Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/84

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A B B 3Lincagr. This family derives its surname from the lands which its childless its 1716, the honosirs devolved upon Ins cousin, pregsnitsr Hugo de Aherbethenoth had as marriage portion JOHN, Otis viocount, (revert to the Hon. John Arbnthnstt, with his wife, the dan, ef Oshert Olifard,whs filled the office of F’ordnes, oldest sees, by his had wife, of Robert, 2nd viecossest.) ef sherift’ ef Ilearns, in Kincardineshire, in the beginning ef — Douglas, of llridgcfsaed, but by her hail see surviving the 11th century, and thoes lands have passed to the present iosos: be ties. 2esdly, Jane, dan. of Alexander Arbothnott, visssnnt through ne lees than twenty-two generations. Eoq. of Fiudovude, by winnu he had three soles ossd two SIR ROBeRT AncurnNerv, of Au-at, had a charter ef the dasss., the yosusgcr of the latter, Slargaret, was ci. to Sir barony of Arbuthnott, 5 Jan. 1616-17. lie e. isis uncle, Sir Alexander tiumbar, Bait, of Northfield. The viscount ii, Eobcrt Arbuthnstt, efArbnthnott, in his estates in 1611, 20 April, 1721, and was o. by his eldest ourvivfieg son, and was in great favour with Jaxss I. of England, and JonR, 7th viscount, who es. in Dcc. 1773, Isabella, 2nd CIIARLE5 I. Sir Robert es. let, Lady Margaret Keith, dan. dan. of Wihlians Graham, Req. of Morphsio, co. Kincardine, of George, 5th earl marisehal, but by her had no issue. He and by her, who d. 4 Slarch, 1818, had issue, in. lndly, Margaret, only surviving don, of Simon, 5th Lord Joun, 8th visentiut. Levat, and dying 11 Slarob, 1631, (his widow ea. Sir James Hesgh (Sir), K.C.D., of Mattou Bervic, Kiucardiucshirr, a Ilaldane, of tilonoaglos,) was s. by his eldoot or n, SIR Roosr,r AROuTnRUTT, w! o svas first knighted for his general iii the army, and colonel 75th foot, a distinguished faithful adhesion to tho forissnea if CnaRIos land afterwards elevated to the peerage, 16 Nov. 1641, in the dignities Francis, d. in 1809 Duncan, 6. en 1815. of Ba isa I,srertereie, and Vteouuxr AnEs’rnNoTT. His lordship William, ensj or-gcu. royal artillory. Marriott, dec. oi. lot, T.ady Marjory Carnegie, 4th, of David, let Alexander. Jane, 6. in 18-li. Earl of Sontheok, by whom ho had R000aT, his sss0000sor. Slargarot, ci. to Sir John Forhoa, of Monimusk. t4o us. Sndly, Catherino, 3rd dan. of hugh, 5th Lord Lovat, 1803, Margaret, dan. of the Boss. 35°alter Ogilvy, of Clova, oud md widow of Sir Johis Sinclair, of Dunboath (she its. sister of David, 8th Earl of Airhie, by wheus he had, lrdly, Andrew, Lord Fraser), and had by her Alexander, of Knoa, SIP, for Kiucardineohiro, who us. Jean, dau. of Patrick Soott, of hoods, and left, with three daughtrrs, nno son, Ao.oxentiev, of Knox, a commiesionor of the Cuotonta, who a. Janet, dan of John Itinald, of Larnie, and d. in 1764, leaving a son and heir, iii. lhngb, hient. -eel. 2nd Madras light cavalry, 8. 15 Ang. Iionrnv, who in. Elizabeth, dan. of John Riddell, of Grange, and had issue, 1. ALEXANnER, a military officer, it. ansi. is. Joun, ,l. sines. III. Robert, hoot-eel, list font, os Miss Slurray, of v. Williane, capt. Ferfar acid Kincarilineahiro art, militia, Canada, and it. of wounds in 1756, leaving, with a dan., Ji’sotte,sa. lot, to Captain Hughes, and lndly, to Liesst.Gen. 8. in 1851 ;io. 6 Dec. 05550, Elrissgtou, widow sf Neil— Sir Be LaoyEcano, U CDIII’. for Westminster, cud ii. gob. 1561, a cnn, the prosent bIn ALexANDeRDonnno.Yooynu A000Tunoor, vioe-adm. isa royal nary late Lie-ut-flees. Sir Neil Douglas, K-CD., K.G.B. of tiroat Britain, a gentlomau af the Privy Chaxobor vi, Clsarles-Janies- Doesald, Dossgoh nail. ser., 8. in 1823; tn Her Majesty, and majnr-gon. tie the service of the e. Jeass-Ogilvic, si. 25 July. 1830, to Janacs Chsopc, Req., Queon of Spain, 16CC. Ebb’. Sir Alexander, n’bo was knighted 25 June, 18Sf, ss. in 1627, CATRRRINE. is. iltn’garet, ‘e. 5 Aug. 1857, W.-J. Ltsmodeu, Esri. of MARIA, ird dan. of ttso late Roy. Charles Euntaro, heir to the vtotounty of Daltinglans, and lies an only child, iv. ,tssue-Charlntle, is, 22Juhy, 1547, to Alex. Chcahae, Fsq. Josotto-Eliza-Janc, vs. in 1830, Froltrick Wollaoton, v. Stolen, s. in April, 1850, to Frsderiek-Lewts Scrysegcossr Esq. of Shenton Hall, on. Leicestor, and baa issue. s. Stolen, os. to liugh-Jasues-Patornon Rollo, Esq. of vs. Charlotte Louisa, st las 1831. llanuookburn, son of David ReDo, of Powhonsc, by his vIe. Clemeestiun - Maria, ti. 5 Nov. 1854, Willineas - Ross wife Mary, only surviving child and beiross of Sir Hugh Paterson, of Danunokbari]. and his wife, Lady Caeopboll, Eoq. if Dssllocbyle, cc. Argyll, muijor Madnsa Joan Erokino, dan. sf Charles, 10th Earl of liar, and Ills hordshi1s it 10 Jsae. 1865. siotor of John, 11th Earl of liar, n-ho oomnaandod the Chevalier’s forces at Sheriff-Mole. ii. Anne, os. to William Forbes, Esq. of Lndqubairn. Sled. 10 Oct. 1853, and w’as o. by Isis older son, Rosoor, 2nd viscount, who ii. 1st, Elizabeth, dan. of esosood yore, voouliog Ilaiooe, ppr. jIolls—Laus Leo, Fool— William, 7th earl marieohal, by whans ho had, ROpERT, his successor. Margaret, us. to Sir Thomas Dnrnctt, of Leyo. Ills lordship its. lndly, Cathortno, dan. 01 Robert Gordon, I F.sq. of Pitlurg, assd lead, with four other dana., tsvo oons, i. John, of Fsrdun, who en. in 1655, Margaret, dan. of JimeaFaloonor, of i’haoodo, a lord of sosetsn froml t65 to his doath in 1765, and had, I James, a banker in Edinburgh, g, -eat. 2 J’snn, who c. aa 6th viscount. 3 Tlnamas, of Baiglessie, MD., is. and loft issue. I Mary, vs. to John Douglas, Req. of Tilliwbihly, 2 llathertne, sit, to Jtemoo Sloir, Eoq. of Invsrsethy. ii. Alexander, osse of the barons of the Court of Exchequer in ScotLand, niece 1707; cc. Jane. eldest lass, of Sir Charles hlaitland, ant heir of her brother, Sir Charles Ilaitland, of Pitriehic, in 1701. Des inheriting lbs Ilaitlaud estates, Sir. Arbnthnott aesusned the nanse, and because “lI,aitland AuBCTIINOT5 Sin ROBERT-NEon, of Edinburgh, 3. 9 of Pitriehie, eo. Aberdeen. lie lettau only eon, Sept. 1801 ; e. as 2eisl baronet, ut tho decease of hie Cnantts MAsre.Ann, SIP., who ‘ in 1751, when father, I 829; ass. 1828, Anne, younger dan. of Ceaseral the estate of Pitrielno devolved upon his cousin, Major Sir John-Factor F’itzgcrald, .,and has, Forbes, who took the name of Slaitlaud. hits lordship si. in 1685, and was s. by his oldest son, Bacon-i’, 3rd viscount. This nobleman ci. AReas, date, of e. Wsrr.IAae-Wonnoasunn,majorsoth Issassaro, 0. 1851; George, 14th Earl of Sutherlaeed, and dying in 5854, svas e. by isis eldest ansi, ROBERT, 4th visraunt, who d. ansi. in 1710, and was a. by his brother, Jons, 5th viscount. His lordship se. Jesse, daos, of Wihltaos is. Fseter-Fitogesnhd, Bombay Civil Service, 8. 1813: 34 A B, B Morrison, of Preston Graeagc, cc. iladdiugton, lint dying This sss.sbleman to. 1st, Mary, daos. acid co-heir of officer; MI’. for Kineordincshirs from 1828 to 1685 ; 8. 1760, ,5. nit’s. 11 July, 1868. Catherine, iii. 1803, Ilea. David-Lyehl Carriston,and 6. loll. OTis lordship d. 27 Feb. 1800, acid was a. lay his eldest con, Jeeen, 8th viscount, Is. 16 Jaes, 1778 ; aead iii. 23 June, i. Jonn, proseut peon ci. Wailer, ii. 51 Nov. 1808; its. 16 May, 1855, AunaMaria, yosiesgeot chin, of the late Brook-I oylor Ottlcy, Faq. of Didaford, so. Dublin, and has had, I Johu-hiobce’t, b. 20 Aesg. 1558. I Altec-Jean, ii. 1851. 2 Anna-Maria. I A don. 1812; s. 2 Jsns. 1834, Sssanu, dan. of the late John Campbell, tisq., and d. 5 Feb. 1880. Iv. I iari,h, ihadras elvul service, 8. hi 18f0sa. 8 Sspt. 1847, Ellen, sod dau. of ThomaoForbov llevaeolds, Esq., SIB., of Walhiuttiu, in Surrey, and has issue a dan. Fergoson hair, Rsq. of ilallltayock, and 3rd dan. of the ii. 18 Aug. 1850. conues. RN., who it in 1841. Dalneedio, said it 4 hunch, 1645. sic. hoabelha-Ilory, ii, isa 1828. Wesldcrbssres, l’:eq. if Wedderbune, on. Forfar, said Dirkbihl, co, Fife, and it be April, 1840. staff corps, and it. 23 Oct. 1817, Crenlion—Isi Nov. 1641. A s’ioc—Aa., a crescent, bctsvcoie three stars, arg. Cued—A peacock’s hood, ecupod, phi’. beaked, or. Snjspsrles’s—Tee’e drageno, nisgs espandeti, s,ule As-brethuott Honso, Kissoardiseoshiro. A II B U T RN 0 T, 11 Juno, 1003, Alice-Margaret, -ith dan. of the Rev. N.C. Tompsose, reiral doses and vicar of Aldermioster, Weroestershiro, and has, RuvonT-KeeTie, 8. 22 March, 1004 ; acid ss iltots, ne. Robert-Keith, in holy orders, Ii. 1818; ass. 17 July,