Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/137

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NOR 3Luitcagc. In the reign of King DAVID Ii., Walter Manic granted to DAv5D, 3rd earl. This nohiensas s,s. Elizabeth, dan. of John, John Balinhard, a charter of the lands of Carnegie, in the Earl of Crawford and Lindsay, taigh-troaaasvr aS Scotland; and Barony of Panmnro, so. P’os’far, end thoneo the said John was a. in 1669, by his elder son (he had four dana., of whom aoanmed the surname of CARNEOIE. Proni him descended Christian so. James, lot Dnke of Montrrso), STR RoBERT CArNEOsE, of Kinnaird, who obtained very Davso, 41h earl, alseriff of ths co. Fos-fas-, ansi one ci tho considerable territorial grants hotwoen the years 1535 and representative peam. ma lordship ,o. Margaret, dan. of Margaret, 1503. Sir Rebert was one of the senators of the College of Jnatice, and ambassador to grance in 1531. He d. Jan. DAvID, his soccoeoor. - 1563, leaving a largc family; the dnd eon of which D.svsn Csasseosr, of Panbride, m. Elizabeth, dan. and Margaret, ass, to George, Lord Dalgonie, son of David, Earl of hoh’ of Wfflfsm Ramsay, of Cointhie, by whom he aeqnired Elizabeth, a’s. is John, 9th Lord Balmes4no. that and other eetates. Me was, according to Archbishop Assnr, sss. to Sir Alexander Hope, of Korse, co. Stiriing. Spottiowood, “a wise, peaceable, and sober man, in good Cisristian) credit and estimation with the king, and taken into the ilary, 51 as,ss,s. Privy Council for his skill and knowledge in civil affairs.” Ills lordship was e. in 1729, by his oldest son, In 1593, he wae constituted one of the eight commissioners DAvID, 5th earl; at whose decease, ss,sas., 24 Jane, 1741, the of lbs Treaanry, called Ocvaviaao, and dying in 1598, left hononra devolved npon his brother, by his 1st wife, mentioned above, two daoo. ; and by a Gnoanc, 6th carl, a naval officer of distinction, who attained 2nd, Enpheme, dan. of Sir John Wemyos, of Wemyso, fonr the rank of admiral of the White. lIe as. 30 April, 1748, Anne, sons and three dane., of the two elder of whom we have eldest dan. of Alexander, 9th Earl of Levon, ansi Isad issue, more immediately to treat DAvID (lbs elder), his soecessor, was croaled Los’st Cororgie, DAvID, Lssvl Roar/nIh, irS April, 1749; is, in 1769, Catherine s.f Kisaeairsl, 14 April, 1616, is which year he was consiitnted one of the extraordinary lords of Session, and elevated WsLLsaos, 7th earl. to the .Harl,tosa of Soot/nsA-, 22 Jone, 1531; hononrs George, liont.-col. in the army; t. 21 Assg. 1773; sss. in 1796, which expired aider the attainder of James, 5th earl, who was involved in the insorrection of 1715; at whose decease, ha 1729, lbs ropressnistian of his branch of the family devolved upon Sir James Carnegie, Bart. of Pitcarrow, great- grandson of tise lion. Sir Alexander Carnegie, Dart., 4th son Elizabeth, so. to Jasnea, 3rd Earl of tiopr;oan; and s1. 19 Aug. of the let Earl of Soothesk. (dcc tilts Sooxocox.) SIR JonN CARNeOIe. (2nd eon of David, of Panbridc), Slssrgaret, ass, to tlae hate Charles Watson, Esq. ef Sanghton, obtained from his father the lands of Aithis, Cnickstoon, Stacy-Anne, s,s. the Eev.John Kemp, D.D. and ci. 2 Jsnse,l 799 Sec., in the so. of Forfar, of which he had acharter, 1 March, 1593-6, and was s’cvated to the peerage 20 April, 1639, as this lnrdship al. in 1792, and was e. by his oldest san, Level Lsnr; and advanced, 1 Nov. 1647, to the dignity of WsLa,tAon, 7th earl, GOB., I. 10 April, 1726. Ills lordship is;. Earl of ElSie, which titlee his lordship exchanged, after the 9 Dec. 1198, Mary, only dan. of tile late Wihliasrs-llenry Rickstta, Restoration, for those of Borsn ltsoshlll, of Reethitl, and Esg. of I.ongwosd, so. ilanla, and niece of the 1st Earl and Eans, Or NozeTnnsK. The earl so. Slagdalen, dan. of Sir Viocono t St. Vincent (to which Visoonntcy her ladyship and James Halibnrton, of Pitcnr, and widow of Erakine of her male descendants are in remainder, after her brrthors and Dnnn; and dying in Jan. 1f67, was o. by his elder son, DAVID, 2nd earl. ills lordship so. Jane, dan. of Patrick, their heirs male), by whom (who c. in 1836) he had issue, let Earl of Panmnre, and had issue, a. DAvID, his successor. ss. James, of Pinliavon. iss. Patrick, of Loar, whose grandson, Patrick, left an only son, Patrick, who so. Margaret, dan. of Alexander Sower, Eoq., iv. Swynfen-Thomas, rear-admiral RN., Cli., ElF., and and left issue, at his decease, in 1619, 1 Patrick, of l.onr, b. 1791; so. 1832, Rachel-Anne, a. Mary, as. 12 Feb. 1910, to Walter Long, Esq. of Preshaw, eldest fan. of James Forbes, Lag. of Echt, and ci. 3 Sept. 1938, leaving by her (who d 1952), Patrick-Alexander Waleon-Camegy, Rag. of Lcwer, ma. Anre-I,ctilia, so. 18 Jan. 1821, to Jansos Cmikshank, Rag. so. Forfar, and Turin, capt. 11th hoasaro; 6. its. Etinabolh-llargarel. so. 21 Nov. 1825, to Ocr. mackcray, in 1816. James Forbes, 5. in 1838, and €1. 1955. 2 Alexander, major-gen. tiN. Indian Army; 01. in av. Jane-Christian, sam. 27 Dcc. 1820, to the late WilliamFnllerton-Lyndsay - 1923, Isabella, dan. of William Dan, Esq., and has ieaoo, 1 Patrick, so. 1954, Isabella, dao. of Donalsi Lard Northesk, who was an admiral of the Rod, cear-admimi ci RaIler, assd taas Patrick and Arthur; 2 Alexander, major Bombay staff corps, m. 1st, 1953, Prances-Jane, Groat Britain, and onmmnander-in-chiof at Plyneouth, di otingoished dao. of John Whilehcad, Rag., and by her (who ci. iSl6) has Alexander-Edward: he vs. 2ndly, in 1859, Trafalgar. Ito cA 28 Slay, 1831. Aognata, dan. of Robert-B. Ker, Rag., by whom he has, Charles, Frederick, Harry, Angusta, Essily, and G’eszilesse—Raron, 20 April, i639. Earl, 1 Nov. 1647. Isabella: I Marianne, sa 1850, to John Auldjo, Eag.; s Geargina; and I isabella, ci. 1959, to James Arssso—Or, an eagle, displayed, an., amsed and membeyed, Wllkie. Esq. I James, 8. 1794; 01. Maria, dan. of Adrian Reek, Esg.; sa.; and as an hononrablc angmsntallon, by his majesty’s cI. 1821, baying a son, Patrick-Adrian, 9. 1919, ass. authority, charged on the bmaet with a naval crown, gold, and 1956, Catherine, dan. sf111. Chitty, Eag. 4 Robert, 5I.D., sss. 1st, in Oct. 2921, Miso Amelia Fis’sf Creel—The stern of a tire-of-battle ship on Iris, ppr. Nimmo,lsywhom 1922)hohaa noissne; and Second Creel—Out of a naval crown, or, a deseti-leopard, ppr. 2ndly, in 1041, Jaoe, dan. of ttobcrt ilonigomery, Esq. ,gs,pperls co—Two leopards, regardant, ppr., each holding a 5 John, 6.1719: ci 1821. 6 Alison, 6.23 Dec. 1799. 7 gox-Slanle, 6.24 April, 1901; ci. 1835. 9 William, rapt. Hon. F.. I. Co.’s service; 9. 31 Ang. necks, from which is snepcnded, an the breast, the medal of 1803; is. 16 Sept. 1930, Isabella, dan. of Edward merit, prosentod lay his majesty to the Earl of Narthesk to Newton, Esq. 9 Charles, in the lion. East India Co.’s naval service; JJelle—Tache sans lache. 6.8 Jan. 1861; ‘ci. Slisa Boll. I Margaret. 2 Ann, m. to J. Santer, Rag. 3 Helen. ci. 1944. iii. Alexander, as. 1st, Anne, dan. and heir of Sir William NORTHLAND, ViecouNT, ice RANFURLT, EARL OF. Blair, of Kinfasns, and theronpan assumed the surname of BLAaR. Tie vs. 2ndly, Miss Nairn, and left isaac by bela wives. av. Robert. s. Jean, so. to Cohn, 3rd Earl of Babcarrea. Is. Slagdalcn, so. to John Mudis, of Ardbirkie. 339 N 0 R ills lordship was o. at his drceaae, 1077, by ins oldest son, countess of Wemyas,* and had issno, Oroacs, sacceasar to his brotlser. loran and Melville. Cameron; and 1. e,s, 59 Fob. 1796. Elinabolh, 3rd dan. af John Sr-inten, Eeg. of Swinton, co. iterwick, a lord of Session; and 1. in 1629, leaving an only son, George-James, 9. 11 May, 1906; a,,. 3 Oct. 1937, Jacobina-Frances, only dan. of Alexander Nicholson, Bsg.; and ml. 29 Dec. following. 1792. Edinhergh; and si. 15 March, 1793. a. Osnaec, Larst Jlaeslsill, who was lost, in his 16th year, on board lais majesty’s ship, the “Blenheim,” 2 Feh. 1807. Is. Wsa.LaAai-Iinotcnt’ts, present earl. its. Jahn-Jervis, of Fair Oak, Saoaex, high-sheriff of Snassx in 1662, t. 9 July, 3617; ass. 13 Feb. 1836, Charlotte. only dan. ef David Sievenson, Req. of Dollar, (iacrmarthcnshire, and had a dan., llary-Georgina, ii. 31 March, 1824. of the Sledjidie of Turkey; 9. 9 March, 1811; so. 29 Sept. 1958, Lonisa-Alhortina, eldest dan. ci Adrian-J. Hope, Rag. co Harts. of Langley Park, en. Angas, who ii. 4 Slay, 1842. CE., royal engircere, who is. 19 Sept 1160. Carnegie, Rag. of Spynie, cc. Angus; and ci. 1 Oct. 1840. himnnaelf, as third in command, at the glorious battle of over the eagle, the word TaArALoAa. banner, avg., charged with the cross of St. Ooorgs, and thereon inscribed “Sritanssia victrix,” staff, ppr., claains round the conasnensorats Iho victory of Trafalgar. Scale—Ethic, Angus; Longwood, Hanta. a And her hnsband, Sir James Wcmyas, of Casldorry, who was created Lord Snmtialard, for life only, so 1672.