Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/20

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M A C 3iiiicagc. Tiroaias PARKER, Gent, of Leke, in Staffordshire. 2nd son of George Parkor, Esq. of Park Hall, co. Stafford (see Witney. Oxfordohire. BURKE’s Landed Unites’, was father of T iiowao PARKeR, En1., an eminent lawyer in the reign of Qnoeo Avar., who w is nanihiateil one of hor majesty’s c.ouooel, ant 1* lug called to the ft gree of Serjoant-atdaw. was appointe I quseil’s oerje cur, and received tho honour of kid littcood, 5 line. 1703. Sir Thomas was elevated to tb. chit f-jnstieeship of the e.’nrt of Qoren’e Bench in 1710, and to the pocrago by fOrums 1.. III Slarehi, i715-16, as LeeS l’oet,c, B,n’oa of .SJorct slt’ld, cs. t’/e’ler. his locdsbip was the peerage of Ireland ,‘‘aiad a Baronet of Nova eonotitotc,l Loon.lIIon.CIiAteortl.OR or Goon DomAIN, Scotia b. 2 Dot. 1S49; s, his father, as 5th harms, 12 May, 1718; and V..’ro”at 1cr/or, of Atec/oie, ro. O.cforul, 25 July, iSIS. and Evot Os’ Macer i,os’IrI n, 5 Nov. 1721, with remainder (in dofanlt f male i000e), of the iligntttes of baro,aoss, viseonniecs, and countess, to his dan. Elizabeth, wife of William Ileatheete, lOsq. ; and the dignities of baron, Thane of Argyll, after ICing ROBERT BRUCE was defeated by visconnt, and earl, to her issue male. The earl m. Janet, the Enghsb in 1300, afforded him an aoylnm in his castle of dais, and co-heir ‘fCharles Carrier, Esit. of Wirkworth, in Dnnavarty. She deseerudaust of thio Angns, Derbyttdre, by whom be had issue, (iroraic. his oneoe000r. Thtoal h ‘sienti,,ncdabove as in remainder to the tttle), lIe as. Lady Slargazet Lcsly, only dan. ef Enphemia, ‘0.5% itliani lloatheotc, Eeq. of Unreloy, afterwards a Connteoo of Roes, by Sir Walter Lesly, ia her right Earl of haronrt, ho- whom she woe mother of but Tisoatos Reos, and be onboequently took op arms to establish hue llrovi,covr, the lnd baronet, great-grandfather of the right tot hot earidom. lIe was defeated, however, or, mere present Sin WILLI sat Hr cant eve. The Earl of H ,eeeoflold was impeached on charges of correctly speaking, weakeneut, by the Earl of Share, who corruption, in ,Jnne, 1733, aiud being convicted at the bar engaged him at llaelaw, near Aberdeen, 24 Jnly, 1411. of the Itonse of Lards, was removed from the chancellorship, The battle was bloody and obstinate, hot indeeioive. On and lined £30,000. Ills lordship 5. 20 April, 2722, and tl,e side of Donald, the ebiefn of Slacintoob said Maclean was s. by his sea, Gs000E, 2nd earl, LtD., and president of the Royal hondrcd, amongst wisomn were some persons of rank. Tue Soetsty, in 1723 ; wise os. let, in 1732, Mary, elder dan. and Lord of the Isles wc,s foeee’t to retire; and the Regent Duke ce-heir of Ralph tune, Es,1., an cminent Turkey merchant, of Albany marched to, and to,uk the castle of Dingwall. by whom ho had two sons, via., Tuowos, his ancr,.soer. Gcorge-I.ane, lient.gcn. ia the army, and H.P. for Tee- give oaths and hostages for indemnification and future gony; ,,i. in 1782. Jane, relict of Sir Charleo-Cettrell observance of peace. lie was e. by his eon, Dorroer, fOnt, of hiouslianu, and dan and eo.lseir (with her sister Harri’at, wife of itebort Chester, Esq.) of by JAMES I., at Lechabor, 23 dune, 1429, said reduced to Charles - Adelmars Co’sar, llsq. (Sec SmoKE’s Laaclnl tho most abject subnnsoisn, In absolute despair, the Lord &‘n.lro.) Gen. Parleer 5. op. in 1791. Ills lordship ci. 2ndly, in 1757, Miss Nisbett, by whom he ut the Isles sent an enshasoy to one foe peace, which being hail no issue. The earl, who took an active part in carrying a’cfuased, he resolvod to throw himself upon thie klngk the art of parliament far altering the style, it, its 1764, mercy. Poe tist psu’pooe he came privately to Edinburgh, ann was e. by his elder son, Tnoaiss, 3rd earl, LL Ii. This nobleman m. in 1719, his draavere. presented his oword to the king upon his knees, eeusin, Mary, eldest dan. of Sir William Heatheete, Smart., bofole tho high altar of Holyreod church, in presence of by whom (who d. in 1882) he had issue, Gr.oaoe, 4th earl. Tuoaioo. 5th earl. Elizabeth, avid 1w of John Pane, Esq. of Wermsley, cc. nobleniama having entered into a treaty with Enwann IV. tlxford ; 5. is June, 1029. this lordship ci. 0 Fob. 1705, and was s. by Isis eldest son, Geoooc, 4th earl, B CL. and P.21.8., lord-ticnt. and sovereign of Scotland, and was forced to surrender the cnotos rotnienam of the 00. of (lal”,rd. 8. 24 geb. 1755 ; os, EARLOOM or Rosa, which svaa inalienably annexed to the 25 Slav, 1700, Slary-l1’noaoes, dan. anul co-heir of the late clown by act of parliament, 10 July, 147f. He S. in 1498, Rev. Tlsonaao Drake, lID., rector f A,osrsbam, flocks, by us ithont legitimate issue, when thse line wao continued by whom (who d. 1 Jan. 181:5), he had an cnly surviving dan., his brotb,cr, Hwir,oi. in 1802, to Thomas, Earl of Haddington; she S. II l’eh. 1801. Ills lerdohip S. 20 March, 1812, and was o. by his brother, TIIOOIAO, 5th earl, DCL., high Steward of Henley, 8. his peoteueiu’ns. and laid siege to the castle of Eleudonnan, 0 Jnne, 1783; who ci. 1st, 16 Slareb, 17116, Sties Edwards, arrow In iss7. itaving a eon, eldest dan, of Lewis Edwards, Eoq. of Talgartb, by whom (n’lso it. md 053) be bad fi’nr daos., Amelia, m. in 1017, to William Montgomery, Esq. of Grey Sl,tcdonald, of Slate.” This personage was restored by Atihaey, 00. II awn, n’bo if. in 1011. Slalitda-A,ure, to. in 1a25, to Arthur-Hill Montgemery, his father, and took her majnoty’s part in the civil war of hss5. of lyrella,ea. Down. E1l,.n-ls’stslcnoe, u. in 1809, to John William gane, Req. was s. by his nephew, Mi’., of Wornsstcy, and it. in Sopt. 1844. 1,onioa. lie to. lndly, 10 March, 1007, Eliza, yenngeet dau. of Willla,n Hreton—Wolstenholroe, F.sq. of lloll’ Hill cc. Snsoox, an’! h’y her (nb, it, 1 Jan. hOes) had Tn,iaIss-Ai’anove’a.WoLsvecmsoLcmE present earl. Lanra-l.’ecdua, 10. 5 Slay, 15:16, to llngls-Seynsour, late Earl lfhatail, and was z. by bis son, 01 Antrini. Lavisis-Agnes, io. if July, 1030, to the han. JoIns-Thomas Dutton, Sod son of John, 2nd L”r,I Sherber,uc. The earl 5. 31 Starch, 1530. f’,nshin’—Baren, 10 Slarclu, 1715-16. Viscount and Earl Mackenzie, of Tarbat, and had four eons and two daus. :50, i—On., a cherran, between three leopards’ heads, or. and had another son, John, of Hhaekney. Sir Jamueo 5. 8 sees —Aleepant’s head, guardant em-ned at the neco, Des. 1878, and was s. by his eldest son, or, dsseaily gorged, go. 722 M A C D 0 N A L D. MACDOyALD. 17 snna (Sir Somorlocl-James-Brnelonoll Booville-Macilonald), of Slate, eo. Antrim, in 3t tlbCRflt. .5 ROLe, Lord of the hobeo, descended from Somerled, DONALn, toed of the Isbn, entered into a treaty with Ricnamun II., in 1380, on the footing of a sovereign pehace. f0ll, with about nine bundred, while Slaer lost about five Eu emutually Donald was compelled to abandon his pretensions to tbe eaeldom, to nuake personal oumbmiooion, and to ALEXA1SDEE, Lord of the Isles. This chief was defeated anuS on the 27 Aug. 14311, attired only in his sbh-t and the queen and nobles. hle m. Elizabeth, only dau. of Alevander Seten, Lord of Gordon and Iluaatly, and was s. by hlo eon, bmw 11th Earl of Roes and l.ord ef the Isles. Tbis of England, in 14t2, was deemed a traitor to his liege Iluon, cv TOE IsLEs, wluooc gu’eat-ga’andsen, DONALn, styling hhaoelf Lord ef the holes, but being refaced the dignity by .boamr.s V., took up arms to snpport from time battlements ef which he wao olaot dead with an Donoen, or mr. IsLEs, commonly called Donald Gorme Queen lloov of Scotland to the lands of Slate, forfeited by 1367. lIe it in 5353, and waco. by his eldest son, Donocn Sloe Dewotn, of Slate, svbo it. o. p. in 5616, and I. Donoco Mae Donacn. of Slate, who was created by C000La.o I. a Es eon I sf 31’ooa deolto, Ii July, 1623, with a special clause of pet cedency, placing him second sf that order in the kingdom of Seolland. Sir Donald it. in 1642. lie ‘a.Janet, 2nd dan. of b{ennctb, let Lord Mackenzie ot 11. Smaboeics Shoe DONALn, of Slate, uvho joined the Sfarquess of Slontreoe in 11543, and sent some of his men to the asoistanee of Cnoncss II., when be marched into England, in 1651. lie ci. hot, Margaret, only dau. of Sir Roderiek lIe i’s. 3n’lly, Shary, eldeot dau. of Jobn Macleod, of Slseleod, lii. Ntis DONALD Sboc DONALD, wise m. Lady Stacy Donglas, M A C Smsppou’fcra ‘--Twoleopards, regardant, ppr., each gorged witis a ducal coronet, gia. .dIobIs—Sstpere auide, Sects —SheeborneCastle, Tetsworth, and Rnsbam Hail, Pesos Iloooe—54, Eaton Square.