Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/133

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NORTHAMPTON, MARQUESS OF (Charles DouglasCompton), Earl of Northampton; Earl Conspton, of Compton, co, Warwick and Baron Wilmington, of Wilmington, co. Sussex; b. 26 May, 1816; took the surname of DOUGLAs before that of COMPTON, and aim. William (Sir), likcsrtsn an eminent cavalier leader. the arnas of Douglas quarterly with those of Compton, iv. Spcnccr (Sir). Tius gentlensan accompanied King by sign-manual, 5 Jan. 1831. His lordship o. Cnannne isle exile; and us. at Ruugcs, isle, in 16.52. his father, 17 Jan. 1851, as 3rd marquess; he sic. 5 v. Francis (Sir), a lieul.-gen. in ihe am-my after the Ilesleratton; July, 1859, Theodosia-Harriet-Elizabstb, dau. of vs. Iloary, in holy orders, lord bishop of London from 1675 Captain and Lady Mary Vynsr, and granddan. of to 1712, during snhich period the iuetropalitaa cathedral of Thomas-Philip, late Earl de Grey, which lady ti. a.p. 18 Nov. 1864. itiiicagt. This family derives its surname from the lordship ef I. Anne, us. to Sir Hugh Chohnendclcy, Ran. Compten, co. Warwick, of which plaes its founders were is. Penelope, us. Is Sir John Nicholas tilt. lords previous to the Conquest. SIR WILLIAM COMPTON, Ent. (descended from Torchulina JAMEs, 3rd carl. This nobleman, while a conimonor, cud do Eardene, a person of great influence and power before H.P. for the co. Wu’wick, having volcul, in 1641, against and after the Norman invasion, and supposed to have been the bili for attaintitig the Earl of Stmff,irit, his name was Earl of the county of Warwick), having been employed ill amongst those called &i-uuffei-itisne, in the list posted up at his youth about the person of HENRY VIII. when Duke of the cormser of Sir William Brsuumckcr’a houae, in Old Palace York, obtained tho confidence of that monarch, and was Yard, nmsd ho htmusnlf aushseqstnntly, with ollsc, tuetuhers, subsequently his companion in the tournament and battle. expelled the House. lie was afterwards dietitigssishcd, Sir William filled the offices of chief-gentleman of the bed- with his gallant fatbcs-, under the riuyal banner; and his chamber, usher of the black rod, constable of dudley Castle, lordahip, on the maguificemit cntm-y of Cmuastnee hI. into the constable of the castle of Gloucester ; and after the city of Landau,. 19 May, 1066, beaded a band of ties hundred hattie of Spins, in which lie took a distitsgssiehed part, be gentlemen attired in grey and Idue. The cart ot. lot, Isabella, was eenstitstcd chancellor of Ireland for life, which be whom he had one surviving dan., Aisthea, who iii. Sir officiated by deputy. Ho s. Werburge, dau.and heir ci Edward Hungerford, Mart., but dying s. p. in 167S, her great Sir John Brereton, Rot., widow of Sir Francis Cheyise, fortune devolved tipon her cousin, John, 3rd Earl of Thanet. Rut., and heir of her snotlier, who was eister slid heir of The earl as. tmsdly, Mary, dais. and beir of Baptist Noel, Sir Wiffiam Berkeley, Knt. He 6. Ii May, loIs, and was Viscouut Campden, by whom he had three sossa attut two e. by his only son, PETER CoanioN, whe ci. Anne, dan. of George Talbet, daus. The Right lion. Sir Spencer Conipton, the 3rd son, Earl of Shrewsbury, and heir of her mother, Elizabeth, speaker of the House of Cemnienis,° n-as elevated to the dan. atsd heir of Sir Richard Walden, of Rrif (Erith), in peerage as Abel of Wihiuuogten ; mit us. Mum. 4 Jssly, 1743, Kent; and dying in minority, was o. by his only son, Sia HENRY COMPTON, Rut, of Wynyate, cc. Warwick, 1665, and was a. hy his eldoot esu, who was eummesied to parliament, 5 Stay, 1572, as Baron GEORcE, 4th earl, constable of the Tower of London. Cestylen, ef Ceesyulsa. He is. 1st, Frances, dau. of Francis, This nobleman a. in 1686, Jane, yoemgeat dau. of Sir Kin-i of Hnntingdoss, by wlsem he bad issue, IVILLIA5I, his successor. Themse (Sir), is. Mary, Countess of Rochdngham, relict of Sir Geerge Villiers, Kni. Margaret, is. to henry, Lord Sterf aunt. Ills lordship as. tudly, Anne, dau. of Sir John Spcnecs-, of of Northampton, having filled tIme speaker’s chair of this llonas Althorp, and widew of Wiliiam Stanley, Lerd Meutesgle, of Commons, in the pertisnseet of 1714 and 1723, and subsequently by whom he had assether sen, Henry (Sir), KB. of Brambleteigh, in Sussex; ci. 1st, Cecilln, peerage on tIme tIlts January-, 1726, as Boron Wilioiuigtest. dan. of Robert Sackvilie, Earl of Darset; and Sndly, Mary, In 1730 his lordalmip was constituted lord heleN seat, and dan. of the lIon. Sir George Rrownc, Knt., and widow ef advanced en the 14th Msy in Itsat year to the digaitiea of ViacouisS Thomas Paste, of Thorpe, in Nerfolic. Ry both wives he foltewing tie was declared herd president of the cousnril, ansi bad issue. his lordship, who is characterized by Camden as “5 pereon installed on thin 22nd August, 1733, a knight of time garter. Be of fine wit and seid judgmssit,” ,f. in 1-ISO, and was o. n-se also eec ef the horde juetices during the ICing’s ahacnce in by his eldest son, Wss.LtAsI, 2nd lord; who was created Bert ef JVerll,ni.ipten, abilities, and imtlegrity, el. u,,iai. isa Jsl’, 1743, when eli lea 2 Aug. 1615, installed a knight of the Garter, assd luononra because extinct, while his catatos passeil luy his lordshnp’a constituted lsrd-preoideut of the marches and ih,miniuu sf and have since been carrieul by that nohtcnman’e great-guanddaughter. Wales. Ills lordship ci. Elizabeth, dau.and heh- ef Sir John Spencer, hint., lerd-mayer of Lendess in 1321, and by Charlee, 7th Earl of Nerthanmpton, into time Cacendiab fannty, that lady had, Srmocsa, his successor. Eliesbetb, a. to Rebert Maxwell, Earl of Nithsdatc. Anne, a. to h’lick, Marquess of Ctasriearde and 6.0.21. The carl 6. in 1630; and the manner sf his death is thus to the ltarquutiatn ef Nerthampten.—hiEnKE’I Extinct sums! 535 N 0 R described by S. Meddns, in a letter, dated 2 July, in that year :—‘‘ Ysstcu-day sc’nnight, the Earl of Nsrthsispton, lord-president of Walea (after he had waited su the king at supper, and had also supped), ivent into a boat, with others, te wash himself in the Thames ; and as aeon as his legs were in the water but to the lcneos, lie ha’l the rt’lie, and cried out, ‘Have me huts the beat again, for I am a dead man.’” His lordship was e. by his enly aon, Sonseen, 2nd earl, liD, ; 5. it,, llhay 1GB ; who had been snuamoned to parlianaunt in, his fiuther’s lifetime, as liai-on Comptun. This nsi,leman distinguished himself in the royal cause during the civil wars, and fell at the battle of Mepten Heath, near Stafford, Iii March, 1642-3. His lordamp ii. Mary, dan, of Sir yrancia Beaumont, and had issue, 1. Jasuns, lus saceesser. s,. , Charles (Sir), a distinguished and gallant cavalier leader. Sir Charles suRe with isis father at Edgelsill and ttopten Heath,, bul his most celebrated exploit ares the surprise of Beesien Castle, in Cheshire, which he effected is disguise, sttcn,lcd by six followers eahy, cud lie so far sacceeded as to possess lnmnsetf of the outwerhs, Is cut down the draw— bralge, to seize the g’uvcrnur’e troop horse, asd to make prisoners of thirty seldiers in their beds, but for smut of Icing aeccoured, lie was forced to retreat. Sir Chai-lcs it. us 1651. us. and left issue. St. Paul seas erecteul. His lordship officiated at the coronation of WILLIAM and Many, in place of Tsr. Sa,icu-oft, archbishop of Canterbury, wise had refined to subscribe the oath of allegiance. The earl was s. by his eldest son, ilaui. and en-beir of Richard, 3rd Earl of Dorset, by when his henunra expired. Lord Neirthamptun 6. 15 Dec. Stephen Fox, Knt., and had issue, ; ]- sueeesais n earls. 5Thia Sir Stcncor Complen, KB., 3rd son of James, 3rd Earl the office of tuaytaaster-genom’at of ttis Itajeaty’s land forces, and treasurer of Cliches Ihnstotal, a-as elosated to the Pci’rmeo, and EAnL or WILMINnTON. In the Decensbrr Itanover, and one of the governors of the Charter itoase. ‘flits nobleman who n-as ctteemcd a periemuago of groat worth, lioqucat to his brother Geargs, 4th Earl of Northampton, Lisdy Elizahuetti Caunhilon, emily ihau. amid huemru’sa of upon her bsdvahip’e marriage, in 1582, with b,ord Geerce Cavrndieh, uncle cod hair te’eem,nitutire of hits Grace thin Duke of Devonshire. The haroey of M’ilmsingten was rcrtvcit on 7th Seplenmhucr. 1812, in tIme advaneonmoel of Charles, 9th Earl .Dsruuioutt Pecragc. 3n2 NOR N 0 R T H A 171 P T 0 N.