Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/612

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H A. W H A W K E. ,‘i ), 4:a,9 cct’ wijiy ky-’t Tsiv HawsI’, liAisoN I’.,laard-William Hrsves’-Hawke) Parh, all in the cc. of Yo,k. of Toirto’s,, ci’. Vnrk 6. 15 July, 1799 ; as. 1st I Au”. 1821. Eliral’Vh-F’ranees, 2nd dan. of the late Sir John Ii ITnod, ii, Hart., by whom (who ef. 26 Ang. 1824) he had n Lane; and 2ndly, 26 April, 1848, Frances, elleot ,lan. of Walker Featherstonhaugh, Esq. of The hermitage, Chester-ic-Street, and has a dan., Fra.nrco-Uaso-,ndra. IlLs lordship 4th baron, on the denisoo ‘f his Other, 29 Nov. 1824. lttllfagr. Enwaan H-owe I 1716 7 ‘nlv Ron of Edward Tlawke, Req. of Lincoln’., I,,n, l,arrsetor at-l’,w, by Edrahe: ti relict of Col. Ruthven, and usa. of Nat hemel llla,leo. Jt:.i. it Lincoln’s Inn, born tsr-at-law, at’] ski or ‘‘1 Cd. Mo, ‘in Bladen, M. P. o; l,. r’.’ lintel,, Los,..,-, e.csptrulh- r of ti,,. Mint, and a Ic rd ‘f Tn se, and a!,-’’ ,‘,l,tor ci a :pesidit edition ci ta’s:’.’ f’otcwe,’ 1,-se.,), I, iviuigaT’.aine’J, by a eeriee of’ c-ri ieee, high rep’it.irion as a naval officer, COLONEL CSSAa HawKiNs, b, in 1801, commanded a regiment was pnon’.te I t’ ‘ b - run-a’ lmir ci the Ni’) to, in July, 1747; cci u, th’ I ilL Oct ot tIs’ °m,,. rear, lie achieved governor of Greenland House, ins Bnekinghamehire, which a spun Old victory over ll.e French, taking -it the time he defended against the forces of the Lord Essex. Lord six large ,.hi1 v ‘3 ti ii’ ,‘, ‘liii ‘,, Inie. ln reword, lie was Clarendou says —“ There was, about this time (by the made a knight if the Lath In 1755, Sir Edward was snorender of Greenland house, ;ebieh could not possibly be appoiote’t vice-admiral ol the White In 1786 he got the longer defended, the whole structure being beaten dawn command of a grand expedition destined to act against the by Cannon), the regiment of Colonel Hawkins, amounting French ceast, and in the November of that year, having to near three hnndi-ed, marched ints Oxford.” hoisted his flag on hoard the “Royal George,” sailed with C,xs,sa HAWKINs, b. in 1662, was a. by his son, his whole fleet in pursuit of the French fleet, under Admiral Casesa HAwKiNs, Is. in 1668; who so. Miss Bright; and de Co,iflans, and signally defeated them off Itetlisle in an ii. in 1715, leaving issue (amongst other children), engagement for ever mcmorahle in onr naval annals. For this he was honoured by the thanks of parliament, and a. CnsAa, of whom presently. rewarded with a pension of £2009 a year. In 8769, Sir is. PenneD, body-surgeon to Geoaos II., and eerjeant-surgeon Edward was promoted to the rank of rice-admiral of Great Thomas Chetlo, Rsq., who d. 25 Bee. 1791. leaving (with a Britain, and appainted first lord of the Admii-alty and 20 May, 1776, created IlawoN HAwEE, ef Testes, eQ. York. tIe ci, Catherino, da,i. and sole heir of Walter ltrooke, Req. of Burton Ball, co. York, by whom he had issue, 3loeeix-ldtsncc, his eneces,er. Edward, bin flee. 1746; lient.-esl, in the army; it. saw. 2 Got. 1773. Chalonsr, h. in 1750; ,6. nsoi. 17 Sept. 1777, having been killed l’y a till from his horse. Catharine. He it. at Snnhury, Middlesex, 17 Oct. 1781, and was s. by i. Elisabeth, m. 1st, to Herbert Wilde. Rsq. of Ludlow; his eldest son, llAeviN-IlLAneN, 2nd haroa, I. 29Apr11, 1741; iii. in Feb. The elder eon, 1771, Cassandra, youngest dan. of Sir Edward Turner, Dart. of .&mhrosden, co. Oxford., and had issne, Rowann, his successor. Martin-llladen.F.dward. ti. 1Apr11. 1777; iii. 8 Starch, 1612, had (with dans.) several sans, Itannab, only dan-of Thomas Nishet, Req. of tilersington, I. George, it. s.p. in 1767. and by her has issne, two sons, I Edward-Henry, MA., Ti. Ciosar, 4. s. p in 1767. rector of Willlnghani, cc. Lincoln, I. 24 lIce. 1812; m. III. John, it. 7 Slay, 1768, leaving issue by Anne, dan. and J’dy, 1857, Jane, 3rd dan. of Ilenry Der,,ker, Esq. of co-heir of Joseph Colborne, Req. of Hardenhuish Honss, Laysthorpe, Y,.rkshire,on,l has Eilsvaod, b. 2 Sept. 1689’ SI arini- hlla’len, lo 16 Aug. 1860 ; md .Stanhope, t. 16 Apr. 1865; 9 llla’len-Edward, ri,iom. It.N., 1.1-i March, 1020. Cassandra Julia, o. 1st, 15 July, 17a, to Samnel Rstsvicke Esq. of liarhadoes ; dndly, in Sept. 18011. to the 81ev: Stephess Sl,,ane ; and Srdly, to Thonias Green, Esq. AnnabellaRlisa Cassandra, ,l. uaos. in 1818. His lordship 4, 27 llanoh, 1605, and was a. by his elder son, xv. Charles, eerjeantsnrgeon to GeoKoe IhI. is. twice; Rnwsssr’, 3rd baron, b. 3 llay, 1774; is. 16 Aug. 1788, Frances-Anne, dao. anil heir of Stanbo1,e harvey, Req. of by his 1st wife he had, W’snersley l’ark, co. York (and asenmed the surname and arias of hlaavEv, in addition to those of his own family). Ills lordship had issue, RTJwAR55-WTLLiAM, present baroa, Svoai nose, b. 18 Jan. 9804, capt. in the army. 562 H A W Martin, 6. in 1806, aeeidsntally killed by a fall from his horse while hnisttng, 18 Nov. 1887. IlL lordship d. 20 Nov. 1624. HAW KIN S. lIAwselas, Sla JOHN-C.RSAR, of Keistoss, co. Soisserset, MA., in holy ordere, rector of St Alban’s, Herbs, 6. 27 Jan. 1837; 8, as 4th bas’t., on the demiec of hio grand. father, 9 Nov. 1861 ; at. 7 July, 1863, Mary-Catherine, youngest dan. of the late Thomas Ehlams Withington, Esq. of Culehette hall, Lancashire. ILtllcagc. of horse in the service of King CHARLES I., and was to Geeaoe Ill.; 6. 10 May, 1716; m. Sarah, dan. of dan., ci. to the Rev. Samuel Knott, fatherof the Rev. Dr. Kssntt, prebendary of Winchester) one son, George, cii. Lo,itsa, dats. of George Lane, Enq., and by her lwho ci. 2ndty, Admiral Bowater) had two dans., Louisa, m. to Major-General Str Henry Whestley, keeper of the privy-purse to King WILLiAM IV. and to Queen Virvoaus. Lanra, us. to the late Sir Matthew-White Ridley, Bait., M.P. and 2ndly, to Sir Herbert-Fsrrstt Pakingtun, Bert. of Westwood Park, Woreestershire. I. HAwKINs. Req. of Kelston, 6. 10 Jan. 1711, 5cr- jeant-snrgeon to the King, was created a baranet, 28 July, 1776. Ms rn. Sarah, dan. of John Ccxc, Esq., by whom he Wills, three eons and a dan., 1 who a. his grandfather. 2 Jonte-C.xsAR, led baronet. 3 George, b. 17 Mare1,, 1763; iii. in 1814, Mary, dan. of David Weddei-bnnn Webster, Req. 1 Mary-Anne, ia. to the Rev. John Snrteos, prebendary of llrlstel, and rector of Banham, Norfolk. 1 Charles, in holy orders, prebendary and eanon-residentiary of York; m. in 1007, Angissla, dan. of Sir James Coekbnrn, M.P., and has issue, 2 C,esar, captain in the 8th light-dragoons; served in Egypt and India; and 4. in 1606. 1 Louisa, is. to T. - T. Clarke, Req. of Swakeleys, eo. Middlesex, and Binham Abbey, es Norfolk. Creelisa—2fl May, 1776. A”,es—Q,iarter]y: let and 4th, arg., a chevron, erosinois, beta-eon three a1grhna’ staves, purple, for IlAssKEu 2nd and 3rd, or, a chevron, engrailed, between three leopards’ foeee, go., for hARvey. Creel—A hawk rising, eros., beaked, helled, aed charged on the breast with a Ocar-de-lis, or. Soppeeters—hiexter, Neptnoe, his maclie of a sea-green colour, e,lged arg., erosvn,-d with an eastern corenet, or, his dexter nrc, erect, darting dsanwanls hia trident. sa , headed silver, resting his stoister foot oa a dolphin, also sa, t sinister, a sea-Isoese. or, sustaining in Itis fore fine a bounce, org.. the staff bnoten, ppe. Metio—Stnlke. Seets—Wonseesley Park, Towten llshl, and Seorthisgwell