Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/150

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0140 i. fiche-Emily, a;. 19 July, 1865, to Eldred-V.-M. Curwen, Eoq 3rd son of Edward Cnrwen, of Workington flail, Conaberiand (ccr BURKE’S Loo,lol. Gentry). Sir Chaloner ,l. at Brussels, I Fob. 1859, and was e. by his only son, IV. SIR CIIAI.oNEa.P,00-IlAJENnlr, who was 1,. 2 lone, 1343, and ci. 11,111. 29 Nov. 1961, when tile baronetcy dcvolvod (‘11 his uncle SIR WILLIAM OSLO, the prosocct haroccet. Creation—iS Slareis, 1810. Arrse—Arg.. a fesoe, between ticree crescents, go., Ofl tile The Grove, Witham, Essex, and has ieene. fesse a mullet for dctferelcce. Octet—All hrraldir antelope’s head, erased, arg., tufted, maned, sod Icoroed, go. Jlollo—Prenez en grct. 0’ L 0 G H L E N. O’Lo ORLEN, Sin Cot,ssAsc. Geeaoa O’IIALtEY, Eeq., who .1. in 1719, Nary Jlagdalen, MICHAEL, Q.C., second eei-jeant sister of Biohac-d illake, Eon. of Ardfry, cc. Oalway, and in Ireland, M.P. for the en. of left iosne, Patrick, who was killed in the Aostriocc service; Place; 8. 20 Sept. 1819 s. as and all elder son, 2nd hart., on the death of his Owna O’MALLO;v, Eoq. ccf Meleombe fioccse and Morrishon’le, father, the late Sir Michael Esq. of Kilboyne, co. Ilaycc, and widow of John Mills, Beg. O’Loghlen, master of the rolls of Galway, hot by Icer had no issue ; and 2ndly, in 1777, in Ireland, in 1842. ILillCBflC. Theie an ancient Irish family. Cotxex O’Leaul.eN, Esq., J. P. of Pert, in the ee. of bit an only sccrviving sell, Ciare, so. let, tics sisterof 13 cniel O’Connell, Esq. of Kilgory, ccc. 5 Mar. 1802, Jane, dac,. of John Reilly, Esq., and had, which lady 5. a. p. ; and Sndly, in Aug. 1793, Snsann,Lh, Salnoel, 8. 11 Joiy, 1805; accidentally shot, Slay, 1911. dau. of Michael Finnesne, M.D., efEnnie, by when he left W;Lc,IAN (Sir), Itni., irecene lcaronet. at his decease, in May, 1810, five sans and occe dan. ; viz. i. Noon. of Port, Ic. 1 Oct. 1794; so. 2 Feb. 1815, Barbara, dan. of John Flanagan, Esq. of Clegher, co ltosoecnlllen; and ,l. 9 hay. 1843, having bed isane, I Coc.aisu, 8. 2$ April, 1817; d. 111451. Nov. 3548. 2 Hugh, 8. in 1818. 1 Winifred. 2 Barbara. II. Colmall, S. 0001. ill 1826. Ill. Mcnso;., created a llaronet, in 1838. Is’. Terenee, ‘6. en,o, in 1818. V. BRYAN, cf tieekvieoe, so. dare, who cc. Ellen, daii. of .A,’co—Arg., a bear, pascont, go., coined, 01’, brtcc’oen three Daniel Kelly, Esi. of Doblin. and Icas issue. I. Lueinda, ccc. to Hewitt Dridgeman, l-lo.; and 7. 0. 5.ln O,-,-at—.t icorse in full sTeed, arg. Ang. 1835. The 3rd son, MlenAoL O’LconLl’N, Escj., SEP., 8. In Oct 1783; a diatinguisheci lawyer, who was called to the Irish bar icc 3811, and icaving filled slieceseively the offices eI solicitor- general in 18:14, end attorney- general in 18:15, was elovaled to the Bench as a Baron of tile Exchequer in Ireland, in 1816, which he relinqniohed on being made Master cf the Rolls ill Ireland the following year, and, ill 151$ was created a Baronet. Sir lliehael cvao the first ilemon-catholie since the c-evelution ef 1688 that was raiso’l to a judicial office either in England or Ireland. lie cc. 1 Sept. 1817, Bidelia, dan. of Daniel Kelly, Eoq. of D’lhlin, and had ioona, I. COI,MAN, present harsnet. II. liogicRoss, t. 18 Slay, 1827; cl. ccsccc. 19 Nov. 1858, Ill. linvAN, 5. 27 lone, 1828; ce. in 109;;, Ella, dalI. of K. Howard, Eoq. lv. Michael, 5. 57 Nov. 1029. 1. Maria, d. l’,,;, in 5519. ii. Soean, 01. to JehnWocclfe Flanagan, Eeq. DL., of Brcmdoe, li,’yio, so. ilosealnmon in. Bidolia. iv. Lucy. Sir hliehoel ‘7. iii 1842, and nag a. by his eldest son. (‘,velfea—I 818, A roil—Gil., a man in arlnol’,r, sheolillg an arrow from a of Cccnimon l’leae in Ireland, nod bj- her (who tl. cross-bow, i’pr. (‘,—On a ‘local reronct, er, an anchor, erect, entwined with a cable, 11cr. Jfello—A neliora ealntis, &‘ol—lJc-ncneenera, Ennis, so. Glare. T,,,ca lleliac—25, Jierrion Sqnn-e S., Dslblir. ONE O’MALLEY. O’MALLEY, SIn WILLIAM, of Roaehill, en. Mayo, Knight and Bart. ; 6. 1812, late capt. 7th royal fneiliere; k-niglated 1835 s. his father as 2nd hart. 17 ..... Ang, 1864 ; as. 3 Jcsly, 1860, j1t, S-” Lcdllisa-Illal’y, 2nd dan. of the late 11ev. Henry Dn Cane, of This fiamily derives fronc BRYAN 5l’ConNIca O’MALIa, wico held the castle of lloroke alcd the maner of Strode, granted to his fother, Cormaeieo O’Jlaley, by the crown’; and who 7. abroad, in the serriee ef Qaoen ELizABeTH, in 1189. Ills lineal deoeendast, OWEN O’IIALLOY, Esq. of Borc-iohowie, eo. Ilayo, ccc. Ilartha, clan, of Sir George Brow-ice, Dart., and left issue, u-ho c. let, 1761, Anne, sister of John Chnmhcrs, Anne, dan. of Sancccel M’Geooglc, Eeq. of Newry, son of J. M’Geongh, Bog., by .ticne, only daa. of Brigadier. General the Mt. Hen. Sir William Graham, by when be I. Hn SAOIUrL O’SIALLEY, wlco n’as Ic. 26 Dee, 1779 ; and henry, barrisler-al-lacr, si. 22 Feb. 195$, Blanche-Alice, yonngcsi dan. of Ike Isle Daniel Iiccberlson, Esq. ef Rivernob, hoots, and ci, ill Jnly, 1867, lloving Icad bSeerge-Boglc— llonry, /c. II Aog. 1964, ci. an infant; Clementioe-Blooolce, ci. an infant; and Ilose-hIay. Frederick, 9. 1914. Elieahetb, deceased. Ilania, deceased. Sir Samuel was created a baronet 2 July, 1804, and c7, 17 Aug. 1861, when Ice was o. icy his eldest onrvivbcg sen, Sta WltLl.cac O’J[ALLcY, the 2nd and present bacoicot. f’,eat,r,,c—2 Joly, 1804. long-bocvs. charged sc-itlc arrews and bent, pointing in centre, one ia cbcief. and a skiff will, oars, so., lceto’een use two in base. .iIIc,lle—’ferra aloncllce Icolens. ,Sc,,l—Recehill, cc. Olayo. O’NEILL. O’NEILL, BARON (William O’Neill), of Shanee Castle, en. Aol risci, in holy orders, 8. 4 March, 1813; Ice. let, 3 Jo11. 1839, Henrietta, only clold of the late Hola. Robert i’oi-rena, one of the jndgee of the Court 17 Jan. 1837) has isone, i. Enw.aen, SIP. eo. Aniriac, t. 11 Dee. 1835. 11. ctrlloor, Ic. Il SepT. 194.3. ill. Belaert-Toorcns, 5. 10 Jan. 1845. i. Anne. He as. 2ndly, 8 April, 1858, Elienbeth-Grace, dan. of the Yen. Jcchca Torrens, D.D.,nrchdtacon of D ;blin. His loc-dohip (sun of the late lies’, Edcvard Ciitheoter, rector of Kilmore, dioeeoe of Armagh, & 852