Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/196

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Pot 1813, Jolet, dau, of the Rev. henry Creed, of Gloucester- Faeaaamea, created a faronet as above. shire, and has issue. Fnenr.nice, 6. tO 61cc. 1515; WalterHerrieo, George (Sir), (, 10.5 5., a geneeat in the army, and a 6. 21 fob. IsiS; and Manrice-Emiliur, 6. 28 March, 18’7. ii. itobert-Johu, 0. 4 Aug. 1916; so. 1st, 1 Jan. 1841, Ellen John-llenm’y, of tiouueud, near Briotot. ttau. of Admiral Peter I)oaglas, and by icr (who it. 2 Nor. 1516) had issue, Ett-n—l)ooglas and Story-Douglas. C’s’eeliso—2 Aag. 1866. lie so. 2ndly 2 St iv, 1535, .Tulia, ilau. of .tacoti Ceeseots. Acme—Az., three fleuro-de-tho uithin a hordure, ongrailed, Esq, ef Loii.lon, and it. Storeh, I SNI, having hod or; a canton. cmi., thereon a porteullis of the second. Robert-Erokine, Is. 2 June, 1819; Arctiibatd ; Eva; and f’s-cit—A boar puoouut, quartered, or and rert, toeeced Hoeence-.iulia. iii. George- l’re’lerieto, barrister at—law, a Master of the Soppoebcss—Ou either side a folbot, so., gorged with a Court of Exchequer, 6. 1 June 1021: a. 15 lIre. 1851, gotl;tr, and tlierefreoi peudaut a ptrtcutlis or. Prancer-I ilana, rides; duo, of the ttrr. henry ll”rbert, Seuil—Otatton, Middlesex-, rector of ttathdewnev, Queen’s eo.. aol has boor, henryFrederick, C. 9 feb. t935; Chorl,’o-Edword, Is. 5 May, 1857; ‘,Vittiamttirers, 6. 2 Feb. 1559; Erneot-Murray, 6. 25 Nov. 1661; terlruni, 6. 6 Lice. 1963; ttorriet-Soptua, sod Nirota.So1shia. iv. Charles-Edward, Q.C., 6. 2t Get. 1823 as. 1st, 1 Sept. t545, Nicola - 9opiou, second duo, of the tIer. Henry Itertert, and by tier (who /. 16 Nor. 1855), hut hose, llerbeet-Cliartes, 5,. 1 Stay, taM, and Funny; lie ‘o. Sndly, 25 Stay, 858, Georgina, second duo, of George-W’iltiuai Archibald, Eoq., Slaoter of the folIo in Nero Scotia, and hr her (who iS. t 964) has (‘liarles—Stewart, hi. 5 April, 1864, and .teanoo. He oi. Srdty, in t565, Mioo A-St. Isodgoon, unit has Iwo othee dons. V. henry, 6. t 7 Feb. t526; os. 2 Feb. 1860, Ametia, third duo, of Chnrteo Bailey, Eoq. of Lynton, eo. Devon, suit has issue. VI. Frederick-Richard, major in the army, nod a commissioner COAWFURD-PGLLGE, Stn Hgw, of Pohok, Barb of in the t’onjaab, El., 6. t2 Jan. 1627; o. 26 Nor, Kilbit’n)e capt. Ronfrew naihitlu; 1. 1843 o. an 5th 1556, Adriana, y”ungest duo, of Sir Nicholas- ttaeris bath, on the decease of hio father, 5 March, 1867. Niehotaa, G.C.SI.G., and has tSighton-Niehotao, 6. 5 Star. 1564; Grace, ansi Mabel. t. Fronceo-ltoniera, o. 20 Aog. 1536, to the lion. Sir Samuet Ttse present bars. romhsines hoe representation of the fanoilies Staetin, a baron of the Court of Exchequer. ii. Looisa-Dorothca. iii. Story-Itirero. Iv. Emma. v. Grace-Anne. Sir Fredorick ne. 2ttdly, 7 Juts. 1834, Sarah, second Fe-tar’s, oou of Fosthert, 0. Ins father, nod osoumosed no a oneouniu duti. of Capt. Richard Langolow, of Huttoti, Illicidlonox, patronymic) the nanoe of his hereditary tando of Fottoa, in and by ber hue, vii. Arthur-Jutios, 51.0., so. 21 Feb. 1861, Ellen, fourlh dan. a man of great eminence in his hinse, and a benefachor of the of Chartei Bailey, Bog., and has lottie, Arthur-Jutiut, monastery of Foioey. Tbois donation woo ronfirnoed hyJoeeline, ltcney.-Edo’ard, sod Chuetea-Fredorich. viii. Edward—,Jaaus’s, 6. I Fets. 1841. vi. Jessie, m. to .J. W. Chi;ty, Bog., hurrister—at-lu;r. vu. Anna. yin. ttetena. tx. l’eederica-Johia, is. 20 Starch, 1966, to Lieut. Cliartes the death of Peter de Pottok, Ins ancient Isalemol estate of Edward 5t’aoaoley, Bengal neiny, 2nd ton of the Rev. Foltok, luehug settled on heirs mule, passed to lilt brether, John Muewdey, rector of Atdingham. a. Emily-Chartistee. xi. t.aura-Fr,,noes, so. 26 Stneeh, 1566, to Clourtes-Itenry ion, Thonas ne PoLm.oK, witness to oundry charters of donattou Tutson thlarsimalt, Esq., Assistant-Commissioner in the ho floe obbey of Palotey, femj’. Arts asnomi II oud Itt. 1110 deocen,tamot, i’onjab, etdost son of the lIce. W.-E. Marshall, vitae of Svrughy, Lincoinslure. nh. Edith-Caroline. am. Ada-Theodora. Sir F’rederiek Pidlisck, a vory eminotit advocate, lawyor, and joilgo, uros oclucated at St. lianhis School atad Tt’itttty College, Cambridge, u-here lie Loora Porrog, of that ilk, u-ho e. on his fother’s death gratluated L.A. as oonis’r wraitgler atid Sntith’e in 1657, and ol. lot, a dan. of Sir Stichoel Aruot, of that ilk, pr)zoman in 1806. He bocamo MA. in 1609, huvitig Isy orhooss he load no oomrvivieg isssoo; onil 2nstly, Jean, dan. been elected a Felloov of Trinity its 18117, in which of Sir Jomoeo Lockhart, of fee, by u-Item lie had a son, Roam, your be woo calloil to the Bar by tho I-Ion. Society of the Middlo Tonuple, uitd went the Northeets Circuit. Having attainoil great oticceos and a wido 1. Sin Rosen, who for his diotiegoGohed services in the reign ropotation, ho was made a 1CC. in 1927, and was A;torney.Goneral frs,nu 1834 to 1535, and aguiti learn 1811 te 1544. lie woo knighted in 1834. Ho hoe olnro of t;emofeew, to Clue Scothish lcsrliammment, atod after Gte so-as nominatoil Le,e,l Choief liarots of tito Cottrt st Umth,smi ro1sreseosts’d flunt css. us the ttm-itiohi parliantent. He it. Excheqiios- itt 1- 14 atuil tu’i iris s,f tug I ‘i-ivy 6’, oi,ioil. ITo held, with (lie higho-at ability otol croihit. hilo judicial nOire for tu’o atid tovonty years, orhesi, ott ins Steooart, of t’urdovoo, l’y u-hmouom he had four sons and three eetieemont, he was ereatod a Baronet, 2 Aug. 1566. IL iitc’gr. navia Pom.Loce. Bog., a. 12 flee. 1779, Sooth, dau. of Richard Pars,,ta, F i;., comtuteo;l yr of a department in the Etcise, and hod ions-, hand (Sir), ‘chief jnotiee of Itonihay, u-lies,,. Elinut,etti(loose, dos, “I John Athinoan, Fog. of loliogton, and it. lad?, leaving locus, 19$ POt dtotingoistmesl co,,nonnsler iu tndia. b. 1786 ; u’tio iso. 1st, lath. Feanceo, duo. of Sir. Sheriff Barclay, of Twin, and by her (u-ho d. I sit) has issue; he a. 2udly, t 852, Henrietta, dam,, of Ileorgo hyde Wattmton, Esq. through Ihe oiuioter oheulder ooish an arroor, pIle. SI,,;to lorer the ereoQ—’’ Audarter et strenue.” P 0 L 11 0 K. IL(iicagr. of Pos.voa of Pottok, Caarrcao qfKilfshi’abe, and Caswruao 0,5 Joe,fookibl. (which at Boos hose only canio to be used instead of a Renfrrwshire - Ide lived its Ihe reign of SlateoLus IV,, and was Biohop of Glasgow, who ,b. hot 1198. Besides lilt estates in Restfreo’ohoire, he held the barony of Rethes, in the go. of Aberdeen, ;rhirh he gave to his dnu., Mooricle do Foloh, u’ho os. Sir Norman Lesty, and woo unerotreso of the Earte of Itolheo, Ott Roomy nn PnLLoa, who was s. by his son, RonnaT on FoLLow, feso)i. Attxaonna it., who was a. hy his Jours an Pos.m,ow, was designed in a chum-tee by James II,, ef date 12 Dee. 1439, as “uobilio rir Johonnes de Pollok Shins ci hsmres BrOIl de Pottok,” Front hint opmog the diatiaguished line ol P,dlok, of that Bk. of u’hieh of foruetius Cruorford, of ,lom’dunhitl, by his u’ife, titary, dan. amid u dau., u-ho to. Senmple of Eehtreca. He u-as 5. by his son, of Iciog W’mtm.iaom Ill. and Qoweo ANNE, O’OO by the hailer created a P.auv, on 13 Nor, 1703. lIe u-us a eommiooioner for lot, .Annalsella, dau. of Sir hleosge Stsxu’ell, of Nether Polloeto, 1s3 ovloooso lie load no issue; amoil 2nd13-, Aneai,etla, dau. of WaIler stasis., i, RonnaT, ao officer in lime- ormy, who 1. “sot, in 1720. mm. ‘lValteo’, oo’lmss 5. is 1732, less-hog, by his eoarrtoge u’uth a ‘tan. of Bogte of haaldru-ic, three sons aosd too daus., vie., I ItononT (Sim-), of stout,, afteros’om’do. 5 RaIler, ioho ci, in cii rn hile. Culls. .3 .l’stin. 5 omaj’ se iii time truly, ui-Ito ,oao killed its setiomo al Cansten, in 1700. lie ,5, asu,,i. I EliriB,eih, who 5. 2 Jean, of u-loom aftoru’ardo.