Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/740

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LTCHFJFILD, Eano OF (q’hoi-oas- George Anoon, 1kB. L.), Viocoont Anoon, of Shngl.iorongh and Orgreave, no. Sta ll’ord and Baron Soliorton , of Soborton, no. limits lord-lientenan t if Staib .rdslnre ; Is. 15 Aug. 1525; e. ins fatiur, an 2nd carl, iS March. 1551 to. 1 April, 1 855, Harriet-Georgiana-Lonisa, eldest dan. of James, Bake of Aboreisrn, KG., and hits, t., Viscount Aneus, 6. 31 Jan. 1656. ii. ()cergr-Augnstne, ii. 22 Dee. 1957. In. II ‘nry-J:ci . a, 6. 25 Dcc. 1kW. IV. t’re,t,’rick-Thlliam, 6. 1 Feb. 1862. v. Giant, 6. 11 tao. 1864. vi. A coo, 6.7 March, 1867, i. Ploecncc-Ilcatrice. at. Beatrice. It incitgc. The faunly of Anson has resided in the cc. sf Staffbrd fsr several genci’atiens; first, at Dnnaton bnt since the time of JAMes I. at Shugborcngti, which manor was thea pnrcl,.eied by Wittten Moses, Esq., orbs hail been an eminent laivyec in the previous rei;ni. This William A ‘loon uc. Jean, dan. of Richard Mitchel, of Oldhnry, in Warwickshire; and ‘lo’mg at an alvauced age, about the year 1644, was a. by Ins soii, WILLIAM Asses, Fog. of Nlorgbcrough, whs is. Elizabeth, in. (‘hartos, in hsly orders, archdeacon of Carliste; ii. 20 June, clan, of Thoor, St’iAsrd, lie.1. sf llotlram flaIl, in Derbyshire, amt was e. b ins 01111, WILLIAM Assos. Es,1, This gentleman ci. TeabeHa, dan. v. hlenry, in holy orders, 51,4., 6. 19 Dec. 1773; 0. 1854. and co-heir of t’liartee Darner, Ho’j, of Wirkwerth, and had vi. Edieaisl, 6. lS 1775) 5i. in 1808, Harrisll, dau. of 4. Rams— (with yenuger Lois.), t. Teoss is, his successor. ii. ilnease, of oilcan prc’Ornttr. I. J,o,etlr, r. to Oas,hreicl;e Adams, Fog. of Sanibreoke, cu. Salep. mat left a sea, Gnoaoe — Anasis, sue inherited the estates of Ins tire maternal uncles, and assunied the Damn of Aa’oea. Mr. Anson 1. in 1720, and was a. by his elder son, T tOMes, who represented T,icisdelct ii, partia,aent aad at his dreeane, a. p . bequeathed Ins property to too nephew, Gerrg’ Atanis. Tile yeelogsr 5011, Gr,,aoe Aasiisc, so celebrated for his voyage rseo,d the world. wae a 51 after Ins retur, i 1qsteds;tcit rear—adnsirat of the Blue, slid ‘iii of the hoists sf tire Adonrat ty. In April. 174.’;, lie woo mad’’ re sr-a’luai’ah of the White, and in July, 1746. ne. —.‘utanral (If the lth,e. In 1747 (11 Ji,,,e), ho was nt vat si C, ti,1 1’’ni’;sge by the title of loon A nsosc, Baree ,5’,f, ‘t, a, cc. Hi’ at.., and tla s,tsoe Ve;ir ai loituteel vice— admiral of ti’ fbi. In 1731, liii I srdslap srase,e,sfitotod fret I_oat of the Atm, rn ty and tic ci.ithosed in tteat high ofb,’o, mitt, a very brti f ii t’,rvat, mtd his testIs. TI,,5 t—stt;ait assd cot ‘rprisine Ci anan us. Lady Kttz,d,rth locke, (1,111. or Philip, (ot Fan of llardaieke hot ,t, e. ,‘. iii 1762, wl,en thi bansi,v of Asic’ ‘ii leecalilo 1ZXI’INCT, white. Iii,, fortune d voto’nt illilisi liii l1’lllIr55”; Ga-, inc .4 Issue, Pod.. mlii, snbacqneotty inherited the c’ufai, sf his clAw nncte. T flu’s, on, asol nssniisc’d, by sign— ,i,asn,al, 76 .41101, 1773. the arn’oasne and arms of Ac’soa. iii) 0 I. ‘foosiae, uf;s’hoes preoently. Cerntien—27 Jammc, 1846. ,1i’nes—.bre., across itoolde parted ii. Geangr lOir), G,C.II., hi.’l’.S., Mr., a general in the army, soot fm’’’itr, si.; iii tic, Is, ,oi,h trim gum lers, mis each,’, displat i’d, gil.; a,,iil is tic’ 21151 and’;,”. a lieu, i’;se,1siOt, of tile seoi’Is’l, ant col. ot the 4tte dregoon-goards, ognerry to the Duchess of Kent, grconi of lbs bodcbentber to Prince Albert, and gsrrrnor of Chelsea iloopital. Sir George established a high military repotation in the Poninsolar War. lIe sins 8. l7GSt aM ci. in 1800, Fraoeeo, stan. of the late John Ilamnilton,, and sister cf Sir Frederick ilatnilton, Part., be. svhum (sehis it. in I 8314 he had issne, I George-Augustus, of Ilie 11th dragesas, 6. 13 Ang. 1661 c,.4 Die. 1825, Miss liarbara I’ork, nicer of Mange Park, the traselter ; and it. in 1029. 1 Ito ortdose in. in I 809, Bobert-tiiclsnrd Tsrrrno, Fog. 2 Francis-Itarceort, tied. RN. t il.20 Joly, 1031. 3 F’rederiek-Watpohe, major E.t.C.S., 6. 21 May, 1906; at. Miss Catlierice I lance,,; nail 0. 12 Nov. 1849, leaving ioslle. 4 ‘l’hieodosius—l’eraoe .0. in 1025. 0 Talavera-Verncn. rear-ademiral RN., 6. in 1809; at. lot, 1:1 June, 1043, Sarah-Anne, 2nd dan. sf the tate Riebaril Potter, Esg., and by tier (ntis ,t. in 1946) has issue. He at. Sadly, 21 Aug. 1817, Octanin-Einsua, dan. of Majer-Gen. William Slaroly, CR., neil has too00 also by tier. 6 tictaniue—ttenor, 6. 2e Sept. 1017, imsa)or, 9th lancers ui. lob 20 Feb. 1045, Kallmerine-llarrieste, dao. of James Weuayos, Esq., E.1.C.C.S., unit hi tier (svho ii. 17 May, 1640) had iosne. Ste a. Sadly, in 1030, Prances-Elizabeth, dan. of Lieat.-Col. James Slanson, and it. 14 Jan. 1809, at Dec rob Dhiooa, affatigne. after having gallantly serred Itirsoghont she Sepoy mutiny, and having bern actively engaecd frem hOe siene of helm Ic the fall of Lnckisssr, 7 Thoinas-Anehilcl, 6. 14 Oct. 1810. in holy orders, reeler of Lsngferd, Derh3 shire; ui.5 Aug. 1046, Anne-Jane, eldest dan. of the late Colourt Packe, late grrn.-gds., of Twyfes’d Ilalt, Norfolk, and has i500e, Walter-Hamilton, Steery— Vernon, Prederiek-Anchitel, Cliaelea-Genrge-Arehthald, llennietta—ltarta, Emily-Mary. (‘onstanee-Leonsa, Charlotte— tsobetta, Slary-tlelavin, Sladeline, and Ethel. 8 Edseard-tlamillea, 6. 2 Doe. 1621, late Beugal C.S.; oppomled Sept. 1860, gentlemanostier to Her5lajesty; su. 4 Jan. 1843, Leaisa, 2nd daa. of George-Bnntee Clapcctt, Eoq. sf Eeyeseone, cc. Dorset, and by tier (sobs it. 25 Sept. 1060) has had, 1 George-Itasisihon, 6. 9 May, 1944; 2 Edward-Itsoelisry, 1. 25 Aug. 1950, 3 Franlc-CharlesSlontrdoor, 6. 18 Aog. 1057) 4 Stuart-henry, 6.29 Jan. 1809; 5 Gerard-Waipsle, hi. 14 Macrh, 1862 t 6 Ernest- Eden, 8. 13 SIsy, ]e03; I Grace-Hits, it. 27 Aug. 1067. 1 Stary-Aane, so. 17 Sept. 1923, to the Rev. C.-G. Gkeover, of Okesrer, who ci. in 183] t and Sadly, 14 Feb. 1833, cc ltsbert-t’tniuer Want, Fog, of Giloton Park, Hens. 2 Ctiarle,tte-lsabetln, ui 29 Starch, 1028, to Edss’aist-Riehnrd Nsnrher, Psi1. sf Woedeete, near Epsam. 3 Constantic, a. 7 Get. 1931, te Sir hchert-N.-C. Mansitton, Part. (If Slirerten Hill; and 0.23 Nov. 1842. 4 Sophia. at. tt Jane. 1916. to James J. lC’mloeb, Big. of lfaim’, Kiocardineshire, and 6. It April, 1864. 5 Jntia-tlennietta, so 1515cc. 184t, to the etc Sir ArthurItrinoley Broske, Fact. Sir George fl 4 Nov. 1849. 1027. tv. W’lt,Lless (Sir), created a Baronet in 1831. bottom, Fog. t and it. in 1837, has leg had, Charles, 6. is 1813; lteery-tleorge. ‘1. in lhetl; and ttarriet. vst. Sasnt,rooke, 6. 10 Feb. 1770, late hient.-eot. lot fsol— goariti. I Ic ci. Ehinatieth llasskism, of Staffordshire, anil it. 10 Gel. 10415, hearing tsy her (svlmo 4. 22 Slareh. 1866,1 one dan,, Elizabeth-Grace, ii. let, 29_starch, 1831. to Thsntao King, Fog. of Aireslisten Reuse, Wilts, selie 4. 23 Dec. 1663 and Sndly, 22 Nov. 1067, to Thomas-Jamb Bennett, Esq., OlD., ef Wihton, Wilts. vssi. Frederick, D.D., dean of Ctmesler. 6.23 Storeh, 1779; at, 1807, Slary-Anne, enly dan. of this hate Rev. Ihictiard Levelt, of Slitford, Staffordshire, and 1. 8 Stay, 1867, having had, I Frederick, 6. 26 Olareb, toll, in hcty orders, canon of Windssr. reetcr nf Sod liars- 5 ‘ii. 7 Slay, ISIS, lIme lien. Carohne-Stario, don. of George-John 5th Lord Vcnioe, and hat had Wilfred, 6. 25 Jaty, 1961 ,i. 29 Sept. 1868; Genild, 6. 31 Starch, 1866 5 sb. 25 Sept. 18681 a one 6. 4 tue., 1887 t neil a tan., loaiielha, it_S Slay, 1064. 2 George-Edn’oril, (‘.tt., keeper of tlsr prts’y parse to her Sla)eoty, treaoarer of the tmonseliold, and cefforer to 11.11.11. l’ni crc Albert, 6. 14 Stay, 15i2; ci, 2 (let, 1837, Geei’giaea— Otor, ehilcot iloa. of bktsrarst, 3rd Lord SotSeid ; and sO. 0 (teL. 1809, leaving issae. 3 Arltmor-lleisnc’, in hots’ orders. 6. tO Aeg. 1817,’ to. in lsSt, Aogssta-’l’heresa. eldest don, of tIme Right Men. tlcnry fofeett, St.P,, and had issne; one sen mae hi. 28 Joe. 1060. lIe 1. 24 Nov. 1850. 4 Thomas, 6.21 Slay, 1830, hoot. R.N 0.1845. LItre-Acne, so. in 1077, Ic the Rev. Tenspie Hillyard, canon st f’.heoter, and rector of Soothans, ea. lVanvtek. S Stary, so, 17 Jan. 1848, to the Ilev. Gcorgc-R.-Sloonofiehcj ram’s if Chester, end rector of Stevenage, Heets. 3 Calltarioe-Looisa. 4 Lncy-t”redenics. I 1 C LIC He cI. 13 April, 1803, antI seas .s, by his brother, Tue lie Iiken’ioe succeeded (in 1773) to the repisioentatisn of Her, Sin Gitennv-S’n,rnei.est t,nn’is, the 3rd and present Licimfield, Its ci. 10 1787, Mary, don, of Gcorgc-Vnnnbles baronet l’cnnn,i, 1st Lend Vernon, and had tame, utai’;itlc’ i’i’os,’ims’’l, si. Great—i 1° a call sit’ mimitii,ti’tlmlilci’, am heeal’hir htgnr, Heist, en. Jf,itli.— Enpi’rtoo fi,t’lesls . 5,ats— I tarl’tolm Ccmirt, lhs,hnr.rollim’e 5 Gnu c SI ill Ii osisc, ‘tV;,tford, Itei’to. LEW’ISIIAM, ‘,‘isr’ol’yT, Ofe I’iAllTStOtTt5 EARL. L I C I’I F I E L D.