Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/203

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POR India; 0. 14 Sept. 1771; sa. 19 Feb. 1803, Mary, 2nd dan. of Arthur, lot Earl of Gosferd, which lady 2. 1 May, 1843 Mis lordship, a general officer lathe army, col. of the 11th dragoons, a knight-grand-cross of the Bath, and H.P. for Glasgow, d.c. p. 17 June, 1830. iii. William-Charloo-Angoostns-Cavondioh, liont.-col. in the army; I. in 1780; os 1st, 21 Sept. 1108, GeorgianaAuguota-Frederica Seymour, who d. 10 Dec. 1813, leaving an only dau., Gcorgiana-Augsosta-Frodcrica. He rn 2ndly, 23 July, 1816, Anne,° dan. of Richard, lslarqnoos Welloaloy, hy whom he left loans at his decease, 28 April, 1826, I Chares-Wilhiam-Frcdoriclo, 0. 8 Nov. 1817; in holy ordoro; rn. lot, 28 Sept. 1839,Sinetta, don, of James Lambourno, Esq., which lady d. without surviving bone, 19 Feb. 1650. lie rn. 2ndly, 13 Dcc. 1859, Caroline- Louisa, eldest dan. of lldwyn Ru-naby, TOsq., of Bag- P0IITOIAN, R.tseoN (Eclwavd-Berkeley Povtnlan), of grove Hall, Loiccstorahiro (sic Brass’s Loot/cd Pantry), Orchard Pnvtman, co. Somerset, b. 9 July, 1799; 56. and 2. 17 Aug. 1805, having had a dan. 2 Arthur-Cavondish, cot, late 7th dragoon-guards; 8. 10 June, 1327, Enama, 3rd dau. of Henry, 2nd Earl II May, 1819: os. 1st, 18 Fob. 1057, Ehizabeth-Sophia, of Hnrewood, and by her (who sl. 8 Feb. 1265) has eldest dan. of Sir St. Vincent Whitahod, Bait., and by had ieesoe, her (who ci. 4 Jan. 1858)haaa son, John-William-ArthurChas-lco-Jamoo-Cavendioh, 0. 28 Boo. 1817. He os. 2ndly, 10 Juno, 1062, Assguota. llas-y-Elizaboth, younger o. Ws000asi-Hsaeo-.BEaseELEv, H. P. for Dorset, and dan. of the Hon. and Very Rev. 11. -H. Browns, dean of Liomorc (see lCsLMa.vten, B.), aud has a son, 0. 20 May, 1863; a son, 5. 11 Jan. 1801; and a son, 8. 7 Oct. 1866. 1 Anne. 2 Emily, rn. 8 Nov. 1813, the late Rev. Hoary Hopwood, MA., rrctor of Bothal, Northumberland; and 4. 6 Jan. 1850, leavingiaane, John-Bentinek, 0. 23 Sept. 1846; Henry-Arthur, 0. 3 Sept. 1848; and Emily-Mary-Cavendish, is. Edwin-Berkeley, 8. 3 Aug. 3830. who d. young, 30 Jan. 1952, iv. Fredcriok-Cavsndish, major-gen., CM. 5. 2Nov. 1781, Its. )lanrice-Brkeley, 0.18 Jan. 1833; s;s. 1st, 4 June, 1636, rn. 16 Sopt. 1820, Mary, dan. of William, lot Earl of Lone. dale; and 4.11 Fob. 1828, leaving by her (who d. 21 Oct. 1862) an only son, George-Angosstus-Cavcndish, NP. for Whitchavon, 8. 9 July, 1621; so. 14 Aug. 1019, Ps-ndenco-Feuslopo, dan. of the late Col. Charles-Powell Leslie, of Glaalongh, Monaghan, and has, William-George, 6. 1854; William- George-Frederick; 6. 1856; Christina-Anne-Jessie, and iv. Walter-Bcrleeley, in holy ‘orders, rector of Corton Sfary-Venotia. s. Charlotte, os. 31 March, 1793, to Charles Grevihle, Eoq., son of Fulke Grevihlo, Eoq. of Wilherry, Wilts, ond 2. his widow 28 July, 1862. II. Mary, sO. 6 Nov. 3043. The duke 4. 30 Oat. 1608, and was o. by his oldest son, WILLIAos-HoNnv-CavsNnsan, 4th duke, 35E5, F.S.A., for ton years in parliament, and was the liret member lord-lient. of Middlesex, 8. 24 Juno, 1768; who is. 4 Aug. elected tinder the Reform Act for the borough of 1795, Henriotta, oldest dan. and co-heir of General John ?d:srylobone, acquit-cd the Ras-ouy of Poetman, by Scott, of Balcenaic, co. Pita, and by her (who ii. 22 April, patent, 27 Jan. 1837. His lordehip io lord warden of 1044) had isaac, William-Henry, Morqocio of l’itchfle/d, ci. in the 28th year lovd-hieut. of the co. of Somerset. of his ogc, 4 March, 1813. Wn.uAsi-JonN-CAvsNnsau, present duke. George-Fredcrick-Csvcndish, 9l.P., bin Feb. 1002; a major Tlsc Porisnaco appear to hove been of distinction in the co. in the army, and a distinguished politicissu; 4. usia. 21 Sssssos-sec so early as this reign of Eowaan I.; ai that period Sopt. 1548. Henry-William, 5. 9 June, 1604; a family trustee of the lloorhshsed British Mnsenm, and formerly NP. for North Notto. Henrietta. - Caroline, d. 23 Jan. 1828. Charlotte, os. 14 July, 1027, Rt. Hon. John-Evelyn Benison, Tlssssosa, SIC WILLIAM PosTssaoe, tart., lord-clshef.jnsliee of England, of Ossington, Notle, Speaker of the House of Commons. it. in Ills, scsi sues e. by his son, Lucy, rn. 6 Nov. 1222, to Lord Howard do Walden. Mary, Os. 5 Oct. 1834, to Lient.-Col. Sir Wm. Topham, Sin iiso’sy PooTasaae, Rut,, who sss. Joan,- don. of Thomas hoot, of 11.31. gentlemen at arms. Cs’calieiss—Earl, Sc., 5 April, 1689. Duke, Re., 6July, 1716. P.avenet 25 Nov. 1012. lie os. Anne, dan. of Sir hieno’ Gifford, Ar:ee—Quorterly: let and 4th grand-qnartefa; quarterly, iCnL, and had issoe, 1st and 4th, az. a ereas-molino, org., for BONTTNOK; 2nd I. lleoov (Sir), lod bas’onet; sss. Lady Anne Stanley; hnt and 3rd, oa,, three stags’ heads, cabossed, avg., attired, or, for Cavonensan; 2nd and 3rd grand quarters. or, on a bend, is. Ionic (Sir), 3rsl baronet, 51, ‘01505. as., a star of six points, between two cresoents, gold, within in. hlur.n (Sir), ills bsaronet, also s1, sosse. a bordure, ongraihed, go., for SCOTT. P/s-el Cresl—Ont of a dneal ceronet, gold, two arms, s. Jean, so. to Ooorge Spoke, Eoq. of Wlstlelaetingten, and counter-embowed, vested, gu., en the hands glovee, or, raoh holding an ostrich feather, avg., for BEoeTseers. Second Crest—A snake, nowed, ppv., for Cxvsuosess. Sappevlevo—Two lions, double queued, the dexter or, the sinister sa. .lIette—Craignez honte. geole—Welboek Abbey, Notts; Bothal Castle, Northumberland, the ancient seats of the Lords Ogle; Bolos,ver Caatlc so, Des-by; and Fullerton House, ro. Ayr. Tosess Heuoo—12, Cavcndtsls Square. POR PORT M A N. ? col. West Sonserset Yeomanry Cavalry; 0.12 July, 1022; Ia. 20 June, 3855, Mory-Sehina-Charlotte, posthumous dau. of William-fiance, Viscount Milton, and has EnwAsn-Wos.LiAss-Beniers.nv, 8. 30 July, 1816; Walter- George-Berkeley, 0. 2 Juno, 1858 ; 2.. 13 Dee. 1862; Henry-Berkeley, is. 10 Feb. 1800; Claude-Berkeley, 8. 1 Nov. 1864 ; a eeis, is. 18 Feb. 1008 ; Ensma-Schina; and Susan-Alice, lleleu-Vtdal, dan. of Capt. Harris, of London, Canada West, and by her (who s/ot Louden, Canada West, 30 llarch, 1800) has had, Bos-kehey, 6. 8 April, 1857; Jlaurize.William, 0. 10 Oct. 1020; and Ilaurice-Vidal, 5. 21 3lareh, 1800. lie os, acidly, 1 Oct. 1067, Evelyn, eldest dan, of Major Portmau, of Bean’s Court, Doeootohire. Deuhom, Somerset, 0.1 Dcc. 1816; so. 1 Oct. 1261, Alice, younger dais, ef the late Sir Johss Slordauut, Mart., and has a dan. I, Lucy-Ella. ox. Lsuiaa-Slary. This noblonsau, who represented the Co. of Dorset the Stannas’ieo in Cornwall and Devon, and was t ihlciogc. TssoaeAa PoaTasAx, whose gveodfalher hsai bone else amse which Ihe family olin boar. Time lineal descendant of this liiehsel, Esq. ; ansi dying tie 1580, w,sa o. by Isis toss, Jono POSTMAN, Seq. of Orchard Perisoan, who woo crealed a sL o. p. in 1621. 5;’, W’sLs.s.sss (Sir), Ills bars’net, of whoos ps-esesstl3-, host a lao., l’smsLsrra, cs. to Esiss-as-si Berkeley, Esq. of Ps-l;e (Ous,’ /Ice slr,s,r,si sj’ t5s’ Des-A-cl. se , Or l’s L’s’s’l,/’.ss 3/ lOs cbs hc,’s) ; the gvaisdssn ef lIsts nsarriogr, WseLssss Ilenseos.ov, Scsi. of tyPo, eveoloaflvisslseniled the estates, and ossnssesl tlse snrnassse of S’OoTss.sN 05113-. s. Asanc, cs, to Sir Edo’arsl Seynsssus’, of Eer’ Pos:serey, and hail, wills oIlier isosse, Eosvaen (eldest eon), anee’tor of Ilme lsvesens Buss or Sss as so sex Bossy (Ills son), of wlso,ss hereafter as Isrin of tIcs Porhsnans, is, Flizalselhs, s,s - to Jolses Bloet, Seq. sf1 h,leossslsç - Iss. Grace, s/, The lsoronele’ 5555,1 ropreoenlahi5 a sf lice fsssssEy evesslssally * This lady’s mars-loge with Sir William Abdy, Mart,, had devolvesl on Sir Jolss’o ills sass, boost previously disoolvod by act of parhiomsnt. 905