Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/63

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AC .[ AN P. FULLER-PALMER-ACLAND, Sin 1643-4. Sir Edward so. Sarah, dan. of Richard Mytton, PEnEoleicet-PALsiER, of Fairfield, Req. of Ilalston, co. Salop, and had, co. Somerset; 6. 10 Nov. 1789; I. WALTER (Sir), his heir. on. 7 Nov. 1815, Fanny, 2nd dan. ii. Thomas, of Gatacre Pant, cn Salop, who ci. Mabell, of William Leader, Esq. of Put. noy IJill, Surrey, by whom (who cl. 29 Feb. 1814) he has an only surviving dan., Isabella-Harriet, no. 11 Sept. 1849, to Sir Aieiander-Bateman-Periam RnWARn-FARRER ACTON, Esq. of Gatacre Park, a magistrate Hood, Bart., who adopted in consequence, by royal licence, the surnames of Foller-Aciand, in addition to and before that of Hood. Sir Peregrine, who assumed, by sign-manual, 12 Aug. 1834, the surname of FULLER, in addition to and Feb. 1850, to the 11cr. Oeorge-Ayton Whitaker, M.A., before PALSIER-ACLAND, with the arms of Fuller Sir Edward ci. in 1650, and wee s. by his eldest son, quarterly with those he had already borne, s. as 2nd II. Sic WALTER, H.P., whom. Catherine, dan. of Richard baronet, at the decease of his father, 23 Fob. 1831. Cresset, Req. of Cound, in Shropshirc, and bad, itillngc. Aerrnnn ActAsin, Esq., 2nd snrvivisg eon of Sir Hugh II. WALTER, a merchant of London, ea. Catherine, dan. of Asiand, the 6th tart, of Csinmh-John, on inheriting the estates of his maternal relative,, the Palmers, at the decease of Peregrine Palmer, Esq., H.P. for the Univeisity of Oxford, settled on one of those, Fairfield, in Soenersstshire. Mr. Acland ci. Elizabeth, dan. of William Oxsnham, of Oxenham, es. Devon, Esq., by whom he had, Jouw (Sir), his heir. Tom, d. in 1841. Wrothe (Sir), I. in 1770, a lient.-gen. in the army, and HUB.; who ,6. nnes. in 1816. Elizabeth, is. to Charles Grove, of Salisbury, M.D.; and d. in May, 1843, leaving issue, 1 Wtlliam-Chsfyn Grove, Req., of Loals House, Mere, Wilts, who is. Eleanor, youngest dan. of ThomasMichell, Req., of Standon Memo, Wilts, and has a son William; 2 Charles; 3 Harry-Thomas; I Prances-Harriot, widow of William Grove, Req.; 2 llariaCaroline, no. to George Ilnilsek, Req., and has a aon, George Troyte-Bnlloek, Req. Prances, wife of Major-Gen. Richard Stovin. Maria-Palmer, ci. 1784, to Sir 13.-IL. itoare, Bart, He was s. at hi! decease, in 1771, by his eon, I. Jome AcLa.scn, Req. of Fairfield, co. Somerset, I. v. Robert, of Stepney, iii. and left issue. 11 Feb. 1756; who ni. let, in 1781, Elizabeth, dan. of vi. Thomas, of London, left an only son, John-Rose Fnlier, Eeq. of Roeehill, co. Sussex, and had 1. Prances, ci. naia. in 1733. issue, Hugh, I. in 1788, ,l. note, in 1810; Pe.aconnet, ii. Sarah, ci. to Thee. Gstacrc, Req. of Getacre, in Salop. present baronet; Arlhur, 6. in 1701, ci. nom, in 1810; iii. Elizabeth, is. 1st, 3. Betbin; and sndly, Peter Cronch. Maria-Palmer; Francos-Anne; and Henrietta-Palmer. Ho iv. Catherine, is. let, to Capt. Robert Thomas, and sodly, no. Iudly, 2 Nov. 1816, Sarah-Maria, dan. of Robert-Knipe, Sir Walter ci. in 1605, and was ,. by his eldest son, Esq. of New Lodge, co Herts (her ladyship ci. 10 Sept. III. Sic EDWAND, SIP. This gentleman ci. Mary, dan. 1853), and by hor had no issue. SIr. Acland assumed, by sign- and heiress of— Walter, Req., and ci. in 1716, leaving, manual, the additional surname of Pae.ais.n in 1818, and was i. Wuivsioce, his enceesoor. Ii, EnwAno, ci. s. p. created a Baronet 0 Dec. the sameyear. He ci. 23 Feb. 1831. ui. John, D.D., whose eon Creslien—0 Dec. 1818. A ruts—Quarterly: firstand fourth, ACLANn, same as Acland ofColnmb-John ; second, PALMER, or, two bare, sa., charged with six trefoile, slipped, argent, in chief a greyhound, current, aa.; thud, FULLER, arg., three bars and a canton, guies. C’resf,—AcLAisD, same as Sir Edward was e. by his eldest eon, AclandofColnmh-Jehn. PALMEn, a demi-pantherguardant, TV. Sia WE1TM0RE, who ci. Elizabeth, dan. of Matthew argent, spotted gules, vert, or, and acure, alternately; flames iaanant from the month and ears, and holding a palm branch, proper. Third, FULLeR, on a ducal eeronct, Joseph.Edward, I. in 1717,lieut.-gen.iu the service of the guise, a lien’s head, argent. illetizes—” Intlbranlable,” for ACLANn. Over the crest, “Palma virtuti,” for PALMER. deals—Fairfield, Somsreetshire, and New House, Devon. A C T 0 N. DALRERG.ACTON, Se J0RN- EssicnIcB-EnwAnn, of Aldenham Hall, co. Salop, late TIfF., 6. 10 Jan. 1834 ; s. his father, as 8th baronet, 31 Jan. 1837; en. I Aug. 1865, tbe Countess Marie Arco - Valley, dan. of Charles, Henry, capt. 12th royal lancers, ci. in 1817, Charlotte, Count Arco-Valley, of Austria and Bavaria, by hie wife Anne, nge Countess Maresealchi, and has Mary-Elizabeth-Anne, 6. 15 Aug. 1866; and a dau. 6. 26 ScpL 1868. ILflTragr, WALTr.n Acvo,e, Eeq. ef Aldenham (10th in lineal descent from William de Acton Rurnel, who lived in the reign of EnwAan III.), is. Frances, dan. aisd heir of Edward Acton, Req. of Acton Scott, co. Salop, and was’. by his eon, I. Enwsan AcToei, Req. of Aldenham flail, who for his Philip-Edward. xc. 1820, Estlisr, dan. of Robert Pagan, fidelity to King CnAaLEa 8., was created a Baronet, 17 Jan. 13 A C T dan. of Clement Stoner, of London, and is. in 1677, leaving a son, CLEMENT, who is. in i7so, and was father of EnwAao, of Gatacre Park, who ci. in 1767, and was grandfather of Enwaan-Acvos ACTON, Esq. of Gatacro Park, who is. in 1622, and was e. by his son, the present and deputy-lientenant for Shropebire, a major in the Shropshire militia, and a magistrate for Staffordshire. Ho in. in 1832, Mary-Anne, yenngeet dan. of the Rev. Horace Suckling, rector of Barobam, co. Suffolk, and has one son, Edward-William-Frederic, capt. in Cheshire militia, I. in 1834, and one dan., Mary-ilenrietta ni. 17 rector of Henstead, Suffolk. I. EnwAco, his successor. Oliver Pockliugton, 51.D., and dying in 1718, left a son, 1 EnwAcn, a merchant in London, who sa, Katherine, dan. of John Steventon, and ii. in 1728, having had (with Jobn, seine tinas captain in the naval service of theE. I. Co., and afterwards commodore-in-chief of the Germanic Imperial Navyin the Adriatic, and Katherine, the wife of John Darrell, Esq.of Richmond, Surrey) a son and heir, EnwAnn, who no. Catherine, dan. of Francis Boys de Gray, of Bnrgnndy, and had, with other iesne,° Jonze-FRANcI5-EowAcc, who inherited as 6th hart. 2 John, of the Custom-house, ci. a dan. of John Steventen, and ci. in 1721, leaving three sons, John, ofCiapham. hA. Walter. Charles. 3 Richard. in theE. 8. Co.’s service, ci. e. p. 4 Oliver, d. tine,. I Anne, in. to John Hopwoed. 2 Frances, no. to Thomas Goddard. in. Richard, of Lndon, ni. twice, but ci. s. p. ci. xv. William, S. nata. Thomas, who ci. uaoie. in 1720. to Thomas Evane, of London. Edward, of Acton Scott, is. Anne, eldest dan. of W. Gregory, Req., and left a dan., Sus.s.siNAn, is. to JOHN STAcKH0U5E, Eaq. of Pendarvee. The other issue were— King of Naples, and governor of Gaeta; ci. Eleanora, Countess Berg de Trips, of Dusseldorf, in Germany (sister of thelate Princess of HessePhtlipsthai(. and had, Charles, I. in 1786, commodore in the Neapolitan Royal Navy: no.12 April, 1817, Zos, dan. of Count d’Albon, and ci. Oct. 1803, having by her (wlioie der.) had issue, 1 Edward, I. in Slarch, 1618, if. 1838; 2 R,CHARn, heir presumptive to the baronetcy, 1.24 Feb. 1022, ci. and has issue; 3 grnest, ii. 24 Mar. 1624; 4 William, ii. 25 Slav. 1825; 5 Francis, h. 20 Jan. 1810; 0 Fevdinsnd, 6. 10 July, 1832; 7 Emerich, 6. 16 Aug. 1824 ; 8 Roger, t. 12 Fob. 1826; 0 Gostave, 6. 17 Feb. 1838; 10 harold, I. 15 _tpril, 1850; 1 Georgina-Slerta, so. to Count deja Lippe; and 2 Laura, is. 1st, to Prince Camporeale, of Sicily, and sndly, to Marco Minghetli, ex-minister of the Interior to King Victor-Rmmannel. only dan. of Dr. Clogeton. late of Bombay, and had, with other sons, and en only dan., Charlotte, oi. 28 Jniy, 1851,to Douglas Baird, Req. of Cloechurn hall, so. Bumfrice, an eldest sen,Itenry, ma). 4th Madras cavalry, who no. Laura, dan. of Col. hutchins, and 5. 18 April, 1065, leaving an only son, Richard-George, and six dane. Prancie, h. in 1790, lient. in the Germanlegion, ci. in 1820. Mary-Anne, oi. to her uncle, Sir John-Francis-Edward Aeton Bart. Isabella, ci. in 1812, to Henry, Baron Dachenhansen, brigade-major in the King’s German Legion. Esq., and widow of William Baker, Req. Sneanna.Cathsrine.