Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/156

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0 it F tina’’gst those if greatest ii, its in the sos. cit N’ rOOk awl Suffilk wie, were onminaned hi the 25th Enw.iitn 1., P he at I., nina tot the S itii.tat’ after the ‘‘eta vs sf St. tIn ths B.iptist, .tpparriltit with hares tied anti aeesr.lin’’ h their tte’rcs, to pass with the kin isv, ‘itt ci’s, ii ‘r llieir’’isn lisnosti’, ,sel lltes,,,,’sf their hinj at’ I king,li ‘ink’’ es the it ‘mis si the writ 1.01). ri. I his x liii’ ‘it wa 1’’,’ the refit ,if Cut . lInt i, i .111’ Iei, at ititit tints 55(1 l’y the’ Fr’ net’ kit, , is ‘a, I it’ t len vs veriil lawns fruit, lttm Fe. m Sir 11, iirt I C ‘It let lOnw.ten ‘it iii ‘ I’ I, o, ‘a h’s’. don ,i Sir Tern 11,1 . t n I heir ii he’ ‘ra,,,lihther, Sir .1, ‘in lilt sari K. It. it I ten, i,i e’ ‘use’ in ‘lice if the, tic rvoss sit her I either, Sir .1, ‘lit, hi,,Itsai’t , and Iii. ‘1 ii .,Anay lii 1 ‘sarI, wife if sir liii ‘tnt huller. Earl at’ I.eieester). The gi eat— greal—5xan’ ts’,’ii ‘i’ tins i,,arnitije, Sm Fine set. It eii’uii, 14.11. • a distinguished hid sIgns a’, nie iiit ‘ci if tI,e pith ,,ient wI,ist, restsre,l tln ttics.s it, in I’4ti, S,zn,ai, a. of Sir lbthsrt (‘sane, Dart. of Chit— ten, vs. Sutti’lk, net was e. 1 ty his eldest son, tint’s r Wet,’ t’ . l’s p, ‘alit’ was rvturns,l is hsarlitionent fir I’ telL Iii ‘iii’;’. t’. ,. 5, rI, ‘Its, iii the first veer ‘f Wier,, ti” ,i,i’l N tsr, a i,l e’ eitiini,’,l ri represent the same I s,rttueh until liii tlee’are in I TOti, its st, ltarv, only tan, antI kids i f Sir .Jelfreu ttui’w, II, Ki,t. itt 14,inghaiti, in Suffolk, by wh,irn lie tell rIo’,’,’ s, ne intl three dana., i. tionnrvr, lii, sar’esssn, I lie cslele’aletl Itrinae—nnntsler. ii. llerat is, t,. in 1 (Is; a ‘lipisniarisi ef rite trsl class during the adutniiislratisu ii’ liii brother; ervatetl, 4 Jut’, 1700, Baren We lpstc, sf trot’ei’’ee. ihit lordship ci. in 1720, tlary—Magdalrn, ‘It’s. sit 0 ce-lisle of l’eler Lombard, Evj., and dyiitg in 1737, left issue, 1 ltsralie, and baron, of sshona l,errafler, as successor In Jlnrahit’, tlh Earl of tlrterd, in Site Barney of Wa11,ele of Walitele. . 2 Thsinas, a. 14 Nev. 1750, Elieahetb, cutest clan. of Sir Joolnia Van Nseh. Start., unit left at his tlecease, ii’ I S we iou, antI tt tiati., i in., Tltsn,as, of Slagltnry t’ark, tansy, ninny years envoyexi,ase”thiai’y awl n,hsisler—1 lenipolenlieny In the (‘stirS of Ilauneli 1,. 20 01cr, 1000; itt. I tier. 10.1, Margaret, 6th Its. ci ,l’tltn, ‘2a,I Earl of Egniont, t Ctithiertne C’nti;sa, llar,,eess (eden, itt, 2n,I wife. Site tt. 12 Dee. l04; and he, dying 0 Nor. 1a40, teE. issae Ttuenias, in holy anIons, reeler af Alvertiske, I taxis 6. 30 Sept. I s53 . 10 Jas. hail, Olangaret—ilarniet— teatella, slilrsl ‘tan. of the kite (‘sit ccl 1 leai’y—ltagli IilitsIietl, an’l graottltta. of I leery, Ott, I iatse ci histia— terl, anti ht,ts, I henry—Spencer. 5. 1307; 1 1’,ratis—,tt,lni— Tlt’’tnas, t, I 540, lu-itt . rifle heigait r lttlpti—t’ttasles t 5. 1041 IS i eesal-Tttoiii’tt, 5. 1040, tt. idol; I teisrielta—Elie’,helli. is. mit, Cttitl. J.—J,—C. lnl,v (en BosTon, B.); Gortradc’ ‘tad Franers-Marearel, tl. 150]. Spencer-I Ittratia (lit. lIen., 01.0. for Cambridge t’niversily, (.9 C’., late secretary of state for the I tome 1_teltarlmeet, antI eabueqnently a cc (intel nnaisti’r, ‘a ilhaal titter, 6. 11 Se;’i. 1506; ci. 6 fist. I ltaI,tdla, dun. sf Itt late Right hoe. Sprucer len eev,ii, and has, Speaeer, at. at Florence, 10 Nt’s, 1560, Marion, vos,ogt’st dan. of Sin delia-ti. Mni’rae, hart. ; horatio-George; Jarte-il;trgaret; and lsal,ellalIai’garetha-Elieabelh, Ratiert (Sir), NO.11., cal. ii’ the army, and a littleginshed lndiao officer, 1,. 1 tIer. I 090: to. 19 Jan. 1s46, tiertrade, dtin. of Itie late General Fst’d, asit has hti’t issue, flelterl-Etlward, 5. II Jan. 1047. 5. al Ms’itrtine, In April, loOT; Grange, it. 16 Feli. 1810; .Spenerr, S. it Felt, 1052; Ihitlkti,i, S. et t;i1’r.itrar, 27 April, 1 v62 toraltliuie ; M:try ; L’ntiaa ; Lucy— Catherine ; and an,ititr’r tIn. Julio, ttedielant—seerelnnv to the Garennoeot Endgra— tian ltsartt ; 5. 21 A1a’il, 1910; ci. 17 M’ty, tsR, ileoriel Ia, stan. ci Lieul.—Csl. II ear —ltrowns Smut, Bit1., and has a eon, ‘fhomas-Aslhur, 5. in Jirse, 1040 it, Ill May, lsa. Charles, it. 15 Aug. Is13 at. 13 May, 1046, Anactle, ,t,ttr. of Renr-Ail,tt, James t’rcvtist, lIeN., by hit On,t wife, Ilary it’I’randa, oisrsn of James, ilarsur lIe ‘feistier, sail hit so silt, t’tarlrs.tiesrge, S. 7 Stgtt. 1540, 1. Mary, in, to Sir Ctartm Turner, of Warham, Sn Norfolk. Caihterine-Olargaret, a. 9 April, lctt, lotte SIren dc ii. Dorothy, m. to Charles, Vtssonnt Townohend (his lordship’s Tsicsi,’r, Ssptna-l’rttnses, i . 21 Aeg. 1549, to the tIer. Ethivard— Iii. Snran, us. to A Hamerud, Esq. of Wetton, so. Norfolk. than Bees,,,, reeler ot Dewnl,ttrn anti W’ieteford, Essex. SIr, Walpstlc was s. by his eldest son, Lambsrt-l’heo,lern, heat-ed. in (ho army; 8. 29 Dcc. Sic Rosnsv WaLeate, subsequently so celebrated as the 1717; to. in hiss, Margaret, da’i, of Itabent, 1st Lard prime-minister of Gnnaon I. and Gnituue hi. Sir Robert Chive, hy whoa, he habt,tthis decease, in 1795, Franceshulargarotta, wan first 1,onenred with the order of the Bath, and while md Charlutte-Loniea. (‘athenine, 0. rism. tn told, Rhieat,eth, 2 Richard, tIP. fr Yarmouth; its. 22 Nov. t7a7, Margaret. elevated to the penrage. 9 Feb. 1740, as Baron of Hsnghfoa, itan, of Sir Joshua Van Neck, Dart., and sister Visceant th”atpole, and EARL OF Oaa’oan. Hem, tot, in 1799, of Joalina, tat Lord h1’intingfleld; and dying 18 Aug. Catherine, dan. of Jehn Shorter, Esq., eon of Sin John 1790, heft issue hy her (ssho a. in 1010), 85S ORE Richard, t. It June, 1762; ttz. 21 Jan. 1792, Ehnabett, dan. of Sir Benjttmin Hammet, Knt. but a, s. t. 15 Ang. tOil. Ss’oltcrt, it. in 17(9; 0. ousoi. It May, 1924. Ed,eard, 5. in 1776; a. now. 1 Oct 1944, Mary-Rachel, Ia. 4 Jan. 1798, the Rev. Asfiton ‘Fade,’ and a. his widow, It Sept. 1827, leaving issue, Rteh’,rd Henry Vade-Walpsle, Esq. of Freethorpe, Nnrfidk, 6. 6 Dee. 1809; et. 20 Feb. 1814, Harriet, dan. of Thiamas Duncombe, Esq., and niece of, Charles, Lord Forershasa, Carolina, m. 1707, lion. 0.-H. NeviH; and ,f. 11 Dee. 1041. 4 Ilobert, a clerk of lbs privy council, and late rnvtayextn. and n,in.-plenipu. to Portugal; itt. lot, in 1700, Diana, den. of Walter Grosset, Eaq., and by her (who a, 24 July, 1704) bad isetre, Robert, reet”r of Cl,riotChurch, Starylebtane; 5.8 Aug. 1781; st. 0 Feb. 1411, C.intthne-Franea.s, dan. of John. Ityde, Es,1., and grandtan. of Lord Frnnshs Seymour, and a. to April, 1926, having by her (whe a. it Doe. 1540) ha’t issne, Reginald Rettent, 5. 9 Dee. 1917; its. 1st, 1 Slay, 1149, Ar,neEliaa, 3rd darn, oh’ Joint Heaton, Req. of P105 Beaten, en. Denbigh, and by lien (who a 1094) had Emhly-JrssisHortttia, and Sleny-Restnise a. au inf,usl ; hr itt. Sttdly, 17 Jan. hoSt, Caroline, dan. of Rev. Frederick Apthm’p, and widow of Wihlhsn, Watts, Esq. of Hanslopo Park, Rneke, and by hen ha’,, f;iauta-t’anoliue, Canehne-Regina, and another dan. Itobent-Seymonn, vicar of Raldertosa, Notte; 6. 20 Sept. 1029; or. lb Aug. 1640, Ehheabeth, 4th dan. of the Rev. F. A1ttl,on1,, of Gnmley Rectory, and has, Itonafto Fredsniek-Wulhiant’Seymonn. 8. 4 Per, 195t lIerbertRsginald, 8. 9 Dee. 1953; George Henry, ft. 0 Nov. 3051; Richard herbert, 8. 13 Jan ttSO and Carohhne-Fi’anees-Emily-Jeosie. Emily Jane. Itoratia Mary-Slaynard, deoeased. The lIon. Ht’bert Wal1tohe or. Sndly, 1795, Sophia, dan - of Richard Stunt, Eaih, and h’y her (who a. 1029) had, Riehaid, S. is 1796; a. sittit. It Seh’t. 1914. Itenny, 5. 2 Oct. F17 ; cd. B. I. Co.’ C. S.; m. 1934, Elienheth, dan. of Lient.-(’,I, 0.-F. Sntitb, E,l,C.S,, arad dying 59 Jan. 1454, heft iosne, Henry, and Ellea. Whhhhaaa, t. 29 Jan, litt’. Edward, 5. 2 Jmus, 1792; ta. in 1915, .5cm-Theresa, dcii. of Daniel (Siidermeesten, Esq , and a. at Oct. 1657, flaring had, Horatio-Edward, capt. Madras army, ft. in 1029. Fnederiok-Gsnlhnrn, ft. hit 1659; itt. at Rome, 19 Jan. 1s61, Antahie - Iiaughton - Trafford Dinns, dais, of the I,tsuehesa do SsI,hanha, and has issue, hlsmee—hleitm’y—Ohtxhieihihon, 5. 18 Seltl. 1967 ; Gsven— tlolen-Au,te-Maii,I-Jose1 ‘hhne- Ctau’loute; anti Adelhnslilary. Anna Sophis. Jooephthne- Maria, at, hoot, to Heni’y-Maximhlian, Ilaron de TuyIl de Serooskerken. Adehine-Bozena, Arthur, sept. royal engineet’e; 5. 91 Oct. 1793 ; a. at Galsvay, unit,. Frt, 1942, Francis, 9, 1 Jan, 1795; ni. to 1920, Elisabeth, dan. of T,-A. Knight, Eaq. itt Downtsn Castle, and a. 9 Jair, laG;, has ing by ben (sb ii. 3 Aag. ISO) bad ieaue, Thoratho Andrew, 5. 21 Feb. 1929; tO, 20 Jan. 2995. Lanra-Sephia Princes, nu.12 Feb. 10t2, to her cousin, the lIon, Frederick Balpols, 3rd eon of Horatio, lid Earl of Orford. John, maj.-gen. rayal engineers, 5. 14 July, 1797; 0. 4 Jan. 1964. lion itia. eel, in the onmy, 5. 27 Aug. 1799; nr. 22 July, 1035, Fanny-Sopbia, eldeot dan. of the hate Colonel ThamasH,-Samrvsot Conway, CR., and has had, Horatio, capt. tAb foot, ft. is 1927; Conway, 1. 22 Jar,, 1957; a em., 5. 1546; antI Isabella, 0. 1053, I litany, uti. to Illanniso Surekhing, Esq., 551st. RN., the early patron of Nelson, 2 Ilennietta Lsnnia, 1. uutitit. in June, 1914, aged 93. 3 Anne, a. so Nov. 1797. irs. Oatfnidrrs, RN. 2nd wife). yet a commoner, installed s knight of the Gaiter. He was Shorter, lord-mayor of London, and had titus,