Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/648

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H 0 rJ H 0 T It A M. Horn.tas, BxnoN (Sir Beaumont Hotham), of South Dalton, in the peerage of Irolansi ; and a Baronet esf England; b. ii Aug. 1791 a’. his grandfather, as 3rd baron, 4 March, 1314. Lord Hotham isa Waterleo officer, and a general in the army, and is H.P. for 2 William (Sin, G.C.ti., adm. of the lIed; as. 1st Anne I the East Riding of Yorkshire. 3L iticiiqc. Ste Joite no Tecoerso, fur the goost services he had rendeeest to the Coyerreee at Use battle of flatting’, ehtained a grant of the castle ccii manors ef Colteyweslon, in Nortisaniptonslnre, and ef llothum, in Yerkshire. Ills great-great-grandson, Perre no Ternerer, assumed the earnasme of Hethatn, frese the place of his residsmsee, which, has ever 51cm been that ‘f Ins descendants. This Peter was living is 1108, ansI was great- grandfather of Jena Dr Itetnoas, bishop ef Ely, treasurer of time Exehegnec and teen Ettee Casrseerree or ENuLArin. The elder heather of this distinguished isolate, Sse Jeers tleTmmaas, En., wae sammoned te parliament, as a baron, in the reign ef EDWAT5D t I. tie as.-kgnes, dan. ansi heir of Sir John Ilasleton, Itni. af Itasteton, en- York, by whom he had tsro sons, Sir John, Ins heir; and Tnoomao ItoTusas, from whom lineally descended Sse Jona tloTnaal, Eat., created a Pars’net 14 Jan. ]e2]. Sir tleaammmont it. its I ITt, and was s. by Imie eldest sea, This genllomssan was governor of Itoh in the retgss of Coseors 1., Ste CmeaeLre ; at setsssee decease, srilhotst esate issue, in 1794, and being diseoveresi, with his eon, in 1e4$, to be in coneependeuce the title mlcrolvest ‘spun his steel lmrotlmer, with llsc royalists, they were triest tmefore a eossrt-nmartiat Tim tlur.slT Err, tie Jossas, Lord Plishop of Clegher, who was at Craildlsall, and both antlered decapttalinn otoin Tssrer hilt. Sir 0. in 1700, by his omsty suit, John ltethsiu, Pert, had fise wives, and was o. by Isis grandson, issne, in loll, the lute reverted to hie nude, Ste Jenis, who so. Eltoohoth, daughter of Sopcoat, Lood ‘for rtsnuT lie-s icoisot, Bareu Hslhasss of .Saath Patina, Beanmsnt, of Ireland, and was o. in 1680, by Ins clslest son, Ste Jonas; at whose decease, o. p. oS. 1691, the title reverted in time peerage mmf lrelandt so created 7 Starch, 1797, with reomaimsdem-, to the son of the Rev. Charleo tlothamn, rector of Wigaa (son of his deceated father, in eenoideratieu of his gauant achievements the lot barnnct, by his 2ttd uife, Anne, dan. of Ralph Rokeby, Esq. of York). Ste Cssaes.oa, tnt. of dragoons, and SIP. for Peverley. This viosmsly attained time rank of rear-admiral, seas advanced to gentleman os. let, Itridget, dan. of Willians Gee. Eeq. of Pishop’s that ef adnaicat of the While (I Eob. 1793), appointed second in Hortoa, by whons he had two eons and three dens.; and 2ndiy. eonmnmand of the fleet ordered to the Mediterranean, smder lady Mildred Cecil, yosingest dan. of James, Earl of Saliehery, Lord Stood, of u’lsieh he olttatned the chief eemmaad in a fee by whom he had one eon. Sir Charles was o. by his eldest son, months after’.o’aemle, npon Limed timmod’s retain to England; and Ste Csssarns, cot, of the Isorse grenaslior-gnards, a greens but a short time subsequently elapsed until Admiral Itethana ‘if the bedehamher, end SIP. for Peveetey who em. in 1724, had the good fortune to hm-ismg time Fronds squadreme ta action ficrtrssde, eldest den. of Philip, Earl of Chesterfeld, and was o. (14 March, 1703), and to obtain a decisive victory over it, for which at his decease, in 1737, by his only sos, Sie CnaoLra. This geniteman, a groom of the bedchamnber, he received the thanko of bmmth houses of partiaesont, and was promoted elying s.p. in 1767, was o. by his nncte, Sm Rnaratovp, who ii. Prances, dan. of the Rev. William 2 May, 1813, when the honenre devolved open his breihsor, ‘I Iaonspoeo, and had iosne, - i. Cuaet_eo, isis enecessor. is. Juho, bishop of Cls’gher; so. Sarah, dan. of Sir herbert of Sir Tlsotnmoe Flankey, lint., and relict of Jamea Noemote, Leg., Msekssorth, and left an only son, Charles. hit. O’sLa.mxos, admiral of the illsse, created liseos Ito’rstAai. iv. HAO551T, baron of the ronrt of Exrhmsqner, whe o. eventually s. Peannsunf, ho. It Aug. 1769; sm. 20 Slay, 1700, Philadelphia, to the hnooisrs of the family. v. Genrge, t. in 1741; a general officer in the anny, and cot. ef the 14th regiment of fmmt; ml. in tree, leaviug isone, by 2 tteorgo-Froderiok, veer-admiral, 3t.N,t ho. 20 GeL 1795; Diana, yonagest daa. of Sir Wsmrton Ponnyasau, Start. 1 George, tient.-eol. tie I 7cc; Os. let, in 2lareh, 1792 Carolioe, dais. anmI co-heir (srith her sister, torah—Eli em hetim, ‘ml. to Ilonry I tolders,-llereard, Lam1. m,f Cave Castle) ef Roger Gee, P.oq. of llshop Horton, and hail, W’illinnm, adnsiral tIN., ; ho. iii I 794. George, caplahs royal engineers; 0. in 1796; so. let Caroline, sian. of Ilielmarmi G’ssit, Esq. of ttishop norton, end hail by Imor (svhts 0. 1079) tlimiharml, lab calif. II iii fe,it, 5. 10:12 and Iharriot. tIe os. 2imdly, II July, 1814 Aamelie, dais- of Praneis—lla,ns,len I laes-kessvorib, Leg., mm, Frederick, prehoadary of htoelsesior, as. in hfe2 AaneElizabeth,, hy whom he had, Arthor, Peaeeie, Alice, m. 2 Jnly, 158$, to tAent. John Lefteo Pland, eth dragoons, and Lanra. liemstemt Place, Sent, and ci. 10 Got. 1834, haeismg by her Ste ml. 14 April, 18ff. 598 II 0 1’ Chariot, in holy orders, prebeadery of York m’ Jan. 1837, Lsiey-Eleebelh, eldest dan. of the Rev. Christopher Sykes, aod widow of Gme tton end Rev Renry Danranshe. and m1. It Peb. 15ff; his widew s. Srdly, ge Aug. see, Capt. Arosylage, RN, John, F. I. C. art. ; mis. 1st, 1142, Maria- Elteabeth, yonagest stan. of hoary Thompson, Rag of Horton, 0 0 York, sad by her (who ml. 1533) he lies issue, Charles. Frederick. comm. tIN., b. 1043; John, 5. 103] ; Care. hoe, eed Itinily—hlerlrode. Ho 0, 2ustly, 3lery, deu. ef ltev. 10.-It. iloondell, Log. of fltadstone, ce. York, by whom lie has issue, George, 0. 1831 ; William, 5. 1039; Stary, ansi l,oev. Sarah, am. 1023, the Yen. Stephen Creyke, archdeacon of York. Chartottr, iii. to Hubert lteniaen, Fog. Gertrode, 55. 10 Gee 11ev. Christopher Novitle. of Theme7 Hall, Notto. Diana-Caroline, os. in 1811, to Itenry-Atexandor Prowe, Leg. of Kingston Grove, ca Oxftsrsl. hlarriel, Os. in hiSS, to Sir Jotsn.William Lubberk, Part., who 0. 21 June, 10513. Cot. Itotham ci. 2nilty, in 1013, Roonmond, siau. of the 11ev. Francis Iteot. rector of Sonth Ilattan, to. York, by 2 whom he left at Ins decease in 1023, an only child, Starts, s;s. to 1836. to William Wainnssn, Lee1. dan. of Sir Edward Jeysses, Knt and hy her (who 0. to 1827) had, Angostos, S. I Slerrh, 1003, a eel. in the army; d. 21 Gel. 1818. Edsrin, 5. 13 Dee. 18e7; in holy orders; rector of Creweombe. Sesmsereett s.. l2Sepi. 1838, llarriel, youngest dun. of Sir .i.-G. Cetterell, Itart. and has five suns aesl a dais. John-William, lient. lh.N.; 0.39 Slareh, 18f9; mo.29 April, 1838, Sarah-Fhiza, cutest dams, of William llasvketey, Peg. of the Ctresss, ItalIm asmml has tseo sbus and three dane. Frederick Earle, t.ho 1812; 1. 1831, on his way to India. Anne, as. lisibert harvey, Esq. of Langley l’ark, Pneks. (am IL ever, fiT.) Sir Willians so. lndly. io 1813, Jane-Seymour, daa. and co-heir of Foaneia Csslmmsan, Peg. ef Ililteradon, Devs’u, stud widosr oh Roger l’ottiward, Log., esisich lady m$. 30 Nor. 1021. Sir Wiltiaum ml. 31 3lay, 1048. 1 Diana, as. in lseh, to Capt. toni Edward O’Po-eta, RN., amid ml. 1810. 2 harriet, sm. to Sir Griffin Wilson, and 1. 1828. Sue Cssaeera (ehore-nsentioned); at nlmuse deceose svithont in defaolt of direct descendants, to the heirs male of as a naval cunsnsanmlor, at the eommneneement of hoetgihies tuttle republican France. Mr. ltuthaos, who had pre— to lime rank of admiral of the limo. his tordshipol, ansi. Sic Hearasear lierusas, lint., one of time barons of the Court of Exoheqnr’s’. as 2nd baron, srho ma. 1767, Sneannas, 2nd dase. and had, data, of Sir J.-D. llyke, Pt. and ml. in 1709, leaving, 1 Itearasear. hsrosent ansI led baron. us,. 1824, Lzsdy-.Snsasu-3taria G’Hrien, oldest dae. and reheir of Wihlizos Marmiueso of Thumend, and by her (svha it. 23 March, 1837) hed, Willians-]lenry, 5. lii June, 1025; ml. S Doe. 184$, Geurge-Frodoriek, E.t.C.S., ho. 2 July, ld27; ml. 1834, hloannmuat5 ho. 8 Sept. 1833; ‘I. 3 Jane, 1848 Cmsaes,nt, late capt. l8lh foot, ho. 2$ Slay, 1031. Julie, eonmsa. ll.N., ho. 1838. Augusta-Elizabeth, it. in 1040. Smmoau-Fs’asmmaes. Roar-Admit-al hhothane m/. 19 Oct. IS5f. olmleot dan of Thonsae.Haltett Itodgee Lsq. of (whom1 28 Jan. 18e2) hnd,