Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/703

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Creslisn—4 Aug. 1641. Arms—Ar., three erose-eroselete’ into that monarch’s favour, and created KB., lo’evioos to fitebde, between two hendlets, or. Crest—On a ebapean, as.’ his coronation. His eon, Essex Knightley, Req., leaving rio turned up, erm., a leopard, etatant, arg., epotted, en male ieeue, the cetatco were tnloerited by his first-cousin, Molts—in erucifixa gloria inca. Seats—Mersham Hatch’ Leer KNIOHTLNv, Eeq. nf Faweley, who on. Jane-Grey nearAibford; and Prevendera, 00. Kent. Tows House—i, Benson, oue of the ce-heirs to the ancient baronies of Chesham Place. K N I 0 H T L E Y. KNIGH’tLEY, SIR RAINALD, Burt. of Fawsloy Park, co. Northampton, M.P. for S. Northamptonshiro; 8. 22 Oct. 1819; s. hie father as 3rd hart. 30 Aug. 1804. 31 itirtgc. Thia ancient family is lineally descended from Sin Rni NALD Dx KNinuTLev, who came over with WILLIAM the Conqueror, and is mentioned in Domesday Dook (vol. i. v. Jamos, us. Ohary Davies, but had no issue. fol. 248), no mesne lord of Knigbtley, co. Stafford. He I. Elizabeth, ci. to John-Willie Pleneing, Eaq. of Steneham was s. by his son, SIR WILLiAM Dx KNsonrt.xy (temp. HENRY I. and STEPHEN), from whom tbs estates devolved in turn upon Sin NICHoLAS, Sm RoaLnY, Sin JonDAle, The 3rd son, 653 K N I and Sin RonEnT Dx KNIOIITL0I’, which last, marrying (39 hlxanv 118.) Aliva, dau. and heir of Sir ivo do t’an ton, if Roderwe, cc. Stafford, was grandfather of SIR Renrnr or KNIOHTLEY. lie is. Alice, oioter nod heir of Anne-Frances, Ia. 4 April, 1836, to the Rev. W.-H. hanson, Sir Huger Lewknor; and his lineal doaoondant. Rirnann rector of Heekwoldcum-Wihten, Norfolk; and it. 10 April, KNIOHTLEY, Esq. of Pawoley, Upton, and Hellidon, co. Northampton nod Gnowshall, 00. Stafford, Jill’. for Northamptonohire, Grace-Mary, on. to John Itopton-Rnosel Chiehmester, Req. cc. (3 11mev V.) Elizaheth, don, of Thirea.q Purefoy, Esq. of Brayton, and was grandfather of Sm RICHARD KNiGHTLEY, of Fawsley, a gentleman of very Br Edward Ksmatehbull, 31.?. for Kent for eeverah years, large landed property, possessing thirty-three manoro and lands in Northamptonshire, one in lloelcingliamehire, fonr in IX. Tux Riour hoc. Sin Enwann, Ii. 20 Dee. 4711 Warwiekohiro, and three in Staffordolure. lie on. Joan, on. let, 53 Aug. 1800, Annabehla-Christisna, dan. of Sir dan and heir of II. Skeward, Eoq. of Skioncrton, and left. TtiessAsm (Sir), arho left no mule issue, sy Ins wife Jeer, dan. of Sir bun Spencer, of Al;horp. Enwaco (Sir), so. Ureolo, sister and co-heir of ,lokc, I liii Earl if Oxford, Inst leariog, io like manner, no eiale issee. Pansies’ derolred on Ins brother. VALeNTINE (Sir). The 3rd eon, Sir Edward on. Sndy, in 1850, Panny-Catherino, eldest dan. Sin VALENTINE ENIOHTLNY, so. Anne, dan. of Sir Edward of E.lward Knight, Req. of Gedmersham Park, Kent, and by her hmadisoue (who have elI toheen the additional ssirname Ferrero, of Baddosley Uhiutico his elleet non, Sin Rinreano, KNIOUTLEY, m. lot, Mary, dan. of Richard i. Edward-Hngeosen, 3t.P. for Sandwich, 0. 20 April, 1120; Fernoer of Esoton Nooton, ancestor of the Earlo of Posnl’rot, on. 10 Get. 1855, Aena-Maria-EBeabeth, younger dan. of by whom ho had (o’itlo two other cone, Fidward and ,Toromo), Sir Valentine Knightley (who ci. Ann, dan. of Sir Iiolw;n”l ii. Eeginald-Brydgea, in holy orders, F. lID ; sa. 22 Aug. Uoton, KId., by Anne, rldoot dan. of Edward, Ijuko of 1060, Maria, led dan. of the 11ev. Tatton Ilrocknaan, Somerset, anti widow of John Dudley, Earl of Warwick), MA. of Deaehberough, near Hythe, rector of Otham, Kent, and aloe tw’o dane., Mary, ci - to Sir Thomas llarnarrlisten, of Suffolk, ICnt. (from whone descended the two lines cf boronete and the still existing male line of liernarrheton), and Dorothy, ci. te Edovard, eon of Sir Edward Unton. Sir Richard ci lndly, Elizabeth, yonngeet dan. of Edward, Duke of Somerset, KG., Reid Protector of England during the Iii. Alieia-Sophta,it. 12Apr41, 1849. iv. Louiea-Susanna. nunority of tue nephew, EnevAen VI. Sir Richard’s mae Sir Edward it. 24 Slay, 1840, and woe s. by his eldest eon, line becoming extinct at the death of his grandson in i0:,9, N. Sin NORTON-JOOEI’H, who was t. 10 July, 1404: he cm. Fawsley ileecended to inc nephew, 31 Slay, 1831, Stary, eldest dan. of Jesse Watts-Russell, RicnAnn KNIOHTLNY, Eeq., H.P., who on. Jane, dan. of Sir Edward Littloton, of Pillaton. He was an active adherent of the Parliament during their stroggle with CnAs. I. lots eldest sou is. a dau. of the celebrated patriot s. Stary-Louisa, ci. 29 STarch, 1056, to Major Charles StirlingDundas, John Hampden, and thus became allied to the protectorate B. Art., eon of 31r. and Lady Mary Isoadas, of house of Cs005IwnLL, and peodneod one of the meet forneidable private combinations of that eventfnl period. At Fawsley originated the pian for retrenching the o’oyah prerogative Eoq. of Mdl Castle, eo. Weslnmeath, son of the lase James of making peace and war. Mr. Enightley did not, however, sanction the execution of the king. Ills iv. Amy-Josephine, it. 28 Jon. 1853. v. Beatrice-Joanna. son and snerceser, Sin RoeuAou KNIOHTLNv, H.P., being one of the council Sir Norton it. 2 Feb. 1800, and was s. by his elder son, S:n who promoted the recall of CnAeLcs 11., wae ieeeived Badlesmere, Pitzwarino, acid Latimer, being dan. and heir of Henry Benson, Esq., by Elizabeth, co-heir to her nrother, Thomas, led Earl of Stamford, and dau. of Thomas, Lord Grey de Grohy (who it. before his father), by Doretloy, den. and co-heir of Edward, Lord Fitzwnrioe, and 4th Earl of Bath. His eldest son, VALENTINE KNIOHTLNv, Esq., SIP., on. Elizabeth, dan. ef Edward Bnmmer, Req. of Swathilog, and left issue, i. Lucy, H.P., on. Catherine, lou. of Sir James Daitnroad, Bert., ncd d. 5.41. u. Valontine, d. 5.20. iH. JOHN, of whom presently. - iv. Charles, in holy orders; F. Is 1753; on. Elizabeth, only den, of henry Boolton, Esq. of Moulton, in Lineolnalure (see Bnzaz’s .Londed t)enlry), and left issue, 1 Cnanre, 2nd baronet. S Velentine, F. in 1782; deceased. 3 Henry, in holy orders; 0. in 1711, on. in 1810, Jane, dais, of the Hey. Philip Story, and rt in 1811, leaving issue, VALENTINE, (0 holy orders, reeler of Charsoelton and Preston Capes, Nerthamptonehire. Henry-Charles, in holy orders; so. 22 April, 1131, Olary-Slaria, eldoot dan. ef Sylvester llielnnond, Esq. of N’orms, on the Elune. Siary-Anne, ci. 18 Aug. 1838, to Edward ilanks, Req. of Newcastle. I Elizabeth, re. to William Leo, Esq. 2 Soplna, ci. to John Story, Eaq. of Loekingtan, ro. Cavan. Park, Recta. ii. Jane, sets John Kingston, Esq. of Belmont. K N I Dahrymphe, Ii. 11 Juae, 1803; Louisa-Bertha; and ElizisInna. Msry-Anne, s. to henry-Revel Reyuoldo, Esq. Eleanor, Os. to Lord Sondes. 3837. Catherine, is. to 18cr ry-Charlos-Morton Dyer, Req. Ehiza. d. 21 Sept. 1110, and wao o. by his eldest con, J. Honywood, Dart, and by her (who it. in 1114) had, i. NORTON-JOOEPH, 10th baronet. ii. Edward, doe. HI. Charles-Henry, F. 1011; it. 17 Feb. 8837. iv. Wysadhaco, F 1812; it. 181st. v, John, F. 1814; it. Aug. 181)2, at Chelterdiane. m. Mary-Borothea, ci. in 1226, E. Knight, jun. Esq. of Gedinersham Park; and it. 25 Feb. 1838, leaving issue, of lIuoEnsxN), the 10ev. Marnns Southwell, and has issne. and has a son, t. 20 May, 1017. in. Rtzhard-Asiley, F. 1135. iv. Herbert-Thomas, b. 1835. v. William-Western, F. 16:17; it. 0 Sept. IbM. i. Fanny-Elizabeth, it. Feb. 1845. it. Matilda-Catherine, it. 4 3lay, 1860. Seq. of 11am HaB, eo. Stafford, and had ieeue, I. EDWARD, present baronet. n. Wvicnnasi, 8. 0 Aug. 1844. Punohas Castle. u. Eheaeor-Groee, ic 29 Aug. 1857, to Eebert-Jelmn O’Roihiy, O’Reilly, Esq. of Eahtraeiaa, co. Sheath. iti. Panny-Berothea. EnsvAen KNATeHOULL, 11th and present baronet.