Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/666

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INC INC Edwards eldest son, Edward, was created Eail of Jersey), dignity expired, but the IrisL honours devolved upon his by whom he hod issue, brother, i. WILLIaM, his sneressor. jM0s, 3rd marquess, 7th earl and 12th baron, Admiral ii. Charles, Ihot. tON., ‘1. MCIII. EN., G.C.ll. ttislordohipsss. lot, O5Nov. 2000, Ehza-liridge. IlL. James, 31.1’., a’. Mar, IlsIs. of the Very 11ev. William man, 2nd dan. of James Willyams, Es’1. of C’arnanton, ii Jephson, Joan of Kilmorr,° and h,ot issue, Cornwall (which lady d. in 3501); lndly, Jane, clan, of 1 Mrsr.aren. who o. to tho earidom, aod was created Tl,s,nsas Ottley, Esq., and relict of Valentine iloroford, Esq. MAnoceos OF ‘Isloalson. (witch lady 7. ha 1013); and Irdly, 5 Jan. 1017, Anno, widow 2 John, l1.N., 1. o. p. 1100. of hear—Admiral Pane, and sister of the late Sir Charles 3 Edward, so. Miss 3lary CarrieR, and if. Macrh, 1031, having had, Flint. lie ,l. 3 Jnly, 2851, o. is. when the 3larqnessato of j Thom and and tho Earldom of Ilsehiquns became EXTINCT; Marroagh, d. ursa. but the Barony of lnehiqnias devolved on Sm Luemno V,’ILLIaas, lad ns.srqaess. JAMEs, 3rd mar,,nrss. O’Dmeme, Ilart., of Drosssoland, now 13th bonn iNcamousms. Edward, rapt. l2.N., as. 1st, in 1003, Diana, eldrst dan. His lordship’s pedigree from the paront stom is thus if tIes. liathans, whirls lady 0. o. js. 20 N,ss . lob; 2n’lly, dednrod 11 April, lalS, tirrrrsmdr-Graee. youngest dan. ol Paul Munaauon (tise Thaniot or Monarch) repairing to Coin 3lrtlsaee, Eap ol Crrslaasn, by svhom (who ii England by the advice of the lord-deputy, in 1043, 1 hay, loll) ho hal issue, resigned (aa already stated, sssjsrn) his seroreigaty is Gertro,lr-Matll,la, so. 11 Juno, 1010, to her oonsia, HENnY VIII, and avas, in reeunaprnse, oroatod Earl of John-I’laasspire hleilsssrn, Lsq., neplsesr of tlss lata T?seeso,sh for his own life (with relnatssder for life to his Lord Mellsnca. 3t.sry-Cathorine, se 20 Jan. 1812, to the late tIer. Jolsa nephew, the reprrscntattve of the older branch of tho Ilandltos Forsyth. family of O’Brien), send Daaaa of ONcasquIx, to descend to bard Edward O’Dryca sI. lrdty, 10 Aprit, 1022, Mica- the iseirs nsale of his holy, l’y letters-patent, dated at beth-Sosan, 2nd daa. of henry, Otis Hake of theaufert, Greenwich. I July, 134:1. Ills hor’lship in. Elessnor, dan. of ny wh’,In ho had a ssss, lleory-lVilliaao, s!. an infant. Ssr Them,ss rstrgerald, Ksst, of tho Glyn, and dying in Lard N,larard 1. 3 llarrh, 1824. His widow st. Liont.- 0501, loft issue, Gm. Jamsses Orshe, salle 1. in 1010. John, rapt. hIlls real.. 0. m. s. Desason, ancestor of cha hlargnesses of Tisomond. tlary, s. lst, to sir ttielsarsl Cm, Dart.; and lndly, n. ‘feig, arho had one son, who d.c. p., and three daus., his to tho llischt liens. D’itllans Sarariss, am, onsisrsst lawyer, ce—lse;rs. aol fr dh;rea years attorney-general of Oroland. She III. Daaoenu. at 38 Jass. boO. The 3rd san, harriet, s,s. Ia Sir Jeseph-hallis hleare, Dart., and 51, Donnuon, who obtained msdor his father’s will tho castles O 3Iey, lob]. I 3lary. ani lands of be; ghmenagh, romnland, and other lends, cs. 2 Anne, sell ltareh, 1744. to the Mast Rem. 3lirlsael Cex, C1’sre, m. Slany, dass. of J,,hn 3laenamara, chief of his name, TIi).,treII0isha]s of Cashcl; and ii. 18 Jan. 1745. and dying 6 Sept. 1000, left asen, CINNnR, who sss. Many, 3 llnsrietla, as. 1st, to Tereamo O’bentm2cn, Esq.; and dan. of Sir Terlough O’Brien, end dyhsg 2 Jan. 2102, left a 2ndly, to Sir Wiltiam-Vignrs Dasrslett, Dart, san, DnNuunn, 5. 0303, whe ma. Ilenera, dasa. of Hiehwd s. Tienriella, sin 1317, to Robert Sandford, Esq. of Castlerea; Wingfiold of Iteborstewn, en. Linsorick, and dying 10 Jan. and it. in t731. lOal, left aoon, CnNNOO, a cot in the army, 0 1617, whe m. II. Mary, s,s. In Robert, 10th Eon of Itlldare. 3iary, dass. of Teig Doe MrMahass (who s’s. 2ndly, Captain The carl if. 24 Dee. b7ol, end was e. by his eldest son, John Cooper), essd hat Isy her a sos,, DoNounss, and two WILLIAM, ith earl, who as. 1st, ilk 1720, Anne, Countess darts., tionnra and Mary. Col. Conner O’Brien was killed of Orkney hs her earls right, by wlsons ha had seros-al in battle in 1081. His only san, ohihdren, all of whosn it..’. p. bef,’ro himself, except Stray, I. Dnsenuen O’ilosrss. of Leaghmenagb and Dremoland, at the sleesase of her metiser, Consstess of Orkney, wise sm. co. Claro, H.P. ansi P.C., wsss e;-eated a BARONET OF IRE- her cousin, Mnrrongla O’Drysn, Es,1 , the earl’s snrcessnr. L.sase’, 0 Nor. 10Sf. SIT Donoegh 1,5. 1st, Lucia, 2nd dan. his lordsh’p a. lndly, in 1761, Hal7, dr.n. of Stephen, of Sir George Mnmiltnn, by avlsemn he had an only son, Visronsat Ma;ssstaaslsel, lsnt had no other iesmse. I-To it. 15 Jnly, Lasoins, wlss ms. Catherine,’ dan. of the Right Hen. Thomso 1777, and w .ss. by his rsrphew and s,an-hs-law, Keightloy, vice treaanrer of Ireland, of the family efKeightMus;ssounn O’llssyna. Esq., above neel;tiassesl, as 5th earl, by, of Hs.rtingfordbna’y, Herts, and if. at raris, rita patri who was created, 2;) Dee. 1500, Shenouo;as o Tnoasoan, 0 Jan. 1717, leaving ass only eon, Enmrann, Ond hart. Sir las the presage cf Irrla;s,t, amid ss peer rf the Usaitesl King- D’nssngh se. 2ndly, Eilzabeih, widow of Henry Grey, Esq. ds,mn, as Bam’sa Ttse,asa’t, sf Tsmplssr, us ISo Cs. sf Darien, of Dnbliss, as,d ds,n. ef Major Deane, of Cs’omlin, by whom 2 Oct. 1501. lOis lordship hal sever,l rbildran by his fisst ho had, with two dans., another son, Hemary, of Stenehall, consent, tlse Countess af Orlesse y, nomae of wlss,ssa lived, rxropl ro. Clare, avlso ms. Fnsamsssa, dssn. asad se-heir of William Hsn-y, who s. to tl;e besnsnrs ‘f her mother, ssmsd s. ttse 31015. Otafferd, Esq of Blathenvyoke, in Nortisanaptonshire, and Thomas Fitsmanriee (see EARL (51 or,xrsay). Ills lordslsi1s h;sd issue. (He TinnER’s L,ssm,tet Cessmry.) Sir Donongh 51. 2ndly, 21 Jut3-, 1792 f.’t tteaeonsfield, whore resi’ir,l her 19 Nov. 1717, sad was o. by his grsndsems, gmsarsH;ssm, Use Right Ohms. Edl,smsd lhsrke), Mam’y, dasm. of II. DIr. EnarAnn, of Dmaimoland. This barossot repro— Jolsms Palmer, Es’1. of Ts’rrissgtoms, on. Devoms, n;d mire ass,l srs;ie I time en. Chase 11; parhamomst, and sssrreedrd the Earl heiress of Sir ,loshssa Reynslo, jsrcsidesst sO tise Royal of Tlse’naond as eahamsel of the s’egimes;t of militia dragoons Araslesny, bs;t 1)- her (u-ha if. at Ol”ylis, Cache, 7 Sept. of tla,,t county. TIe a,. Mary, d;,n. of Hmsgh Hickman, Esq. l0I,) had sse issue. The nsssrqmsess was thrown fl-em of Penloe, and had issne, Isis horse, in Grosressor Square, assd ,t. in eamsswlsscmsee sf O.eese-s-lloanv, his Iseir. use fall, 0 Feb. laUd, whems the Barony of Tansenan sf Th,oagh, arho ,,s. hisry, Can. of Rhelssrd Jima, Esq. Taplsw expired, html the Irish homsanrs derohvrd nposs his Edward, labs 50. Clsarlotle, dan. of Thonaas hdimlaanan, Esq.; Ilepimear, and if. in 1791. loam ing issue. Anne, a. in 0730, to Ricimard Damasen, Esq. of Ardrc. WmLm.maas, 2nd saaarqsmess. H.P., fth earl, who ma. 26 Sept. Jlary, sss. to John Qsdn, Iisq. of Dosbriea. 1700, Elizabeth, only d,sss. and heiress of Tisonlas Tretter, Catherine, w. to Charlos 3laednnmmell, Esq. of Nems’ Hall. Esq. of Duleck, by avhomn (wise if. 3 Mareh, loll) ho had Lucy, as. to l’hsu;as Arthur, Esq. of Gleasmera, en. Clare. isssme, llasviet. Srsass-llaama, ns. 12 Ang. 1024, Ic Hear-Adstiral the lion. Sir Edward dyimmg 20 Nov. 1763, was e. by his eldest son, Oeorge-F. 110tham, tt.N., who if. hO bet. 10Sf. She st 23 ItO. Sma Luesus, who em. In Hay, 1765, Anne, dais, of hlareh, 1037. Sarah, s,. I April, 1030, to Major WiDissm Stanbo1 o ‘faylor, Robert French, Esq. ef Olnnivae, H.P. for the oo. Galwsy, son af ‘l’henssms ‘iaa’i,,r, Dss1. of Sea-elI O,sl,s, ammd grandmess asssl grssmsslalasm. ef Sir :tm-chhbseld Aehesoms, Dart., aftermvards of Charles, late Earl Staoll,51o. SIso ,. 0 Fri. 1500. Earl of Gosferd, by whom ho had six sons and six dans., Mary, a. in 1836, cu athehard, 2nd Earl of Dante2 and if. 10 gon’aao, Isis lmetr. lsmlv, 1833. bneiems, ,,s. latin, dau. of Wmn. Ihumplaroys, Esq., and if. s. p. Eliesbeth, s. 22 Dec. 1835, Os Sir Geerge-Shaelem’ Stnmley, llollerh, admniral lt.N., s,s. Passe O’Drien, and leO issue, Lemias, Dart., of Msntland Abbey, Deaen. Iteherl, Edward, George, Nancy, Catlmeelse, Heneietls, and ibis lordship was created a peer of the United Kingdom, as T.ney. Eas’sa TestcaoIer, sf Tss’feastor, Cs. Ynm’i, by patent, 3 July, Danough, mis. llnriaoae Semphe, and had isaac. henry, sss. Olanrielt liens, aod if. 8. p. 1526, but if. n’ilhent male issue, 21 Ang. 10i6, when that Conner, ,l. in the West Indies. o Dy Anne hms wmfe, eldest dan. of Redmond Barry, Esq., and * She u-as granddau. ef the lit Roil of Clarondenand first relict of Capt. Samnacl Harts-eli. coumiu to Qutcsss hlAaa and Aas,a. 616