Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/632

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HEY HEYWOOD. Hayw000, Sm Tnosno-PER’ of Samuel Ogden, of Mossley 1101, by Phmbe, dan. and OrVAL, of Claremont, co. Lancaster, co-heir of John Pembereon, hCeq of Lives-pool; and dying in Bart., 5. 15 March, 1523 a his Ang. 1795, aged 72, left issue by her (who ci. 25 May, 1819, fatlseraa 2nd hart. 11 Aog. 1555 aged 81), ot. 19 May. 1346, Margaret, eldest i. Sessret,, seejeant-ot-law, and a Welsh jndge ; who as. dan. of Thomas Hoywood, Esq. ‘of 1101)0 End, co Heretord, and has lt;stl, t. AnTieUn-PoCCsvaL, 6. 25 DOe. 18.19. en Franeia-tralsam, Is. 19 Ian. ls.54, 0. in 1.605. III. Bortram.Chssrleo-PcrCevaI, 9. 1601. is’. A son, 9. 11 Jan, 1907. s. Isabel-Mary. U. Etlsellre’i.Sophia’Antte. iv. Mary-Monica. 31.uii cac. JeaN HErw000, Gent. of Bolton, Laneasl,ire, ss. Miss Seoldon, NATHANIEL IlaTwoon, Esq., Isanker, of Manchester, so. of Presider. ansi had a son, OLIvEa llEvw000, Gent. af Little Lever, in the parish of OlD., F.R.S., and by her had issne, flollon, who of. leSS. aged 74, leavtng, by Alice his wife, sister BENJAMIN, created a baronet in 1820. of Adase tissitoc, of Preigisemet, a so,, ansi essecessor, IlteslAno ItEYw000, Gent. of Little Leves-, who died 1 March, Thonsas, of llope Bnd, eo. hereford. Ii. 3 Seps 17971 Sli. in 1677, aged SI. lIe as. let, Alice Criteblew, of Longworth. who ci. in 1657; and 2nslty, Margaret Brerelon, who it. a-p. By his let wife he left, hesisies four dane., ftLevra, in holy ordees, MA. of Trinity C,dlege, Cambridge, who seas ejected from Coleby, 1661; and ,t. in 1701, aged 7). leaving ba,l isssse. NATHANIEL. e,f whom presessily. Jolsn. of Isarbadoes. wloo had issne. Josiah, of ilarbadees, cl.e.js, in April, 1664. Tl,o 2nd son, Tue REv. NATHANIEL ilrvsreon, alA., vicar of firmokirk, James, of The headlands, near ttanehoster, late M.P. for ejected in 1662, si. is) 1677, aged 14. lIe a. Eliaabeth l’arr, ci North Lancashire, F.R.S., bIB Stay, isle; os. 1853, Anne, The Wood, and left a son, NATHANIEL I lavwo,,o, Gesst. of ftr,nsisirlc, Lancaslsire ; 6. in Rilonbetis, sos. Iser coaein, Iieejansin-lteywood Bright, Req. of 1659; who 0. 16 Oct. 1701. lIe si. Isi, isabel Lyssford, ol Beineea,vee, near Bloekisorn, who 0. in 1067 ansI lndly, Mr. Hoywood 0.2 Apsit, 1815, aged tO, and was a. by hit eldest Rebecca Angier, of W’arringion. By Ihis lace he had no tesne, son, hot by his Ice wife he l,ad a son, BENJAMIN llrvooon, is. at Ormskirk, who settled ae 0 scerchant 1. SIa ilas-JA5SIN IIETw’OOn, F.R.5., who was t. 12 Bce. 1713, at Broghcda, and ‘I. in 1725, aged SO. Ito a,. Anoe, and so. 22 1 eS. 1816, Sophio-Ann, only don, of Thensns Robinson, sister of General William (trahans, of Arasagh, and hail, with loseR foar da,ss. (of wl,osn wore Story. wife of Patrick 51cc-as-i. gs3., ass,t Ehzahelh, wife of Charles Cold cell, Esq.. of Beblisi, assol TnosiAs-Panelv.eL, pseseot baronet. moiher of Use tale Admiral Sir Benjansin Caldwcfl. O.C.R.), Oliver, 71.0 Sell 15)0, 11. L, for I.aneashire. so. 7 Sept. 1847, llsree 505550, vie., i. Aa’csera, of i.ive,’pool, banker; who a. 1st, torah, doss, of Arshnr-Ilenry, 6. 21 Bee. hs)e; so. let, 25 Jan. loIS, Alice, Sa,sseeei Ogdeo, En1., of Mossley hill, Laneasbire and Snotty, Sfa,enah, d,sn. of Ilielsard Mhne,, EM., of W’akclield. lie si, in Feb. 1795, ago-I 79, having Isad issne by his let wife, one doss,, Sarah, “Iso s. James Slason, Esq. t and by his 2nd, fns,r soils assd tseo doess., t richard, of Larkisill ansl Liverpool, booker; wIso a. Edward-Seanlee, 6 22 tIer. 1045; o,.30 Bee. 1956, Loeioa, Shory, doss. of W’illiasn Earle. of Lives-pool. and sister to Ths’soas Forte. ofS;’ekelonds; hot 0.0.0. 2 ieenjnnsin, of Stanley halt and Wakefield, nserehant; tletsry-tfohinson, SI-A., in holy orders, inennst’ent of Swinton, sobs si. hliuai,ell,, slams, of Mr. Thosea, liotseon, ssf York, 1ohia, eldest doo. of SIte llcv. William Gibson, alA., rector ansi relsat of W’,n. SEs-jeasslo’ss, Ess1., of Itanlish—in—Craven, aisol 5. in tOt), leavissg isssse. his s:sn, Aorta-n liens-eon, Req. of Ssaney hail, ,. Mary, dots, of Cot. Boroare, of usc Coidsiream-goords, and ‘5. o. p. its loot tlse eldest Charles Jades, 23 March, 1030; es.22 June, 1850, AnnaSlaegaeel, don., Elioallells, ,,,. llssgh Jones, Esq, of Lark hill, West Derby, Inncaslsire. S Arllsnr, of Laekhili and Liverpool, bankert who it. senile, hihicabeths, os. 12 Feb. 1559, to ttiehard Barton, Rsq- of Caldy in 1036. 4 ,Jolsss-Pcn,berton, of W’akefield, bareistee-at-low svho il. 17 April, 1707, Margaret, dose, of t’eier Brinlcwater, Ese1 of iroell itoss,e, and left isssse, Peter, is. Is Gee, 1799; 05. 16 Jose. 1926, Sara, eldest daa. Sir Benjamin, an ensinent banker in Slanehester, repreeented of Ths,snas-L ,ssgaevilte I.000,seville, Feet., of Gowesen’. rise eo, of Lancaster in the last parliament preceding the Joba—l’essetertoo, of Norris tireen, near t.iverpool s - I,, passing of the Belonn Bill, and was created a baronet in 1838; - 16 A1,ril, 1005,-a,. 11 ApC5I 10.56, Ass,sa—Mssrio, 2559 slats. e’f Itsigh -(totes, hlss1. of tack I lilt, liverpool, Ansea-Maria. a’. .5 Asic. 1524. the the, llenry.G, Loins- dole, vicar e’f t,iehfield and ,i. 14 Stay, 1940, teas leg tsvo sons and four done. Araso—Arg., Ihree torleanx, in bead. betsveen to’o bendleh, 1 Anna-Maria,l 2 Itridget, js. BeNJAs55N, of ,vlssssn Isreseotlt’. jss. Nailsassiel, liessl.—col. its Iho ColdetreaIn-gssardo, ansI gent. branches sprouting therefe-oon, and entwined by ifl’, thernon a of the hedelsonsiser i’s use ttako of Glos,eester. tIe ‘a. 1st, falcon, soish wings displayed, ppr. Sloria, dust of Gets. 15,seles 5 and 2ssdly, a sitter of Admiral Sir Richard lioghee, an left issne. 532 HEY The 2nd eon, 1eaJAMeN Hsrrweon, Idsq., was a merchant at Liverpool, and ofteroards a hanher at Ohaneheseer. ate ns. Fhwbe, 2nd dan. Sosan, dan. of John Cornwall, Esq., of Loodoo, by sehnin he left (at isis decease, Sept. 1927, aged 79) two dane., via., I Pneaae. 2 ANNA-MANIA, Os. to Lient.-Col. FlieR. it. Ilenjonsin-Arihor, of Claresnont aod Liverpool, a banker at Manchester; seho ci. sueS. 19 Nov. 1828, aged 73. sit. NATHANiEL, of whom presently. t. Sarah, as. Richard Bright, Eeq., of Ham Green, eo. Somerset, and had loene. it. Eliuabeets, si. Josepis Birch, Esq. of tiec Jiaoles, created a iii. TTilda-Msrgarct. Baronet in 1931. 111, Plscebo, sf asses. Iv. Ann, si. sssssos. The 3rd son, 24 June, 1791, Ann, don, of Tbonsas Percival, of Olanchester, Notbaseiel. 1621, Mas-y-Eliuabeth, doe. ot Jolso Itarton, Esq. of Sssinton, Lancashire, and has, Tisonsas, late capt. 16th lonees-s, sic. i6 Ang. 165.3, Mory-Eseils’, 3rd dan. of the Most 15ev. 91.-B. Bereotes-d, taB,, Archbislsop of Arnsagh; tlargarer, tie, to her eunsin, P-P. Ileyseood, Esq.; and Siary-Elieaheih, so. 2t JnJy, 1849, to the 15ev. Beecge-Ilenry Snmner, rector of Old Alreeford, hones, 4th son of else bishop of Winchester. Richard, of Banner Bonee, eo. Somerset, ii. let, 1822, Jane, dan. of the Stost Rev. William Shagee, B.D., archbishop of Bsiblin, by whom he has issne seven sent and tisree dam. lIe so. 2ndiy, 1849, Frances, dan. of Henry Ilarford, Req. of Boson Place, Windsor. widow’ of Albert Esehee, Req., and dau. of John Kennedy, Req., and has a dan., Anee-Sophio. Bristol; and ml. o.)s. in ISIS. Esq. of Woodlands, and by her (who ci. 25 Aug. 1502) had Eleanor, osfly dais, of hisbarol-W’uteoa Barton. hisq. of Spring— wood, cc. Lancaster, and of Cntdy Manor, co. Chester. eldest don. ef Wislli;otn Langtoa, Req. of The Roolsery, near Manchester, and by her (c-Iso ,i. 16 Jnly, 1508), Isos a dan,, Alis’e-Soptoa; he so. Indly, 10 Jots. 1061, Margarel-Belen, yonngeet doss, of cite late John-Erodes-ic Foster, Req. of Aldorley Edge, near Manchester. eldest dan- of John Peel, Iteq. of Sliddlelen Rail, co. Warwick, SIP. for Ton,wortts. near Slaneheslsr; 6. 15 .tng. 1933; so. 19 May, 1585, EllaSo of Faseley, Ihants, attl has isesse, 1 Bessry—Arthes, is. 19 Jnne, 1059; 2 IlogIs Snnsner, b 9 Jane, 1860; 3 Charles. Christopher, t. 3 Slay, 1800. 3rd doss. of ‘l3’ihiioas Latsgton, Req. of The Rookery, near Slonclseeter. ttaeos’, Cheshire, eldest son of Ilichard-B’atton Bat-ton, Req. of Spriagss-ood, co Lancaster. Sarah. he ‘7. II _tog. ista, and was a. isy isis eldest son, Ssa THoMAsFaaesvaL lIavweon, the 2nd and present ban. Cs-co tsssi—1S38. go.; on a canton, of ihe last, a cross-potbe, or. Co’s’l—On a monni, vert, the tns,nk of a tree with two - JIatfo—Ahte rob. Baa l—Boveleyo, Aehbonnese, Berbyehirt. a’, Adan.