Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/94

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his lordship d. 36 Aug. 1756, and was s. by his elder son,

William, b. 19 Oct. 1767, 3rd viscount, at whose decease unm. 6 Jan. 1801, the honours devolved upon his brother,

Henry-Jeffrey, 4th viscount, b. 16 Nov. 1776. His lordship m. 1st, 24 May, 1802, Deborah-Susannah, only dau. and heiress of the late Rev. William-Maximilian Freind,

Sir Thomas Beaumont, of Staughten, co. Leieeeter, by whom he had issue,

John, his successor.

William, M.P., in 1640, who, with other loyal members, was expelled the House for his fidelity to the crown.

ssesj g1’ rector of thinner, Ovoo, aod granddau. and heiress of and Js1.-gen. (1644) of the eo. Dorset. After the ReTisosixe WALKER, Esq. of Woodstoek, by whom (who S. oremtieo, lie was appaintod cofforer to the king. He m. 24 .llarels, 1110) he had issoe, Jaoo, dan. of John, Lerd Ilotier, and widow of James Lee, Earl of Marlborough, hot sO. 5. r in 1079. downy, present peer. .. hlieabetli oi. to Sir Frideriek Corowollis, Rot., afterSusao-S’phia, m. lot, 29 May, 1021, to the Rev. William wards Lord Cornwsllis Ttoidnson (wlao S. in Dee. 1054), son of the 11ev. Sir John .‘ ci to F Turvilie Es Ilohioson, Fart. and 2ndly, 2 Aug. 1830, to W.-Olilson ., . Campbell, Req. of tIm Castle, Port Stewart, Colersine; she One, se 0 ir .. ering, ,as 5. 6 Nov. 1064 This Sir John Ashbumham, by tho inoer’phou on his Caroline, ye. 20 lllareh, 1929, to Henry Every, Eoq. of monument in Aobhurnhase Chureb, was neceoaitatcd, being Eggington House, eo. Derby, and ‘1. 17 April, 1840 deeply engaged for Ins friends, owing to his genorous ohsLerd Ashbrook so. 2ndly, 22 June, 1812, Esoily-Theopbila, position, to soil his seat (in his family 1ong Leforo the eldest dau. of Sir Thomas Metcalf, hart., and had by that Ccnq’seot) and all the rotate he had rlssohere, and 10 leave lady, one survivieg dan., his wife and ehil’lrcn totallyonprovided for. his widow os. Charlotte-Augusta, os 10 Jssise, 1016, Geosge, 5th Dukeof Sir Tho;saa Richardson. lord-ebief-jootiee of the Common Marlborough; asad sl. 20 April, 1850 Pleas, and was created RAnoxeoo CoAwown, isa the peerage lie ci. 4 Slay, 1847. of Scotland, by Cnxnoos I. Sir John Asbbnrnham’e oldest ceo, f’realioss—llaIvn, 27 Oct. 1733. Viscount, 30 Sept. 1751. Jonw AssoBunyneal, Req., was one of the grooms of the A ‘os—Ar., two chevrosuels, between three raveiss, ppr. each l,edehamber to Css.sorve I., and SIP, for l4aotings, 1640. holding us the heak ass ermine spi’ t, all sa. , a eel be tweesu the ebevronels three Isellets. test—A raven, so in thearms, lie filled, after the Reotoratson, the same post in the court .Sopperters—Tois tigers, rear,lanl, mr., dsseally gorged owl of Cssxncro 11., sstthsg in 1,aeliament for the eo. Sussex. elsained,or. Jfollo—Monseonoriareeti. Seot—CaotleDurrow, in 1046, whess the unhappy doesused it advisableto eo. Kilheony. leave Oxford, Mr. Asbhssrohaos was the only servant that attended him ; and, indeed, the only person, oxeelst a A S H B U is N H A 141. elergynsass, Dr. hudson, who served for a guide. lIe woo a2terwards iustrumesstal iii the flight of isis royal waster from hlasnptoo Court, 11 Nev. 1047; sod eventually was easunaitted to the Tower by CnoaswELs., where he remainod till the Proteetor’sde’sth. Mr. Ashbnruham vs. let, Frances, dais, and heir of Wilham Holland, Fog. of Westbnrton, and ls;,d ivesse, Wss,eseas, so. Rlheabeth, dose, of John, Lord Poulett of Tliuton St. George; and, dying in 1608, left a son, Jonas, who o. Inc grandtsther. l”rassees, ci. to Sir Denny Asbhurnbam, of Bromliam, Ilirt. Elieatelhi, ci. to Sir llngls Ssssith, of Long Aeletois. Ho so. 2odly, Elio’sbeth, dan and heiress of Clsristopher 10 eon, Roll. of Keun, eo. Son;erset, and widow of Lord Peulett. lIe 5. in 1071, and was e. by his grandson, Aoienunnn.eam EARL OF (liortrasea .Ac]shusrulsam), I. Jossx Aeoounssnxss, Rsg., who was olevated to the Vierosssat St. Asaph, asiA Earoia Aolslsesruloasaa; t. peerage, as heresy .‘toltsss’etoos, ofzlotbssrnlsesso, es Sssvoex,20 2° Iso; 1797 s isis fates Os 4th easi 27 Oct 11 y 10 1 His losdohsp so so It 7 Bridget enl d in and heiress of 13 alter 4 anohan, Fog, of l’orthammel lie,noe, Co. 1830; so. Jan. 1846, Catlaersue-C.has’Iotte, elan. f Brerkssoek; and dying 32 Jau. 1703-10, left(with two dasss., C 001 ge. I’aslhe E q of Je is sass osel ‘situ as tet to the J inc m to Jam s 180955 Log 5 heahells so 1st to Robes Earl of Haddisagtois, asiA Isas had 0Oli0, Cbslmnndrley, Esg. of hlolford, and tndly, to Seysnoor 1. BERTRAM, Fisroont SI. Aeaph, 6. 26 Oct. 1240. Cholsoondeley, Req.) three sons, by the eldest of svhom, ii. John, 6. 3 llareh, 1843. Wsn.sxss, dod baron, he e. ills lordship i’s. Catharioe, jss, Williane, 9. 26 ltsreb, 1947. doss. ased evesitusally solo heiress of Thomas Taylor, Req. of Iv. Itiehard, 0. 27Jnly, 1841. v. Thomas,ls. 2 April, 1832. Clnpham, 00. Redford ; hot dyisig withont issue, 10 June, vs. Rdsvard, 6. 21 Dee. 1857 ; 5. 39 March, 1819. 1710, the barony devolved upon his brother, vss. tleorge, 9.21 Oct. 1062. Josete,Srd baron, who svas created rieeooal SI. 4sop5, s. Katherine. is. Margaret. iii. Anne, 5. 1 Dec. 1817. and EARL or Assiouawuxes, 14 Slay, 1730. his lordship sv. STory. v. Assnthser dan. )appointed in 1730, gentlen;an of tiso bedelsamber to Frederick, Prhsee of Wales) so. 1st, Lady Mary Butler, dan. ILulnlgr. of Jamss, Duke of Ormonde, bsst by that lady had noisssie. The As/,tsss’nhaoso (so denominated from the leevss of that He ss. Redly, henrietta, elan, of William, Earl of Derby, and name in Ssieoex, formerly wi’ittess F.osebssrnhain) are, widow of John Assnesley, Earl of Anglesey, by whom he had according to Fisher, ‘a family of stupendous antiquity, ale 055ly doss., henrietta, wise si. Mini. Div hardship is. Irdly, svherein the eneineuee hath eqssahled the antiqeity, having Jeminia, dan. and co-heir of Ilenry, Duke of Itent; and men barons temp. Hewisv III. ;“ ased Francis Thyson, Esq., dyiog 10 March, 1716-7, woe s. by his only son, in his catalogue of lord-wardens of the Cinqne Forte, and Jonas, 2nd earl, LL.D. 6.30 Oct. 1724, wIse was ronstables of Devor Castle, thus nientisess one of the early appointed. in 1751, keeper of hyde Park, aol St. James’s urogeoitors ; ‘‘Bertrans Ashburnhans, a baron of Kent, was Park, and, in 1775, first lord of the bedrhaoibcr and groom es,notol,le of Dover Castle, An. 1060; which Dertrane was oftheotole to Gonnur III. He sis. 25 Jissse, l756,Rhizabeth, Iselseaded by Wsoosxas the Canqsseros’, because he did so don. amid es-heiress of Alderman Crawley. of Londs’u. and oh. valiantly defend the some against the Duke of Normandy.” in 1811, baring had (with four dons., Mcnrietta-Theodosis, Jonas Aonsuaasuxss, Rsq., representative of the family at who 5. 30 March, 1847; Jemisoa-Rlizabeth, so. 1703, James, the commencement of the 16th oesitssry, ci. Lore, dan and Marquess of Graham, Duke of Moutrose, K 0 .,.and 5. the co-heir of Thomas Derkslsy, Fog. of Aran, eo. Rants, and following year; Elizohaoth-Frasioes, who oh. 16 April, 1824; was s. by his son, and Theodosia-Slaria, ci. Robert Viuer, Req. of Gautby, in Jonas Aosiounwnxss, Fog., SIP, for Sussex Istand Issi of Lineohnshire, assd it, in 1825) a son and successor, PnsLsP and SIxav; so. Isabel, don, of John Saekville, Req., Osoaco, 3rd Rarl, KG. and F.S.A., who bad previously ancestor of the Dukes of Dorset, and wao his son, besus sesmmoned in the barony of Aolsburnham. 6. 22 Dee. Jonas AsnoussasnAss, Fog. of Ashbnrnhom, whe sn Mary, 1760 ci. lvt, 20 Aug. i78s, Sophia, led dan. of Tlsomas, 1st dan. oi George Pane, Fog., of T.adsei, eo. Rent, gmndfather Man9usoo of Bath, KG., by whons (evhe oh. in 1791) he had of Franeio, hot Earl of Wsstmoroland; and dying in 1311, an only surviving dan. Ehieabeth-Sephie. Ills lordship iii. avao s. by his von, Indly, 25 July, 1793, Clsarlette, eldest dan. of Alges’seon, 1st Sin Jonas Asusunwssaas, lOnt., who so. Ella ibeth, dan. of Earl of Bsvcrley, and by her (who ci. 26 Nov. 1281) had, 44