Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/111

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N A P C’reatien—2 March, 1627. Arms—Quarterly: 1st and 4th, arg., a saltier, engrailed, William Napior, of Tensploernn, above-mentioned, by Mary between four roses, go., the roses barbed von, for NAmER of sferclsistanss; 2nd, as., a lion, rampant, aeg., crowned, or, for MAcDOw-tEL of Gnrlhtaad: 3rd, arg., a fesse, as., having by her (who d. in lend) had, with two other oons, voided, of the field, between three demi-lions, crowned,gu., Joseph and John, who both ‘I. s. p., an eldest son, for 1IILLIKcN. Crests—lst, an arm, grasping an sagle’s leg, ppr., for who sc. in 1798, Rosetta StseNaghten, of hialtyreagh Rouse, Napiess; 2nd, a dcmi-lion, rampant, go., holding in his en. Antrim, and ci. 23 Slay, 1830, having by her (who ci. dexter fore paw a dagger, or, for SIII.LIKEN. Sappariers—Two eagles, with their wings closed, ppr. .Afeltoes—” hans tarhe:” “Regards bien.” ,Seal—Milliken, Ronfrewshire. NAPI ER. NAPOER, THE ThonT Iloy. SIR Crest—A dexter enbit ann ereot, ppr., the hand grasping a JOSEPH, Bart. of Merrion Square, Tss,,s hsvne—4, Idernan Square soutls, Dublin. in the city of Dublin, P.C. (in England and Ireland), 8. 26 Dcc. 1804; no. 20 Aug. 1331, Charity, 2nd dan. of Johu Grace, Esq. of Dublin (of the auciout family of Grace), and has issue, I. WuanAn-Jonre, barrister-al-lace, 8. 30 Oct. 1837. is. Joseph, rapt. 23rd royal Welch fnoiliors, b. 28 Stay, 1841, oc. Nov. 1864, Maria, 2nd clan, of Joseph Mactimer, Esq. of Weymooth, co. Dorset. t. Cherry, oc. Mar. 1860, to the Rev. l’aatos-fEmiline Singer, The name of this family was tccrmnrly writteu Le Ncvn, St.A., nasal dean, rector of Baltymoney, en. Cork, sect and it is presumed to ice if Nc,rman extraction. Ito first of the late Most 11ev. J.-l-1. Singer, t).D., bislcop of MeatS. recorded ac,eeotsrs, h,cw ever, are ii. Rosetta, sc. in Aug. 1863, to Lient. Ilenry-Groy SlaeGregar, Auaam LB Nave, sf Quiddonhamn, en. Nsrfolk, living in the 17th foal, 3rd son at Gm. Sir Jinnoan llaeGregsr, reign at Enwxcer, 0.; and K.C.B. In. Grace-Anne-Marie-Louise, Ia. line. 1868, In John- Joarsaw LB Nrvo, living tescp. L’nwaan II. ; from whom William Gardinor, Esq., B.C,S., son of the Rev. G.-G. .incally descended, thrsugh a line of most respectable progenitors, Gardiner, 3I.A., of Paris. Sir Joseph Napior, a very eminent lawyer, orator, London, by Suoanna, dan. of Thscnas Trstoman, Esq.) who and judgo, was first oducatod at tho Bolfast Academical was created a Rarcacet, LI Itay, tIM. Sir Richard Institution, where he vvaa a diotiuguiolaocl Frances, 4th dau. of Jshn Idm-istow, Eoq., by whsm he left pupil of James Shorcdan Knowloo and Dr. James ‘I. John, 6. 2 Jan. 1761; late a jndge of Tirhoot, and sabsequently Thompson; ho cntsrod Trinity C’ollogo, Dublin, Nov. 18-20, and obtained premiums and honnurs in classics and science ; be graduated B.A. ill 1825, and 1.A. in 1828 ; ho had subsequently the honorary degree of LL.D. of Dublin University, and the honorary degree of D.C.L. of Oxford University, conferred upon him; ho was prasidcnt of tim Dublin College Historical Society in 1856; he waa called to tlco Irish bar in Easter term 1831, and having obtained considerable practice actd a high positinn in his profession, was made a Q.C. in Nov. 1844. His snhaoquont promotiop wps rapid.* He seas M.P. for Dublin University in 1843, Attorney-General In. Itichard, barrister—at-law; 6. 18 Dec. 1773; appointed for Ireland and P.C. in 1852, and Lord Chancellor of Ireland in 1858. Ho was, in 186G, offered the office of Lard Justice of Appeal, hot declined it. He was created a Baronet 9 April, 1867, and was appointed Vice-Chancellor of the University of Dublin (Trinity Collage) in the Oct. of the same year. 3tuoczgc, In 1845, the late WILLIAM Nanen, oldest brother of tho I a. Fr.auces-Lonisa, us. 10 July, l7SO, to ttcestnn Long, Esq., Right Ronnurable Sir Joseph Rapier, Ran., claimed the old English Baronetcy of Napier of Luton lion; and was served by an Edinburgh jury, on the 9th June in that year, heir mc. Caliserine-Mary, in. henry Maseamd, Esq. of Corby, 1, male of the body of Sic Robert Nspior of Lntau lIon, en. sac. Horrid, us. to the Roy. George Trevclyan, archdeacon of Bedford, whom King Janes L croated a nAsceanT, 23 Nov. 1612. The pedigree, subncilled in evidence by William Napier, Sir Eichard was a commercial character of great eminence, sets foc th that his great grandlather, William Napior, of and filled the office of governor of the Bank of Emcghmd in Templecron in Ireland, was san of Charles Napier, and that tWO. He of. 23 Jan. 1414, awl was a. by his sc,n, ibis Chanlos Rapier was 2nd son of Lewis Rapier, Esq. of 1-tensington, en. Oxford, whose father Alexander Rapier was third son of Sir Robert Napiee, the said first Baronet of Lulon 1791, t5rancoo-Carohine, dan. nt the Rcv. Wittiamct Miglcy, Ilno. NEA Jooxers NAecos, Eoq. of St. Androws, en. Down (son of Moore, his wife). oc. Mary Itarpherson, and ,i. circa 1812, WILLIAM Naccon, F.oq. of St. Andrews, a ncerchaot of Belfast, 30 June, 18.36) had issue, tour sons and rwo dons., all of whoucs arc dead, except the Right tianoucable Josnrcc Naccors, created nanosor in 1867; and Rosetta, wifo of the Itight Honour- able James Whiteside, Lord Chief Justice ot Ireland. Crrccliss—9 April, 1867. .in,,a—Arg., on a saltire engraitod between tone roses, gut., five escallops, or. crescent, arc., the aras charged with a rose as in the arms, Jlstro—Sans tache, PS NEAVE. Llllcaflc, I. iltcmcAau Neavn, Esq. (son of James Neave, Enq. of c. Tceoacas. chief at Benares; so 9 Sept. 1718, Catherine, dan. of Cot. Smith, of Ireland, by wlsocn ;who ,i.3 Stay, 1822) ho left issue at his decease, 18 Slay, 1831. 1 John, 1,. at Benares, 11 July, 1799; ei. in 18-10. 2 Robert, 6. It Starch, 1805, E.l.C.C.S., sessions judge of Aaimgoch, in Rengatt (((.10 1q34; Sabrina-Slarianna, 2nd daa. of Slajor 0. Bristow, brigade-ocajor to HR. forets in Fort William. and has issue. 3 Edgar, 6.10 Dcc. 1810. 1 Anna-Frances, in. 30 Starch, 1843, to Lodoviek-Jarnes Grant, Esq., brather of Sir Alexamsder-Cray Grant, Dart. of Dalvey. 2 Caroline-Many, in. in 1819, to the 11ev. William Coskson, vicar of Itungerfsrd. 3 Eliza, sc. 10 Dcc. 1817, to J. Miltoni, Beg. of Exeter. depsity-paymasler to the forces, 1 Dec. 1812, and secretary and registrar of the royal hospital at Chelsea, 28 Jnly, 1816; in. 2 July, 1807, Sarah, dan. af Alexander Irvine, Esq., and granddno sf George Peters, Esq., by whom (who €1. St Aug. 1826), he left at his decease, 13 Jan 1884, 1 Richard, 6. M Slay, 1804; in. 6 Oct. 1834, Anna Olaria, youngest dau. of use Rev. John Eyion, rector of Eyton, Salop. 2 George-Peters, 6. 18 Nov. 1809. I Frsnces. 2 Eliaabcth. director and eanseiime governor of the Bank of England. She ci. in 1841. 16 Jan. 1849. Bath. II. 8sa, P.R. aud .6.5., b. its 1761 ; so. 13 Juno, dean of Dna-ham, by whom (who ci. 14 April, 1933) he had, I. Rccn.snn-Dconv, .lnl baronet. cc. Renry-Littletoct, in Icoly orders, vicar of Epping, Eseea 5 Sir Joseph Napier (when not in affice) had the honour of 6.21 Starch, 1793; tic- 31 Aug. 1424, Agnes-Anne, eldest dau. of Sir Robert Sheffield, hart. of Normantiy I tall, en. Lincols. being employed as counsel on behalf of the blanso of Lords, tic. Sheffield, a director of the Ilank of England t b. 11 April, this, an unprecedented oh’onmstancc, ocemred in Lord Pcrnsoy’s NceAvR, Scn AI5UNDELL, of Dog’ stam Park, co. Essex, late capt. 3rd dragoon guards, 8. 5 June, 1829 ; a. his father, as 4th baronet, 10 Marrh, 1868. cans. 813