Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/663

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I LO ILittcitgr. ‘l’lse family of Jolliffe, originally Joli, or Jolley, is of coosiderable by Iser (srlso sO. in Aug. 1690) had issue, antiquity in the eos. ef Stafford and Worcester. BENJAMIN JoLLipre, Esq. of Coften Stall, so. Mary, dau. of Eliralsetis, tsr. So Clsarlcs, Lorsi Corsawallis. John Jelliffe, Esq. of London, and had (with two daus., Rebecca, Jane, sss. to George, Earl of Nortlsaosptou. to Humphrey Lowe, Esq. of Broosusgrove and Anne, rn to Sir Stephen Os. 2ndly, in 570.3, Christia,ro, don. snd eo-lseir of Robert Btddulph, Esq. ef Ledbury) a son, Jouse JoI.LIEEE, Esq., M.P. for Petersfield, who as. 1st, Itathe‘ two other sons and two daus., viz., ioe, dao. of Robert Mitchell; and 2ndly, Mary, dan. and heir of STerusre, of whons preseutly. Sam. I{olden, Esq. By the latter he had issue, a. WILLIAM, his heir. as. Thomaa-Sansael, H.P., w. in 1778, Mary-Anne, dao. and Clsarlutts, Os. to Edward, 3rd son of William, Lord Digby. heir of the Rev. Itobert Twyfsrd, ef Eilmersdon, in Somersetshire, Sir Stephen Fox was the projector of the great nsilitary hospital and had issue, 1 ,Jehn-Twyferd, ef Ammerdewn Park, in Somersetshire; sic a. 28 Get. 1716, aged 89. The elder son of his 2nd snarringc, ci. 13 March, 1854. 2 Thomas-Robert, in holy orders, of Ammerdown Park. 3 Charles, slain at Waterloo. 1 llary-Asuse. The eldest son, VILLL&M JoeLarrE, Faq., NP. for Petorsfleld, so. Eleanor, Sas,ses’set, with rensaissder, to detsult of nsale issue, ta the iseirs slats. and heir of Sir Rielsard Hylten, Bart. of layton Castle, in male of his brother, then Stenry Fox, Esq.; and on tlsc OtIs of, Cssmborland, and had issue, a. HaveN, MI’., 0. in 1779; ass. in 1854, Eleanor, natural duo. tlse sasne reversionary clause ha the patenL lie ass, in 3710, of Robert Shirley, Earl terrors, by w horn (wiso si. to 1589) he Elizabeth, only dau. and heir of Thonsas-Strangways Homer, had no issue. Ste ci. 1 Jan. 1843. u. Witilmn-John, in holy orders, sss. Julia, dan. and co-heir of Esq. of Shells Park,* in Senesmstshire, nod eveutssally heir of Iser Sir Abralsans Pytebes, Itut. of Streatisarn; and sf. in 1835, brother, Theutas Strangways, Esq. of llelbury Sasuford, eo. leaving issue, I WILLIAM-GEORGE HYLTON, created a baronet and BARON 5. Hersoy-TasoasAs, his successor. MYLTON. 2 Gilbert-East, of Tilgato Forest, Sussex, 19th liglst drags., is,. Chos’les-Redlyneh, in holy orders, rector of Reeve, Devor, ass. Margaret-Ellen, dan. of Sir Edward Ranks; ansi sf. 1833. in. George, heat. RN.; killed at the battle of the Nile. a. Eleanor-Mary, sss. 1st, to Sir Gilbert East, Start, of Hall Place, Berkshire; and, 2ndly, in 1834, to the lion. Lieut.Col. Jolsu-Craven Westenra. She ci. in 1838. 51. Mary, sss. to Slgior Trevor. an. Eleanor-Frances, sss. to Lieut.-Col. Raitt. Crealiasse—Raronet, 20 Aug. 1821; Baron, 16 July, 1866. { Anus—-Quarterly: lot and 4th, org., en a pile, vert, three dexter hands eouped of the first for J0LLIF5’E 2nd and 3rd, arg., Iwo bars, aa., for MYLTON. Crests—A cubit aras, erect, rouped, vested, vert, cuffed and the sleeve charged svith a pile 5S0 the hand grasping a sword in bead, ppr. ,Sssssssarlrre—Two hans, guardant, ar., cools charged an the shoulder with three anuulets, two and one, or. JIallo—Tant que je puts. Brats— Stersthans House, Red Hill, Sarrey; and Steatis house, PetersOeld. Towss IIss.sse—l6, Stratton Street, Piccadilly. IBBETSON, BART., see SELWIN, BABy. IICERRIN, VISCouNT, see CARRICE, EARL. ILOHESTER. ILCHESTER, EARL OF (Henry-Edward Foxj3traugways), surname and as’nss of STRANCNAY5, ci. 20 Setst. 1776, and cease. Lord llchooter, co Somerset; Baron by his eklest son, Straugwaye, of Wondford Straugways, Co. Dorset; 1772, Mary-Theresa, dasL of Standish O’Grady, Esq. of Capperentice, Lord Ilehoster and Stavordaic, nod Baron of Rest[yuch, co. Somerset; b. 13 Sept. 1847; s. his uncle Hesssv-SvePaeN, 3rd earl. as 5th earl, 10 Jan. 1865. ILtncaçc. The founder of this and the noble family of Holland, SIR STamEN Fox, Knt., was distingssished by his faithful Slory-Lucy, sss. hat, in Feb. 1794, to Tlsosn:so-Mansel ‘l’albot, sdherenoe to CnAar,ea II. during that prince’s exile; and after :he restoration of his royal master, by many high marks of tlse marines, who ci. ha 1836. She ci. 3 Feb. lOSS. nonarch’s esteem and gratitude. Ste was swam of the prisy H50ne1, constituted one of the lords at the Treasury, and granted By his wife, Snoomsahs Strangevays, doss. and en Iseir of on augmentation of his patemal coat-armour, via., In a canton, Thomas Strsngwaye, Faq. of Melbury, county of Dorset. , Thrs n Iteur-de-lis, to himself and his heirs for ever. Sir Stephtn w. became sole heir of tisat old and opulent famsly. 613 ILO 1st, Elizabeth, dau. of William Whittle, Esq. of Lancashire, and Charles, paymaster of tlse forces to CuA0LE5 Il.; sl. 8.3). 1711. tise Rev. Charles Stops, and by that lady (who sl. in 1718) load llexsry, created Bcsrsss llalls’sssf. Clsristissssa, si. srssasr. at Ciselsea, and contributed Isimself 11,0001. to else unslertokhsssg. STEPHEN Fox, Esq., was raised to tise peerage, I] Stay, 1741, as Lord lie/sr des’, of I;c/srster, es. Beisiersel, atssl Bsrs’en Btro.ssg— bays, co. Dorset. his loniship was ssshsequently (3 Jan. 17 10-7) created Lsrsl Ilc/se,lsr sssssl Slssssr’late, Baron çi’Beftyssch, e. Jane, 1750, he was elevated to the Eas.noss Ce Icensovea, wiLls Dorset, smd lead issue, is. Stephen Sts’angways - isigby, heat. - eel. in the army, 0. 1 Dec. 1751; it. 12 Siarseh, lob. 5. 27 April, 1101 ; es. in 1787, Jane, dan. of the Rev. Dr. Haiues, by whom (who sI. 8 June, 1830) lie lead issue, S Charles, capt. RN., 0.25 Dec. 1789; ci. osos. 1835. 2 Tlsemas, brigadier-gen. eoremandisg else royal artillery of the British army in the Crimea, 0. 28 Dee. 1790; as. 20 July, 1833, Soplsin-Eliza, eldest dass. of the late Rsnjamm Stareuc, Esq. of Foot’s Cray, and hosl n dau.,SssphiaStaria, sss.20 April, 1064, to the Rev. Cbristinn Frederick Nesvell, incumbent of Itroadalairs, Kent. Slrigodier-Goseral Strangways was killed at the battle of Iukernsann, 5 Nov. 1804. I Ileury, in holy orders, rector of Reeve, Devon, 0. 20 Fri, 1703; os. 20 Juue, lSl7, Hester-Eeonora, doss, of James Bailer, Esq. of Downes, and sl. 25 Feb. loOt, leaving by leer (who ci. 31 Jan. 1805), Slesay, in holy orders, rector of Silverton, cc. Devon, 0. in 1828; os. 15 April, 1802, Charlotte-Chester, eldest dau. of Francis Copleston, Esq., Madras C. S., onsl has, Theodore-Stephen, 5. 4 July, 1802; Hsrlssrt-Williasss, 0. 4 Dee. 1803; Alice-Laura; Rveline-Clsarlotte; Star- gorse-Christina; and another dau. Wolter - Asian, capt. royal hoses os’tihlory, knight of the Legion of Idonor, 5. lOIS; set. 19 Ang. 1855, HornetElizabeth, 2nd dau. of John-Edward tlssiler, Esq. of Chase Ledge, Enfield, and lsos a son, 0. 14 Sept. lOSS; a son, t. 24 Nov. 1804; and three dous. Charles, 5. 1044; Os. 2 Sept. 1008,Annie-Marta, 3rd dau. eftboloteGeorgoFlory, Esq.sf Ipa,vich. 4 Georgs, on officer in the anny, 5. 1802; sI 10 Apr;], 1852. 5 Edward, in holy orders, 5. 2 Aps’il, 1000; sl. 11 Dee. 1833. 6 Stephen, 5. 10 Aug. 1811; sO. 4 March, 1839. 1 Snsanseah, ass. 9 Get. 1810, to the late Lieut.-Gen. Alexander Macdonald, royal artillery, and ci. 11 Jan. 1834. 2 Frances, sf June, 1861. The lIon, and Rev. C-St. Fex-Straugwaya sO. 4 Nov. 1010. a. Susaunols-Sarah-Lossisa, ste. in 1704, to the late William O’Striess, East. of Stinsfard, Dorsstshirs; and si. isa 1a27. as. Lucy, m. in 1771, to the Hon. Stephen Digby; and ci. 1787. ass. Clonistian-Stenrietta-Caroline, Os. 1770, en Cobotsel Aelonsl; end ci. 1815. lv. Frances-Stand, sss. in 1777, to Sir Volentine-tticisord Qsssns, Rart., afterwards Lord Adair, Viscount Sloaniearl, and Earl of Danravea. Her ladyship 0. in 1817. Ills lordship, who assumed, upon isis masvisge, the additional ltesssv-TnnasAs, 2nd carl, 5. 9 Aug. 1747; who sss. 1st, 20 Aug. co. Limerick, Isy whsns (arho ci. 14 Juno, I Ito) he ls:osl, Elizulsetls-Theresn, sir. 1st, 17 April, 1790, to Wihliam-Doveuport Taibet, Eoq. of Lacock Atdsey, Wilts; an’l 2sslly, 2t April, 1804, to Capt. (aftoras-ards itrar-Adm. Fielditsg, RN., whoci. lu 1877. She sO. in Starch, 1340. Esq. of Slargons; and 2ssdly, 28 April, lash 5, to Sir Christoplser Cole, capt. in the royal navy, K.C.B., colonel nf lady, on the death of tier staler, Jane, Dussiseas of tiamsitos’,