Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/634

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ilL ANNE, and king Goossor I., who sin bachelor, possessed of a very considerable property; a great portion of winch lie devised to his aepisews, Sasssncl itarher acid Thomas I Ins’— wood, who both osssssoed lIce s000atee of Itset, aod the latter of solsoso was fatlser of Noel 11111, elovated to ttso peerage ao Lord lb r,rielt. The I lewhcst000 estate passest, however, froso Sir Itichoad to tile esephcse ansi heir—at—taco, ttowLeNo, of whcen presently. Its. John, of Ltgtitrteh, srleo ci. Idles Stobhs, and left a son. 1. Rowenien Girt, Leg., who ,s. to use ilawhestosso estate sspon the decease of Ins eerIe, ttse lttght I ten Sir lttrhsrd tItil, nd its cossetderatten of ttso tnsportasst services of Iliac csssinesst person, seas created a Itaronet 20 Jaae. 1726-7, with rensatsader, in dcfaatt of osato i550e, to tteree other neptsrsss of Isis said vs. Ctement-Delveo, b. in 1782; nanjnr-gen. in the army. sscscte, namely, Sanaesel 11th, of ,Steenstoaee , ‘t’hoosas Hilt of Trrsa ass. Thasnas-Nocl (Sir), ItCh.; 8. 14 Feb. 1784; a eol. in the (wlsose et,lcst son, as already stated, seas elevated to star peerage, as Otaross itersetek) ; and Itoselanti 11111, isis brother. Sir tteselassd a,, las 1772, Jane, stan. of Sir Jtrtao Itroasglston, Earl., of ltronglston ; and lead (settle tsro dasss., one of whosn, Elizabeth, Os. Clonsent Tadoay, Leg., MU. for Welts). s. Itrs’, ]- saceessive baronets. is;. Bosoland, in tsoly orders, and ceietsratod as a dtssonttng isreachert 8. 12 Aasa. 1741; ot . 2lary, sister of Clement ‘Tssdsray, Esq. of WeBs, co.Sossserset; slso it. 1830; he ‘1. 3833. iv. Itoberl, isa lsoty orders; os. Mary, stan. and sole tsetr of ass,. Edward, 8. 3 Nov. 17Sf; ,t. 29 Aug. 1821. Jelsn Wtlhrahaans, Esq., and left at isis decease, to 1931. I Itetserl, isa holy orders, rector of Waters Upton; sea.; deceased, leaving issase one son and two daass. 2 JoIns, of S;assdists hail, near Wigan ; barrister-st-taco and Sr John at. in 1821, and n-as r. by his grandson, Ssu ROWLAND, otiorncy-gessecal of Chester; os. Elizabeth, aod si Ieavhag celia ossbseqasenthy o. Isis sssaelc, assd is the itresesat viscount. tssne ; tate seide,o 5. 28 Aog. 1860. 3 Itoasland—Aileyne, ‘she so.; tend at. 7 Nov. 1844. 4 Sansearl, solso is sssarrtesi. S ftielanrd, tieceased ate, and left issne. 6 Thosaas. 7 Bryan. I Mary. 2 3targnret, as. in 1800, to John Leigh, Esq. of eo. Stafferd. quenthy elevated to the peerage, 17 Stay, 1014, as Bacon S Jane. ‘1 Etiaa—Assne. 0 Esoaaasa. v. Bryan, in holy orders; 5.29 Feb. 17)0; 4. in 1031. The baronet ste 2ndly, Mary, avidoso of Thomas Powis, Esq., iss roanaiasdor to ilse sasale tssesc of itis sieoasscst brother, and dats. of — Pole, Esst. of Radtsoucsae, eo. Herb)’, Say sshens lae Johisa lull, Esq. of ltawkootnnr. Ibis lnrdshap n-as runi— had no issue. Sir Roseland coas laigh-slserilt of Stsropshtre in sasander-in-ctsiof from 1121 osntil 1142, when iso resigned; 1772, and SOP. for the city of Liclsficld in 1734. lIe ,t. in 1783, eaposa saletota 000asioas lie crass raiseet to a Viocooasly, avilh se— and was n. by his eldest son, II. Sin Bsconau, who represrulod the oo. of Salois in parliassscnt 10 Dec. 1812, and was z. by his nrphew, Ssa Bnsa’s.Awn Itsro, froso nsa earty ;‘crtost of life until lice hefirsoittes of EarL, nose lice 2nd viscannt. advassced ago compelled him to retire. lie si. uses - 20 Nov. Crooolossa—Visrounl, 1812. Baron, 10 Jan. 1310. Baronet, 1809, srheas lice title devetveti aspon Isis brotiser, ill. Ssa JossN, 0. 1 Meg. 1740; so. to 1706, Mary, sinai. ansi Arssss—Erna., on a fesso, in., a eastte, tripte-tosoeced, arg. co—Iscir of John Ctsasut,re, Lee1, of Pettan, on. Salels, by wtseas Hoof—A tower, nag., sasrsseoeaasteeh aoills a garland saf lanrel, ppr. (who 4. in 1806) Iso had issue, n. John, 0. in 1709; srhe a. in 1795, Itlinabelh-Ithodes. daas. tsa’tstted anal sadailed, pjsr., saasaraily gorged, gin. of I’tstltp Cornish, Essi.; and dying before lets fattser (27 Jan. Lssaf—Itsswlesslosse, nod Iiacdscichse Grasage, Sles’opshis’e. 1914,) left, I lfoaotaan, present peer. 2 John, in Italy orders, rector of Great Botas, Saiop t ii. 11 March, 1502; asa. 17 Dor. 1833, Charlotte, eldest dan. of lion. ‘ftsosass Kenyoa, ol t’radoe, in Shrepstsire, ansi has, joIns, 0. 23 Jssly, lob; Geergo-Wihitana, 0. On 1013; Clementt.toyd, 0. in 1645; Brian-hubert, 0. in 1047. 3 lllehaed-i’redertrk, lieol.—cel. in tile arnay, 8. 14 Jan. 1604; os. in April, 1879, Maria-Jane, only dan. of tlse late Ltreat.-Coi. .O.—D. itrtsglaaarsf, and has, Wihlinos—Froslerich, 0.8 Sept. 1643; Olenry-t’htltp, 0. 13 Johy, lSl)t FannyIstetit.a, ss. Ia50, to ‘f—It. (iosalaser, Essi. Mary, oa. 1500, to Tlsoessas Meyriels, Esq. of Basola, css. t’cnttsrokc ; Scltsan, so. tOol, tss itols.—Wsss. Wisaggelsi, vicar of Leightoss ; Ass— netle-Catlaartne. - 4 Philip, eel. in ttae arosy, 0. 12 Jseiy, I One; ..s. 19 flee. 1933, Chaetotte-Catharine-Enas,sa, cutest sian. of JoIstsl8eorge Norbory, EM., and ‘5. 1015cc. 1801. S Cienaenl-tsetvcs, 0. 3 Jon. 1800; to. 20 Jose, 1941, t. Gaoscc, Is. 22 Starch, 1000. Harriet, eldest dass. of buss tfytton, Esq., acid lans 5 son. i5. A son, Se. 31 Starch, 1907. Godfeey-Cienaont, 8. 21 May, 1012. I Jtaehel-Steithens, ste. in 1020, to Sir Andrew-Vincent Cocbet, Borl., soho 5. 1890. 2 Mary-Esnana, ass, in 1822, to Andrew-William Corltel, Esq. of Sandocnc Castle, Saiop, seleo 4. lost; sha 4.31 Jaly, 1204. is. Rosvo.Asn, created toaD hILL. sat. t:ielsarst, hi lsssly orders; 0. 17 Sept. 1777; ‘5. 3 Sept. 1921. iv. llehes’t-Chamltre (Sir), C. It., of t’rees Ilall, Shroiohire; 0. SAMUEL MsLL, the first ancostoc of the fancily in Irolaod, 29 MarcIa, 1778; a cot. in 11cc srsssy, matte a teesiglst—lsactse1 kingdena, sender tlLsvca Caoaswrts, abool 1042.° For his in 1812, antI a CIt. in 1512; ‘tin 1801, Elba, stan. of ilenry Lassaley, Esq., acid ,t. 9 Maceli, 18f0, leaving had, active serviette Ise received large grassts of hands in the eotmtics I George-Stavely, 5. in 1001 ; a. in 1832, Jane, dan. of at Csalcrntnr, in thn co. of Berry, where he os. Sarah, dan. of Thonaas Btsroagle, Es,1. of 1eetsvyn0 Park, aol lead a soas, Miclsael Beresford, asael el. sssaking lais Intl will sad testanaent 0. and 4. in 1813. 2 Alfrrst-Edssard, s. 19 Macct,, 1810; capt. in the arnsy; on the 2211, of Angnst, 1000, leaving two sons, John and so. 9 April, 1839, Miss Iiowar,t, dan. of the Earl of Xiimoccy, and has had, Alfred, 1840, and sI. 22 lIce. l809 Londondrrry. 53L ilL liosohand, 0. in 1841 a htobert, 0. in 1947; and Emily, st. ltlnly, 1809. 3 Percy, 0. 2i Bee. lOl7a ttenl.-eol. rifle brigade; na. in 1840, tlacriet-Cecilin, dan. of the late Capt. John Stenast, and has soon, Percy-Graham, 0.31 Jan. 1918; and a dan. ttlore ace-Julia. I Mary-Julia. a. Francis-Brian (Sir), b. in 1779: to. 1st, in 1804, Johanna, Oats, of Clartsltnn I’ahbe, Esq rf Coisenlsngen, by wisom (soiso 4. in 1800) Iso isad one soss, John-Francts-itichsas’d, Oct. 1896, in holy orders, aasd one alan., Ensma-Maria, ci. an infsnt. Sir Francis see. 2ndIy, in 1819, Enstly-Lisaey, youngest dsn. of Thosnns-Jelf Powys, Esq., and hssl by her (who sT. iss 1810) anotiser sins, Arthar-Witlisna, 8. in 1920; svho st 13 March, 1048. Sir Francis it. 4 Aprst, 1842. arsssv; sit, 27 laity, 1821, Ason-Msria, 4th than, of Jolsn, let Lord Teignnaootls. end left at isis decease, 0 Jan. 1032, three sons ansi thrcc atsos., viz., I henry-Noel, 8. in 1821; ,1. in 1833. 2 llorace-Frcdecick, a captain in the nrsny; 0. 14 April, 1927; 0. 1613cc. 1805. 2 Charles, 8 in 1829. I Anna-Maria, ass. 9 Oct. 1921, to the Rev. Willians-J. Trevrssen, MA. 2 Lootsn-Charlottc, see, in 1847, to L.-J.-i1. Ahtgood, Esq. 3 Carohine-Augosta, 57. in 1837. i. Mary. is. Jaoe. its. Elizabeth, as. 20 Nov. 1807, to the htev. Ede. Ncvtilc. Sr. harriet. a. Eaosaao. ills 2nd son, IlowLasu HILL, is. 11 Aug. 1772, having adopted the profession of arose, attained llae rank of genoral, and having eiesiaesslly disttogeolslsed hainsschf eiescing ttsc l’eninseslar soar, acne s’esvarated antis the Granal Cross of lice itatla, and suboe— I/ill, of Alssesrcz nsa’i of Jboset’czfoase, co. Srslop, and ohlaincd a second pascal, atoteel 10 Jan 1810, conferring a similar iigrity, seills rite additional destgasnlion of Jfooefwicke, and nsnistier sisatflar to Isis last htaroasy. Viseoaaast Itilt s5. noes. iss 1720—7. ,So;sjsnrls a—BevIes’, a lion, nrg., naasratly crowned, or, gorged wills at wreaah of oak, frnciest, ppr. ; sinaistor, a horse, arg., JI,ssso—Avaneez. HILL. HILL, Stw JOBN, Part, of Brooke hail, cc. Loncionderry, major in tho army, ansi capt. 17th lancers; 5. 4 Fob. 1833; o. his fathor, an 4th Isarunet, 15 Dog. 1815; bIt. 9 June, 1863, Cisariotte - Isabella, dan. of the late Honcy-Dnvid B)yth, Esq. of 7, Hnmiltun Place, Piccadilly, and hap, i. Chartotto-Etiaobeh, is. A dan., 8. 19 March, 1109. 3Lincac. aoont frons Bnckinghamshtro to Irohased, as treasurer of that of Arnaagh, Tyronc, Antetso, anti Berry, and eventually settled Snsaaaach 11111 was a burgess of tho first corporation of a