Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/86

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AUG I. DuncaN. is. Colts, of Arkinglass. iii. Donald. Sin CoLts CasIrBELL, of Beqcchscu, as 6th earl, who was i. Christian, ca to Duncan Mae farlane, of Arroehar. Sir Cohn was e. at his decease by his eldest son, Sin Duncan Cocirorns., of Lochacv, who assumed the wife, Agnes, doss. of William Iteills, earl msrisohnl, and designation of Anovet, and wae raiood to t-ho dignity of widow of James, Earl of Sloray (the Regent), he had, a lord of parliasnont by James II., in 1145, by tho titlo of AneucscaLo. his successor. Lord t’aoptell, having, in the previous reign, been of the Cohn, of Lscndie, created a Baronet. privy council, and been appointed the king’s jnseieiary, and His Lordship ci. in 1384, and was s. by his elder eon, lord-hentenasat of the ee. Argyll. His lordship ,o. lot, Lady Anenceas,n, 7th earl, a military oHeer of high reputation, Marjory Stewart, dan. of Rolcert, Dnke of Albany, liegent who, after distinguishing himself in arms at hence, entered of Scotland, and had three sons, viz, Celostino, who ci. ysnng. Archibald, whom. Elieahells, doss, of Sir John Somerville, the wars of that monarehc against the States of lIc’lland, of Carnwath and dying before his faeher, left a son, (lottie, who e. his grandfather. Cohn (Sir), ancestor of the Campbells of Glennrehy and Anensearn, his successor. Glentdlot’ls, slow S rio of lirearlalbane. Lord Cacapbel] ‘cc. Sndly, Margaret, elan, of Sir John sr,d had, with a doss., another sass, Stewart, of Blackball, natural son of Itc,sccno III .,air I had James, created Earl of Irvine in 1042, svho 4. s. p., wlcco three mero sons, viz., Duncan -f Auehiscbreek, ancestor of the t’acccphells of Clessearde)l, Gleasaddell she. Nicd, ancestor Tlce earl ci. in 1638, and was succeeded by his elder son, of the (‘ancpbells of Ellengreig and of Arnco’lale ; acid Anessccas,rc, 8th cccl, who avnsccdvaneed to the Mecc’qsseesats Arthur (or Archibald), aneester of Cansphcll of Otter, scow of A c’yyll, by letters potent, dated 15 Nov. 1041. This nobleman extinct. Lord Casopbcll was one of tile hostages for the redemption of James 1., in 1424, and his annual revenue at that time stated to be fifteen hundred marks, a ages, reserving only to himself and his heirs ths jurisdiction larger income than that of any ether of the hostages. Ho of the Western Isles, and of Argyll, and wherever else he d. at the close of tho year 1153, and was s. by his grandson, had lands in Scotland, whirls ars’.angemeots wet-c ratified Coc,sar, 2nd Lord Campbell, who was created Earlsf Argyll, by act of parliament icc 1631. his lordship who was so 1457. His lerdslcip was appointed master ef the king’s deeply engaged in the Scottish affairs of his time, and generally household in 1161; and after filling several niost iscaportant public situations, as ambassador to the courts of England produce rather a series of conjectures than of facts, acted a and France, jnstieiary, she., be aras eventually made Loan prominent part during the civil war, was the first cemmisatoner Hints Cnaaoss.ton or Scavtaaeu. lie ccc. Isabel Stewart, eldest dan. and es-heiress of John, Lord of Lam, and in eoncmauder-in-chiof of the Covenancers, when defsated by eanseqsscoee, added the galley to his achievement, avith the Montrose at Inverisehie and Kilsyth ; but after the king’s designation of Lord Lam to his other titles. Of this marriage murder, when Scotland, as with one voice, demanded the there were, with seroral dons., two cons, viz., Aaeassoto, his successor. Tisocass, ancestor of ths Camphells of Lundy. lice earl ef. 10 May, 1453, and was s. by his elder son, Annossac.n, 2nd Earl of Argyll, who fell in the command eerooceny of proclaiming Cnoaswrs,c,, Protector, and sigssd of the vanguard at the celebrated field of Pledden, a an sugagomeot to support the usurper’s government. On Sept. 1513, leavhcg, with a numrrous family besides (by the restoration of ths monarchy, the marquess isomediately Elieabeth, lsis wife, dao. of John, Earl of Lenasx), Cotsie, his successor. John (Sin, of Colder, ancestor of the Earl of Candor. ITo was s. by his son, CoLlie’, 3rd Earl of As’gyll. T)sis noblemauw.asappsiuled, narrowly escaped shipws’eek. lie was soon afterwards tried in 1520, lieutenant of lIce borders, warden of tIcs marches, for high treason, and eendsmssed to death, 25 Slay, 1601. heritable sheriff of Argyllshire, justice-general of Scotland, Isa two days eubeequsotly, he wrote a long letter to the and coaster of the king’s household. his lordship Ia. Lady king, viscdiesting his memory, and implorissg proteetiocs Jane Gordon, dan. of Alexander, Earl of batty, and dying for his peer wife and fanaily ; dined at noon with his fs’tends in 3533, was .c. by his eldest son,t Ancncsas,n, 4th eas-l. This nobleman was (Ice first persocs the nohihity to the scaffold; where, aftsr an interval of of iacpartance in Scotland wits embraced tics Protestant devotion, his head was sts’urk off by the scaidecc at the religion, and he became subsequently a strenuens advocate ocarket-errss of Edinbnrglc. Its ss. his cousin, Margsset, for the Reformation. lIe ccc. lot, helen, dan. of Jameo, B el eseoud dan. ef Willlaso Douglas, Earl of Morton, by whoco of Arrau, and had one san, .Asserneatn, his successes-. ITo ccl. 2ndly, Margaret, dau. of William Graame, Earl of t’sithueas, and fndly, to JoIm, Earl of Sreadalbasse) ta’s sons, Mentcith, by whom he had, with two dais., Cons, who s, as 0th earl, His lordship d. in 1353, and woos, by his eldest son, Ascecsssas.u, 5th earl, who, at the breaking out of ths civil wars in Seotlasad, espoused lice cause of Queen Many, and eensmmsded her Majesty’s forces at the battle of Langside, in 1510. After the assassination of the Regent Msssav, the Earl of Argyll, anti ether noblensscc of the queen’s party. her eoscsin, Sic Robert Monzies, 2nd Dart. ; and Susan, assembled at Linlithgow, 10 April, 1570, and his lordship s.c. to J. Shesvart, of Urraed. Lord Neil ci. 1635, and was was then constituted, with the Duke of C)catelherault and the Earl of lluntly, her Slajcsty’s lieutenant in Scotland. Whets the Regent Lennox fell in 1-571, by assassination ncccle’s invasion, and was tiled md condemned, but bad too, he n-as candidate for the regency; but scot succeeding, ho was swom sf the privy council, and the next year constituted The Slarqnis was s. by the elder of two sons, Loon Mcoo Ccsaxcccuacn. His lordship cc. lot, the Anccassai,n, 0th earl, who, in 16f3, avas reehorsd to the Lady Jasce Stuart, natural dan. of Jasees V, (this lady was estates and honoure of his family, as East of Argyll. This at supper with her sister, Queen Many, when Rizzie was nobleman, for refnstng to subscribe to the Test Act, was murdered, 0 STarch, 1560; and she stood sponsor, asproxy for foesnd guilty of high trsasesc, 10 Dee. 1631, and sentenced ELczasrvcs of Escgland, at the baptism of Jasers VI.) The earl to death, but effected his escape from the Castlo sf Edinburgh, icc. Sndly, Lady Joanna Cuccniughacsc, 2nd dan. of Alexandec-, 5th earl of Glsneaim, lcsst had ice issue. TIe ci. in 1575, when of Lady Sopbha Lindsay, isis stsp-dacsghtor, and departed the estates and hsueurs devolved open his half-brother, * his furl son, John, was ancestor of the Campbells of attempt to invade Scotland in the beginning of the reign Lechnell ; and his 3rd, Alexascdes’, became dean of Moray. of James II., and executed at the same place, and in the 36 AltO sworn of the privy coscneil ics 1577, and appointeri lord high chancellor of Scotland in two years sties-wards by his 2nd the service of Plcilip Ill. of Spout, and obhdned renown icc The lordship ccc. 1st, Lady Anne tiouglas, doss, of William, Earl of Morton, by whom he had, witlc four doss., hess. 2scdly, Anne, doss. of Sir Williaus Cornwallis, sfDnsms, the dignity expired. resigned tote the hands of CuanLrs I. the jnstieiarychip of all Scotland, which had been in his famlly for several so mysteriously, that to treat of his career wsuld from Sretlaccd to the parliament of England, and acknowledgment of Cnaas,rs 11., Argyll asserted his nsajesty’s cause, and set the king’s coronation at Scone, 1 Jan. 1650-1, had the honour of placing the erowsa upan his majesty’s head. Subsequently, however, he assisted in (ice repaired to London, for the purpose of congratulating the king; but his majesty, rsfasing to see him, ordered his committal to the Tower, where be remained until December following, when Ics was sent back to Scotland by ceo, and with great cheerfulness; snd was seeempanisd by several of he had (with three daus,, .tnne, cl sssccc. ; Jane, sc. Robert, 1st Marquess of Lotbian; and Mary, ccc. lot, te George, fan of c. Anenisato, his successor. is. Neil, of Armaddie, eo. Argyle, governor of Dumbarton Castle. who ccc. lot, 15 Jan 1618, Lady Vers hOer, 3rd dan. of William, hlarqnis of Lethian, mcd by her had issue, t’harles; Are’aibsld, B. B., a bishop of the Scotch Episcopal Cbssrch, consecrated at Dundee 1711, assd at Loudest 1744; and Ancca, cc. to Capt. James, hod sun of Sir Alexacader Shenzies, 1st Mart, of Weem. Lerd Neil cc. 2ccslly, Snsauna, dan. of StrAlexander Menziec, 1st Dart. ccf Wesm, by whom he isad toys dscss., Clcs’iotisn, vs. to e. by his eldest son, Cbsrles Campbell, wlcc, jeisced his his sentence enmnsnted. lie mode over Armaddie to tics Eccrh ef llreoclcclbasse; he itt. and left dcccix under the disguise of a page, belching up the traiss the kingdom - Ice was subsequently taken, in ass abortive same maimer, as his father, 30 Juns, 1685. His lordship