Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/135

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NOR Mr. 11.-B. Baring, H.P., so. lndly, in 1854, Ildile. Marie created BoRax Ncaraaancs, 4 Jan. 1866. lIe 2. 6 Sept. 1866, de Ilarlineff; 2 Jamee-Drummetad; 3 William-Frederick, and was s. by his sos,, 2nd and present 1.osn 6. 12 Aug. 1822; m. 12 Nov. 1845, Emily, oldest dan. of Sir R. Jenkins, O.C.R., and has issue; 1 AnnaMaria, m. to William-Gordon Coesvelt, Esq.; 2 FrooccaEmily, Crealiosm—Ilart. 29 May, 1793; Baron, 4 Jan. 1666, m. 19 Au8. 1830. to Henry-Bridgemao Simpson, Arias—Azure, a fesse, or; its chief, a bear’a head, ppr., Req. He rn dndly, 0 July, 3825, Ceeilia-Auoe, eldest eaunzled and ringed, gold. dan. of the late Vice-Admiral William Wissdham, and Great—A mullet, erminois, between two wings, arg. 2. 13 April, 1848, having by her had: 1 W.-Wissdham, Sseppsrsei-s—On either side a bear, ppr., mnzclod and 8. 10 April, 1826, ia Sclina-Barbara, youngest dau. of the lion. Sir F.-C. Ponsonby, KG.)].; 2 EdwardCharlea, of Coombe Cnttage, Kingston, 0. Il April, Seal—Stratton Park, Winchester, Hampehirc. 1826, m. 50 April, 1865, Lonisa-Emily-Chaelnttc llultecl, and has had, Arthur, 6. 26 April, 8862, 4. 20 lusts, 1883; a,nnther 6. 7 Sept. 1863, and a dan.; 3-4 Robert nnd Richard, twins; 5 Thomas: 6 Evelyu-R.-A.; 7 WaIler; 1 Ceeilia-Annettc, m. 4 April, 1854, to Charles Lord Sufficid. Iv, William, H.P., it. in1770; in. 1810, Fmuees, 4th dan. of J.-Paulctt Thompson, Esq. of Waverlcy Abbey, and sister of the late Lord Sydoisham; and by her (who as. dndly, Arthur Eden, Esq.) he left at bis deoeaan, 0 July, 1820, 1 William-Henry, capt. Coldstrcam-gde., 0. in 1810; ss. in 1849, Elizabeth, dan. of Charles Hammcrsley, Req. 1 Fanny, in. in 1839, to the Rev. Francis-Charles Hasaingherd, rector of South Ormeby, cc. Lincoln. (See Bosisen’s Landed Oesslry.) 2 Genrgiana. 2 Charlotte- baa, m. in 1858, to Robert - Dunconabe Shafto, Esq. of Wb.itworth Fark, no. Durham. v. George, 0. 1781; as. 6 Mat-oh, 1806, Harriet-Rnchfort, 2nd dan. of tholate SirjohnD’Oyly, Bart.,aud hashad, 3 John-D’Oyly. 2 Henry. 3 Edward-Arthur. 4 Maynard. 1 Diana-Maynard, sl. at Florence, 22 April, 1862. 2 Harriet-Frances, m. in 1827, ta Themaa Kcrnch, Rag., its. John-Stafford, 6. 3 Jan. 1010. 2nd aen of John Kerrich, Eeq. of Ilarlcstnn. 3 Mary, sit, in 1829, to Sir Grcnvillc Temple, Dart. 4 Marion. 5 Emily, rn. Rear-Adm. SirG. Eliot, and 4.15 Jan. 1856. Vs. Edward-Louis, 6. 25 dtsg. 1857. 6 Augnata-Florenee. 7 Sophia. s. Harriet, 1700, toCharles Wall, Esq.; din Scpt.ISIS. t. Agnes-Mary-Cecilia. it. Maria, rn. in 1790, to Richard Stainforth, Esq III. TImothy-Elizabeth, so. in 1796, to F.-C. Labonchere, He a. as 8th hart., 17 March, 1851. Esq., who 2. iii 1610. iv. Frances, in. in 1806, to Thomas-Read Kemp, Rag. ef Dale Park, Sussex. v, Lydia, ss. the Rev. PhiIip-Laycnek Story, who ii. 1843. is clearly proved by on anctssst anti copious pedigree, preserved Sir Francis 4. 12 Sept. 1810, aud waa s. by his son, II, SIR Tunstas, 5. 12 Jnue, 1772: who ,ts.13 Sept. 1794, number of family deeds, fines, wills, &e., In several of Mary-Uronla, eldest dau. of Charles Scaly, bag. of Calcutta, which are affixed their seals of arms ; which pedigree i.o barrister-at-law, and by her (who 2. 26 July, 1846) had issue, continued down to the vialtatissa of 1510, in tlso reign of 1. Fa.vnnss-Tnnawuss,s,, 3rd baronet, created Lord North- i Khssg JAMES I - There to no doubt whatever that the name brook. is. Thomas, Mr. for Hnutisgdon, 6. 7 Sept. 1650. sit. John, of Oakwond, en. Sussex, 6. 34 Sept. 1832; a. in Nsrthcste, a banslet os manor in the parish sf fnwardlogh, 1842. Charlotte-Amelia, eldest dan. of the Rev. George in Devsnobiro, which, as Sir William Pole says, “gave name Forcber, of Jlaideu Erlcigh, Dories, which lady 2. 1846. unto his dwellers, of n-loom John Nswthest, in Ring, iv. Charles (The Right Rev.), DII. formerly Bishop of Hr.nssa- the IVth’s time, left Jesse, his dassghtcr, sasas’nicd Bristol and Oh’uecater (so consecrated 10 Aug. 1856), unto John Lotcroll, assd Isy this ssaeanc the lassd hteamc now Bishop of Dssrham, having been tmnslatcd to that Lotcrcl’s.” And, in another place ho observes, ‘‘Joell dn see in 1881, 6. 11 Jan. 1867; m. let, 10 June, 1850, Nostbeoto held four pot-ta of a knight’s fec of the Bishop sf Mary-Ursula, only dau. of Ccl. Charles Scaly, JI.R.I.C.S. Exun, in King Hexnv the Outdo tisnc. The saanse rca ayncc and bT her (who 4. 18 Jnne, 1840) has had, 3 Thamas-Charks, 5. 1811; at. 1859, Susati-C,u’ter, dau. the hind las olhcrc.” The fit-st ancestor n-c ilnd on s-ccord is of Rohert-Bawne Minturts, Eoq. of New York, and has isa the year 1103, lanissg tlac third year sf the reign sf King leone, Charlee-Cuthhcrt, ii. 1660; Robert-Bswnc-Mintorn, Hcaeav I,, when Galfridns Miles had his scat at N,,rthns,tn, its 6. 1863 ; and Coustancc-Mas-y. 2 Cssthbert, ii. ass infant. 1 3lary-Ursnla, ‘1. 28 Aug. 1880. Rio lordship in. iudly, 14 April, 1846, Caroline, dan. of in Devon ; mutavit nonsen cons lec,i.” Tiuso, says ass the late Thomas-Read Kemp, Roq. ot Dale Park, Sussex, ancient reesird, late in the pooacesis’n of Thomas lVcsccte, and by her has issue, 1 Francis-Henry, 8. 1048. 2 Frances-Dorothy. 2 Caroline-Emily. i. Charlotte, us. in March, 1853, to the Rev. H. -G. Wells. amnesia de Bnntngtosa ot hundred de North Tsswnton.” it. Emily, as-in June, 1837, to the Rev. Williasaa-llaxwcll tie held lasada alan in Culsion, its Withcrislgc Htnadrcd, and Duprd, vicar of Woohnru, Bucks, who ii. 16 Oct. 1815. iss, Frances, as. 10 April. 1540, the Right Hon. Henry Isad two eosss, viz., Wss.s.s,aas assot Walter, Wihliasaa do Labuucbcre, now Lord Taunton, and 4. 21 May, 1810. Northcotc, eldest sass, as. Hargarite de Afetoss, dais, nf Sir Thomas <7. 3 April, 1848, and v-ass-by his eldrst son, 111. SIR Fssoscss-Tnnaaass,L, who was 5. 20 .&pril, 1706. wns-e three sons, viz., W’altcr, Arooncw, and Edsssussd. and ss. lot, 7 April, 1621, Jane, youngest dan. of the late Sir Assrlrew dn Northecto, the dms,i sets, rot. Matilda Fabns-, George Grey. Dart., G.C.B., and niece ef Charles, 2nd Earl eldest dan, of Peter Faber, of Dos-ytracy, isa Devon, in cisc Grey, and by her (who 7. 23 April, 1836), had issue, i. Tucisso-GEaRaR, present peer. i. 3lory, to. 21 Apul, 1864, to Jchn-Bonham Caries, Esq,, a isa an aid nsanssacs’ipt, written by Sir. ‘‘t’esleole, an nssaisarel H.P. ss. IIauual. sss. Alice, Dc as. 2ndly, 11 Marrh, 1841, Lady Arabclla Ileward, 2nd dan. that cc., lsc 553’s, that ‘‘near tise snonssmesst of Sir W’ihliana of Esnueth-Alexander, lot Earl of Effiughans, aol had issue, l’eryam, upan playss sloac, tinder which lye tn-u of she Norhiscetes, Fmneis-Jlcrry, 6, 22 July, 1850. Sic Francis, who was lip, for t’ertsmsnlh tram 1816 to 1861, and was nisancellor of the Exchequer and first lard of the Admiralty, s. his father as 3rd tart. 3 April, 1840, and was Tiseic n-crc nclaOrco to 51w aforrsaid Andrew de Nortiscuic. 837 NOR NnaTnslsnoc. charged ott the shoulder with a pus’tenllt-’, or, .3f,’sto—l’rsbitate et labcre, N OR T II 0 0 T E. NORTHCOTB, Tnr RIGHT How. SIR STAFFORD-HENRY, of Hayne, no. Devon, 1’.O., Cl., D.C.L., H.P. for North Dcvost, Sccrctar3’ of Statu fur India; late l’rcoitlcnt of the Board of Trarle; Is. 27 Oct ISIS; Ill. 5 Aug. 1543, Oceilia-Franecs, dasi, of Thoissos Pars-ui-, Esq. of Lisanol is’s Inn, and hae had, 5, WALTEE STAoo’osso, 8. 7 Aug. 1041, Ia. 23 Sopt. 1860, Elieabctls-I.ncy, eldest dan. ‘‘f Rosrs-y-Stcphc-s, Thompsets, Rag. of Kirby Hall, ca. Tent (-see Rur.sst’o Losss5n.l Goof o’y). I:. henry-Stafford, 8. It Nov. 1646. sv. Arthur-Francis, ii. 2 Nov. 1852, v. hugh-Oliver, 6. 13 Nov. 1854. vss. Amyas-Staffiard, 6. 21 Oct. 1864. it. Mabel, si. 5651. its. Margaret-Stafi’oro. }Luitngc. The gm-eat antiquity and high respectability of this fosasily in Ose College of Arms, aceouspanicd by a great is of local dcs-ivation, being originally written Al, or Do the pas’ish of East Dawn, in the cc. of Devs,n. TIe was .c, by Js,hass, his son, st3-lnd ‘ ‘ Jobannee, fihiuo ,tohannis Galfridc Miles, babitasatis its Not’tlseole, in psrocbia de East Down, gent. This John was a. by Gatfridssa do Noniheote, in 1118, of n’hciu it is olaserved, “ilaifridue de Nsrtbeotc taint its Northnetc cmnm fwsliusn de Abhate de Taviateck fit Ilohert do Afetun, isa 1100, the issue of n’bieh man-iagc lltls 3-ear ef hoc reign of King Eoarauo I .,.and bitt iootsc thasnc oasis, via,, WsLs.sAas, Robert, amid Ednanasd.° W’sLLs.esm anliquary of Dtvonsisirn, describing time rlssss’oh cf Creiliton, its uncle and cousin, arc these verses:— ‘Edsnond and Edn-ard Norlhnolt I ioionab Uncle and cousin in nay eaes’nd n-casio; One Aprill intussah’sl loetis ; Otis did aloes)-. In lois yesa-s April: lhsat in’s second Slay.’’’