Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/605

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IIAS don, and Viscount Loudone, iu the poerage of the Ills lordship d. 20 Joic, 1791, soil w’as e. liy his eldest see, United Kingdom; Baron Rawdon, of Rawdon, Co. Faaaoott, fnd earl, t. 9 lIce. 1714, KG., 11.0.11., P.15.5., York, iu the peerage of Great Rn Lain; Baron Grey de F.S.A., and M.R.I.A., a gallant ooldier, asi oli’qososil senator, Ruthyn, Baron Hastings, Hnugerford, Newmareh, attd a eipolar olotoonsasi. This lorilsisip itsberitcd, np ti Botreaux, Moline, and binds, in the peerage of the demise of his mother, its toils, the’ asieieeit liarosoesaf England ; Earl of Londoon and Fiaron Loudoou. ilastiogs, tloogcrferd, de., situ was treated, 7 Lice. 101 it, Farrinyean, and Mauchlioe, in the peerage of a peer of Ohs Usoted Kiisgdom, hiy the titles s’f Vbeounst Scotland; Earl of Moira and Baron Rawdon, in .Lossutes,io, Earl of Rawutea, assil Ilanoeross i’s’ Ticoricite. Ilis the peerage of Ireland ; a Baronet of England ; and lorilehip had beets previottoly created a ricer of C reat ltnitat,s, one of the co-heirs to the Barony of Mootagise ; 5. 5 Slareh, 1703, hiy the title of Barca R’sie’tsa, s.f Rewdoss, en. 22 Jnly, 1842; e. his brother, as 4th marquess, 17 Tort. The msrquscoo is. 12 July-, 1004, l5lora11,,ir (lamphell), Jan. 1851. lIe inherited the Barony of Grey de d. 1 Jan. 1040) ha had Route, Enthyn, 18 Nov. 1858, on the demise of his mother, Geosoc-Aeorsvi-s-Fasscss. 2ed mas-qoess. the Marchionese of Hastings. His lordship rn 16 Flara-Fliaat.etls, lady of the liedchsausstucr to mIte Dachess of July, 1864, Florence-Cecilia, youngest dan. of Henry, 1o1,isia-Frederica-t’hrustiau,, so. 10 April, 1045, to the Stsrq’aess 2nd and present Marquess of Anglesey. He if. s-p. 10 Nov. 1868, when the Marqnessate of Hastings, Srlins-Cessotanee. as. 25 d one, 10:10, to C.-J. llenry, Esq., and the other titles created by patent, except the Arlctaiillc-Ausgnotss-Lavitds. is,. 0 July, 1f54, Lu, Sir William- Scotch henonre, became extinct; and the baronies Keith lleirnsy, 7th Plant of Oehtcrtyrr, and d. 0 Dec. 1000. by writ fell into abeyance between the marquess’s ills lordship 9usd been goveruuuur—goneral ui mills, asuul was, sisters. The Marqneoe, as Earl of Loodono, Baron at his decease, govornuur us,suh eomuoassder-in-ehief of the Londonn, Farriny can, and Maochhine, in the peerage island of Malta and ito depcnuleoeics, constable and chief- of Scotland, n-as o. by his eldest sister, Lady EdithsHand governor of the Tower u,f t,oesdea, tord-tiecst. and matesratosborcura Abisey-Hastings, now Countess of Isoodoun, &e. (see psof f/sal title). 111 car, The family of Rawden deduces tts pedigree from Panlini,s The noorqusess assumed the eutnssasoe uf 5-Is sn tens, ins addition. de Rawdon, to whom WtLnlAse Tile Coaqeenon granted to that of Rauveuoa. flesh. 50 Nov.] HO, assul was a by his son, eonsidorahlc estates (part of whteh the present manqoess Genooa-Anoevrns-Poarooso, 2nu1 marquess, hi. 1800: who enjoys). This Panlvn, or Pan moo, remmanded a band is,. I Ang. 1551, BAuaAnA, is tier own rigtsl, Banoarso Gary of archers tn the Norman invading army, and derived his ne ROT0VN,° and bad, surnanee of Rawdon from the lands of that ,le,sonuinati,un PAULvN-REOtNALn SERLO, late marquseso. near Leeds, which eonetitoted a portion of tlso royal grant. Hniav-Wrvsroao-CnAaLEo-t’s.ANT,suaENmT, 4th and last Frons this succeeefol soldier sprang (19th in descent), Ennui-MAnn, wife of 0.-P. Abney-Iisotings, Esq., and through a lies of eminent ancestors, Gcossos Rawnoru, Eeq. (only cots of Francis Ran’den, Bcrtha-Selgarde, cii. 11 tue 1052, tui Capt. A.-W Clift uo, Esq. of Rawdesi), who settled in li-eland, a,sd took an active see of T. Clifton, Esul. of Lvtham Ilall, Lauseactsire, tend part, as military commando,’, during the rebellion in I f41 Vict,unta-Starla-Luustiea, cc. 31 Oct.. 1029, to J.-F.-S. Rirwan, in tlsat kingdom ; and subsequently, until his decease in 1681, in the general aflidre of Ireland. Mr. Rawden was Frsssuccs-Auuguistr-Cusestsnre, as. 10 Jiuly. 180:1, ta Viscanust created a Raronet of England 20 May, 1665, being denominated of Metro, cc. Dews. Sir George o. let, Ure,,la, ,l,su. flit lordship it. tS Jan. 1144, sod was o. by his eldest see, of Sir Francis Stafford, of Bradney, cc. Salep, and widow of PAos,vta-Itros,eeLo-SraLo, ::rd s,ssrqiu050, an officer in the Francis Hill, Eeq. of 11111 Hall, hy wheel he had no eonviviog army, 0. 2 Jnno, 3830; uS. soecs. 17 Jan. 1021, asud waco. by issue, lie as. Sadly, Dorothy, eldest ‘lao. of Edward, his oody brethuer, the 4th amid last marquees. Viscount Conway, hy whans he had, with ottscr bane, John, a military mae; killed in Frsece in 1056. ARTora, his ea000sser. Mary, cc. to Arilsor, Earl of Granard. The baronet ii. If 84, and wee e. by hie oldest anrviving eon ibawdae, S March, 1701 )io Great Orilaiss). Marquess, Dc. 7 Stis Aavssea, who ci. Helen, dan. and heir of Sir Ja,ssce 1701 Ito Irelaof). Graham, and granddau. of William, Earl of Mountcilh, and A i-u,so—Qo,srlerlv u lOt and 4ths, org., a sssatsnrlu, es. for had, with a dan. Isabella, ci. tic Sir Richarul Levisuge, hart,, ILess-sacs; 2stl aaul led, org., a fesse, betorcee tlsree plseeas, an only son, Sic Jossie. This gentleman as. in 1717, Dorothy, 2n,l dao. Cuvot—4 hnlt’shead, erased, sn. srnued and locally gorged, or. of Sir Richard Levinge, Dart., speaker of the Ilosuse of Coin- tuopjuaricuv—Two bears, srg., msueeted, gil., cacti support-lag mans in Ireland, by whom he had, with other children, his fasteaed buy 5 clsain bcroo’eediag feena the naneele, redexed over successor, SIR jruny, who was elevated to the pocrago of Irolaod, JJ,ihte—El nos qnoupso tela slusrsinssss. o Apml, 1710, as Baron Rawuiee, gf Basr’isa, cc Dswa, and ,teab—Doaaiogteo Park, Leicc.uterslsire; fluue’doa Itatl, bela- created Reel of Meira, 15 Dec. 1761. tlis lordship os. 1st, chine; Laudane Castle, Ays-ebire; and ltatra, co. Den-si. in 1741, Helena, youngest dan. of Jolsa, Earl of Egment, by whoso he had two dane., Caiherise, ci. in 1704, Ia Joseph ileary, Esq. of Straffan, ce. Kildare, and iS. in 1180. Helena, ci. in 1700, to Stephen, Earl of Moontrashcll, anti of. in 1702. The earl a. 2ssdly, is I 746, Assno, does, of Trc’vor, ‘ieeonnt Millshoroasgh, by wlsam ho had no icons ; and Irdly, in 1752, Eizahcth Hastings, eldest dais, of Theophiluss, 0th Earl of I-tssntingdoss by his countess, Solina, 2,sil ohio. a,sd co-heir of Waahingtosi, Earl Ferrere), who inherited the Baronies of blastingc, de. (created by commons, its tics I ilL asad 15th centasnies), upon the demise of her brother, Frasicis, 10th Earl of ttontiogibos, withosst iosne, i’s I 709. By this last moan his loritship had issue, Faaocss, isis saccessor. John-Ttcophilos, abe as. Frances, dais, of .Iohn Stall (afrer. wards - Stevenson), Req. of Shelton Castle, cc. york Itho Ecgroiao of Storac); and dying in 1008, left ao osly dan., HASTINgS, B,cooN (Sir J aco,b-H ucos-y-Doltsval Sotlcy), Ehiealictii-Annc, who ii - Lard ISoorge-Williasm tttssoclt. A,ine-Fttieaheth, oi. the Earl of Ailesbisry; sod it. us 1813. Sotine-Franres. ci. George, Earl of Granard, and uS. is 1827. in the eerage of Essglaoil, asaul a .Butrouoet; 1’. 21. ha2-, Charlotte-Adelaide -Constastiti, is. is 1014, Ilasnittosm Fitzgerald, The Ilighi lien-Barbara Yetrerten, Baranrso tirey de Botheyts, Esq., sed d. is 1031. 555 Ii A S Cosus,tess ef Lo,,doms in 11cr sic-is rilst, 1 ‘y whsons (arhe Kent, it. s’euuu. 5 Icily, 1039. of lhsste sIte it- 3d lice. 1050. and 7. 0 ISsue. 1807. of thse Towct’ divisiuun, a gouscral uufflcor in the army, sssd eel, of tlse 57th reut. ; a guvosreour of the Charterhossae, and cousneil of Ilse king i’s Coenwa land North Britain. msrqutess. 1,0w Ceistuteas of Leusde,sn (a’, juOOb tO it tills). has issoe. Req. of Muuyae, ci,. Galway. Morsham, oldest e,ueu of the Eat-i of llansney. Cu-eatiane—Baran Grey de Ruuthyn, 1324. Baron Robresus, 1168. Bu,ron Tlasugerfard, 1420. lhauos Sletineo, 1445. lianon Hastings, 1461. Buorenet-, 20 May, 1002 do England). Bares Dee. 1010 (in tIme United ltisgdeuss). Start Meira, Ac. 15 Dec. sa., far tlAsneox. between ttse fore paws uc i-egged staff. ppr., ma wlsteis comb is ttse taclo, sod affixed to the stall by a staple, all Iupr. H A S T I N G S. Baroacos hastings, of Aebtey-Weyferd assd Valence, t. 20 Slay,