Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/211

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P R E 1605), was errated a Baronet, OPec. 1794. He ox. 20Apr11, Sin Lawnoox.’o Pnrsvos, who was a. lxy his eon, 1774, Sarah, dan. of Beeoten Long, Esq. of Carahalton, and Sin JonN no l’nosvnxe, a gallant s’,lliei-, high in the sister of the Right Ron. Sir Charles Long, afterwards Lord favonr and confidence of King DAvun 12noon, wbu, xxeeompaniod ltarnhorough, hy whom (who if. iS July, 1817) he left issue, r. Grovoc-Brosros, late baronet. xi. William -Willoughby, hanker, of the rity of London, of Dnrhani, in ll4x;, onifered several years’ imprisonment t. 16 Dec. 1770: ox. it June, 1705, liarriett, 2nd dan. ox Thomas Blackmsre, Esq. of Briggine Park, co. Herta, Reacquired the estate of ilorten in I 245, as appears from and of Westwell Rouse, Kent, by whom he left at his the charter still in existence. His eon, deceaso, 24 Oct. 1816, I William-George, hanker, of London, 0. 16 Per. 1000; tiua Sunoo no PuxooToax witnessed a charter of donation ox. in Oct. 1810, Arabella, only dan. of Edward Wolstenhalme, to the monastery of Newbettle in 3300. tIe was a. by his Eaq. of Nswberry Hxdl, eo. kuldare, by son, Sun SismeN no PREsToN, who left issue, Arabella-tiatherine, his wife, sister of the 3rd Viscount Bangor, and left issue, Wiiliam-Welstenholme, xi. 21 Nor. 1865. Arabeila. ii. floury (Sir). 2 henry-James, of London, merchant, governor of the xxi . Asnsrw, wlxase son, Bank of Rngland, 9. 9 July, 1502. 3 Charles, 9. 9 Sept. 1801; xi. is India, Oct. 9839. 4 Gearge-Edward, in hely orders, rector of Bigswell, Herts, 0. 29 Nor. 1804; ox. 6 Nov. I’861. Caroline-Mary, dan. of Nicholas Weathy, Rsq of ca. Glare (ate Bongo’s jostled Group), by his wife the lIon. Emily-SnsannaLaura, eldest dan of William, 1st Lord Radatoek. 5 Richard, 0. 6 Oct. 1007; xi. is India. 6 Arthnr, lt.-eol. Bombay cavalry; lx. 11 July, 1810; ox. 19 llareh, 1559, Taabella-SLria-Chriatiana, eldest dan. of the late Rev. Joseph-George Brett, incumbent of Manurer church, Regent-street, and ,1. 23 Slay, 1080. 7 Praneis, 0. 9 Sept. 1812; d. 5 Feb. 1837. 1 l{arriette-Ixlaria, xxx. 13 July, 1041, to Ihe Rev. 0. Phillimore, 2 Caroline, ox. 7 Aug. 1849, to Thamas-Edward Preston, Esq, brother of Sir Jacob Preston, Bart. 3 Amelia, in. 4 Nor. 3840, to Sir Jacob Preston, Rart. Maria-Charlotte, ox. in 1810, to Col. W,-H. Spieer; and if. If Sept. 1695. Sir George if. 23 July, 1801, said was s. by his san, 11. Sun Gr050e-BreaTos, 8. 11 Peb. 1775; who vu. 90 Aug. Sir Simon was a. by his oldest son, 1799, Catherine-Creighten, 2nd dan. of the late Sir Thomas Sun Gsonexe Pnraaos, whose great-grandson, Shills, lint., governor of Quebec, by whom (who ii. 6 April, WiLLuasu Pnesrxxn, of Craigmiller, had issue, 1839) he has issue, 000anE-WTLLIAsu, late baronet. Alfred-George, 0. 11 F’oh. 1017; d. 19 April, 1095. Eliea-Charlotte, vi. 1st, 22 Dee. 1027, to James Duff, Eaq., only son ef Geneml Sir James Hull; and fndly, 5 June, 1838, to Frederick, 4th Lord Rendlesbam; and xl. 31 Dee. The 2nd oon, 1040. Lonioa-Anne-Sharia, ox. in 1826, to Sir Edward-Sherlock HENOY PaEsTos, mix. Mary, dan. ef Napier of Sferchoetsn, Gooch, Bort. ; el. 24 Poh. 1838. Catherine-Hale, vu. in July, 1831, to Henry Deeie, Esq. of JAn05 Pnoozrxn, Bsq., who acqxnrcd by charter, dated Clonakilty, ee. Cork; d. 1 Oct. 1819. Sir George vu. 2ndly, Mademoiselle Flora-Theodore-Virginie commendator of Cnlx-ess, upon the resigixxxtien of Patrick Meneheron, dan. of the late Baron Maneheron, which lady Bm’uco; snd his deacoixdants have ever since been deeignoted d. in 1941. He xi. 2.9 Oct. 1830, and was a. by his son, HI. Sin Grovnr-WxLLuaim, lx. 14 November, 1800; ox. 1st, Prendergneet, co. Berwiok, and was a. by his eon, 10 July, 1827, Emily, dan. of Colonel Symes, and became a A500mALn PREsTON, Esq., Sod Baron of Valleyfield, who widower, without issue, 8 Jan. iOdS. lIe ox. Sndly, 26 July, xxx. Giles, dan. of Robert, Lord Sempill, by Isabella his wife, 1045, Eliza, youngest dan. of Henry Hilhiar, Esq., and had dan. of Sir W. Ilamtlton, of Snnqnbar. He woo a. by his son, by her two seno, GEOR0E-RcNnLEsnAiu, the present hart., Sin JAMES P005105, the 3rd baron, who vi. 1557, Jean, and, 0. 23 Jan. 1849. Crentiee—9 Dee. 2704. Ax-rna—Ss., a ehevren, between threa owls, arg. Great-—A cubit arm, erect, vested go., cuff, ermine, holding which a dan., Barbara, me. Lord Sempill, and the eldest een, n the hand, ppr., a band-beacon, sa., fired, ppr. Jfelle—Lnx mihi Dens. Seot—Theobalds Park, Cheahunt, Herts. P RE S T 0 N. PBENTON, SIR HENRY-LINDSAY, of Valloyfxeld, en. James, who uS. without iesne. Perth; capt. ILN.; s. his brother, na 9th baronet, Gooses, his vncce000r. 23 Oct. 1858. Itiitcagc. The name of Preston, which is of great antiquity in North favour of him, ‘ct hMredes sues maseuies qooscunque Britain, was assumed by tlae ancestors of the present de tempers in tempne pro perpetxuo in omni temporo family, from their territorial possessions in lxi id-Lothian, in affntnre.” Sir George xv. in 1634, Marion, only child of the time of Cosme-Monn. The first of the family hlugh, 5th Lord Semiil, and gronddan. (maternally) of upon record is, L000PHUe no PEe5TON, living temp. Wiu.uxsu Tue Lsos, i. WILLiAM, his heir. whose grandson, Sin Winexan no PnosaoN, Knt., was one of thu Scottish nobles summoned to Berwiek hy Ensraan I., in the competition far the crown of Scotland, between Brneo and The rebels sent a flag of trnce to the Castle of Edinhnrgh, Baud, after the death of King AuexANnrn 191. in 1231. ioatamutly eurreudexed. The gallant vetemmx replied, that This Sir William was s. by his son, Nicuor no Pnoeroy, one of the Scottish barons who swore fealty to King EnwAvn. Re xl. in the beginning of property of hue Nazi of Wemyse, whose son, Lord Elcbo, the reign of DAvxn Ii., and was s. by his eon, 913 P it E that monarch liii his unfortunate expedition into Englond, and failing into the enemy’s hands at the battle in the Tower of London, and was released xxnly ixy ransom. m. ironer (Sir), Ins eneeeesor. ilronoe, of Whitebill, was great-grandfather of Sin EICHARn PResTON, who was created a peer of Scollaxxd, iii the dignity x,f BARoN BxsowAm,L, 8th Jnnr, ilolx, lx lvii,xoelf axxd his heirs whatsocrer, and oblatixed snbocqxuomxtly the Barlxiem of Dreoiosn, in the peerage of Iroland, with remainxler to George Feilding are ,xxxte. Drsemon, B. of.> His lordship, thronglx the faroaxr of his royal master, JAMES I., obtained the hand of Lady Elizabeth Butler, only snrririnmg chilxl of Thonxao, 11th Rarl of Ormends and Oosory. By thh lady he left an only child, Elizabeth, Baromuess h.liuxgxvail, who ma. James, 12th Earl )aftcrwarde Duke) of Ormonde, and woe a. by her grandexxn, JAMEs, 2nd Duke of Ormonde, who was im. peaclxe.d in 1715, and aitainted, when all big English hennurs expired; bxmt a qxuestion hoe been raised, though a very donblfnl one, whether the athstndor eoxmld affect the BARONY OF DmsnwALL, the dignity revertimxg to the heir general of the lot Lord Dingwoll. I. Simon (Sir), who succeeded to Craigmiller, and his line failed with ROBERT PaSOTON, of Craigmiller, lxxx 1639. Ii. Hnoenv. and was father of 134-I, the lands auxd barony of Vallryfiold, frono William, fi-om that estate. He ox. Margaret, dan. of Home of dan. of James Erskine, of Litie Sanclaie, and gronddon. of Robert, third Lord Erekine, amid fourth Earl of Mar, by Annabolla hie wife, dan, of Sir W. Stnrrsy, of Tnihibardine, ancestor of the Duke of Athoil, and had issue, of Sin JOHN PRESTON, S. ae 4th Boron of Valleyfield. He vi. Grizel Celvifie, daux. of Alexander Golville, commendator of Gulross (father of Lord Colville, of Cnlress), by whoan, with Mary, xxx. to Sir Geni-ge Bruce, of Carnoek (her sons were the first and second Earls of Kineardine), and two ether daos., be had three sons. RonenT, of whom hereafter. I. Goonoc PnneTo’u, Esq. of Vohleyfield, was created a Boroneu e,f 20ssa ,Srsfirs, 31 March, 1617, by a grant in James, Earl ef Abercorn, and if. 26 Nov. 1679, having had, xi. George, a general in the army, governor of Bdxnhnrgb Castle (see Sin WALTOn SO0TT’e Wuurerley), amid commanderin-chief, enhseqnently, in Scotland, when eighty years old, and threatened to bxmrn Vailoyfield if tho castle was nut in that case he should direct his nxajeety’s cruisers to burn down Wemnyss Cxietle, on the coast of Fife, thexi the wos a general officer lie the service of Prince ChsrleeEdward. Genaral Preston, by his ixrotraotcd defence ef Soc