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NOR ii. Dorothy, m. to Edward Stanley, Earl of Derby. in. Elizabeth, as. to henry Itatelilfe, Earl of Sussex. Iv. Catherine, a. let, teHir Rhys ap Thomas, 16.0., of Dyne- var; and dndly, to Sir henry Daubeney, Earl of Bridgwater. The duke it 21 May, 1524, and was a. by his eldest son, TuaatAs, 3rd duke, who was attainted iii 1546, when his honaurs became forfeited; but he waa motored tu 1553, and installed a knight of the Garter. Itte grace si. lat, the Princess Anne, 3rd dau. of Enwoan IV., hnt had no aurvivissg issue; and fndly, Elizabeth, dat,. of Edward Stafford, Duke of Buekingbans, by wham ho had, i. Hsser, E.G., Earl of Sammy, 5. in 1511, one of Ihe brightest omaments af the house of llawanl, wisest iniquitous execulisn was the last tyrannical act of Ilesay Vilt. Tlsis distingaished stalesnsan, Isoet, and warrior, Sir Egertan Brydges thes characterizes s—’ Excellent in arts and in arms; a man of learning, a genius, aad a here; of a gene- cans temiser and a refined Iseart; he nnilesl all Ihe gallantry and unbroken spirit of a rude age with all the elegance and grace of a palishcst era. With a splendour of descent, in possession of use highest honeora and abundant wrath,, lse relaxed nat lns efferts to sleserve distinction by Isis personal worth. Conspicuous in lIst ranghi exercises of tilts and Thomas, 4th duke olsare,l the fate ssf his distinguished father; tenrnaaieals, and canuuaasdissg armies with shill and bravery for, bcissg attainled f lsi3h treason for hia eommssuication in cxpedstians against the Scott under isis father, iso found time, at a period whets eec literature was rude aud barbarous, with Many, Qssecu of Scots, ho wael,rhracted its 1572; when to cultivate his nsisd with all the exquisite spirit of tlse all his honours became forfeited. His eldest ton, models of Greece and Rome, to catch the excellencies of tlse PntLsp, hewevtr, inherited, 1st right of Isis nsstllser, the revired muses of Italy, and to predssce in Isis awn language, feudal hiaridons of Arssndel, ao owtser of Arnssdel castle, compositions, whicls, in simplicity, pcrspicsuty, graceful in Snesex, wiGs tlse baronies of Fitz-Alan, GIns,, Oswal— oruasnent, and just and natural thougist, ealsibiled a shining contrast with tise works of Isis predecessors, and an example destrie, and Slaltravero, assd was snsnsasesscd to parliament wlsich his successors long attempled in vain to fallow.” The as Earl of Arundel ; lout being attaluled in 1190, lie died a Earl of Surrey underwent the penalty of his unjust sentence prisoner in the Tower in 1191, leaving, by his wife, Anne, during the lifcltsssc of Isis father (wham the rseatls of tlst sister and co-heir of Thoosas, Lord Ilasre, of Gifleeland, an kingpreservedfrosn the samefate), 21 Jan. 1547, leaving issue only son, by his wife, Frances, dan. of John Vere, TIlls Earl of Oxford, Tuansa, 5. 7 July, 1192, who, hcinsg deprived by his I Tnot.saa, sa000ssor to his grandfatlser. 2 IOE5RY, E.G., treated, in 1603, Earl of Narihamplan, father’s attainder of the hetsours and the greatest pamt of fi. ssees. 15 June, 1611. 1 Jane, as. to Charles Nevil, Earl of Wesinsoreland. 2 Catherine, as. to henry, Lord Berkeley. 3 Margaret, sss. to Henry, Lord Sarope, ef Bellan, 16.0. His geace ci. 15 July, 1531, and was s. by his grandson, TuoasAe, 4th duke, KG., 5. 10 Slarcb, 1335, who as. hat, as Philip, Earl tf Amundel, lost by his attssinder, no also to in 3556, Mary, dan. ossd eventually heir of Henry Fitn-Alau, the hones,,’, state, and dignity of Earl of Pnmmey; assd to Earl of Aresudel (on Buisae’a .Excisscl asssf Dsrssasst Ptes’ssge), auth dignity of baronies as Thomas, Dnke at Nomfullc, lost by whoua he had ass only son, EnsLic; and lndly, Stargaret, by his attainder ;t created each-marshal its 1621, and Earl of dan. msd heir of Thomas, Lord Audley of Waldon, by whom Norfolk, 6 June, 1044. Hit lerdalsip so. in 1000, Lady he left a dan., Slargaret, wife of Eobart, 2ssd Earl of Dorset, Alothela Talbot, dan. and eventisally salt heir of Gilbert, send two sane, i. Thomas, who o. to the barony of Walden, in sight af his James, Lord Slawbray and Slaliravers, it.B.; ,h. i’ts,ss. in mother, and oat createsl Earl of Suffolk. em. William, restored in bleed, by act of parlisaseni, in 1603; hdercay-Faanesscic, his eaeeeasor. he sit. Etiaabetls, ‘last, of Thesssas. assd sister esssl ce—Iseir of Wihlissu, E.ll., as. to Stat’, sisler to Henry, 12th Lord Stafford George, Lord Datre, of Gihttealand, and botasue, in Iser right, The earl ii. 4 Oct. 1640, and was ,t. hyhia elder san, proprietor of Nawurth Castle, in Crnssberiand, tlse auciesst seat of the Bacre fesnily. His lordship acquired also, in the, as Earl of Amundel, die., t’. hi 1009, same manner, Hinderskelto, the tile of Castle howard. Me who had beesi oumsuoned to parliament previously, as had, Ossfer altos, 1 Paine (Sir), sss. Margaret, dan. of Sir John Carryl, of Baron Slowbmay. Ills lerdehip si. in 1020, Elizalseth, eldest Eastiugs, in Sasscx, and dying before his father, left, wills d,sn. rsf Essase Stssart, Earl of Starch, aflerwards Duke of ntber issue, IVILtLaOI, who a. his grandfalher, and was ancestor af the s. Timeout, lsis successor. Earls of Carlisle. 2 Francis (Sir), of Corby Castle, in Csuubertand, tel. i’s the mm,. Pisitip, a carshinssl, lord-alnsaner to Ca’enrssae, queen- tervice of CnARLEe I.; so. 1st, Margaret, den. of John iv. Charles, of Grcyslake, sss. Stamy, eldest dan. and co-heir Preston, Esq. of The Manor, to. Lancasles’, by whom be had a son, Thonsas, eel, in the royal army, slain at Atimerton Steer, 1643. Sir Francis s. lndly, Siary, slau. of Si,’ henry Widdriuglcu, lInt. of Widdringcon, and left a son, lVsLLssx lioas’assr,, F.sq., who a. to Corby Castle at the decease, without malt issne, of his elder brothet’, Philip, 1702. Bees. Jane, dan.of John Dalston, Esq. of Acornbank, C,, stIle inherited as Tolls Duke of Norfolk ; and and was a. by his sou, Tmsoasas Howaso, Eaq. of Corisy Castle, wise vs. for his v. Talbol, ‘ 2nd wife, Barbara, sister of Sir Christopher Sluagrave, vm. Edsrard, these sons ci. uss is,. and dying in 1740, was s. by his eon, PuILIr Ilowaen, Eaq. of Corby Castle, wise sss. Anne, vni. Bernard, oc. Eallsemine, 2nd dan. and ca-heir of George dam of Henry Witha,u, Req. efCliffe, to. York, and dying in 1390, wesa. by his son, Maaav How.aao, Eaq. of Corby Castle, who so. hat, 22 Nov. 1781, Maria, dan. and to-heir of Andrew, Lord Archer, which lady if, a. p. 9 Nov. 0789; he sss. 2ndly, Catherine-Mary, dan of Sir Richard Neave, Bart., and hy tier (who ,t, 10 Jan. 1849) had issue, Philip-Hens7, his heir. Itenry-Fraucia (Sir), E.C.B., M.B.SI. envoy extraordinary and nsinister plcn. at Munich, 8. 3 e Though he was restored by Ihe said act he alt the Isanoars Nov. l8O9 so. 1st, 23 Dec. 1030, usc Hon. dependent on list title of Earl of Ansudel, yet he eras tsoe he all Scvslla Erekine, 4th dan. of David Stontagu, possessions t the baronies of Clue and llsee’aldeetrie, in Shrepshire, 2nd Lord Erakine, and by her (who if. 12 March, 1835) had, Isabella and Adela. Ste sss. 2ndly 50 Aug. 1841, Slaria-Erneetine, Baroness ton, acid by hhts transferred to Ida nephew, Thomas, Earl ef Von tier Schnlcnbnrg, 41h dan. of the late Baron Wilhelm Leopold Von der Srhntcnbssrg, of Suffolk, and hits posterity. 829 NOR Priemern, It, the kingdom of Prsmesia, and has by hcr, henry, P. II Aug. 1841, is. 1867, Cecilia. dau. of Gte. IV. ltiggs, Eaq., U.S. of America; Francis, S. 26Mar01,, 1848; Cathefine; an,l Mary-Louisa. Catncrino, 1,5. in 1829, to the lIon. Philip Steurton. Emma-Agnes. vs. in 102:1, to Wiltiam-ltenryFrancis, late Lord l’ctrc. Adeliza, so. llcnry-W. Pclrc, Eaq., and 1. 1033. Mr. howard, rf Corhy, ,l. deeply lamented, 1 Mar. 1842, and was r. by his eldest son, the present FnsLIP-llEcsav Ilewasu, Esq. of Corhy Castle, sometime 51.1’. for Carlisle; I. in 1801 so. 16 Nov. 1843, Eliza-Shinlo Canning, of Fexeote, co Warwick, eldest dan. of 51st late Slajer Jolssa Canning, of list Bengal native intintry, by Sharianne-SlastIda Isle wile, dan. of Sir John Slcrcdyhls, Earl., and by lscr iwho if. II Feb. 1865) lists Isad a son, Philip-John-Canning, S. at Corby Castle, 14 Starch. 1853, and three dons., Mary—Frances, 1. frosss fever at htosne, 24 Jasse, 1867; Slargaret-Janr; nod AgnesJs,lis. the eatatee of his family, had only the title of Lord SEaltravero by eossrtesy daring Qiseen Ettzarexes’s reign ; but was rcatored, by act of parhiansosst, in Slit let year of Joases I. (1603), to all such titleo of honour and precedence 7th Earl of Shrewobury, and had issue, 1624. (sec BAsox Syarroan). Lennox, and had issue, sm. hasty, wIse c. his brothes’. consort of Cnaas.eehl., S. in 1629; ci. in 1694. of George Taltershsdl, Req. of Fincisanspstcad, ca. Berks, and by her (who r5. in 1091) had (wslh a younger sou, Plenty, who ii. in youtls) Isle heir, Charles, oh Greystoke, who os. Slary, dan. and co-iseirof John Aylwas’d, Eeq., and bad, witis tlsree daus., who eli 1. ssssas., llsrce sons, viz., henry, si. tssstss.; Tho,ssas, sh. ssssos. vim. Francis, Tatterehall, Esq. of Finchampetead, co. tierks, and widow of Sir Richard Lichford, and was a. lu u717, by his only son, Beszeaau liewAsn, who sss. Anne, dan. of Christopher Roper, Lerd Teynhain, and was fattier of ilaaax Hewasu, Eeq. of Gloseop, who is,. 50 Get. 1764, Jaliane, 2nd dan. of Sir William Molynenx, Earl. of Wellow, Notte, antI dying 11 Nov. 1787, left three sane end tsru done., viz., I BassAsn-Enwasn, s. as I 7th Pulse of Norfolk. 2 lltrimy-Tisomas, 5. 7 GeL 1710, echo essensesi, in 1812, the additional surname of SloLxaaux, and in 1817 that else ancient inheritance of Ilse Fitz-Alans, Earls of Arnudel, hating been given to his great-uncle, 51st Earl ef Nomilsamp—