Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/231

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- RAS William-W. Mannsell, archdeacon of Limerick, and has Powey about the mniddle nf the 10th century, at. flies, dan. issue, Tlsoinas-FrasstiEdmnnsl ; William-George, 0. 20 of Williams, t.att3’nn, Eat1., ansI ii. It Ang. I I’d, leaeing, Oct. 1847 (twins); Fre-derick-Charles-Nertlslansl, 0.8 Nov. 1857; Alice-Elizabeth. Jaatw Hasntatate, Itsq. who erected the mansion at 1 Elizalsetlt-Jane, in. the Vers- 11ev. Henry—lIning Knox, Moisahilly, the I,easstifesl neat at wteiels tht- faint’;- leave eon— and 4. 1 MaccIt 1855. 2 Sasae-Enphetnia. 3 Isabella-Mary Cecil. iii. Jolsn-llens-s-, 0. 26 July, 1788 ; us. 12 Frb. 1822, ilabellaJosephine, ttnue,l ever silica to resitle. lIe wan 21.8’. Icr ltwty. 31st dan. of Francis, lit Earl ef itlinserey, asset has had and 3;tth Ettzasisyrst, arsil ,t. its 1024 Ilin deseeteslatet, isaac, I Tlsonsas-Franeis, 0. 24 Ocr. 1822. 2 Ileary—Neesllsam, ctmm. U.N., 0. 19 May, 1831; us.l Mar. in 1764, left, 1 88ll, Alexandrina-Hearietle-Wilhelmina, dan. of Sbus. I. t’nst,sr, tifittenattilly, SIP, for tiessay; in. Jasse, dan. of Lavit, ansi Isas issue, Edsvarsl, 0. 23 Sept. l86O l.ecy, is. H. Jnnalltaa, in Italy ,irdes’s t reet,sr of Sliverlas,, lIes-en ; in. 14 May, 1802 and Allee-Cliarlatle, 8. 17 Jnne, 1803. 3 Octavins-Newry, 0.8 April, l83Ot mIT Aug. 1888, Lucy. 41h slats. of the late lists. S.-E.-Spring lOire (see hoarEautn, 13.), and has a dan., I. II July, 1887. 4 Artlsar-Ede-arsl-Kllis, 0. 12 Aug. 1838. 1 llahella-h’rattees, in. 28 Jan. 1858, Count Wilhelm von Zeppelsn. 2 Geargina, 4. 1840. I Seliaa-Lstey, 4. 8 Jan. 1800. 4 Ilarrict. 5 Anna-Slaria-Oeergina. 8 Emily-Josephine. iv. Jelist-Jasnes, lieut.-rei. in the army, 0. 3 April, 1790; in. hlsry-T.enisa, stan. of Edward Taylor, Esq. of Ilifrans, Cs. Kent, sad it. 9 July, 1058, leaving a dan., Etnily-Lestisa-Oiana, in. 25 Sept. 1845, Rebert Pandas, Nsg. of Arnisten, tlid—tZethian. i. Frances, el at Nice, 28 Pet. 1061. ills lerdship ,t. 26 April, 1840, and was ,t. y his son, Tnosmas, 2nd earl, 0. 19 April 1788; ta. 28 Feb. 1815, MaryJuliana, is. Mart-, sit. ttt Williams, Slartelseisse, Esq. efl’rclsaste. dust ef the hess. and Mast Rev. William Stuart, Archhishep mis. Hachsel, in. to Jalsa Gould, 31.1). of Tram. ef Armagh, and Primate of all Ireland, and by her (who The 3rd ecu, 4. It July, 1888) 1,ad isstse, s. Tneamas, 3rd earl. Ii. William-Smart, 0. II March, 1828; a celonel in the army, June, 1742, us. 6 April, 1771, Katherine, dan. and cit-heir of anti MI’. far Oeisgannon; us. 26 Assg. 1858, Goes-gina, dust. Williatn Hattie, SIP., of Cotes-t Gardessn, ncar Marlow, eo. of Jalsu Benfay liosper, Esq., of Abbot’s ttiptsss, Tlsints, and Hacks, by whons (who d. in 1880) he had inane, lass Violet-Mary, and Flerenen-itay. iii. Granville-ltenry-Jahn, 0.1 Aug. 1829; 1. 18 Ang. 1949. i. Sfary-Stnesrt. its. 28 Sept. 1854, Jalsn-Page Rende, Esq. ef Jcttathats—lltisettins. . — Statten, en. Snifolk. mm. Lonisa-Jaliana, so, 14 Aug. 1839, llenry Alexander, Faq. at Anne, in. Fnv. 1797, to Williaat Williams, Esq. of Castla Fnritilt,’ro. Asmagli (tee Cauxnea). iii. Klizabeh-Henrinttn. iv. Jnliann-Careline-Frances, we. 15 Oct. 1882, Majtr-General Edward-Wabter-Ferestier Walker, C.B., of Boshey, en. Iterts, Hr. Raahleigh ii. 17 Stay, 1883. tIm eldest son, ccl. 94th font. v. Flora-Septtia-A;s;se. vi. Adelnide- Ftenriettn-Leniea-Hortense, in. 26 Sept. 1810, created a Haronet, 30 Sept. 1831. He ns. lot, 34 May, 1808, Joseph Golf, Esq. of Hale Park, Hunts. The 2nd earl 4. 21 March, 1899, and sraa 0. by Itis son, Tnnwxs, 3rd earl, 0. 13 Nov. 18131 Ct. 18 Oct. 1848, Itarrict, 4. 7 July, 1831) ho had, dan. of Janice Rinsiagtan, Esq. of Rrnnmhead ttall, ro. York, Junw-Cotataw, prencnt baronet. Jane. Harriet-Anne. and had isaac, a Tnoemss.Gnasvittn.IOEanv-SmAav, present and 4th earl. mm. Uenrnn-Jaeia-3lan. 0. 14 Aug. 1856. s. Agnes-Henrietta-Sarah. His Lordship ed. 20 May, 1858, and was s. by Isis eldest snn, tlse A rnsa—Sa., a crons, or, between, in the Iret quarter, a present Earl. Creaftans—Tlaran, 16 Jan. 1781. Viscount, I Jnly, 1791. Seal—Prideanx Honse, St. Austell, Cornwall. Karl, Sept. 1831—Irish hannas’s. Baron, 6 July, 1828—United Kingtlosn. Ar,oa—Ou., a falenn, velant, or, within an erie, wavy en the cater, and engrailed nit the inner edge, ttrg. Creel—A falcon close, standing on a perch, ppr. .Sappsrlern—Two talcnns, wings snvertnd, ppr., dnraily gorged, listed, beaked, membered and belied, or. ilfnIla—Mnven et prnflcier. deat—Dangannen Park, en. Tyrane. RA8HLEtnH, SIR Jotim.CoLMAN, of Prideaux, no. Cornwall, 6. 4 May, 1819; we. 1 May, 1845, Mary-Annn, only daugletor of Nieholan Kendall, Eaq., MI’., of Pelyn, in Cornwall, and has had, t. Cntaisw-E,arirtn, Rent. CarnwaG militia, 0. 11 March, RATHOOENELI,, BARON (John MeClintock) of Peathdonnell, 1846. ii. John-Kendall, 5. 12 March, 1847. a Marriott, d. 20 Jan. 1802. n. Mary. 31. cIlcafIc. This house deecenda from a younger hranrh of that nelent of the Louth regt. of rifle militia; 6.26 Aug. 1798 family of Ranntnmun of Raehleigit, no. Devon. Jonn RAantmnn, Eeq., who nettled we a mordant ni 933 Ii A T with aix dses;a., otto eon, Jnxarnasa HAsisertois, R,qq. of Slcnabilly. ste. 11 Jane, 1728, Nary, dais, of Sir William Claytnn, Dart. ; anel dying the Rev. Carol;ss t’ste, Ittet 8. e. p. las, Catherine, lass. nt tlsc Otcv. Williesit, Stsckl,,,itte, 15.1)., of Trchane, situ left, with otlser isasee, (tine e,f svlsnni, lice 11ev. Jossatlsast Stas-kltasssn Rasleteigls, seas rector of Wiekhans, Itants, and ‘1. 1.5 May, 1563) a sets, Wits_sass ILmsis.esnss, Fsq. of 1lenabill-, sometime SIP. for Fsss-ey ; so. let, lt,ieltnel, stats ted Willittsn Sletektttuitse, Esq. of Trehane ; eetttt 2tsdh-, Ceerolisse, dais. e,f Ilestry Ittssx— ntetn, Esq. of lvpclsstrele, Wilts, Ity the latter of svhetss only lie beat issue, Ills sets and lens-, WsLm.tAss, sansetitn,, Ml’. Icr East Cornsrall, isa. 18 Stat eli, 1843, lIte lines. Ce,tleeritte Stesetrt, detest stats. nt Itedecrl— Wetlter, 11 tIe Lorel Illeentyre. The 71ev, Jttntstlteeis Itessisteiglt so. 2nehly, Jesne—Cstttsnsiag, sister of Sit’ Alexetttder—l’. ft otstneittg’—thnreteis, Itsert., asetl icy bier seas fallser of tienrge—Ceseetssting. iii. ‘insets, af wlsstsis tresesstly. s. Jaee, Ia. to lioltert tttske, Esg. of Lake llnase, Wilts. Jonw Raotstosnn, Enq. nf Penquite, cc. Cornwall, first commissioner and receiver tsr Omenwicle hospital. 5. 20 JoHa-CaLasAte, crealed a Bamoitet. Clearles-Watsets, 0.14 July, 17841 4. Ham, in Iota. hall, Oorsotshire; anti 4. 18 Aieil, 1825. Lnnisa, us, 22 tIer. 1881, ta ‘fl,ensas—llolt While, Faq. of Chase t.odge, near E,sfleld. 1. Sin Jnnre-CotusAw Rasmitnana, 5. 23 Nov. 1772, wxa tlarriett, 2nd dais, of Rohert Williams, Feq , H.P., cf Hridehead, en. Psi-eel, tend 51 oor Park, tlerte by wham (who Sir John as. lndty, in 1833, Martha, youngest dan. of tiso late John Gould, SIP.; and d. 4 Ang. 1847. Cresslian—lO Sept. 1f31. Coraish choagb, nrg., beaked and leggod, pi.; mu tha 2nd, a text T ; in thn 3rd and rie, a crescent, all erg. en. Bonegal, in the peerage of Iroland, lord-lieutenant eo. Lonih, lord-lieutenant and ens. ton-rotnlorana of the eetatnty of the teisvn of Dmngheda, depnty.lietttenant of cit. Fos’managh, cal. sin. 1829, Anno, oldest dan. of tho Rev. John-HenryGoorgu Lefmoy, AM., of Esvahiolt Hotssu, Ramp- RAT II DON NELL. H A S 11. L E I 0 II.