Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/655

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HUL I. RICHARD, 4th baronet. s. Robert, tn holy orders, so. Judith, dan. of Robert I’ortous, Sir Edsroul 8. in 1816, and was c-by isis ion, Esq., and dying tn 1028, left isssse, I ROBERT. 2 Frederick. 1 Emily. s. Gratiana. Sir Robert so. 2ndly, Bethia, dau. of Thomas ltiseutt, Esq., and 5. EDWARn, persent baronet. s. Thomae-Collingwood, in holy order,, vicar of South Tawlon, Devon, as. Elizabeth, dan. of ]tobert Botcher, Beg. of The Grove, Teengay, and has issue. i. Willtam. Tis. Arthur, so. 16 Jan. 1818, the Hon. Anna-Itaria Petre, dan. iv. .Iolsn-Roller, si. 1 Oct. 1461, of Robert-Edward, 10th Lord t’etre, and si. in the same year. v. llenry-Oore, 8. 1 Jane, 1811. She 8. 14 Oct. 1864. s. Mary. Sir Robert sI in IS14. and was o. by his son, IV. THE ltov. Sto Bscssassn, b. 2 June, 1768, who so. 8 Dee. 1798, Sarals-Ferring, dan. of tire Rev. Rtelsard Sleesnan, vicar of Arsss.s—Arg., llsree piles, one iesning frosts the clsiof, lsetws;en Tssisteek, and by her (who ti in 1818), had, Rsenxoo, 5th baronet. EnwAssn, preoent baronet. Ssrsh-Catlserine. vs. 8 Starch, 1849, to the Rev. Baldwin ,Seai—Brransore Itossee, Hassle, near Fordingbridge. Leighton, MA., nepisew of the late Sir Baldwin Leiglstoo, Tew,s !I,sssse—4, Nesr Bn,’lissgloss Sls’eet. Ban., nod s! 21 June, 1864. Gralisna-Itaria. Alice-Rose. Sir Richard 8.3 Jan. 1833, and was a. Try his elder eon, V. Ssss RscssAssn, a banister of thc Middle Temple, wise was 5. 10 Oct. 1883; 8. scion. 16 May, 1863, and was s. by Isis isrother, Ssa Enwassn Iln’enns, the 6th and present baronet. Ceeofioa—17 July, 1773. Arses—An., a lion, rampant, or. Creel—A lion, rssuehant, or. ,Seat—Enst Rergholt Lodge, Suffolk. H U L S E. UOLSE, Sm ErswAltrs, Bant. of s. Jonss-Ns-cowv, 1,. 10 Jan. 1848. Breamoro Hssuoe, Hoists, higissheriff is. Robert.Nsogena, t. 13 for. 1848. of tisat co. in 1868 b. 551. Ithelsard-Gessrge.Nugent, is. II Sept. 1812. 2 Apr. 1809 ; no. 29 Nov. 1854, Iv. Charles-Nngent, 8. 1 Feb. 1824. Katharine-Jane, only child of Site s. Bhizabetls_ngosg, Very Rev. Henry Pair Hamilton, is. 1lary-Fro,,c7, dean of Saliabury, and lean (sane, 5. EDwaan-Hersoy, 1. 29 Aug. 1899. is. Charlee-Westrow, 5. 22 Nov. 1860. its. Ricisard-Hamilton, 8.22 May, 1862 5. Eatlsariue-Charot. is. Maria Eleanor. 3Lincac, 1. Enwaan Mn-s.oe, OlD., first physirian lo Ins Majesty sIan. of Richard Jones, Esq., and Isad issue, GEOROE TI. (son of Edsrard Tinlee, ltD., by Dorotisy his wife, Cn.caz,oa, isis seeeessor. dan. of Thomas Wesirow), wao created a Baronet 7 Feb. Cashes-me, sit, to the Rev. John Usher, M.D. 1738-9. TIe us. in 1713, Elizabeth, dan. of Alderman Sir Richard Sir. lfnmblo sss. 2ssdly, ansi had a dan., Lady Boyd. He was e. Levett, Rut. (wisa served the office of tord-nsayor of Londoss), by by his son, whom he had four sons, and a dan., Elizabeils, sss. Is Jolsn Calvert, Cnxacos ltnesntr, Beg., a sstltitary officer of great gallantry, Req. of Albery Hall, Herts. Sir Edsrard ci, 10 April, 1739, particularly disthngtsisltecl at Ihe siege of Quebec. This gentleman a,sd seas s. by his eldest son, TI. Sta EDwARD, of Breamore, eo. Ttanta. This gentlensan Beg, of Clonetssltoran,c co. W’alcs’ford, and lsnd issue, served the office of siseriff of Ilanspshire in 1765. lIe as. Ilannah, dan. of Sasuuel Vandesplank, Esq. of London, and had, EnwaRn, Isis sUccessor. Samuel (Eight Hon. Sir), 0CM., field-marshal in the army, The son and heir, colonel of the 62nd rogt., and gevernor of Chelsea Hospital; Jo,smc-lluocNv liretevo, Bsg. of Cloncoekoran, co. Waterford, si 1 Jan. 1837. Westrew, in holy orders, chaplain to cisc East India Company; t. in 1782, a-as created a Baronet in Sept. 1831. lIe as. in 1887, 8. in 1787. Hannah, so. to H. Renyon, Esq. of Gidoa Hall, Essex. Elinabesh, so. to Joseph Rerens, Essi. Mary-Anne, Os. to General Edmund Stevens. Dorolhy, 8. nuns. Charlotte-Itatilda, sa. to Sir Thomas Bernard, Rart.; and 8. Otary, sss. to Walter Carew, Esq. of llayfiold, and 8. u. p. 20 July, 1846. Sir Edward dying in 1860, was shy Isis eldest’(ou, Itt. SIR EDWARD. This genilensan so. in 1769, Ilary, dan. of Itarriet, Os. in Nov. 1838, to Edo-and Odoll, Req. of Corriglea, Charles Lethieullienr, Esg., and heir of her uncle, Snsart Lothieullieur, Esg. of Aldersbrook, co. Essex, by whom lie had, Otargaret, ess. 13 June, 1610, to use late Lieut. Carnsieheel, with other issue, Cnsiss.sse, late baronet. Richard, maj,-gen. in the army, who 8. in Spain, in Sept. 1614. Crcaliesso—Sept. 1631. A s’sss—Qssarterly t l,t and 4th, so,, a Thomas, fellow of All Souls College, Oxford. Slary, no. in 1816, to Edward-Berkeley t’ortman, Esq. of shag, trippant. on; on a cisiof, dasscott,e, ang., a trefoil, vort, Bryaneton House, Dorsetshiro. FrancIs, so. to George Eyre, Esq. of Bramehaw, Hants, and si. in 1820. Macrid, no. to John RaIler, Esg. of lIon-al, in Cornwall, and and heir of Itichand Butler, Fig. of Clouroeknssine (as then 8. Ins widow, 27 Sept. 1868. Charlotte. ][ U 111 IV, Sin Cnaor.r.o, t. 1771, who s. 5 July, 1806, ltaria, 2nd dass. of tire late John Rstller, Rig. of Otorval, co Cornwall, assd by her (wIse ci. 21 Jan. 1821) had, is. Charles, is. 1810; ‘is. 1836, Oeorgissa-Amelia, youngest dsu. of t,ieut.-Oen. Frederick Bullor, of Prlynt and Lanrcath, cc. Cornwall, ned isa, issur, Clsarles—Fredrriek, licsst. rifle bs’igsdo, 8. 30 April, 1841; Samuel-George, ass officer 42nd fool, Is. in Jan. 1845; and six dane. sit. Itirhard Samuel, an officer in the army, 8. Sept. 1616. s. 3laria. I-to 8.19 Oct. 1824. Crealhsss—7 Feb. 1738-9. lisa other, reversed, sa. Creel—On a wreath, a bssclc’e Isoad, cooped, ppr., attired, or, lsrtween use atlirce a ann, of the last. HUMTILE. TJUBBLF, SIR JORN - NUCFNT, of eQa 4L*H Clonnoskorass, co. Waterford; 8. 24 May, 1818 ; o’. his father, no 2nd baronet, in 1834 ; Ho. 10 Dec. 1846, Elizabeth - Philippn, only dnu. of George Foehory, Req. of Clorane, on. Limerick, and has had, its. Chrittiona-Flsffiipa if. 4 May, 1828. LuI cage. REv. Jnnrt Ituesuto, rector of Donagis, in cite diorese of Decry, a deacendont of the Englieh fasseily, 8. in 1710, leaving (with ta-c other eons) a 2nd son, Tue Rev. Jonas HUMBLE, rector of Douagh, who sit. Elizabeth, sst. Elizalsetls, dass. and Iseir of Edsssussd Nngont-Slsanaghan, Jonas-N U0ENT. Barbasa, sss. to Richard Goldebory, Fig. co. Longford. Mary-Dolsoon, 3rd dau. of Tticlsard Poster, Fig. of Claehnsoro, lIP, for the co. of Walerferd, and Isad, JOON-NOOENT, present baronet. Elinalselh, os. 1831, to Tlsoosae-J. Fitzgerald, Esq. of Ballinapas’ka, co. Waterfot’d, and ,l. 1644. Dorothea, sss. to Thonsao-Caresr hunt, Beg. Cotlserhee, es 19 lois. 1638, to the 11ev. yrancis Newport, rector of Rostollan, co. Cork. co. Watorford. B-N., eldost oon of the lace Liout.-Col. John Carusiclsael, Sir John 8.10 1834. for ltessoLo; 2nd and 3rd, ermine, too bars, goles (a flenr-deo ‘I’his estate rome mb cite Nogont tautly wills Jooas, dan. earitton), Ihe wife of Edo-and Nugent, It’d eon of Riehas-d, 2nd Baron of Disivin. Ii 605