Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/601

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H A B v. Francis-Charles (Sir), ItCH., 8. 28 Sept. 1788 a major in Aug. 1810; e. bin father, no 3rd baron, 30 May, 1845; the army, so. Hannah, dan. and ce-heir of Jauses Wilson, ste. 16 April, 1850, Ssrals, 2sstl sian. of the Von. George Req. of Pareonstewn Manor, and Dnnboyne Castle, Co. Cnmmins, A.1d.,arehdoaoose of Trinidad, and by her Sleath, and ,L 1 Oct. 1862, having by her (whod. 25 Oct. (who ef. 6 Mar. 1853) has, 1863) had issue, I Ilassetl-Chnrles, fermerly an officer in the army; os. 14 s. Gnonon-Ronnnv-CAlessneo, 8. in Fph. 1881. Doe. 1834, Ellinor-Avena, youngest dan. of J.-trelaod lllaekboroo, Esq. of hale, to. Laoeaslnr, nod s.f. IS Sept. 1666, leaving, Lnieestor-Chnrles, 8. 1855; Auhcey, b. 21 His lordship was governor of Madras, and was Oct.1957; soon, 8. posthumous, 24 lIce. 1866; and IsabellaOlave. appointed 10 March, 1863, chamberlain to the 1 Fanny-Anna-Jane, Os. 1st, 16 Marels, ]54], to Col. James Princess of Wales. 1-hughes, C.B. (who 5.1845), brother of slit tot t.ord Dinorben; and 2odly, 15 June, 1861, to tlse Itiglst lIon. Sir William Hurt, of Gibside, 13CR., 51.5’. for (iatrslseacl, Gnonoe hARRIs, Req., 6. 18 Slsaeh, l7lf, son of the late paymmter-geooral, and late vtce-president of the 31ev. George harris, of Bensted, en. Kent, by Sarah, dane. Board of Trade. 2 Augusta, sa. 11 April, 1649, to Charles-Hare Ifeosphihl, of fleorge ‘l’wentyman, Req. of Baintree, in Cnmherlassd, Req. of Itatheanoy, en. Tipperary, 14G., ansi ehairsesan of having adopted the professian of arms, attaissed the rank qssarter sessions ef the to. Loath. vi. Henry-WillIam, 5.2 Aug. 1790. vss. Aegoston, 8.28 Starch, 1794; and el.9 Dee. 1831. s. Anna-Maria, solo Francis, 7th Duke of Ilesiford, and sl. 1857. gallantly di.etingnishsing hisnself there, Gen. Harris was si. Caroline-Anne, sa. in Jane, 1841, in Edward—Ayslsfard rewarded by being elevated to tine peerage, it Ass5. 1815, aS Sanford, Esq., late 4i.F., of Nynehead, Somerset; s.f. ia 1853. Baoon Haaeie, of Seringapatam and Slynere, its the East etc. Charlotte-Augusta, os to Angontos-Frederiek, Make of Indies, and ci Belsnesst, to. Kes,t. Silo lordehip ot. 1 Dee. Leinster, and s! 6 Feb. 1856. The Earl of Harrington, who wan a general officer 1st the Dixon, Req. of llath, aesd by her (who nf. Aug. 1531, bad, army eel. 1st regiment of life-guards, eaptsiss, govesuor, I. WiLt_ease, 2nd peer. ossd countable of Wissdaer Castle, assd a kssight grand—cross ii. Sfsehael-Thosees, b. 13 Sept. 1763; ne. 23 SEarch, 1607, of the Bath, d. 5 Sept. 1829, and was a. my his eldest ness, CHARLnC, 4th earl, neajor-gens. in the as-my, 8. 5 April, 1783; who its. 7 April, 1831, Maria, dan. of Sainted Foote, Es ., and by her (who sI. 27 Dee. 1867) had issue, CHaRLes, Vinesssrsl Psissotose, 8. Dee. 1831; ,f. 8 April, 1836. Jane St. Sla,sr-lllanelso, its. 17 June, 1884, to use Earl of Roust Charles. The earl S. 3 Starch, 1881, assd wan n. by his onat aurvivissg brether, Lr.scnsvnn-Fsvzoona eo-Cniacna, 5th earl, C. B., Knight of the Grecian Order of the Redeemer, and a colonel in the army, who was 8. 2 Sept. 1784 ; and so. 23 April, 1831, Elizssbeth, only ehGd and heir of William Greess, Req. of en. Charles, 8. 1411cc. 1391, fell in tlse nci of leading on the Jamaica (of the family of Green of Welby, Norlalk), by Iv. Slasgrave-Aluresl, 8. 5 Sept. 1801, in hely orders; no. bin wife, Ann-Rose, eldest dan. sf the late Cassley hall, Req. of hyde Shall, Jamaica (are Buoae’n Lsueslo,l Ge,slsy), nud had issue, i. Algernoe-Raseehl-Gayleard, 8. 1818; ci. in 1647. II. h’vaaev-Sevaeoue hlvne, 6th earl. i. Anna-Carolina, sit. 15 Aug. 1680, to E.-S. Chandos-Tole, ii. Sarah, sit. in the Rev. John 1-lodsen, and 5.28 March, 1844. Req. of Radhorne hall, to. Derby. is. Geraldinc-Evelyo. His lordship 5. 7 Sept. 1862, and wan a. by his only snrvivissg vi. Siary-Jane, ste. 3 Sept. 1822, to Francis Bradley-Dyne, Req. son, Snvasoun-Svnwnv-tIvne, 6th earl, who wan 8. 27 Sept. His lordship 5. 19 May, 1829, assd was a. by his eldest ecu, 1618, and 5. 22 Feb. 1666, when he wan e by bin emsein, Wsot_neae-Gnocoe, 2nd baron, hient.-gen. in the army,, 7th and present EARL 5SF it.saoneoroas. ccl. of the 73rd foot, CS., R.l3., &e., 8. 17 Jan. 1782; who RABBIS, BARON (Sir George - Francis- Robert a Fereian character for hfyder, and crowned with as Eastern Harris), of Seringapatam and Mynore, in the East coronet, bueh of the first. Indies, end of Belmont, to. Kent, G.C.S.I., b. 14 Ssappeescra—Drxtsr, a geenadise soldier of the 73rd regiment, 551 lIAR s. Frances-Charlotte. JUnczcc. of general, and the eebmeley ef the 71hd foot. Censmandissg iii chief at the siege ansI eaptare of h’eringapataen, and 1779, Anne-Carteret, yonsegest dan. and ee-Iseir of Charles Emma—Ilary, dass. of William Money, Esq., eansel—geneeal at Venice, and ci. 17 Slav, 1824, leaving issue, 1 Tbnnsas, 8. in 1011; ci. 15 Feb. 1838, Emily dan. ef Ilebere lturneide, Req., end hen issue, 2 Geerge-Aastrsdlees’,E.i.C.C.S., sets 1893, Elira-Sfargaret, only lan. ef the late Caph Harriegtoe. I Emma-Ifoney, so. 14 Jane, 1831, to Archibald Douglas, Req., late a cape. in the Stadres service. 2 Sfariha-Frances, so. 31 Dee. 18M, cc Major-Gen.Areh(baldSisiers Logan, of the Islastras army. I Ellen, so. S Nov. 1840, to Henri, 2nd sen of the Chevalier de Sahile Marie, of the ehSte.aa d’Atlernagne, near Caen. 4 Sfaria, 1,1.28 Sept. 1841, in llenry-S’earen Saber, Req. 8 Eugessia-Emma, en. 12 April, 1838, to Slajnr-Gen. George Logan, of the Sladras as-my. treeps to the assault of New Orleans, 8 Jan. 1813. 16 Jane, 1839, Georgina, dan. of the late Willians Fosbery, Req.; and d. if Aug. 1850. e. Anne-Elizabeth, en. 9 Dee. 1797, the St. lion. StephenRembold Lnnhiegton, h.P., assnl sL 28 Itarels, 1856. Thee Right Hoe. Ste. Lushington nt 5 Aeeg. 1868. see. Phwhe, ci. 18 Oct. 1862. iv. Sybena-Islary, S. in 1844, v. Slatilda. of Gore Cenet, Kent, and d. F2 Sept. laS 2. etc. let, 17 Ott. 1809, Elhea-Serona-Anne, dan. of William Dick, Req. of Tssllimet, North Britain, and by her (who ci. Amos—Quarterly: erm. and gn., in ehe centre a crescent en 28 Jass. 1817) ho had issue, Gsvst—A lower, as., a demt-hien, rampant, teessant fresu the Gseoez-Fooeees-itonnn’r, present. peer. Wihliam-Lnshington-Thomas, 8. 18 Jan. 1614; ci. 24 Nov. 1840. Charleele-Reid, ci. in Dee. 1818. Suppsrtov—Dexter, a tatbot, guardaol, arg., gsstt!e-de-poia; lord harris so. Sndly, 20 May, 1834, beahiehla-hlelena, only child of Robert hlansleoek-Tonsplc, Req. of Waterstewss, Ce. Sreta—Elvaeton Castle, Derby; Gawsworth hell, Chsesisire Weetmeath, hy Lonsisa his wife, dane, of Wilhiasn-Stearno Ttgbo, Eaq. of South Ihill, Westmeuth, assd by her (who S. Jase. 1861) had issese, Raberl-Tetnpho, of Waferslewsi, 8. 6 Stay, 1830, wlso assumed thee ssersnanse of Tnsere_e on iseherihing the estate ci hee maternal grandfather. Arshar-Ernesi, late enpt. 45r,l fool, bfln Feb. 1838. 1.osstea-hbatihda, vs. 10 Feb. 1837, to Richard, eldest eon of herd Caattemaine. Ilie lordship ci. 30 May, 3843. Greahisse—lI Aug. 1818. Aresa—Vert, upon a chevron, embaltled, ermissots, between three Isndgelssge, or, as many isasobs, ea., fired, ppr.; sep55 a chief of augmentation, the gatee and fertrees of Sering:spalam, the draw-bridge let down, end ehe Union flag of Great Brsiam hoisted over the standard ofTiinpuo, all PH Crest—On a nssaral crones, or, a royal tiger, paseant-gesaa’dattt, rert, striped or spotted, of the fleet, pierced is, the lsreast evith an arrow, ssf the last, vutned, en., charged on the forehead wsth in his regimeneats, lspr eespporting with his extereor hand a Greesseae—Raeos, 20 Nov. 1729, Earl, to., 1 Felt. 1742. a crescent for cadeuey. battlements, ar hoisting botwoess the paws a grenade, tired, ppr. sinister, a wolf, erminois; each gorged with, a ehaplee of oak, Rolls—A Deo ci rege. med Washingly Itall, lhnntingdenehire. HAll RI S.