Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/659

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HUN Sir Joshua d. 6 March, 1777, and was a by his oldest son, ereseed the Tweed wae a valiant knight, a favourite of SIR GERARD, who ci. attn. 23 May, 1791, when the title MALCoLM’s, who, having killed a wild boar that greatly devolved upon isis brother, Sstt JoannA. This gentleman as. 29 Sept. 1777. Maria, or Berwickshire, which Ite called Gordon, after his nuns 2nd dan. of Andrew Thompson, Esq., of Roehampton, co surname, and oetthng there, asoitmoel tlte boar’a head for Surrey, by whom he had issue, JoannA, 2nd baron. Gerard, 8.22 Aog. 1796; rn.29 Dee. 1810, Charlotte, 2nd dan, doubt that it was distinguished), the nnble fasnily of which of liebert t,ovelaee, Esq.; and ci. 29 Doe. 1829, leaviog one wo are about to treat deduces its direct maternal ebeoeetst from son, William, 5. in 1812, who ci. o. p. in July, 1840, and three SIR Pouts BE GunneR, Knt., who obtained iii the 28th dans., Maria, as. 13 Dec 1049,10 Comm. lhehael-lioory Perceval, year of DAvsn II. a eltaeter, datod 20th March, 1317-9, con- RN., 3rd sen of the late Michael-Henry Perceval, Esq. finning the donation which Rnneux 1. hail made to his of Spencer Wood, Quebec, Canada, llember ef the Legielative grandfather, Sir Adam de Gordon, of the lands of Strathbogie, and Executive Council, by Anne, his wife, dan. and ce-heiress ef the late Sir Chsarloe Flower, Rart.; Caroline, m. to Count Geredord’, and ii. 21 Dee. 1849; and Ilarriet, at. SIR 3 onto na GoRnoR, wise obtainod a confis’matory charter 1 July, 1842, to the Dake dell’ Albaneio, of the kingdetn of Ihe ‘i’wo Sieiliee. Thomson, 0.21 Jan. 1791; m. in 1816, 111cc Mary-Anne Palmer, Iii tho next year, the Earl of llarcls having attacked and of Halesworth, and ci. 22 Mar. 1855, Paving by her (who ii. burned the town of Roxbnrgh, the English bordesxro in 1837) had a son, Thomson, who so. in 1841, Catherine- retaliated on the lands of Sir Joists Gordon, who, passing Anne, dan. of J. Torrance, 1kg., and ci. 26 July, 1853. llaria, cc. in 1917, to Charles Levelere, Eeq. Careline, as. in 9817, to Alexander Dottovan, Eeq. of Framhteld Gordon had also a elnef hand in the dofoat and capt;sro Park, Sussex, and d. 26 Itay, 1918. Sir Joshua was created a peer of Ireland, 16 July, 1726, by after a sovere conflict, Sir Jc’btn fell, eventually, at the the title of BARON Hucxstsoesaan, effleeecioytaet flail; and battle of Ottes-burn, its Aug. lidS, leaving anon, ci. 15 Aug. 1816, when he was a by hie eldest son, joannA, 2nd baron, 5. 12 Aug. 1778; ta. lot, 2 April. 1818, 1411, at the battle of Ibosnildon, and was e. us isis eetates hy Catherine, doi. of Chalosser Areedeckno, Req. of tlloveritsg his ony dau. (by his wife, Ehirabeth, dan. of Sir William Hail, co. Suffolk, by whom (who d. 3 Aug. 1815) ho had ieene, de Eoith, great-muriechal nf Scotland), Joshua, 8.19 Aug. 1813; ci. siam. 11 Slay, 1835. llcria-Lonisa, m. in 1810, to Sir Eobort-C’hurles Rowley, Dart. of Sir William Seton, of Seton), and obtained, in oostjntsetints His lordship m. 2ndly, 6 Jun. iSi7, T.uey-Anno, 3rd dan. of charter, dated 20 July, 1408, to their joust heirs, atni in Sir Charles Blois, Dart, of Coekfield Hull; and dying in 1814, default, to the heirs of the said Elizabeth, of the baronies of left a son, CuARoas-AssoRaw, preeent peer. Ureuliens—Durorei, 14 Dec. 1751. Daron, 16 July, 1796. Arets—Arg., a iorteasus, betsveen three bnglo-ltorne, gn., was etyled Lent of Gs,rdnst and Ilnntly. Of this ntars’iago elringed, or. Creel—A bugle-hem, gu., stringed, or, between two wirge, William, asseestor of the Soroxo of Jfeielrnos. expanded, org., tipped, geld, of the second, and arg. Supporters—Two greyheonds, cnn., collared, paly of six, or Elizabeth, cc. to Alexander, Earl of hose. and gu., chaired, gold. Mells—Dreit Ct loyal. &al—ldevessinghasn Hall, Suffolk. IIUNTINQTOWER, LORD, Ice DT9AI1T, EARL. chancellor of Scotland, such heirs uesesmissg the anrssame H U N T L Y. IL ilirafic. Although there are numerous histories of thin illustrious The earl cc. 2ndly, Elizabeth, dan. of Ansirew, Lord Gray, family extant, yet the historians do not eoistoido as to its amid relict of John, 6th Lord Glamis. lie ii. in 1121, and origin and first aettlemeet in Groat Britain. Seme bring the Gordens from Greece to Gaul, and thence into Scotland. at leaet a thousand years ago ; while others eossvey GEORGE, 4th earl, who was constituted lord-chancellor of them Iron’ Spain, Flanders, fib. The more probable cotseetnre, Scotland, and had the great seal delivered to into, 10 juno, however, is, that souse of these Gordone came issto Isle. ills lordohip took au active part hi Ilso political England with WILLIAM, Disko of Normandy, and into Seotlued with King MALCOLM CANNOn!. Indeesl, there is a tradition in North itritain that the first of the name who the usifortssoate Ilbaur, Isis eianghter ; and lsavissg taken ssp 609 IT U N infested tEe borders, obtained a grant of buds in the Morse, his areoorial bearing, ill commemoration of tlte explicit. Do the curly origin, however, what it may (and there is no and was e. by his ann, of the aame lands from Rnneur II., dated 26 June, 1376. the border, enconutered Sir John de Lilbnrss, assd after a desperate affray, defeated bins at Cas’ham. Sir John of Sir Thomas de lissrgrave, governor of liorwirk, in 1378, Sm ADAM Gnnnoa, Kist. of Ilusitley, who wae slain in ELtratoru Gostuose, who do. Aloxandor Soton (2nd son with her husband, front Robert Duke of Albany, a Geus’donn acid Inntlo, and thenceferevard the said Alexander thero were two cone and a dau., ALEXANDER. The eldest son, ALOXAROEn Struts, Loo-Jef furthest and llcsnliy, was created, 1449 —58, Era-i of ideally, with limitation to his heirs malo by his ird wife, Elizabeth, dun, of William, Los’d Csichton, and bearing the sirens of Gonoore. Ills lordship so. tbs’ice; let, Jane, dan. of Robert, son atid heir of William, 1st Earl Marisehat, by whom he acquired a great estate, but had no issue ; Sndly, Egidia, dan. and heir of Sir John hay, of Tnlhbody, by whom be had a eon, Sir Alexander Seton, who a. to his mother’s estates, and wan prngcssilor of limo Soroca of Teach. The earl cc. Irdly, Elinahetis, dats. of Los’,l Crichtoso, by wheeso he had (with other ohilsiren) his eoceoeeer, Grotma, 2nd Earl of Hsssstly, whs, ci. Set, Princess Joanna, dues. of JAMES I. of Scotland, and relict of James, Earl of Angus, by whom ho had, ALEXANnER, isis enecesser. Adam, herd ef Aboyne, who mars’iog Elizabeth, Countess ot Sutherland, because Eus’l of Sntlierlussd in her right. William (Sir), uoeeal5or of the Gostnexs of Gig/il, fell at Flndden. Janice (Sir), efLetterfuorie, adnnral of Seniland sa 1543. And six duiss. Leech Itnntly cc. 2ndly, Elizabeth;, eldest dun, of William, let Earl of Es’reil, asal relict of Patrick, toaster of Gray, and dying hi 1470, was a by his eldeet scsi, IIUNTLY, MARQuESS ANG EARL y (Charloo Gordon), ALEXAROOR, led earl, who s,i. 1st, lady Johanna Stewurt, Earl nf Enzin, Earl of Ahoyns, Viscount eldest duu. of John, Earl of Atholl, by whom he had, with other issue, Inverness5 Baron of Badonnch, Lochaber, Strathavon, Joists, Lord Ooedoc, who ii. o’hdpabrie, in 1517, leaving by Auchindonn, Balmore, Gorthie, and Kincordine, in Ilargeret his wife, natural due, of J.essr.o IV., two sent; the elder of whom s. to the Iscuours at lisa decease of his grandfather. William, bishop of Aberdrrn. 1847; a. his father, as 11th Marquess, 15 Sept.. Alexassder, Laird of Shrailsaven, assceetor of the Gossnexs cf 01’W, ard of Shajer-Gcn. Patricle Gordon, governor of Pennsylvania. was n. by his grandson, affairs of his eoissstry dusting the reign of King J.sason V., tIse regesscy of that monarch’s dowager, and the reign of arms in the feuds which tisess agitated Scotland, he wae 2n the pocrage nf Scotland; and Baron Moldrsssn, nf Morvoo, in tho co. of Ahnrdoen, in that of the United Kingdom; Premier Marquess of Scotland; 6. 5 March, 1863.