Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/696

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K I N atisl has issue, RtspertJohn-Nevinson, 6. ]859; Michael, is. I SilO; William, Is. I 869; Emily; Beatrice; ansi Bertha. Anne. Mary-Itcasie. Trances Ca;herine. 1 Anne,so. Ia Ssrdohn-flarslanSsnelair,IiaeL; 8.23 Sept. toll. 2 Llszahetis, 19. is 1797. 3 Aesee, S. its 1505. iv. Jams’s, liesst.-gev. of Grareseosi and Tiilsnrv len ; 8. 1824. v. Gerald, its holy orders: 19. in 1792. I. Mare, in. is this Itea’. Ilicliaret hassle. ii. hlassha, deceased. its. Riszai’elis. ss. Anne, 19. its 1d13. He 8. in March, 1776, and seas e. by his airiest san, Jo5155, 26th harass wise 555. in 1763, Sits ass, class, of Conway lllsatserheisseti, Esq. cf Castle Cenwar, en. Kerry, by whoos (seho it. in 1519) he had issue, 5, lotte, heat—cal. his the army; who d. in tat’, frassa cx— KINCST0N, E.epL or (Sin Jats1ao King), Vieoousit rewire fatigsie slisnsnsr the casopaigil hi Stain. L. ‘fSS,aLss, a rleegyansts ofllse astestdislted elissrels, 27th harass. Kitsgoborsiesgls, and Barota Kiisgote’ss, its tOo peos’age sit . hliehsaet, mist. l1.N. ; 8. in tel a, leaving isssse, by Catisorhae,° of Irelaisel ; Bat-ass Kiasgotosi, of iIstelsolotnaen, in dan. of W’ilhiata do Lisle, iAq., 1 Js,str-Sa-ArLssveo, 26th baron. 2 lVitliasnAltsseriaas, RN.; 9. in 1810; an. 14 Mae. 1819, of Ireland; to. S April, 1810; 0. ills brothas’ as 5th sanest,’, ante does. sf ,laeeh Weyssiait’ Is, Esq., tiN., and earl 21 Jnsa, 151)7 ; sss. 25 Aeug. 1560, Anna, 4th data, U. 5 Jnly, 1967, hasissg isad, ,ttsnts—Acai 01555 5.0, ie. its dais. 1843. I (‘atiserina, ci. I Stat’, 1627, ta Franrisdiernard iioaminb, lID., bishop of C’loyne, P ‘.., late 31.1’., and has Thssso. (.0cc bht’ateu’s L,tssslssl i9ssc le1s, t(L.xastoss Of lFillOff5’nee.) it’. lii ratsi, liessl.—esd. its the arose’ l sss in 1 897, Ehaabetts— This family of Rtva was ortgioally of Fenthercock Hall, (‘isrlyass. lass, of JoIsts Ilisltop, Esq. atsd S. sit Oct. 1o48, an. York; and the first of sts members we find upon record ;his widow 19. 1812), unclog issue, 1 .5 nsa—Fitzroy, i. 19 Mart It, 1521. 1 Sitsasenalt, to. 19 dais. 1831, to ‘1 homas Page, Faq. I s,araldisse, as. 11 April, l°30, to Witliasss I’orr> , Faq. 3 1 ‘rodent a—hlaitlassd, so. 4 April, 1840, ta the Ihaesss Patti. Abbey of Eaylo, eo. Rosconamon; ntsd from Kis,gJxasnn I., 11’. 1)0 llagset’ior. 4 ltenriotsa—Jaao-i’asdel, Ia. in 1811, to atajar the Chevalier highest and mont lucrative political employments. He nit. d’s Kisebel, of the Essspernr of Austria’s aort’iea. t. lle.niha, so. in 1792, Ia Andrew Assnow, Req.: balls sloe. is Bliaabelts, Ia. 1799, to Sir Charles I)aalswaod, viea.adntiral the lossl-depnty Ste William Dinry, and as ass. at his decease 17.37., K.C.t7., K (ITS., atsd ii. Isis said ow 12 Jesne, 1869. Sin ItoonaT lithe, Rat., tnsssior-mnster-geneeni of Ireland; ‘(heir son, C’spt. Francis Daslsss and, coy. horse art., ‘a. who ass. lot, Frassees, doss. of Sir ilenry ±‘olhott, 1st Lord 12 Jass. bIG, Jane, dan. of the late Cal. Shyring, II.A and l5ollintt, of hlallyshannets, nssd had, with other children, sea’ hilh’ei at use battle of lhoodhao its talC. sit. A 55,50’s seraldstse, as. in 1 “21, Isa Joists-James Itatsaitton, t. Joins, who raaaieed Nsa hsanotsr of knigbllsaasl u asset, Essu. of Ballysssaeai, eo. ltcssIls ; acid 8. 20 t’eb, I “52. lIne sos, (irrald de Castrey llanai lion, Baq.. olsiof eotssIal,le 5sf lisa a theresa, t,s. 20 April, 1639, iteaeietla-Asstt a, widow of Wallis-O’B.—lI. Bnelsassan, linus. 92nd Iligtslandero, assd yosasgest dais. of Ilse late Alhsesey—B. Sat lie, Fos1., nf Oaklaa,is, Reran. it’. Ilesry, so. to ll’iih,sssa Iioansists, Fsq. of Iteaoasant (n-c BeAassno as’ ll’il)’gane,, hrnttn’s Landed fiseira), :sssd 0. 1821. his lordship si 24 May, 1022, and was s. by his aldast sar dying son, Titoesos, 27u1s harass; at whose docanac teals, in 1932, the titlo devolved upon his nephew, donN-STArLn’aoss, 18th barssn ; Is. 17 Sept. 1901, wha in. ii, I lanes’, its. Iloneny, of as Ison’s prosessth—. 2 Oat. 1d21,Sarnh, dad dass. of Joseph Chadder, Rsq..nnd Isad, Sir Robert :,s. Indly, Sesphia, eiast. ef Sir Edteard Zonohe, Jona-Coaavaarsae, 29th baron. litetsoeT--Can000, present peer. Flaronee-Helena. Casherina-Adela, nt 24 Oes. 1831, to l.iessi.-Col. Sirettost, Sir Thsotsano Enrssardiotoss, dssd Mont., of Rattan, Suffolk. tale 40th regt., of honlon Pilots, Nails. ills lordship 19. 7 Jan. 1047, assd u-ass a, by hia eider ansi, Jottro-CosssTo’sTsrcn, 2s’th hares, 9. 9 Nae. 1’27; who as. LL.B., liP. for that stiles, atsd a pniey-aounailhor in leeIssad, 1 hlarah, 1b23, Adolsside, only die, of Joshua-Pnioter.P,rowaa Fnaneeo, class. and ce-Isoir of Colonel Henry Gore; and IVoothoad. Es,j., of Leat’aotlo, on, Worcester, nss’l host an only dying in 1769, woo a. by his rides t sass, child, Adelaide-Constanaa’Rnhesia. lie 1. 15 June, 35(9, and Sin Joata, yt.p, for thUro. R,,oaomnaot:, who d.s.s. was a, by isis brc,thrr, hlse ttaot,.h’stscoAn, the 20th assd 1720, wtseu the title devolt ed upon his brotiser, hsreoent Lard loin goalo. Creation—I 181. _-leioa—Arg., three angles diadaycd, gss., This gentleman m. 1722,loabolla, alotorof Richard. Viscount stsseall erotenad, or. Cessl—(sss a slssassl esn’saos, y, ass coda. Powerocosirt and dying in 1740, w’as a, by his oldest aon, diqslays d, arg. ,Sspporlees—Tteo nnheas’os, an., each oorged ,Ssa RaoeaT, who was otevated to the peerage of Ireland, wills coronets, essis1.onesl of eeosoes-pat astd fiasst’s-sle.his, stud elsainost, arasad, erined, ansI ssngssteei, or. Jsfohio—Viiseil aaustia varilos. Sessl—Psingrona, Devon. KINUSBOROUGIT, VISCOUNT (666 KINGSTON, and EARL or KINunTON, 25 Aug. 176S. Hhs lordship os in EARL OF). KINGSDO)VN, B. (ExTtNt’r—,oae hoot, Phiits,CCF9 ExTt7tun’ /st 15071. a This lady in. lssshty, b-S. Sinsast, Faq., heat. tIN.; and Fmnoes, na. in 1903, to i’lsoaaas ‘fenisass, Esq. of Cnnite Teal Irdly, W.-W. Bolt, Faq. 616 IL (u rage. in Ireland is, Sin Jororo Km-a, Rut., who obtained from Qiseots ELbAnm-to, in roqnitat af lsia sseilitary services, n laaoe of tho ssnmeroua valuable territorial grantn, ntid several of the Cathosino, data. of Robert Dsnsy, Req., and gooad-nioeo of by Isis eldest son, ssillsssssghs so en-lit e Crossntoettiesss, tests eiet’otest to lisa lsaersae in- Cnxam-s It., for Isia cacti in reatariog the sssooarehsy, by 1atent, doted 4 Sepi. lOtO, io lisa digssit of BARGe totnosyoss, lbs lsrelohnp as. Cslhss’nine, class. (Icy’ isis toife, Margas’et, sister asssh Isair of lisa White Koiglst) of Sir Willions Fenton, sit hlilclaelsiaa’a, ao. Cork, tosS gs’aoddau. at Sir Geoth’ey S’atstsa, principal oerreuaee at stole. By stein tasly hard Kingston’s faasily acquired lIsa estate of hiilelselslown. its its I hf, leat’issg It’s ones, Bsssoacv, lsssl lord ; ansi dante It’d Is,rsl, ts’ltase seas, Jsses, 4lls lord, 8. tss 1761, teat ing ass only dan. assd lieu’, MAoaaonv, trifa of Ilialsard Fisageraid, Rsq. of Maoist (Iplisday, eo. Kihdare, Ktst, of Wohiag, Surrey, and teidow’ of the eelebrata,I general, Sir Editors! Cecil, Viscaasst Wtnsbicdoaa (‘cc Rxneo, lixnQe’caa), tsy whom Le left usa only ehilst, Elizabeth, os to Sir Behest’s yassngast sits, RoDenT Ksssa, T’sq. of Roekingham, co. Roocommon, trat cs’catad a linrosset 27 Se1st, 1662. Sir Robert at. Ssatlee’ae, Ml’. far as. R’ neommon, nndpnivy-counailhor. II June, 1740, an Macass Kiogsbos’eag7s; but d. sines. in 1791, tehen that dignity expired, while the banoisotey devolved aspen Isis lordship’s brother, Sir. EDteatta, who was created Bos’oas KKgeuen s.f Reckiaghs,o, 17 July, 1764; Viscount ,Kiagslsroogls,15 Nov. 1766; 1712, Jane, dan. of Thomas Cauifeiid, Faq. of Donamots, co. Hoseounmon, l’y whom ha had ioaua, 17s,eeRT, Isit Isein. lb ‘ssry, Wstlisssi, I ‘ Joust’, an. to Lawronao, Nail of ltaeoe and 8. is 1519. Kheaisor—Rizabssls, 8, tones. cs 1822, ioabell,s-Leuilia. son, Ca, Roseonanson; sad 8. in May, 1911, K 1 N KINGSTON. the peoraga of the Lhsteeel Kingdom ; ntid a Banonat ‘if Matthew Bs’iiskley, Bog. of Pnrsotastowu, co. Mantis, yosstsgar son sif the lilgist Roy. J015tt Brinkley,