Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/614

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H A Y. hay, SIR AICTIIU Il-finalIAll, of V. H;o’ry-Donglas, 0. 2 Nov. 1941. Park, co. ‘i°,igtonn, 6.5 Jnno, Vi. Charles-Edward, ii. 2 lone, 1850. _______________ 3539 a an St ii baronet, 0 fOil vii. Albert-Chit. I. 21 Jan. 1852 ; it. 18 Slay, 1856. __________ the ,lrc’easo of Ins father, 15 Jone, si Goorgina-Barliarc,oi. 4 Slay, 1063, t’ William Jshnotsn, I 512: iii. 271 Juno, I 8114, ‘I’hsornndna Sh’ Jabn it. 15 Jsnio, 1862, and was s. by his eldest snrviving -Isal ella, y’ ongent dan. of John - lhott ,Jiihnatoss, Esq. of losronet. Dallykilhog flonee, co. Down, and has in-ne, L (nragc. lIar, Es1., younger son of Hay of Dalgery (a valet of the noble honse of Erroll), soon after the Roformatte,, Hay. Sin ROHERT, of Smithfield and Haystonn ; 6. in Scotland, ac’pnood the estate of Park, a part of S Has’, 1825 a. his father as 8th baronet, 18 Jan. tl.e abbey lands of Gha,il’,ee, vs. Wigtonn, which have been 18117; no. Aug. 1853, Sally, dan. of: A. Duncan, possessed liy his lineal ,iesccndants to the presont period. Esq. of Provi,Ionee, il-linde Island, U.S., anti has Tics great-grandson of tbio ,7enCeman, 1. S in Tn,iscos has’, Not, of Park, who Ia. liDs, flamil— lOS Os 0, 5. Jsists-Aoaai. t. II Aog. 187,1. ti,,, and 10fr a da,,., Jane, ci. to Sir A. Agnew, oi’ Lochnaw 15. Aloaaimilrr—hloncae, 8. 1 Slay, 1050. (who it. 1699), and a soi, II. Sin CcrAnrsss, ci Miss Agnew, daa. of Sir Patrick ssi. Alhalo-Stanhopr, hi. 20 llareh, COOl. Agnew, of the agnews if Lochnaw, by whom he had, i. Thomas, who ‘I. before his father, having isone, by his wife, Mary, dam,. of Sir Win. Maxwell, of Montreith, ‘1 sioaa, encecesar to the title, and ,‘thor sans. is. Janses, ilcysician in ll,,mfries, who ai. Darothea Crirbton. JoHN, 3rd Lord Hay of Yester (see ps’7, Tw0000aLo, 31. if C’rawfort”n, and had, William, of C’rawforton, who ma. 1752, Mary, dan. of and by her had a sen and a dan. lie mis. Sndly, the dan. Loden, k Caol. R-’q. of Thnrotone, acid had issne, 1 Jasmos, who a. so 5th baronet 2 lea-ia, hoot-eel,, killed at the landicig of the British George Boson, II,sron of Cjlsto,in, progenitor of the existing troops at the udder, Aeg. 1789. lie is. 1184. Barbara, famaily of that name, and one son, dan. of John C’raigie, of Ghendoioh, cc. Perth, Jonn Slay, of Smithfield (iii 1515), who ,a. Janet Scott, and had issne, JOHN, 7th baronet. Artli,sr-Whethaen it, cairn. Agnes-Clerk, ii. to John irving, Eoq. of Ediiabiirgh is. Tnoaiao, who a. his elder brother. acid is deceaai’,l. Maria, ma. ts J.-V. Thatcher, M.D., of Edinbnrgh, and is decaaard. Tlarothoa-Jodjth, ai. to J. Taylor, Esq.,icte solicitor of stamp acid taxes 6 ‘r Scotland. Lewis-I1.cthey, iv. J. Iliehardeon, Eoq. of Edinburgh, and is dec-a-ed Ehioaheth-Grahvm, it. oem. ]935. ii Charles, ‘1. cia cc. 1 Elocaheth - 2 Lihia,, a, John Graham, jun., of Msaaknow (who it. 1754), and d. s p. 5013. Liltas, ‘a. Sir. Sleo’art, of Shambhie, Dor,,lhea. a,. 1715, John Graham of Moseknow (who it. 1794) an,i it. 1798, Sir Charles n-ass, at his decease by his grandson. 111. Sin Ti,ossaa who as. Jean, dan. of Blair of Dnoskey, and had icons, Tisosmas, hi, successor. Sos innah, ci. t,, John Dairyniple, Eeq. of Ilminraggit, who aa,-nmned ihe saraa,oe of 11ev, on his wife’s succession to her hroth,’r, Sir Thomas, in 1724. Mr. h)alrympls-Hay was created, 50 April, 179$, a Baronet of the United Kingdom. Sir Thinias was a. icy his only smsrviving san, IV. Sma T,o,.ssas, at sohose decease, 30 April, 1794, without issne, the estate of lark devolved oien his sister, Susas, while the baronetcy rovorteil Co his condo, the doseen,lant of Janice tiav, tic.1., Soil son of Sir Charleo, the lnil haroiiet : namely, V. Sin Jaais.s, el’lcst son of W’ilhiani hay, Esq, of Crawforten, Sir. Hay was a. at his decease by his eldest son, anil Mao a. by ins son. Vi Sin WsLLiaai, at n-hose decease, eons, 1 Oct. 1801, THOMAS ihav, who it. in is7o, and was a. by his oos, the title ilevoloed npan his emisi 0, crc aaprii, J ‘inN. the JOHN Han, of Smithflei,l, n-ho wan a. at his decease, in who svao the only son of the late Liant..Cul. Slay ($msd 1620, by his only surviving sen, son of William hay, of Crasvfiirtsn), of the royal emigineers, i. JaMrs Han, Eoq. of Smithfield, This gentleman was who fell at the htel’ler, 27 Ang. 17a$. This, VII. Sin J,illN wash. 2$ .t’sg. lTtiS ; he wao called to the body, and was created a .Boroarl 5,1 .,‘fea’a &shia, 20 Joiy, Seottials har in 1821, and n-as, for mmpwards of a qoarter of leSs ; the patent behig accompanied by a grant of hand in a cenlary, aho,-itr-enhaotiiate of the ao. Stirling. He m. 25 Jnne, 1116, Sarah-llerosfor], o’an. of John Cosoina Esq. of (‘64 HAY Woynionths, by Sasasinah-Elizahelh his wife, dais. of George, hard , ’lloy, and hail issue, s. Lewis dudley. Ia. Ii Nov.1917; it. 12 May, 1351. is. AnriscN-C,n.snaM, present baronet. so. IlaLon Gooooe-Iteeesroao, 0. 11 Ang. 1840. is’. John Fr,sncio, it. an infant, 1842. s. Sno:nina- Ehirohoth-Ta,iehet. Eoq., MI’., of B:illykilhog ilonso, co. tlosen. son, Sin Anvnon-Gnan.aam lIar, the 0th and present Oroilieas—21 Ang. 1663. A rrns—.rg., three esroteheons, within a hnrdnre, go. Ci’,sl—A lhleon, displayed. .]IIallo—Serra j nguni. .Ileaidessre—Stirhing. HAY iv. ilobert-Untler, Ia. in 1864. i. llenrietla-Lsaioa. ulh cage. 00), as. 1st, Elizabeth, da,m. of George, hhlaater of Angiss, amad sale heir of the ancient family of Dickson, of Smithfield, Co. Peoblas, by whom he had soc dan., Jean, rn. to and loft three sons. 1. Jeamos, his successor. mu. John of Kiogsoieadowa, who n. Marion Ker, and had three sons, Andrew, Joho, and W’illiam. The eldest, Amennew Hay, of llaystonn, who ci, Janet Hay, left two Sons, John and Andresv; of whons the elder, Jons- tEar, of lfayotonn, one of the principal clerks of Scssioo, it. 27 oct. 187$, leavings eon and successor, Jona HAY, of Haystonu, ivhe ma. Janet, dan. of Sir Aloxander Mmmrray, of Blaekbarony; and was s. by his son, JOHN Hey, of hlaystoon, who rn. 7 March, 1712, Once1 Themoon, and had four sons and seven dans., sis., Jehia who it. before his father, s.p. in 1758. Jas,ro.M.D,, of Edinborgh, onccosaor to his father. Adam, who rn. lot, Miss Dritlar.d; and 2odly 3liss Harper, sister of Sir harry Harpor, Dart. lhr, Adam Hay, lIP, for Perthshire, it. 15 Nov. 1771. s.ji. Alexander, capt. 7th hght drag.: it. s.p. in 1806. Jean, so, to Sir. Hanmilto,,. professor of divioity in the University of Edinborgh. Anne, os. to George Cranston, Esq. of Dewar. Grizel, rn. to W. Bertrani, Esq. lids,,. ,o. to George Adioston, Esq. Margaret. Ehicabeth. Ahiaon. Mr. Hay n-ass, by his son. JAMes Mar. 31.D., of Haystono, who is stated to have estobllehed his right to the old baronetcy of Hay of Smithfield. Janea HAY, dying without iseao, n-ass-by his brother, appointed by JAMES Vi,, in 1624, esqnire of his msjesty’s Nova Seotmo, exhendieg three mild along the river Grand Soisihon, in Capmdeoi’oe, and Stretehbnrg, thence northward for six mi’,us, to bc thenceforward denominated the Barony HAY HAY, BARON—see Khyyouh, EaRL. i, Lrw ,s-Eowaen- Eiti,oi,i., 8. 1666. I. hloorgiana—_to’ 1k y. mm, _t da,s., 8. lsi Dee. 1867.