Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/669

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ISH afterwards warden), in the 5th year of EDWARD VI. Tie woo Sir Jnet’mian vi. in April, 1841, and was e. hy his toe, aloe governor of the English merchant adventurers in Flanders, IX. Sin JUOTINIAN Vnae, Ic. in 1810, at whose deceaco, aen;;c. I and sheriff of Northamptonshire in 1181. The grandson of tlsis in Sept. 1840, the lite devolved on hie icrcctleor. gentleman, I. Sin JOaN Isnass, Nut., higts-sheriff of Nertlsamptonshire in Creaflccao—30 Stay, 1627. the 9th year of Jauns 1., was created a Baronet 30 Slay, 1027. Arccee—Ou., a fceee, wavy, aced in chief, tleror p11cc, also wavy, Sir John eec. in 1607, Judith, dan. of Dr. William Lesvyn, the poirte eeacctieeg tee fence, org. learned civilian, jusige of the Prerogative Ceesrt of Canlerbsiry, Crea;—A deini—ewase, critic winge elieplayect, org., icealsed, ea. &c., by wlsoen he lead tsvo daus., and isis snccessar at isis decease, Macfe — Oeleeeclo non osvceeto. .4 act/eec’ e,,ella — 0cc tlciicge in 1651, it. Sin JusTieeeaa, who ns. 1st, Jane, dan. of Sir John Gerrard, Nnt., Bert., by whom he had foor dane., Jane, ri coo.; Elbabetle, cc. to Sir Nicholas L’Rstrange; Jodith, d.. sow.; and Sosan, Os. to Sir Nicholas Careso, Part. lIe so. Sndly, ‘erc. elan. of Thancae, Lord Leigh, aced granddau., maternally, of Theiscas Egertan, Viscount hrackley, lord-cleancellsr of England, by whem Ise lead six sons and two dans.; the elder, Mary, scc. to Sir Marmadcske Dayrell, Riot. 1-Ic ci. 2 Starch, 1674, and was 5. by his eldest son, lii. SIR Teinasco, who ef. without leenc, in 1601, when the title i dnvelved npon Isis brother, IV. Sea JuemedlaN, SIP, in tOSS for the co. Nortleaneplan. This gentleman co Elienheth, only don. of Sir Eeleonnd Tereor,0 Itnt of Stoke Rochford, in Lincolnelcire, hy whom he hod eight none and six dane., of whom, }. became successive baronete. III. Euseby, in Icely orders, rector of Lam1eort, and rector Cumherland, whascc son ,Jccua’ 1. at Carlisle 1608, leaving a eels, of Lincoln Cellcge, Oxford; cc. in 1739, Slary, daa. of lice TleeeeAc, u-ho as. in 1071, Mary Johncon, and whore third con, Rev. Matthew Panting, D.D., maatrr of Pembroke College, Jocnru Jacciex, Ecq , on alderman of Console, ace. Mary Oxford, and had, • I JuoTixeAa, whe o. as 7th baronet. 2 Enseby, rector of T.amport, t. in 1742; eec. Diana, dan. of BorenT JACEcON, a ncajor in tl;e arnay under General Wolfe Thoncm-Draper Baber, Req.; and dying in 1514, left icaeee, doring the war in America. Me ac Slice Prelt, of Vorktown, Charlee-Eneeby, in holy erdere, rector of Pc,lehrooke ansi Vh-ginia, and ci. at Chatham, 1709, having bad, witls other Oandle, Northamptonehirc, 0. in 1774; ci. 18 March, 1062; lessee, Enseby; Jolia—Clearlotte: Charlotte, cc. to Major Wttliasee JOHN Jicccsow, Req., who Os. llauoah, dan. of Nathaniel Edureby; Diana; Statilda. 3 Ectnaund, D.D., ri. in togs. I. Fhilippa. Sir Justinian ci. in Slay, 1730, and was r. by lets nldcot eon, V. Sin JoeTtalas, SIP. for the cc. Nortleanaptoso, wise ccc. in ii. JOHN, of c-leone presently. 1724, Mary, only sorvtving child of LIsle Itacket, Req. of Maxtaut, ccc. Robert, Ic. April. 170he an officer in the rayal navy, who tie Warwtckchire, by Darothy, his 2nd wife, dan. of Sir Jc;len Pridgeman; wise ci. witleont issue, in 17307, wleen the title iv. Joseph, 5. 177i ; a barnietnr-at-law; vi. uc;ccc. 1830. devolved nleen isis brotleer, VI. Sen Enacuxu, lIt P. for the co. Northampton. This gentle- The 2nd con, neon cc. let, Fliraheth, cidret dan. of Edward Wrood, Req. of I. JoleN Jacceoc, Req., /,. at Ktogctowo, Jasnalea, 30 Dec. Littletan; and Zndy, in 1701, Pleilippa, only den, of Richard 1703, an East India Director, private cecretary to Lard Keith, Gee, Req. of Orpington; bat having no issue, was e. in 1772 by cod af;ercrarde SIP. for Dover, arac created a l;aronct, 22 Slay, lets nephew, VII. Sen JUeTINIAN, DCL., who crc, to 1700, Sacannab, dan. of Ilenry Parrot, Req., and left issue, J. JncTealow, 8th baroeeet. is. Vcre, rectar of Lanaporl, t. 177-1; Ice. 1500, Jane, don, of e. Igmae-Ac,nxrer,r, Oad baronet. John Chaenherc,t Req.; and ci. 1840, leaving, I Joiex-Vnne, 0. 1003; m. 1830, Mary, only don, of William 11. JOHN, of Wellington, Nc-er Zca’csad, t. 28 April. 1799; so. Wood, Req. of Prixworth. 2 Robert, ccc. Martlea-Jane-Eleanar, eldeet dan. nf Rev. Tel. Wolhy.llrawae, 0.30 rcec. 1812, in flee Pcogal civil service, W5in. Wilson, rector of ltarriegton, and hoe three doves., Martha-Jane; Eleanar; and Lo;nea, ace, to LL.Col. Charles Scudanaorc Lnngdcn, BA. 3 Thonsae, major 79th higlelondere; ci. Ii Oct. 1054. 4 Edmund, late capt. 51st regt.; ci. 10 Jan. 1580. 1 Eliea, ne. in 1851, to Col. Itenry Packe. us. Henry - Clearlee, In leoly ordere, rector of Shangton, cv. Colvillc-c’orerThy, t. 7 May, 1504; 11. E. I. Co.’s ccvii ccc— Leiceeterelaire ; cc. Slarianiea, claee. of tttchard Bailer, Req of Devonehire-iclace; and ed. in 1833, having lead to-c seas, henry, wlee ri. to 1820; and Arthur, in holy ordce-o, rector of e. Charlotle-Spry, ci. vecc,cel. Weston Turville, liucke. who cc. 1840, Chaedotte-Eiiaabelle, yoeuigeet dan. of Sir Patrick Slurray, Part., of Ocletortyre, and lcae ieeeec, Arthur-Charles, I. 1847; and Anna. I. Soeeienale, ccc. to George Prielacke, Req.; ci. to 1849. it. Haeidet, ci. to Jane, 1840. ne. Sophia, ccc. to Thonene Palmer, Req., eldest eon of Sir Jolen 14th and aftre-worde in the 4tie ligl;t-dregcene, aide-dc-camp to Palmer, Part, of Charlten; d. in 1851. iv. Louisa, as. to Ral1de CaIdwoll, Req. of Milboreece, co. lice Iioea. Mamatcteaart Klphieeetaeac, in RamSey, aced aide-dc— Norfolk, who ci. leaving issue. v. Iliaria, ci. 18 Slarch, 1846. ye. Aena-Philippa, vi. 13 Aug. 1855. vu. Eliaabetle, ci. access. Sir Juetinian d. 1 April, 1818, and erase, by his eldest eon, VIII. Sin JUeTINIAN,, Ic. 24 April, 1773; ccc. in Slay, 3812, 21 Aug. 18-13, lie ccc. Amelia, only don. af George Waddell, Mary, eldest dan. of the Rev. Sanaceel Circe, of Dnunbanaghcr Ecq., judge in the RiCe’s civil service, and had sena, and Elm Park, cc. Armagh, and grauddau. (enatcruatly) of the 3IIouNTeTuAap-000nseernr, 3rd haraeeet, 15ev. ArtIer Champagnd, dean of Clemuacnoiee, by whom he had, KEITH-tixeeex, present bareceet. JUeT5NiAN-VenE, late baronet. Cnaretne-Enaeneen, present baronet. Slary, vi. in 1828. JAC trancitery recteth no glory. Seaci—Lampert hall, Nortleaneptoneleirc. JACKSO)4. , JACKSON, SIR KRITH-GEOPOE, of M Arlecy, cci. Bedford, 5. 2 Aug. 1842; latn liout. 83rd foot; a. his brother, as 4th baronet, 16 Nov. 1857. This fancily dccreudo frona PaoneaT JAcKsON, of Carlicle, co Patincon, end had, evith teva other eons, Coverley, and had (erith two other ceun, who cf. eueccs., and tiaree doses.) four sonc, o. Saneucl, of Clarendon, Jaeeaaica, who ccc. Eliaabeth-Sarah, dan. of King, Reel., and cf Iraving boson. ocrvcei erbth Lard Kettle, ansi ci. vec-adeaeiral of the Rod, 9 Jeecee, 1e52. cc ,c ac.. ISIS. SIr Joiso as. Clearlotte, dan. of Gen. Garehasu, of Goreleans Pent, Nova Scotia, niece of W’illiana Spry, Req., govre-ccor of Parba,laee, and evidaee- of J. Christian, Req., by srleasn (c-lea 5i. 30 Jour, 1e07) he had teens, 8 Slarcia, 1832, tlanaria—Acane—Slaria, dau. of Jasseoc Lcaeaicll, Req., nod has Eeitl;—Rel,ert aced dicer issue. see, let, Katherine, dau. of John llreagce-ford, Req., and by leer laat Elpleinatoiae (ac-c joft’n•) and etteer iceeee. He ace. 2ndly, Slaria-aac-gerctta, eldest don, of Lbent.-CK. Georgel’lsoneac D’tgcailar, and by her (echo ‘2. 21 Aug. 1842) had teco scene. ale cc. Srdly, Kliaaicelh, does, of T, —.1. Ireland, Req. of Oescdon ilail, Suffolk, end Sac by her Iwo cons. vbcc; cc. 1800, Story, don. of T. Dogisee, Req., .-sad had a does.. e he 5. at Pcearec, 19 June, 1888. Margarrt-Aunc, ea.24 April, 182/, to Gearge Rennie, Req., F.R.S., CE., and hoe had two cans and a dan. Sir John ct. to 1820, aud woo a. lay his eldest eon, 11. Sin KmTn-Ae.rxAannu, I. 8 Jon. 1798, an officer in tlee camp aced Persian iesterprcter to Sir John Ninesior SlcPcoaa;d, receiving tlee ardor of tlce Liase aced the Snce foe’ his services frona tise Shah of Persia. lie also servtd under Lord Keane, to Ihe cenelcaign in Scinde; and flee herdelcips of the morris, together critic an accident while on deify at Caubnl,catseed leic early drahle, Ameha-Georgina, who, critic her eldrr brotleor, and her eleter Anna-Stedafloc, w-ae isa the naidet of the Indian mcetieey, and who perished in the massacre at I,ocknaer, 24 Sept. 1857; nbc ri, e’eeee, - Anna-Madehece, erho miraculously escaped en lice mutcoy; ehe cc. 21 Slareb, 1859, leer conchs, Elphteecteeee Jackcon, Req., And niece of Sir William Chambers, Knt., the oreleitect. - a judge ef the leigh court, Bengal, rldcct eon of Welhy-Jd. ‘ By Margaret lain wife, lea, of Sir John Harrison, Knt. 619