Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/167

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PAK Chac’les, in holy orders, rector of Barham, Rent, 5. 23 burnT PAscenoTea, living iu the reign of flaaav IV. May, 1000; ‘a. in 1023, Catharine-Elizabeth, dan. of the Rev. Br. Holcornbo, prcbeudary of Westminster, end has, Charles, heut.-eol. rifle-brigade, and Charlotte-Georgiana. Graham, S. acm. in 1820. Ashton, 5. 20 Sept. 1303, in h,ny orders, rector of Pluckley, Kent, hon. canon of Canterbnry, and a proctor of the Joan PAscutoTon, Eoq., who ,e. Elizabeth, dan. and clergy in convocation ; author of the “Pathway of heir of Thomas Washbourne, Req. of Stanford, in the Safety,” and many other popular rehgious works, a’. connty of Worruater, and had three sons, namely, Juno, 1864, 8a,’ah, dan. of the late Joseph Bradahaw, 5. Jena, of the lacer Temple, constituted chiregrapher of lice Req. of Hornory, lliddleeex, and has iaanc. William-Dixwell, 1. 9 April, 1813; ,,,. 8 Nar. 1847, Anna- Cecancen Pleas in the 24th of llzeay VII., dsring life, and Maria, only child of the late Wm. Edwardes, Req., RN., and ci. 25 Slay, 1859. Mary-Graham, vs. 15 July, 1815, to Wiuiam-Osmund Hammond, society of the ln,,er Temple, in wi,iet, year he l,ad a grant Req. of St. Alban’s Cenrt, Kent (see BURKE’S Loaded Gentry), and has iasno. Prances, m. 8 Sept. 0825, to Thos. Papillen, Req. of (‘rowhurst l,is hat in his presence, and isis successors, or ef any other Park, Sussex, and has isane. (See Buaae’a Loaded Geatry.) Anne.Charkitte, as. 3 Oct. 1528, to the 11ev. G. Alaton, of S’ayland, co. Suffolk, and ,l. in 1540, leaving four eons. Eliza. Emily-Mary, Sir Henry ci. 22 Sept. 1038, and was e. by his oldest son. C,’eaGon—S Bay, 1675. .,4,-e,s—Arg., a chevron, gu., between three oxen, sa. C’eai—Ontofa ducaleorenet,gn., alien’s head, affrontde,or. Seal—Brooms Hence, Canterbury, Kent. OXMANTOWN, LORD, SCc Rooo, Esstr. Os’. P A K I N G T 0 N. PARINGT0N, TUE RIGHT HON. Sta JORN-SOHERSET, EarL. of Weatwood Park, co. Worcester, so created in July, 1816; G.C.B., M.P. ; Secretary of State for ‘War; 5. 20 Feb. 1799; as. lot, 14 Aug. 1822, Mary, only child of Moroton Agliouby Slaney, in. Humpln’ey, a ucerricant of London, wIse l,asl Ihe nianor Eoq. of Shifual, and by her (who ci. 6 Jan. 1843) baa issue, I. Jonse-SLAWET, & 15 July, 1826; cc. 4 July, 1845, Lady Diana Boyle, dan. of George, 4th Earl of Glaagow. He as. 2ndly, 4 June, 1844, Augusta, dan. of the Rt. I Rev, George Murray, PD., bishop of Rochester, by Lady Sarah Murray his wife, and by her (who ci. 23 Feb. 1848) has had issue, I. Herhert-Perrett-Mnrray, 5. 12 Feb. 1848. a. Edith, 5. and ci. 7 April, 1840. He as. Srdly, 5 June, 1851, Augusta, dan. of the late wss barbsronely murdered in the street, in 1527. He e,,. T.-C. De Crespigny, Eoq., and widow of Colouel Daviee, M.P., of Elmley Park. Sir John, who is son of William Rusnell, Bag. of Powick Court, by alliance the maner ef Aileshnry, with other considerable Elizabeth his wife, dan. of Sir Herbert - Perrott lands, came into the family), and had issue, Pakington, Bait., assumed his present surname as Thema,, his heir. heir to his uncle, tho late Sir John Pakington, Bart. Elizabeth, as. to John Lane, Esq., sad afterwards Alderman In 1837, he was chosen, at the general election, M..P. for Droitwich, which he has continued to represent up to the present time; and in March, 1852, he was Margaret, as. 1st, to Renediet Lee, Raq. of Bursien, eo. Bucks; sworn of the Privy Council, and appointed Secretary and 2adty, to Sir Thesuas Scot, of Yorkshire. of Stste for the Colonies, which office he resigned in The eon and heir, the December following. In March, 1858, ho became Ssa TnoseAe Pxscscfarole, was in ward to the lord privy First Lord of the Admiralty, and resigned in June, seal, in the 37th Rswa VIII., when Catharine, his mother, 1859; he was reappointed in 1866, and was appointed time, by Rotsert do Pakington; and in the 24th of Rnwxen 0., Secretary for War in 1867; be was made a G.C.B., 30 June, 1859; he retired from office in 1868. IiIntiigr. The antiq’nty of this family is beyend dispute it is in titeir possession tee ancient deed,, withmuat date, judged manifest from the foundation of the monastery at Renilwertl, to be at least two cont,srie, acid a half old c one of Robert that it fienrisbed in the reign of Heavy 1., and it Wittinglen, clerk, signed and sealed in lice presence of Peter appears to have assumed the surname from ens of the Wyke, lIngic Pakington, and Alexander Ahhelal, knight,; Pakingtons, in Stafferdohire, Warwicksbire, or Leieeetershire, knigl,ts. Another antlso,’ily stales, that Sir John Palnngton, Eat., for in each of those eennties we meet with lordships vs. Amine, dau. of henry Bacrea, late ehmcriff of Lendon, and so designated, the proprietors of which wrote themselves widow of Robert Fatrthwayte, of Loadm,, morchant-tayior, anciently Be Pakington.* * Pagingten, afterirar,is Pskington, Staffsrdshiro, within hat dots not ncentien her a, widosv of Tychbeurnr; by her two miles of Tame, was held of the bishop, by Votehel, in the 2011, year of WiLtIasi the Conqnerer; in Hexesy III.’, 869 P A K was father of Joan PAK5N0TON, recited in an office fc,,,,d before Robert Rnssel, eseheater of the county of Warwick, 14 Henay VI. He left a eon of his own name, being learned in the law was elected, II Jtraav VIII., Lent reader; sad in the 2511, of time same reigu, treasurer of the the king, “that hr lice said Jol,n Pskinglen, for lice tOne to conic, shall have full liberty dnring Isis life, to wear IKrsOns whatsoever, and not to he uncovered on any occasion or cs,cse whatsoever, again,t his will and good liking; also that lie shall not he appointed, called, or coruprtled to lake the erder of knightl,eod, or degroe, state, or order of a hare,, of the Rxchuquer, ,ergeac,t-at-lair, or any office or incunibranee tI,ereto relatiag.” In 1132, he was called to he sergeant-at-law, fur which the king gave him a special discharge for taking the said deg”ee, and having been appointed a justice of Nortl, Wales, was, in 1515, een1 ,,ciseiened to conclude and ro,,,1,o,n,d all forfeitures, effeneee, 8nes, sad tunis of nceaey due to the king or Ins father, Ilesav VII. In 1542, he had a patent for justice ef Breekneck, Glantergan, and Ilad,cor, hi South Wales, during life, having a grant of all the nianers belonging tonic monastery of Westwaod, in the county of Worcc,ter, and seen after received lice honour of knighthood. The many ether l,suours conferred upon liha arr too numerous to be recerdrd here. At the time of his deail,, 1180, he was neised of lhsrty-one tnaunr,, and of other land, that he had purchased of seventy different persons, as appears by a large hook concerning hi, e,late, whiel, was presen-ed amongst tt,e family trsti,uo,,ials. Sir Jol,,, Pakington’e wife was Anne, widow of Tyehbonrne, and of the fancily ot Relic.4 She d. 22 Aug. 1561. Iii, fertune wa, divided hetiroou his daughters, URSULA, em. to Sir John Scudameore, Rut. Hasnezr, at. to Sir Jol,u Lyttleton, Rut, of Pc’snkley, and hi, two younger brothers, Robert and ltnmphrey. n. Ronear. of Chaddesley Cartel settled spon 1,0cc isy his brother, Sir Julia, and left an only so,,, John, ef Itarvingtou, Ia W’oree,ter,t,ire, who so. Elizabeth Newport, and had a eon and Iseir, Itnumplirey Pnldugton, Req. of Chaddesley Cerliet, who m. Abigail Saelceverell, and left two dane.. hi, ee-heh’s, viz., I 3lsa’y, ia to Sir Jehu Yate, Dart 2 Anne, as. to Sir Henry Audley, Hut The 2nd eon, bonsai, PAKINOTON, Req., was one ef the members of parliament for the city of Londan, fesap. HENRY VIII., and Catherine, one of the eo-l,oire of Sir John Baldwin, lord chief justice of the Common Pleas, and his wife, daughter of William Dormer, Req. of Wycombe, Bucks (by this Sir Itielsard Staliory, Rut. of Landau. Anne, ss,. to Richard Capper, Rsq. of Giympeon, in the ro. of Oxford. David do Pakisgtou held it of tIme hi,lsep by lice fum’tis part of a knight’s fee. Richard do Pakingtcn ,e. one of the sisters and co-heirs of Rohe,’t de Rally, Lord of Freselet’, in Warwick shire, who lived fem1i. Hzaay II., and the hate baronet, had the other, attested by Richard Spechell acid Jts,ghm Pakinglon, sail that she was buried at St. Batlel;dc’e, 2lsssl Aegnst, 1563, trill, hewever, sise beqneaths to her sea, Nicholas ‘l’ychmbourne, and his children, the grtater part of her estale, plate, jewels, he.