Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/107

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M U F4 thu. of the 11ev. William Sharps, son of the Archbishop of St. Audrew’s, the ill-fated primate of Scotland, and had, MATTHEW, his eoeceseor. ilocoar, who s. as 5th baronet. Meliana, m. to John Spread, Req. of Ilallycaneon. to. Cork. Jane, so. to William Freomao, Req. of Coetlocor. cc. Cork. Sir Matthew it. Ii March, 1746-7, and was a. by his oldest non, Sic MATTHEW, SIP, for the city of Cork, who so. Salisbury dau. and sole heir of Robert Dasi.s, Ret1, of Mauloy Hall, m. Chester, by whom (who it. 14 Nov. 1755) he had three daus., via., s. Salisbury. st Mary. six. Charlotte. Sir Matthew dying without mole ioene, was o. by bin brother, THE ltsossT HON. Sin Rooosev, has-riater-at-law, a privyoonneillor in Ireland, and member of Parliament. This gentleman rs. 84 Aug. 1718, Charlotte, 2nd dan. of Thomas NASOMYTH, SIB Jon- MURRAY, of Posse, to. Tilaosa, Esq., and by her left ioaue, SonneT, his successor. Joeelye, S. in 1749; lIP. for ltelsloss, to. Cornwall, and for Mary, 4th tian. of Sir John Marjoribanke, Bart., Baltimore, in Ireland; d. in Nov. 1780. Charlotle Grace, sa. to the Rev. Charles Hawirey, of Devonshire. Rliaa-Saliebury, xci. let, 13 Nov. 1772, to Ihe ltev. Janses Pilnian, of Alphussglon, Devon; and Sndlly, to William Clarke, M.D. Jane. Aiicia. Frances, os. 1st, to Col. John Itodges, only son of Sir James us. Stuart, is. iso April, 1829; 7. in Det. 1016. Hodges, Rot.; and 2ndly, in Jan. 1819, to the ltev. Thomas iv. Jobn-3lajoribaoke, 5. iso 1832; ci. 18 Nov. 1036. Lensan, of Bath. Sir Robert ci. in Feb. 1770, and was a. by his eldest eon, Sic Rooaav-TsLeoN, 5. 10 Oct. 1747, MP. for the to. Cork, who was elevated to the peerage ef Ireland, as Sir Johss we. 2ndly, S July, 1839, Eleanor, dan. of BARON Muececay, 5 Jan. 1781. He m. in 1775, Anne. Thomas, 2nd Lord Lilford, and bad by her, dau. of John Pitamanrice, Esq., and sole heir of her grandfather, 5. A seo, who ci. in infaocy. i. Ada-Eleanor. John Piiamauriee, Req. of Springfield Castle, to. Limerick (nephew of Thomas Fitamanrice, let Earl of He o. his father ae 4th baronet, 4 Dee. 1829. Merry), and had, Reberi-Fitomanrice, 5. in 1776; din 1706. Jossw-Tneucs-Psvauanniro, his successor. William, heut. 30th regt., 8. in 1792; kqled in Portugal io dale, and bas possessed lands there eiote the 13th century. 1811. Marrnnw, 3rd baron. The baron ci. in 1810, and was a, by his elder son, JoseN- THoMAs - FlvassAnssscc, 2nd baron, 5. 27 Sept. estates of Posse, in the year 1144, as a slewry witb Eloabeth. 1777, a major-general in the army, and companion of dan. of John Baird, of Poeco. Dnring the isstcstine troubles us the Bath; who ci. 17 Jan. 1015, Sarah, 2nd dan. of Stetland, in tbe reign of Queen 3Lasrr, Sir lliolsael espeeeed the lii. Haynee, Req. of Bishop’s Castle, but by her (who Os. cause of the unfortunate princess, and foogbt uoder her banner 2ndly, James Dawaon, Esq.) be bad no issue. He it. i. p. at Langside, in 1568. lIe was aubeeqoently baniabtd, and big 25 Dec. i824. and was a. by his only brother, MATTHEW FsrassAuesto, led baron, who was 5. 29 March, advanced age, about tloc year 1609. Sir llicbael’e second son, 1795, and m. los, 13 Aug. 1529, Lonisa-Dorcas, 2nd dan. (by John, woe thief chirnrgeon to his Sleet Serene llajeety, and to his Wife Doreas Spread) of Henry-Deane O’Geady, Esq. of the King of Prance: be 7. at London, Ass. 1113, and in his Lodge, co. Limerick, and by her (who d. in 1840) bad issue, testament, be leaves “his bert to his young nsaioter the s. Roberi-Tilson-Fitamauriee, 5. 30 June. 1826; soc. 11 Dec. eon and sueeeesor was 1847, Rliaabetb-Geraldioe, dan. of H-K. Brogan-Morgan, Jacers NAE5HYTH, of Poeeo, Who W50 appointed faleener to Seq. of Johnstown Castle, M.F., and aesssmed, 1855, the additional King JAaroe VI. The royal eyrie of Posso Crag is in the family surname and arms of MOEOAN. lie ci. 1887, leaving estate; and the lure worn by Queen MARE aod JAorm, preeented issue an only son, HAH5LTON-HATTHEW- FsvmsAonsro, to him by the latter, is preserved as an heirloom. present peer. is. HaoeY-SrAoosan-FsTassAuasce, U.N.; 8. 29 Aug. 1829. in. ltatthew-Jamee-Fitamaueiee, lale an officer 4th dragoon the Scottish parllament in 1027, and sheriff of the cc. Peebles. guards, 516 Sept. 1831. His lordship ass. 2ndly, 13 April, 1864, Lucy, widow of Col. Esq. ci Baroe, and was a. by his ekleet aao, Aldrich, RE., which lady it. 16 Jan. 1807. Lord 3luskerry rf. JaMEs Nareesrvn, an eminent lawyer, Who W5 known by 19 May, 1808, and was o. by his grandson, 3Le.’rronw-Fsvr- the soubriqoet of “the Dell o’Dawyh.” lie ci. in 1706, and wae seamer, 4tb and present BARON Muoaeaav. Creatieos—Barosset, 10 Islareb, 1709. Baron, 9 Jan. 1701. Armi—Quarterly: lot and 4th, as., two bars, go., for DOARE; Sir Jamee sss. let, Jane, widow of Sir Ludoviek Gordon, of 2nd and 3rd, arg., a saltier, go., and a chief, eem., for Fsrcxa Gerdenetown. He sos. ladly, Janet, sister of Sir David ltssrray, AuEsr 0. Creols—Oa a decal coronet, or, a crocodile, etalant, ppr.; and Req. of Clifton; and dying in 1720, was a. by his eldest son, a centaur. Sssppertera—Twe angels, hahited and winged, aa., holding Seq., by whom be bad, JAN05, his erscceeeor, and John, an in their exterior hands medalliesse, ppr. Matta—Porti et fidell nibil diffidile. Seals—Springfield Castle, to. Limerick. Tssea Hsaae—14, Cranley Place, sslow Square. NAI N A E S M Y ‘F H. Peebloa; is, 30 Dee. 1803; us. lot, 19 May, 1826, and by her (wlsn tl. 20 lIce, 1836) han hail issue, e. JAMEs, ot tho Bengal tiril service; 8. 9 Fob. 1827; so. 19 Nov. 1810, Elica-Gordon-Brodie, eldest dan. of P-Whit- worth Itaesell. Req., B.C.S. 2nd son of Sir H. Rnsaell, Dart. of Swallowfitid, cisief justice of India. is John-Stoart, 7. in iofaney. v. Robots, S. in 1834; sI. 11 Nov. ldIf. i. Aliee-llary, sss. 22 Sept. 1851, to Franeis-W. Russell, Esq., 9th Bengal cavalry, son of Fraotie-Wbitworth Russell, Req., jssdge at Chiusurals, in India. 3tlllntftc. The family of Naeemyth is osse of remote antiquity in Tweed- Ssa Msce,AEL Nctassvrss, chaosberlaio of the arebbiahoprie of St. Andrewo, (descended frees Sir lliclsael Naeensytb, colso fought in the wars between Brnee and Baud), obtained the property eeiaed upon by the regent llecsar. lie d. at an Prince’s grate,” (Prince Henry of Wales.) Sir ltitbael’a eldest Jaerts Narscrvru, Seq., eon of the Faltoner, was memhcr of This gentlemae os. in 1610, Agnee, dan. of William Bumet, a. by his eon, I. Ssa Jars Neressyrn, wlso had been created a Baronet of iVeeso &elfa, 31 Js.ely, 1706, with limitation to his heirs male. of Stasohope; and 3rdly, Barbara, dao. of Andrew Pringle, It. Sin JAMEs, H.P., wise os. Jean, dan. of Thomas Keith, officer of rank in the army. Sir James ci. 4 Feb. 1779, and was o. by his older eon, III. Sin Jane, who so. in 1781, Eleanor, 2nd doss, of John Murray, Seq. of Pniiphaugb (Use lineal descendant of Archibald de Momvis, one of the powerful Scottish barons, whons Enwasers I. of England obliged to swear fealty in 1296), by wbem (who it. in 1007) ho bad incus, JoseN-ItuweAT, present barossot. Eleanor, cc. to George-William Villiors, Req., and has ieeue. Jane, cc. to John Macquota, Fsq., and hs,s iosoc. litary, soc. 1st, to the late Capt. James Dalrymple; and 2ndly, to Fitcberhtrt lBacqutsn, Eeq., and bce ieeae. Joanna. NAAS, LORD, Off MAYO, EARL OF. 809