Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/684

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KEN K E N N A W A 37. KF.NNAWAY, SiLt JoHN, of Escot, co. Devon high olseriffof - Devonshire in 1866 8. 15 Dcc. 1797; A his father, as 2n,l hart., 1 Jan. 1836 ; vs. 28 April, 1831, Brolly-Frances, dan. of the late Thomas Kingecote, Esq. of K ingecote, in Gloncesterohire, and by her (who ii. 16 May, i. Jones-Cusarce, 8.23 March, 1891. 1858) has had issue, I. Jona-IlmIax, 8. 6 Juno, 1837; ci. 27 Nov. 1560, Fancy, n. Goo-gc-Edward, 8.2 Aug. 1857. older don, ef Archibald—F. Aebethnet, Esq. (see cute, ARBUTHNOT, CART.) and granddau. of 1’. M. Viscount DAREr O’Koxxony, Req. ef Iksltilceirogs,e Castle, es Water. Gongh. n Charlcs-W9flian,, 8. 1 April, 1843. itt. ftrrarl-Acland, 8. 13 June, 18-15; it. 29 Nev. 1859. is’. Ilirhar,l-.trthnr, 8. 25 Feb. I 547. a. Emily-Charlotte. 1. Jons KENNAWAY, Req. (descended from William Kennatray, 1781, Sarah, dau. of John Itsyly, Eaq. of Gswran; and 4ying in Eeq., a userehant, by Jayce. lao. of Sir William Bastard, of 1911, left to’s sans, Garden, cc. Devon), having entered early tote the service of dons, Iris heir. the lion. East India Company, received his co,nmission as captain Charlea-Edss-ord, of Pea Mossnt. in 1780, and served in the Ilengat tart of the grand army, Tl,e rider sea, commanded by Lieut.-Gen. Sir Ryve Coote, Kit., in the Cantone, I. Sin Jones Kos’souy, 8. in 1705, created a Baronet 1916; ,a during the invasion ef Ilyder ,tli, oatH the battle and siege let, lob, Maria, dan. of W’illians lleauasaa, Eeq. of Rutland of Cuddalore. A general peace aeon after takiag place, Captain Square, lioblin, by whom (‘rho it. in 1828) ise lead issue, Kennoway returned to Itengal; was appointed, in 1786, aide-dc- Cnxotos-gnwAongAny, present baranet. camp is Marquees Com,rallie, and sent by his lordship, in 1758, Willkini-ticaunisu, 8. 1 April, 1821 s,. Ieee, Ebasbeth, don. as envoy to the court of ttydrabad, to ,lensand from the Nioan, the cession ef hoe mariliioe proviuce of (iuntoor, which, con— John, 5,. 21 Sept. 1s25; it. in 1841. toary to treaty, had for many years remained in his lughnesa’s Friends, 8.21 Nov. 1826; t. 25 Feb. 1887, Eliasbeth, dan. of possession. Captain Kennaway was in this embassy enoinently successful, and soon after concluded wilh tl,e Nioam a treaty of alliance against Tippoo Sultan, for whirls services Ins majesty Robert, is. 2 Aug. 1cM ea. in 1051, Alice, dou. of the Rev, was pleased to create him a tiaroocl, 20 yet,. 1791, and the Coma of Directors of tIre East India Company to take out his paient at Maria, ci. Aog. 1847, to Jshn-Tettenhain Langrishe, Esq. the Isublie expense. 101792, toe woo appointed, by tIre Marquess Cornwallio, eonmissiener to adjuse, in concert with agents of Sir John s’s. Sndly, Oct. 104], Eliaobsth-Anne. dan. of John the Nirom and the Mahrattas, a preliminary and deltattive treaty tleasmson, Esq. of Ityde Park, co. Wexford, but by tier lied no of peace with the commissioners cf Tippoo Sultan, by which the issue. Its F. 15 Oct. 1848. latter prince cede’l half his domitsione, and agreed to the payment of three millions three hundred tlsousand potosde to tt,e three allied posvcra, for the expenses ef the war, and to deliver fox, eoorant, ppr. np two of his sans as hostages fur the due performance of the Creel—A denn-arnn, ombon-ed, in armour, ppr., holdsag a treaty. Ide Ia. in 1797, Charlolte, 2nd dan. ond co-heir ef branch sf oak. Ja’neo Amyate, Esq., M.P., and by 1,er (,vho it. 1949) he l,sd, Urentioa—20 Feb. 1791. Acoa—Arg., a fc,oc, ao., tietween to-s eagles, displayed, in Lanme-Jane, 4th dan. of Cotbbert Ehhison, Esq. of ctsief, and is l’aoc, lhr,esglt an ,snsnlet, go., a slip of olive, and another of pahor, i’i s.sltier, ppr. Hepburn, co. Durham, and has had, Urea—An eagle, rising, ; front the beak an escutcheon, prudent, so., charged witis the sun in splendour, also s,pr. welts—Ascend sin. scal—Eseol, Otttey St. Mary, Devetsslaire. K E N K E N N E D Y. KENNECY, SIR CHARLES. Eow1tRo-BAYLY, of Johnstown Kennedy, co. Dublin, 8. 13 Feb. 1820; a. as 2nd baronet, on the decease of his fatlser, 15 Oct. O1818 ott. 19 Oct. 1855, Lady % Angueta Pery, sister of William, 2nd Earl of Limerick, and by her (who et’. 10 Nov. 1865) has issne, ILLII feed, vIse ci a dan. of Stephen huron, Esq. of Knnehdrunols, was father of dons KosNany, Esq. of Jel,nolswn, in the co. of Dnblin, who it. in 1795; lie left, by Eleanor his wife, dsu. of Eaton Pagan, Eoq. of Foltri,,,, a soil and successor, Kowson Koxaspy, Req. of Jstenslosvn, 8. in 1746; wits so. in of douses Marlin, Rsq. of floes, cc. (Oalsvey, and has a son, Wililsoe-Itorare, 8. 1 ccl, and tn-s dons. the Isle Christopher Sanders, Esq. of Deer Park, Cork, and ,t. in 1e62, leasing a son, Jshn-Arth,er, 8. Jan. lShO. henry and Lady Emily Gray, sister of William, 2nd Earl of Line crick, Ui-co ttess—1936, on a feats, avg., between three hebaots, close, a jIsEt,,—Adheereo vi,’tuth. .Ste,te_Jshmotown Kennedy, co. DnbPm; and Cumhson, so. Woterfsrd. K E N S I N 0 T 0 N. KENSINGTON, BARON (Wilhiom Edwardee), in the peerage of Ireland, capt. RN.; lord-hieut. of the Susan, os 15 Stay, 1841, to 11,0 late lIon, and Rev. Gerard-T. cu. of Pembroke; 8. 3 Eels. 1801; sic. 12 Oct. 1833, t. Wirtotes, lhcsst.-cel. Coldstresm-gseards, 8. 11 May, 1815, oilS Sept. 1867, Nlieabeth, eldest dau. of the late Robert. Johnston Douglas, Es,;. of Lackerbic, and has a inn, 8. 25 Jcsly, 1868. it. Cuthlcrt-Etlison, lisut. rifle brigade, 1. 15 Jan. 1918. in. tlenry-fteorgs, in. 15 Dee. 101-1. o Luoro-Jane. it. Lssusa-Jsne. itt. Oihieolseth. sv. Isabella-Caroline, el. 29 Dcc. 1859. v. Caroline. dons, present baronet. Chartes-Ed,vard, in holy orders, MA., vicar of Ca,npdm, Gleuessterehire, ansI canon of (iloaceeler; 8. 1 Jan. lob; in. 1st, 17 done, lEtO, Fauna, 41h des,. of tIer Han. and 11ev. Gerard-C. Noel; and Sodly, 20 15cc. 184-5, Olivia 3rd dau. of the tale 11ev. hnwio Stoy, of Stanated l’ark, Snssex by his Sod ,narriage lie h,s, i,sue, Charles-Lewis, 8. 1 July, 1s17. Arehnr-Oeeaad-NoOI, Ii. 6 April, 1851. Agnes-Olivia. Marion. Lawrence, E.I.C.C.S st. at Allahabad, 8 April, 1822. William—Itieleard, als’s in rite licugal civil seroiee, judge of Futtchpere; 8. 11 J,e,ic, lSe4 so. 17 Stay, 1031, Nba, don. of ihetate George-i’aynta ltiekctts, Esq.: and d. in Ore. 1842, having had issi,e three daos., Maria; Renity-Frauces, is. II July, 1867, to Eugeuc-F. Cri,aiu, Seq., 01.41.; and Blanche. Charlotte-SItar, to. to less, to George Tcnitder, Req. of Saadfmd Orlcigis, Dovs,o, arid ha, issue, Isvo stsces. Maria, iii-. 22 Dcc. 1025, to Francis-William Neos-osoon, Req. Frances, ci. 2-I May, ISIs, to Edward Cronin, Esq., 31 .D., sod has issue, three tens a,sd three dates. Augusta. Noel, brother to Charles-Noel, 1st Earl of Goinsboreogh. 634