.s, lbs soiccossor. of ito posesso’ie, William do t’aseeliold, and daii. of lloi,si-t ma. Richard, ill hu’ly srdom-s, who Is. lot, Jane, dun, and do Caneefield, by Alice his wife, eister ai,d heir of Sir lliehaol Ic Flensing, of Alilingliam Of tins marriage thcrs was issue two sins, of whenu the elder, JOHN as ttassneococe, K. II., who alteniled Enwano 1. in his invasii in of Scotland s sos 1 liSt, was summoned to jiarliament frons the 15 how sin II - smuitil a I Enw.s nri Ill (1313), iii which latter year lie a., leaving two grandsi no (the stilts of his deceased soil, Sir Ri beet, l.y Elizabeth, dan. andes heir sf Jams Ic 31 niti,n, Lord ‘f tt3remont). The dice, Josma, 2nd baron, ii. 37 kate sun III., and was s. t-y Ins still, ROBERT, 3rd barn, sehs ii. in 1405, and was a. by his san, Iinssey, if Triurs, ca. C,.rnsvahl and lrdly, Elloabeth, 1 Jon, 4th baron, who seas 22 years old at his father’s sl,un. ‘if Abraham Ch,unibcrs, Eoq. of l’otteridge, Hem ts, death, unit was summ,isned is parliament by time an,h relict of Wihliamn IlolIsti, Rag. of Cannons. n-ante of Rssnser, fnisn 8 Ileaay IV. to 4 JImmy Sir James sm. Sndly, Sirs. ltsore, who it. svithsnt issno. He V. lIe it. 6th if that reign, sail se,is a by I is hi-other, d. 21 Joe. 1752, aus,l woe a. hy his eider soiu, 2 WiLLIAM, 5th t’.non, It 0., whi, ‘a. Katherine, dan. of hugh Csnrtcnay, Earl of hey, ‘n, an,l hid be her a VII. Sin Jauro, who su. Ansua, dan. of James Aslaenhon-st dais, and lair, Islleabeth, who ,,‘. William, son on.l heir of William, L ‘ru II’ smile, aft hnt,ai, antI ci. hi fsro Jomm’e-Erisvano, his successor. her f,slticr, ti solsom her scs, i’iili-sm, was found heir Ctitherlmue-Amui,e, i,. to Thomas Iiayss’ard, Esq. (36 Rrana’ VI), anit hence com sssi’mily eallsd Laid Thicedasia Lucy, at. to the Rev. Thomas Williams. 3/s risplso. The bari,ny then intact sviih her granddin., Sfam’y-Auioe, d in 1535. I ‘icil, d;nu. and heir of WHiten, Lou lionvile Csnih,ie-H.ismsh, ci. to RobertJlorgan Kinsey, Faq., and and H,iringtan, into the famoily if her 1st husband, Thomas (Gsa’y), ill arqness of I iorsel, K.ti. (Or 1oait, Scasmesan, E., and hoaxes E.eti,,cl aitil Dseaous I Sir Jnmoa if. in 1753, and was s. by his only son, rn,-ej’.) The younger grandssn, Sin Ronrmrr or llanmxsvoce, left a son, Jona hlsssuao-roa, wits ci Agnes, dci. sf Laurence Flete, m. J.os,ra, Ins heir. Fog. of Flete. ci. Lincoln, -not whose ‘Isseen ‘ant, Sin J sImm lIsa uNmaN, Ent. of E’itu in, ci. Lucy, dan of us. E’lwar,I-Jshn, 1- 26 Cot. 17/4; iS. 15 Oct. 1837. Sir William Sidney, if Ponolnurst, anti sister of Sir henry HI. Richard, I. Sti April 1500, 11.71., iii bole orders, rector SIdney, E.G., anil dying 1392, left three silas, i. JOHN, create I, in 1603, g5,-0,, JJaiii’g’.i.i, ofEetso. his 4th daum. of the Roe, Saninel Smith, D.tI., prehendary of lordship was t,utu,r to the l’nincesa Elieahstl, , dan. of ilorhaimu, by n-hsm he bath issue, 1 Rmcnann, 0. 15301 si. ha sins 1, hIs left one san, .Jehn, Sn-I I’ ‘cii (at whose 5 Jniue, 1505, a dan. uS the Rev. R. hdscse, Canon of decease, 5. p. in 1613, hue Ii ir ‘iiil’ o.xjii ri-ill an’l tao’,, dana., Lnry, Countess of hlo,lfor,l slid i”r,nucce, Lid3’ Chiehcsler. mm Hesry (Sir), who si Cecilia, d:nm, and heir of 3 -bus dais, if the Rrr, 3. Paul, and had by her two daus, .Ag.ur, Esq. of Elmsthsriie, t.ctcestershire, and bit two my. Robert, t. 22 Sept. 1801; is. 10 July, 1630, Charlotte, SiSiS, I Sir John Haringtsn, whose dan., Sarah was s. to young st ilan. of Andrew Stuart, Esq. of Tarrence, Os. J,ihn, Lord Fmesehvills, 2 Jacob. Sf3 Sir Jones ii. 2 Feb. 1(113, and was s. by his el lest son, 11 Sin Knwson, who served the office of sheriff for the cc. hiutland twice, iii the 111th year of 3 stirs I. and 15th of 4 oh,m tloybem , Esq. of .tlerten, cii. Oxford, by whom he oi ‘laised 11,-it est,’te, and had issue, a claim,, Bridget, is. to Sir Edward Gore, Knt. of New I’lacc, Herts, and an only still an 1 slices sssr, I 11. Sni Jasine, 3l.P. for cii. Sliddlesex, in 3034, mind one if the cow miosionoes nanoecl fe trying King Cue 1. Sir Ilenry Shildmay, and others, excepted out of the IV. Su5 Enaius’n, n’lio si. tsvteo, bout cf. withont issue, adieu the ti lie ilevols cii npsis his hrc,lher, 5. Sin Enivann, who d. also without issne, when it heir of Artloir flliatspernswne, Esq. sf Dartington, eo. Devon, by whois be had a son, Arthnr, 31.1’., who assnmeil lbs name toad arms of Cu iamrrnaowsr, on inheriting the estates of his nsaterual grasudfuther. lie ‘u - Louisa, dan. of John huller, Koq. 01 Ibsrr,d, ea. Deron, by wheet he loft at his decease, in isis (n-ith ft ‘or ‘hans., of whom the eldest, Jnio, i,. the Rev. XVilliaun 31,irtmn), three sans, lhc late flu sac Cnaasrrsaswan, Esq. of D,n-tington; Richard; and John. The Rev. Eieham-d tiarin3tsn. is. Sndby, Miss Hannah Eaq. of f’ark li,iU, eo. Stsffsrd, by whom be heft, it. 1S lice. 1531. VIII. Sin Junco-Ensm-aon, b, in 1700. This gentleman sm. hi ITs?, liurianmue, daii. of Thonsiss Fhilpot, Esq., by whona (whs ut. 20 lice. 1524) he had issue, of Old, Northuamptisushire, and snbsequu’enthy prineipol cf sasuose toil., Oxfosd; u. lot, 1 Ang, 1511, Cecilia— hleref’ ur’l, and rertsr of Whilhiiurne.,amid has icons; I Clrirles, ma holy orders, rector of Stoke-Lacey, Herefuirdohire, 1,. 1634; if, / Feb. ls6S. lIe is. Ondly, Nary, hIr. 1 l;irnsgtama if. 13 Dee, liSt. Lamsai-k, and if. II 3larch, 1514, having bad iss1is, Robe, tE’lwae’i-St,iart, late rids Jstgado, ci. 28 April, 1801, Louusa-Ahmcc, dau. of the Hen, Rohcrt’Aa-thnr Arrundell II A B HAlt S,msan-Charlstte, .1. 1855, to I,ard V,’haruuehffe. And Blamoehsc-Enomti, Si. 12 July, 1b1’, is Visconmut Boyle, now t. Jatirs llaesaoroa, Esq. of Hudlmngten, cc. Rutland, Karl of ihuisnom,, and ,t lii 11cc. ls,,l. - hialu sheriff of that stuire imi 33 Eeueanrrse, who was created F’Iorence-llarriet, ci 21 Jams 1s61, ti l,ic’,t.—Csl. Framsems a li,iremust Si June, 3611. Sir James 01. Frances, dauu. and II JfP lb III ictti B Robcm-t-tf. co-heir of Sir hubert Sapeste, of Ileltomm, es. Hiint’mgdon, Beads, and s, ‘n of ltieleur,l-Chsrlco, ‘did Earl of Clumu— ansI l,ael masims, sribhiaeu, and 1. 7 Feb. los6. Rein., euu, his successor. 1l.tuul-C-irolumue, Saprde t Sir), Emit., is ho m. 1st, lane, rh.smi, of Sir William His hoishship ii. 25 Fri. I’37, Ills svielsw ii. 7 Nov. II’S. Nimuiwu-Il, Itot. ‘if Upton, Nortliaieph ,msslsire, by as’h, an he hal. syich ittlier leslie, Jaamrs IlaunuesToa, grscuns of tIe lae’hehambor to Cuaaors I -, amid anth,tr of the Oreuuss, ails, ii a, I- ill 1677. Sir So1icoto its. tmudly, Jane, hun, of Sir J’ ‘hum Wt’odwartl, Kuut,, by svhutm be ,ilso hurl issue. ,uf .5 stwstud, Bioeke, amud 4. e. i’ I