Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/718

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LAW LAW Lawson estates passed, by Sir Wilfrid’s will, to the nephew The 3rd son, of his wife,4 Jono LawsoN, Esq., captain of horse in the service of the THoMAs Wvnrosre, Esq. (2nd son of Thomas Wyhcrgh, King (C5IsRLE5 I.), irsherited Brongh Hall, but did not long Esq. of Clifton Stall, Westxnorlaod, by Isabella, dan. of John erijsy the possession, until the estate fell under soqnestra. Hsrtley, Es , and sister of Lady Lawson). Mr. Wyhergh, i tion, sad afterwards, in the year 1653, was, pursuant to two upon inhcritingthese estates,aosumed the snrname and arms acts of parliament relating to the sale of forfeited eotates, of LawsoN. lie ,i. s p. in 1612, and was a. by Isis brother, sold, and Captain Lawson himself eendesnned to banish. Wrr.rarn Wyseeau, Esq., elm ttrorcoliOo likewise assooied roent. In consideration of these his great sufferings, no sho torus sod ar-ins of I,Asreoa, sad was created a baronet 13 was crcatod a Baronet hy King CCIA5J,rs II., 6 Jniy, 3605, Sept. 1331, as Sirs Wrorarn TucsoN lie wos Is. 5 Oct. 1791, Sir John ro. Catherine, 3rd dan. of Sir William howard, of and ui. 20 June, 1031, Coroliuc, 3rd doe. ot Sir Joiooo Grolaaar, Nawortlo Castle, in Cumberland, sister of Charles, 1st Earl let Bart. ef Netherlsy, sod had issue, of Carliole; and at his decease was e. hy his eldest surviving r. Wrr.rnrn, presest hart. ii. _&lfecd, ‘7. 1014. son, iii. Oilfrid, Sb Dcc. 1037. sv. William, 5.21 .tog. 1836. Sin Hricnv Lawson. of Brongls Hall, who or. Elizabeth, Caroline. dan. of Boliert Kntghtloy, Esq. of Offchureh, cc. Warwick, ii. Maria, or .10 Sop. 1061, to Williano lull, Eag. and had issue, iii. Elizahclh. Jona, his heir. Iv. Catherine, ci. 23 July, 5405, to John-llamp’lrn l’ordham, Anne ci. to William Witham, Eoq. of Cliffe, in Yorkohire, Eeq., barrister-at-law. E1ioaet1i, ci. to Stephen Tempest, Esq. of Bonghton, in Sir Wilfi-il 1. 12 Jose, 1007, and a aso. by his cldost son, Sirs the same county. IVILrRJD LawsoN, ehe 2nd and preocnt baronet. Sir Henry d. in 1723, and was s. by his son, Creation—IS Sept. 1031. Arosc—Per pale, arg. and as., a Sin Joun Lawson, who or. Mary, eldcot dan. of Sir John chevron, counterchanged; a canton, as., charged with two I Shelley, Mart, of llichoigrovc, by avhom he left issue, bars, or. Crest-—Out si clouds, ppr., tsvo arms embowed, i. Mcrenr, his heir. rested, erminois, cuffs, on., holding s ann, sloe ppr. Thomas. spriest; rI. in 1007. iiIotto—Quod honastum utile. &sto—Brsyton, and bell, ni. John rn. Elizabeth, don. of Themse-Wiiliam Selby, Cumborland. Esq. of btddleeton, in Northumberland, and had issue, 1 Thomas, a priest. 2 Job’s, of York, hID.; is. Clorinda, eldest dan. of John Fallon, Esq. of Cloena, en. itoscommon, and widow of William Berminghaaa, Eoq. 3 Henry, spriest. 1 Elizabeth, in. to John-Wehhe Weston, Esq. of Sntten LAWSON, Sin JOHN, Bart. of Place, Surrey; and ‘1. in 1791, leavings large family. Mr. John Lawson S. in London, in 1701, sged 09. I. Hsry, 1, nuns at Hinges, where they died; the former ____________- 2-2 Juno, 1865; no. 15 Oct. 1856, ii. Bridget, 3 in 1703, the latter in 1707. Mary -Anne, dan. of Fromlerick Sir JohnS. 19 Oct. 1739, aged 50, and wss a. by Iris eldest eon, Gerard, Esq. of Aspnli Houno, SIR HENOY Lawsow. This gentleman as. Ansatsala, Lancaolairc, and by her (n’ho cl. 5 youngest dan. of Thomas hairs, Esq. of Lartingtsn Hall, ni. Agnes, in Yorkshire, and of Hardwick, near the sea, in Durham, Nov. 1868) has iosue, and by her (who 5. 3 Nov. 1704) had tesile, L;iitagc. I. John, his successor. The Lawsons, from whom this family sprung, were for henry, 5. 25 Dcc. 1750. This gentleman inhertted, several generations seated at Burwell, and afterwards at nuder rho will of bra uncle, Jshn hiaire, Eaq., the estates of that fannly, to enjoy the same so long se the title and Ahndell, in Northumberland. I property of Ins ou’n lamily remained to his eldcrbrolher; WiLLIAM Lawoon, of Cramlingten, 3 HcnnvYl., or. Agnes, bnt should he succeed to those, the estates of the Moire ‘Isa. and cs-heir of William Cramtington. and had asnd ssn, fa!nliy were then to devolve npon his sister Catherine, THOMAs LawoaN, of Cranslingron, who S. in 1109, leaving, Inconsequence of this beqc cst, he assumed, in 1771, b by his wife Isabella, dan. of Killingirall of Litddleten-St.- sign-mannal, the surname of Mamur. Geei’gc, . I. Mary, 5. 20 July, 1743; a nun at Drnges. ii. Catherine, 5. 9 Acg. 1747; is. in 1735, to John Silver- WILLIAM LawsoN, Esq. of l:’ranshngton, living 1510, n-ho top, Eoi1. of Minster Acres, In Northumberland, and had ss. Slice Iloroley, and was father of 1 Cesrgs Silvertop, of llinster Acres; ,l. c. p. ira 1049. JAMEs Lawson, Evq. of Crsmhsgton, who, in the time of 2 ltenry-Tliensas-hlairo Stlvcrtop, who inherited even, HENRY Ylti. was an eminent merchant at Newcastle-upon- tually the Maiaa estates. Tyne. Me is. Alice, dsu. of hr. Bertram, of Bentley, and 3 Charles Silver-tsp, a col. in the Spanish army, S. op. was,. by his son, Sir Henry S. in Oct. 170t, aged 03, and was o- by his sen, EDSIUN5 LAwson, Esq , who so. Msrgery, don. and heir ot I Sin JoHN Lawson, who ci. lot, 1 Aug. 1700, Elizabeth, Ralph Swinnow, Eeq. of Rock Castle, in Nortlimansbci-land, I youngest dan. of William Scsrisbrick, Bog. in Lancashire, and left a eon and heir, I sod by her (who 5.10 June, 1001) had issue, Sm Harm Lawaon, who received the honour of knight- I Anastasia, ci. in 1709, to Thomas Strickland, Esq. ef hoed from King Jsnro I. lie ci. Elizabeth, don. and sole I Sicccgh, co. Westmorland, and bad issue. hoir of Roger Brough, Eoq. of lirough Hall, near Catteriek, I Elizabeth, so. 3 Jnns, 1709, to John Wright, Esq. of KeI• in the county of Y”rlr. and living to a great ago, left (with vcdoma Hall, co. Essex, amad had issue, 1 John Wright, and Alice, of Thsmasluglcby, Eoq. of Lawkland) ehreo eons, no. York; and mO. 1052, leaving five sons, John; Henry, iwO dana., Jsnc, wife r’f Thomas Rokcby, of Mortham 5. 1750; Is. iis, Mary-Catherine Cholmeley of Brsndsty, of whom the eldest, 7. miens.; Edward, ci. Barbara Bowdon, arid ii. leaving Edward and two dans. - Thomas ; and William ; 2 WmLEoors LawsaN, Esq., was seated at 1-leaton, Iscar New- I LIAN, le late Sm WILLIAM Lawson, Bert. ; I Henry, costle-sapsu-Tyne (which 5d,ice usa afterwards sold), and a priest, ii. 1035; 4 Francis, S. young, 1525; 5 Chsrles, died in London in the lifetime of his father, lie os. ‘I.or,rs. 22Nov.1S50; 1 Elizabeth, cr1022, to ChsrlesPorter, Dorothy, dan. of Sr llem-y Constable, Kist, of Burton I Eiq. of the liythc, sacar Tcwkcebnry, aud has three Constable, in the cwanty of Yss’k, and had a numerous dana .;2 Cotbarinc. issue. ills wile ii. 10_is, at St. Anthony’s, near Non-castle, He so. lndly, Ihonica, dan. of Miles Stapleton, Esq. cf Drsx, svhich thou belonged to the family, arid w,ms subsequently in the co. York, and 5. 27 Jnne, 1511, aged 07. abe cold or lost by scqcrstration Ills cldcot surviving son, HENRY Lawson, Esq. of lircngh Hall, no. Anne, d mu. of Isis brother, Hcnnv home, Esq., who, according to the Otohsert Hodgeon, Esq. of llcburnc, in tire county of s;ipulations of his uncle, John Maire’s will, was obliged to Durham, smad Isad, with other isane, lisger, who d. young. I henry, am. Catherine, eldest dsn. and’eo-hctrof Sir William therefore resumcd his own name, and inherited his paternal Fenwick, of Meldon, in N ,rth,imberland arid falling at Sru HENRY Lasson, of Brough STall. He ci. in 1779, the hattIe of Melton, in 1604, fighting for the Monica, youngest dan. of Nicholas Stapleton, Ecq. of Carl’ king, left an only dan., Isabella, ci. to Sir Johms Ssvinl,nrn, Hart. of Caplicaton. ton, in l’orkslaire, and because a widower, withont issue, Ibis widow ii. Ftc Francis Rarcliffc, afterwards Earl of 0 Jan. boO. Sir henry is. 2ndly, Catherine, only dau. of Derwentwster. * For sn account of the Wybcrgh family, cc, Bunrnm.’o Wright, Esq., who asaunsed the surname of Loweon, and LandiS Peniry. 668 LAWSON OF BROUGH HALL. k Brough Hail, as. York, 8. 17 Dcc. 1829; a. isis father as 2nd hart., m. Mary. n. Alice. thus left no male issue, the title and estate devolved upon transfer the hlaire eotnto to his sister, Mrs. Silvertcjs. He title snd estates as Henry Fcrnisr, Esq. of Worcester; but S. e.p. iii 1S34, when the eststes of the family devolved on his nnphew, William waa crcatcd a Baronet in Angust 3541, as