Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/104

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2I U ft W’iLLIAai, his heir. helen, ‘a. in 1760. to Antlnosy ylnrrav, Fsq. af Crieffe, a direct deseeniloal of T unIt, 2osl of Oehtertyrs, ood it. it liolleeje, in 1733, leaviilg jostle. Joan, n,. in I 7(19, to Col. (‘liarles Chorelitil, inst hod 11100. Sir Pah’iek slvin, Ii Sept. I Tilt, an too. by tiio tile sill, 5’. SLO Wi r,i tasi, whoio. it SI oreli, 1770, Sit list t, yi ten <rot duiii. (if Get “01’, test K’u’l of Creueuirtie, I 9’ so bum ho hail tootle, PATRIcK, Iris situ ci tsar. tJesirute Slit, I (‘.1. iC., a general in tIre army, colonel ci time iat Ii, a alt, gun rie’r’’f litrE (il’uul’tO. & e.. 5. 6 Felt. 1772: SR. ill 1020 l,siuli’ 1.505:1 1’ robins, sisier to rite TInt qnem ol Aegleser, ansi ,riuiosi nut I ,te,ut.’t.,ens eol Sir 2. ttrslsi,te, Hart., nail d. In lc4tt, lu’aviatr an mity tint., who 1,1. 11.—U. i7oee, Fatj. sit time 2,,d life—g,t.srils, anti ii. t a 119, 6. p. 51 tubas ii. in 1702, F.1.l’o.’s service ; 1. Op. jsauielia, an. in i cOn’, to tier chasm, James Glaisford, Faq., oust i. Caroline, so. 5 March, 1539, to Wifliam Stanley, Eeq., ii. In P00. Angosla, it, in IsIS, to Den. Campbell, of T,orlanell, anti sI. ii. Agisoo, 10. 19 June, 2902, to the Rev. M.-R. Graham, 12 Slareti, to4f. Sir Wiltiain if. in lotS, and seas,’. by his etdret semi, VI. Sin I’ mali g, 5. 7 Fob. 1771. Ttns gentleman pascait iii. Sephia. ao an asIc’ se,,tn in 17:1:1, until was a1i1ueinted luaruin of tha cusn’t if Exebnqsrer in uSe,ntlmnid in 1070. tint,’. 13 floe. This aneteiit family dedoees its pedigree from one of the 1701, Sl,aey-Aime, vsnngest dmiue of John, 2nd Etirl of NoIse— omslpuuniens in arms of the Conr1usei-er, who obtained a giant manic, l,y whom be had issue, i. W’ieeiaai-itrivn, Tilt luarnnet. ii. John, of I lartslisuu’e, c’s. I inmtiartnn, 5. 11 tint. I 004, who npe’.ulatiug of his two villmugeo called Siuegravo, in lVoatmorelusnut, has Ossslneesl t Sr snrilz,ne of I Inavsilutne : he,,u. 1st, 9 Aug. misc wuurlike faintly ruf the Stnoomuovaa.” 1536. Slary, liii atni. sub I leon ui Sir litmurarul Dimglas, Ps,urh.. Timu’aios lie Slnnimimas e was returned to parliamaint luy h7’ as ham (salt’s it. lit iris. 1611) lie lieu ‘‘lie sin, lAin, wIns the en. of Weotiasu relaimd in the reIgn of Ensvaun hit., and P. hale, 1007, aid nec ul;uui., Mmn’’. ilir. (I ai’Iehnin o. 2rudly, 29 June, I 512, ,tngnsta—I.ussutssi, hun wiulssw of the Ites’. 55:05 tune utf the eonmmandors in the van of tba army sabieb SVilliain—Casmisibon l’nrslsai. ,sf ‘ftnuin,’anaa, ci:. dune, clear usf gave hinvimu Ihimaree battle near Durham, and made latin LaxIty, SCar,, leltoluire, omit time only child of the late 17ev. luri.nner. He acute a. by his coma, Gessi’ge-Fredeeiek Tavel (by laity Aagasia Fitzroy mb wife, Smn Tnoarans ne Sluooanea, ]fnt., SOP. for the eo. Tom-k dan. of Anguislas. 3rd Iluuke of i.ii’aftonr). iii. Peter, tied an aslaimeata. iv. George. a emupt. in tile army, eluef ci the eenslahniary imi the 10th P,inunntu II., and nmensber for Weotmon’e’laiad in force at Cusafu, 1. 24 Feb. 10011. v. itenre—tlnailas, all jseailiai’y magistrate at Gwaler, Sontli and Slnsg’ove devolved rijion his sun amid heir, Australia, Ia. 16 lIce. 1537, Jane, dan. ol Wtlltamao Lewis, Sin htieainnn iihraoaaeg, Nut., whooo great-grandson, Faq. 1. Stacy, a. II Sept. 1079, to James Thannr, Esq. of Kiimnerghame, llera’ieliahira. ii. Isaluella—.tagtnla. iii. Ge’nrgiana, u. 19 Gel. 1020, to Anllieny Storray, Eeq. of btierinna, hits suieeensor. Dollerie, NIl., anul Isis tssuie. is’. Charlotte-Eltaaluel Ii, ,,m. 29 Gel. 1049, In rise 12ev. Arthnr lahans, reeler of Westusn Tnrs tile, linels. 2nd sets of the Isle Niu’lsohas, ancestor ef lime Sluoeanves of ffoytsn Caahle. 11ev. Henry—Charles Isirttnr, reu’lssr 5sf Slianglon, Leleesler— Vn’iltimuii, lurogeninor of the lleoaexves of Cesetatole, in shire, and tins a eon, Aettior-Citarles, it. 1s47, and a stan., Anea. Sir Pati’iek ii. I June, 1027, suit was,.1. by his eldest non, VII. Sin WiLeinie Kin n, who so as is. 19 July, 1 sot e. Lsurd Clifford; onul fi’om iiimss we pass to lais hiameal deeaen’ his father, as 7th bait., I muse, lost; ci. 1st, 20 Nov. dant, 1029, Helen Margaret Oltidsarib, only elsild arid heiress et I. Sin DIeHARD Muonn.eva, who was made a knight of lIne late Sir Alex,nsdee Keith, ef Itnimnu’btar, knight-mariadial the L”ith at the so urnisation of Jnnieo I., anul was aulvssnoe I of Senstiand, and by hoc (ache ul. Aug. 1992) has bust, tsu the llnronetry 29 Juuiue, 1(111. lIe so. b’raiscea, dcci. ef i. t’Avnsu’K—Knrrn, present 1 taronet. in. Alexander, ii. nil infant, Pehu. 1027. in. Willta,n, Ii. 25 Sept. ta27, an either tOlls riflee uf. 1964. iv. George, In. 19 Felt. 10.12; it, April, IsiS. V. Aeaxaaeor, Ii. 20 Get. 1541 vi. John, 5. 4 Join. loiS: 1. 1062. vii. Ilenry—Artlinr, 5. 7 bile, I s4i, viii. David, 5. 20 StareS, 1049. ix. Charles-ltspe, 5. 24 May. 1539: 1. 10 March, 1900. x. Arehteialsi-Lanionl, 5. 6 Sag. 1s52. i. Georgtaismi—Sl;ury. n. llelen-Ame’lia—Ad elatule, iii. _Slaey—Anise—Cliartestte. Ito a. Indly, I July, P154, Lady Adetaislo-utngneta.Laa-tista llasttngs, Otis dan. of l’ranois, tat Marqnens of Itastiaga, which lady ‘1. op. Dec. bOo, lIe d. 16 Oct. 1091. Cesefisa—7 Juiie, I 073. Acme—Az., three attica, erg., in lbs centre a crest of the IV. Sin Cisneo”s’nrnen. Thie genmtleman was appointed ieearnd, soansoonted of sa Saltier, gui., luotlu Counted Crest—An olive—branch, lupr. Molts—la lucite qnies. Sesls—Gelsterlyre, near Crieff, I’erlbshire’ flavetaten cc Edtabnrgh and Dunollar. en. Kiacardine. uPOn MUSGRAVE. Musau,’,vg, Sin Ggoumg, of Eslonhall, eo. Cnmborlancl; b. 14 June, 1799 ; e. lila his.ithnr, as lOtla lsaronot, 11 May, 1834 ; so. 26 Juno, 1625, Charlotte, clan. of the late Sir Janaon Graham, Eart., of Nethorhy, and hag lea 3, i. Philip, ii. mis 1523 ; it 10 9lay, 1959. n. Ilicnaamn-Coenrrgav, Dl,. for Camborland, is. in 1939; is. 17 Jum. 7007, Adora Franrea-Olga, enlydan. of Peter Wells, Esq. of Forest Farm, Windsor. eldest oon of gdward Stanley, Eoq. of Foneonby Hall, Cnmberland. (See Bunaa’e Laashest Featey.) 2nd situ of time late Itt. lion. Sir Jas-.1t.-G. Graham, Dart. 3t iItff2t C. of Sealeluy’ t austle, out. Cnniluzrland. Camden in his Bu’itaaaia, uleoerihtes tbeiuo as the places “wlsieh gave name to iii the 97th ant 43rd of Enaronu III., aherilf of Ceumoberland the 1st of hheaov IV. He a. in 1499, when Ihartley Castle Smn ‘l’mmnsam,es Slrann,eva, Rut., usu. Joan, doss, anti coheir suf dir Wilhia,si de Stapletoms, hint, of Edenhali, ins Cnussl :enlanrl (his 1 uruutlser, John Shusgravc, uuu. Ilary, thu ether dan. and euu-heh’). dir Thomas left (besides dons.), Jnuhn (sin’), ancestor of tlue Ilusaninea a,f a’lmaapraeo flail, or I0uoirhm,nk. Cuambem’tmsimst. Sir Thoisias avas a. by his oldeot son, SHI liii umsenlu Slesnn,eee, who hI, Joane, dan. of Tbomas, Phhltls, Inurd Wharton, and dying in 1015, woo s. by his Iuisly a,sim, hi. SIms Pnieii’. Thia gentleman, so-he aeqnired great m’emmowis uunder the’ royal bsonmier storing the civil ware (at llaratiss llenr,—’as gavel-nor of Carlisle,—at Weneastee,— and uimmular the hem’iue t’nrmnteaa of Denny, in the hole of Stan), had a avon-ant, alter the bteotersotmon, robing him to thu paer:uge’, as B,uu’sn Muu,ugu’ciae, of Jibs’ltcsj Castle, bitt the patent wmis mueeer taleen out. Ho slu. ,Iuulian, dan. of Sir Diehard Itsuteons, lins.t. of Goidaborongh, hI Yorkshire, one of the judges of the Conm’t of Consnsois Pleas, and dying at Eden- ball, timm 1C7s, woes, by bis eldest son, Ill. Sin ttn’minnns, who ci. 9largaret, dan. of Sir Thomas Ilan’io,ui, Rut, of Allerthorp, ins Yorkshire, and left an uummly dunm , Simery, st. to Thonsas Davyson, Esq. of Elaekie’ tuun, in Ilurebans. He was a. at halo decease by Ida bi’otber, u’ne of the tehlem-s of the Exchequer, iii the bat year of Qnonn Acorn. Ito usu. bat, IlIar, ulnu. and no-heir of Sin Andrew Ciig’an, Dart., hsy whom be bad, i. Philip, clerk of hue ronneil to mama II., at. in h551, liaay, dsiu. of eteusrgis, Lsird Dartmouth, and left at his decease, in 1000, I Cnmams’aoraemi, who inherited lbs litlo. I Earlsara, am. In Thomas Ideanard, Faq. of Corby Castle, ii. Christopher. who a. his baothrr as clerk of the eenneih, if. aoeue. in 1715, I. Mary. M U S Sir Cbniatopber iur. 2imdly, Ehiaabetb, dan. of Sin Johis