Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/152

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Hoarser Hrxrev, Esq lIP, for the co. of Bedford, of the Dssehy of Laneaoter, ssslioiter-gosses’al and speaker of assumed the surname sad stns.s of Osooesv, upon succeeding the Rsssse ef C’asismons. This onsincsst person had a grant to the estates of his great-uncle, Sir Samuel Ongley, of the esinvont s.f Blaekfriars, in tise city of Lessdon, where Mitt., ansi was clcvatr.l to I he peerage of Iroland, 20 July, he resided. He is. Oatharhse, dat. and heir of liiehard ]77s7, as liaisoN Ossisecs, s Old Wae,l,a. Ills lordship sss. in Harding, Esq. of Knell, eo. Surrey, and dyhig in 107], wss 5762, Franeso, dasraad c-heir of Richard Goofright, Esq. x lsy his eldest son, of Lan5çtsn hail, e’.. Esoex. isv whom he had issue, lissnax, Ins successor. Sasoacl-Honry, 0. lii hate, 17?lis.s. ii (Sal. 1009, Froocce, Sits Rnwacn OsssLssv, Knt. of Knell, no. Sssrrey, whe Os. des. ansi es—heir .si’ lie’ lace Str i’lnlsp ilicssoax, tart. (sec lssdscl, dan. of Sir Thssinas Shirley, lInt, of Preston Place, Boner’s Eabssei Es escsi’55’ ), and ‘1. in 1,521. i”eassces. Catherine, ,s, 27 Slosah, 1790, to Cal J.F.. Frcmanllc, C.B., Tnoaixs, who d. in nsinority, when the 2nd son, aids—ste—camp I • tb. Queen. Saooh, .27 lass, 1751. to W.-P,. Plsillimare, Lisp of Kendall’s ses’ved its three pasliaonento for the en. Surs’oy, and espousing lI.sll, herb, ohs ./, 30 Nov. 1040. its s7, 22 Oct. 170%, and a-as a. by his oldest son, Rssnms’e, Csssl hars’n, who i - 21 July, 1001, Frances, only OnoatwrtL, and to receive his dssssbts assd scruples tosschhsg dau. of ltcsst. —Gcss. Sir Juhn Bcsrgsyns, 7th Hart., of Ssstton, the asssssasptisss of the regal office. Uposs this occasion, Sir by whom (who 1. in Dcc. 1041) he left issue, Rssssess’r, ircecsst ja’rr. Sa,sssscl. capt. gs’essoslies’—gcnsrda, sb 1020, aged 20. Hontagu, 5.. 22 Feb. 1 “00, bare capt. Coldsleeam-gaards; sl. sorsnarch, and served for the tsscn s.f Gssildford in the Convention 13 Feb. 15153. Gesnns-. is. 11 April, 1009, tale call. Coldstrcoot guarsis. I’rederiek, lient. royal lssrsc-goards, 0. 0 Nor. 1010; sl. 20 l.Issrhani, attn had, issler silos, Aug. bIG. Frsnces-l%lioalseth, ci. It bay, 1540, to II. Tucker, Esq. Cisarletle, Os. 213 Jssly, 1 027, tO (ispi. Haffia, late of the 75th den. DeNnis, 005Lsw, of Great Sloaglilnn Ifnusc, Olnnlingdooshire, regl., asd st isa 1924, havissg had issae. His lordship sI. 20 Aug. 2924. C,’essfioss—20 Jul-. 1776. .4 s’sss.’—Quarlerly: Id and 410, org., Sm Anvisun Oxotaw, Dart., iMP. for Branaber, in the a fessc, gil.; 2sssl and lesl, 05g., in chief lisree piles, gss. in lsass, reigis of Cuaos,r.o I. ; during tho Ussn-p.stiou, for the en. a n,ssms, vrrl ; on a s-attIca, so., a situ. os. 5 ‘east—A tslsu’nsx, in flames, belting in cite lscahs ssfss’e—ball, sill ppr. ,Ss’ji1sscfs-s’a— Tscs griflins, org., celborcsl, gss., chained, sse. ilaitss—iltilsi euro s. lot, Rose, ssisly stsrris-iog clsess. assd heir of Nicholas fabuet Sass I—Old Warden, Biggleswadc, Bedford. ONS Arthur-George, 0°jaceoot crossing, &. 20 June, 1020; sit. 2 Aug. 1030, Lady Katherisse-Anne Oust, youngest dan, of John, lot Esn’l Brswnlow, and e5. 2 Ang. 1936, leaving iasssc. Mary-Katherine, Katherine-Elizabeth, as,d Etnily-llarian. Mary-Augsssta. The lordship a. his father, as 3rd oarl, 22 Fob. 1827. ILl llCi1C. The family of Onslow was anciently seated in Shropshire, whero it enjoyed extensive psosessiens ; and in the reign of Henry III. it assnnsed its 5515-name frosu the lordship ef Ondoslow (styled, in Ilansesday-Ilook, Ossdeslow, bitt nsw written Onslow), situated-within the liberty of the town of Shrewsbnry. EDwaRD Osestnsc, lheq of Os,slow, so. Anne, dan. of Richard ltossghtos’, Esq of Ilssnghtnn, en. Lancaster, by Oyor.ev, BABON (Robert Ifenley-Ongley), of Old w’hosn he had four smss; the 2ssd sf whom, W’ardsn, in the ps’es-age of Ire]and; is. 9 May, 1803; Runen OxoLnw, Esq. of Shroscsbssry, si. Margaret, dan, of Thomas Payne, Req., hy whom he had two sons, Ps,lh, clerk a. as 3rd isaron, on the decease of his father, 20 of the parliament in the reign sf Qsieess ELSCAnTH; amid Rscn.cnn OcssLnw, Esq, barrister-at-hsw, who woe successively recorder af the city of Lossdo,s, attorney-general llosee.x Oaisoosv, Eeq., at whose decease sass , the estates passed to his hs-ssther, in the same en., and was o. by his eldest son, STn Iisenxnrs ONsLew, lint., succeeded. This gentleman the party oppsssed to the nseaourco of (InxnLns I., was one of tlse select cosnnsittec appointed, its 1611, to sttend upon Richard, in a verY resnarhahlo success, ssrged Use Usurper to asss,nse the regal dcoignation with the supreme assthoeity. lie eosstributesl, however, to the restoration of the exiled which recalled that psinee. Sir Richard os. Ehizabeth, dacs. and heir of Arthur Straasgcwaye, Esq. of the eo. 5. As-rises, his heir. ss. Denail, of Pyeford, sf. o.js. sit. theory (Sit-, Knr.), nf Drnngewick, in Snssex, ancestor of n-Iso sl. 21 Aog. 1039, tessvissg issne. Sir Riclsard d in l0sil, assrl waco. ]sy his eldest sos,, Surrey; asad sifter tho Iiostorsstson, for the sasno shire. He Stsssghton, Hog. of Stonghton, en. Surrey, but by thst lady had no issue; 2nslly, llary, 7,sd dau. asssl en-heir of Aldernsen Sir Thonaas Foot, Knt. of the city of London, who served the office of sheriff in 1610, ned that of lord mayor in 3049; which Sir Thtsnaas Fist was erected a hart. 21 Nov. 1060, with special remainder to his son-in-law, Sir. Onsluw; and dyissg is 1657, tho dignity so descended. Sir Arthssr Onslow had by this marriage, T. llrcnann, his successor. si. Foot Onslosv, first consnsississnerof Excise, sit. Sissanna, dan. and heiress of Thomas Anisolsy, Olsq. s f Etfon, Yorkshire, sod ss-isle,v of Arnold f’olo’ell, Esq.,ansl sb. 10 illay, 1710, having by her (n-Ito sO. 10 Jatse, 1711) had (with five dane.) iwo sons, I Anxuun Ots,tow, selts n’as elecled speaker of she House of Cemmons in Jan. 1720—7 and cflnbsnned onlil March, 1761, nIseis lie seceised, tiliOli Isis retirement, the unanissssus thanhes of bite Iloase over n-tirhs he Isad so long and honour— sPly presided, and a pension of £3000 a-year front the Croon, at the Cosinssns’ especial desis’e. Hr. Speaker Onslew so. Aitne, dan. and ce-Iseir of dohn Bridges, Esq. of Thames Ilielos, and niece of Ilenry Bridges, Lsq. of lnsbcr Ceart, es. Sars’ey, lsy n’hoss ho left a eon, Osoans, (Sd sohoas presently, as 4th Baron Ossbon’), and a dan. He it. 17 Feb. 176°. Oyshosv. BABE, OF (Sir Ar’thns’-George Onslow), no. 2 Richard. hieut.-gen., assd governer of Plymouth (see Sm ihesax Oaseon-, Part). ni. Actlsor, boils ii, iv. henry, f Clandon, no. Surrey ; Baron Csasdoy, of inalsur. court, anti a Barssnet ; 5. 25 Oct. 1777 ; ns. 21 July, Sir Artlsstr was e. by his eldest son, 1818, Mary, eldest sian. of George Flndyer, E5Q. ut Ssn llicssann, snensher hi the Convention Parhiamessi for’ Ayston, no. lissstland, by vhosn (srho d. 1 March, 1830) he had issue, the cs Snrrey, and eheten speaker of the House of Csno• o N 0 0 N 0 L E Y. Aug. 1814. 3.1111 C7tt. 0 N SI 0 W1 Salop ; S,die nt l.’rauley, nf Cranley, 00. Suivoy Baron Oisslosv, c’f (jnslon’, Co. Salisjs, and of ‘West 854