Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/724

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L E 0 33. Sm JOHN, who to,, let, Elizabeth, dan. of Lonnard Wastell, Eoq. of Rolton, by whom he had several ehil Iron. He in. lndly, Dorothy, thu. of Sir William Cayley, Dart, of Rronspton, and had other iesne. lie 1. in 1715, and was 8. by the oldo’ot onrvivhg son of his 1st marriage, III. Sin J,ooox. 3 his gentloman dying none, in 1719, the title devolved upon hR brother, IV. Sos, Tnoaixo, whom, in 1726-7, Frances, dan. and coheir (withhcreioter, Philadelphia,wofe of SirGeorge t’aylry, Earl.) of John Digby, Esq. of Mansfield Woodhonec, Nolta, SIP. for Fist Sletford, the lineal descendant of Thomas, 2nd eon of Sir Simen Ilighy, Rut, of Colotohill, and had f,aor ahildren, of whom Jaooe ii. John Gromoton, Eoq. He ci. in 1711, and waco. by hie only con, V. Son Jlooav. lie to. in 1755, Jane, 3rd lan. and eventually ce-heir of George Cariwright, Ecu., by whom he LSICESTE7., E.titL OF )‘l’ltonoao-William Coke), of hod, 1. Joun. 6th hart. II. TnoMao, 7th l,ort. iso. George. lieut.-rol. in the army; so. Jane, dan. of John 1822; e. his father, as 2nd eao’l, 30 June, 1842 ; as’, Grimst,oa, Faq. of tiri,ooto’oo Garth, hut ci. a. p. iv. William, vicar of Ganten as. in 1803, Cecilia-Elizabeth, load, dan. of James tilderohaw, M.D., of Stamford: and ci. o. THoaIAs-Wos.Loaas, Fiereonl Gets, lisut, Scets fueller- in 1815 (hie widow ci. 31 Doe. 1854), leavtoog issue. 1 Jameo-Anlaby, capt. RN.; m. in 1046, Catherine, 0°. Wenman, 0. 20 Nov. 1855. widow of Deny-li. Ecanmoot, Req., and don, of Sir no. Arthur, t. 30 April, 1838; 5. alt hifaaot. Geoo’ge Cayloy, Dart., and hoe issue, Jamee-Dighy. Another son. 2 Wilhaoo-l’l., captain Bengal army; to. 11 Dec. 1845, Anna-Maria, 3rd clan, of Otehert-Onehyc Walker, Esq. of lledferd Square. S Fredcriek, in Italy orders. 1 Isabella, soc. to William Chester, Esq. 2 Harriet. S Mary-Anne. v. Dighy, to. in 1757, Frances, dan. of Ralph Croyke, Esq. vs. Margaret. of Barton, co. York, and hal isoue. To. Richard, collector of the ctmton,s ioo Jamaica; ci. e. p. Hie lordship is lord-lieutenant and ouotoo rotulornm o. Jane, oi. to — Smith, Faq. of Sunderlandwiek, Yorkshire. of Norfolk. Is. Fo’aeceo, so. to Thonoae Grimsten, Esq. of Grimstan Garth, in Yorkshire. (Ste Buenos Laodeol Gentry.) los. Henrietta-Charlotte, m. to — Sonith, Eeq. of Yorkehire. The family of Cone, fs’nno which the Earl of Leiceoter Sir Dighy ci. in 1773, and wae a. by his eldeet son, VI. Son Jonse, who oo. Jane, dan. of Henry Aeton, Bog. Wos,o,oxso Cone, of Didlioogton, in the eo. of Norfolk, of Aeton, en. Chester; hon ci. op. in 1208, when the title mcntionod in a deed, anna 1206, who was father, by his devolved upon his next brother, VII. SIR Tnnosao, commander RN.; so. in 1802, Mioe Georrecy Cone, of Didlington, from whom descended Soroli Bishop, by whom (who 4. in 1514) he hod ieeuo, I. Tososeco-Doony, 5th baronet. ss. Henry-Willoughby, in the 0th lancers; oo. 26 Oct.1959; of Norfolk, and Winifred, his wife, dan., and one of the Charlotte 1{onriotta, eldest dan of henry Willoughl’y, heirs of William Knightlcy, of Morgrave-Knightlsy, in the Eeq. of Birdaall. ro. York, and by lorr n-ho 5. 23 Jan. same shire, was born tot the seat of his father, in 1545, and 1544) left, at his decease, 21 Nor. 1045, two eons, I Algernon.Wilonglohy, 0. 14 Oct. 1842. 2 Cecil-Henry, 0. 28 Nov. 1845. I. Matilda, oooo. in 1023, to Robert Alexander, Rag. of Lincoln’s he wao ehcosen high-steward of that university. From Cambridge Inn, Qneen’o Canned, FF8.. F.A.S. ss. Harriet, ot. te F-N. Alexandeo’, Fog., F.A.S., of HeathSell, 1072, he was entered a student in the Inner-Temple, whence halifax. 110. Catherine. Sir Thomas 1. 5 July, 3550, and was a. by his eldest son, in Lyon’e-Inoo, acqsotrod so mooch celsbo’ity, that he very VIII. Son Toooaoae-Dounv, who was 0.30 May, 1803, and ro. soon attained considerable practice. About this period he 31 May, 1532, the Hon. Franeeo Iluncenolie, dan. of Charlco, so. 1st, Bridget, dan. end co-heir of John Paslon, Eaq. sI Lord Feverooham, atod had surviving isenr, I. Fn.cncoe D:nnv, -tb baronet. so. BARry Wont’noccr,voao, 10th haronet, 500. t’oonaLos. asoent baronet. 0. l’ao’nline-Janc, to. 18 po’tl, 1525, to W.-H. Fife, E’q., bceems. With this lady, Coke acquired a fortune of 10,0001. eon of Sir Jidon Fife, Rnt. Sir ‘l’hamae-logl’ysl. ie Dre.1860,anoi mass. byhie oldseteo’n, Iiattoo, Rnt, Coke’s first alliance brought him honoosre IX. Soot Fraao is Bonny, who was 0. 8 May, 18:0, aoo,l and prefcrnoonto as well as wealtlo. The cities of Coventry dying tot Sladeira iota., 5 Jan. lhitti. was a. by his bmthor, and Nemvieh seen after elected him their recorder. The X. Son hs’Aooer-Wonno:oNoconoe, who wao 0. 18 Dee. 1543, connty of Norfolk returned him to parhianoent, and the and it. at Rome ‘nm. 12 April, lsiot, when he was c. by hie Ilonse of Commons plsced hion in the speaker’s chair. In brether, Son CsoAnLea 0°o:oonn, the 11th aoad present baronet. the 3Sio sf ELozxeeTn (16 June, 1552), Mr. Coke was ap1 Creattooo—25 Dec. 1660. Arsss—Arg., on a bend, between six mullets, pierced, gn., with an aapco’ity and a rooogloneeo of manner that did little a eroes-patde, or. Crest—A greyhound, or, collared, m., etudded, org. .JIelle—Per erneem ad otelias. Seal—Gentun, Yorkshire. LEI L E I C E S T E B. Htolkham, on. Norfolk, and Vienount Coke, 6. 26 Dec. 20 April, 1843, Juliana, nideet dan. of Sasnasol-Chafles Whitbread, Eeq. of Con’dingteou, en. Bedford, and has guards, 0. 20 July, 1548. ov. John, 0. 30 June, 1039; 1.50 June, 0560. 1. Jsslia,oi. 26 April, 1s54, to Mervyn, 7th and present Vioc,i,out Foweroconrt. so. Anne. sot. Gertrude, so. 5 April, 1568, to Charles-Adolphtss, 7th and present Earl of Dunmore. ov. Mary. v. Winifred. voo. Mildred. Btllragr. deriveo thronglo fomoole descent, and which he new repre. eonte, ie deduced by Cxssne, front wife Felice, of Son Enw.enn Cone, the celebrated lawyer. This sminent person the eon of Robert Cooks, Eat1. of 3liloham, in the ce, ooas, at ten yeas’s of age, sent to the grammar-school at Norwich, whoo,oee be removed to To’iooity College, Cambridge, where he studie’l for four years, and where, in after time, ho removrd to Clifford’s-loon, and, the year after, he was called to the has’, in 1578, and being chosen reader Iluntingfleld Hall, in the en, of Suffolk, 3rd son of Sir ‘William Paston, of Fastoin, her anceetor, Judge Posten, had sat sn the bench of the Conomou Fleas with Judge Littletoo, whose renowooed commentator Coke woe to His 2nd wife waa the Lady Elizabeth, dan. of Thomas Cecil, fleet Earl of Exeter and widow of Sir William oointed SolicItor, and, 15 April, the next year AttemeyGeneral, and. in that capacity, acted as state prosecntsr credit to himself or his office. In 1653, he received the hcoooour of knighthoiod from Ring JAoons I, at Greenwich, aood in three yeare afterwards was olevated, 36 June, 1006, to the bench, as eboicf-joootire of the Court of Common Pleas, from avisich lie was advaeeed, 25 Oct. 0613, to be eloief-jsietice of the Court of King’s Dsneh. His lorolship incnn’ed anbseqneootly, however, the displsasnro of lois sovereign; but made up the broach by marrying his yo’.soogeet dan. to the 674