Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/241

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ETC is. Emilia-Jane, sss. 1st, in 1746, to James, Duke of Leinster; Cssaos,es, 5th duke, lt.G., who was 5.3 Aug. 1711; and Os. and 2ndlv, to William Ogilvie, Esq., its. Louisa-Augusta, so. in 1758 to the Right lion. Thomas 10 April, 1817, Caroline, eldest dan. of Itenry-Wihiam, Marquess Conolly, ofCastletoo’n. 00. Sarah, m. 1st, in 1762. to Sir Thomas-Charles Rssssbnry, i., present peer. Port.; and Zmlly, lion. George Napier. v. Cecilio, it. sssm. Tht duke 4. S Aug. 1710, and was e. by his 3rd, but eldest sss. llenry-Charles-George, 21.1’. for Chithester, seceetary stsrvtvissg son, CssARtLs, 3rd duke, It G., 1. 22 Feb. 1334-5. His grace, at floe corenalioss of his Majesty, Gtoaon Ill., carried the sceptre with the dove, and was appointed in 1765, asnbassasler-extraordinary v. George-Charles. SIP, for Lyssington,t. 22 Gtt. 18291 was to the court of France. In 1766, ho was constituted principal secretary of state; and in 1792, appointed master- ,. Caroline-Amelia, 555.4 Ott. 1019, to the Earl of lOessherongh. general of the ordnance. Ths duke s’s. 1 Aisril, 1797, Story, is. Augusta-Katherine, cs. 27 Nssv. 1801, to Prince elsiest don, and ce-Iseir of Charles, Scd Earl of Ailesbssry; bnt it. without issue, 29 Dec. 1906, when lsh hononrs devolved npon sst. Lucy-Frances, 4.. 16 Aprsl, 1813. Ins nelshew, CssAssLEs, 4th daLe, K.G., 0. in 1764, enly Ben of 2.ient.-Gen. v. Cecilia-Catherine, so. 17 Nov. 1819, to Lord Pingham, Lord George-Henry Lennox, by Louisa, d:,n. of W’illiam-llenry, 4th Marquess of Lothian. Itis grace os.O Sept. 1769, Charlotte, His grace assumed time additional ssmrnasne of Ooanoy, after the dan. of Alexander, 4th Dole of Gordon, by whom (who si in decease ef his maternal uncle, George, 5th Duke of Gordon, in 1812) he had issoe. s. Cssxns.ns, his successor. os. Jelsn-Geerge, lieut.-col. io the army, 8. 3 Get. 1703; so. seas at Waterloo. Ide was also ss knigist nf the garter, lord— 29 .Jssne, 1910, Lossisa-Fresterica, 4th d;us. of the 1-ton. John lieutenant and euates-rolnlornns of the to. Sussex, cot. of the Rodney, and by her (who a. 12 Jan. 1865) has had, I George Sussex nshttta, higls-stesvard of Chielsester, aido-de-canap to Charles-Assgnstsss. S. 5 Jan. 1621, st. 2 May, 1844; the Queen, ansi hereditary eoostatste of tnvemess Castle. lie sf. 2 Augustus - Frederick-Francis, lient.-col. l.A., 1,. 22 Assg. 21 Oct. 1560, and was e. by his eldest son. 182.3; as. 3 Nov. 15.57, Ansy Ito Peaovoir, dan. of Joshoa Prianlx, Esq. of Caudie, Guernsey, and of an ancient Ceenliess.sEnglish peerages. 0 Aug. 1671 Seotlish peerages, Guernsey family, and widoss of Thomas Itniehessen. Esq., 0 Sept. 1671. Preach Dukedom, Jan. 1683—4. and by her (who 1. 19 Get. 14671 has had a son, 5. 19 Oct. As’ass—Quarterly: 1st and 4th, France and England, quarterly; 1867; Hand-Amy, 4. Sept. 1019; lIabel-ttlizabeth, and LeilaEthelt 3Edward-Villiers, 1.25 lltsseeh, 1026, 4. 8 Feb. 1810; Cuaatns IL); all svithtn a hordnre, compony, arg. and go., 4 3;r bcaha -Oates, eolnnel, capt. tt.E., CII., 1’.C., 5. 4 charged with night roses of tlse 2nd, barbed and seeded, ppr.; Slay, 1830. so. lot, 16 Joly, 1861, Slary-Harrtett, doss, of over all an escsstehcen of Isretenee, gn., charged with three Robert Hsrrison, Esq. of Itenningbelnse It;sll, Yorkshire, buckles, or, for the Dukedom of Anssaar. and Pbs Clough, Denbighshire, ned hyher (who d. 22 JaJy, Usa-cit—On a chalsean, gss.. t;srncd np erm., a lion, atatantguardant, 1863) isna had issssc, Gerotd-IYilbrahana-Stssart, 8. 20 Aprd, 1062, and Lilian-Emily, 4. an infanp 3 Aug. 1063; he te. with a collar, as Ihe borslssre in the aema; 2nd, a slemi-tien, 2ndly, I2Jnee, 1867, Snssn-Has’. youngest dau.ef Admiral Sir rampant. Jolon.Gerdon Sinclair, 8th hart. of Stevenson, and has a son, 0. 9 July. 1868; 5 John-ltaitland, capt. royal marines, Os’ppns-fes-s—Dcxler, so tsnicorss, arg., armed, mancd, and 5. 1 July, 1033; 1 Lssnisa-Eltoobeth, es. 5 March, 1862; os, each ssspportcr gorged seith a collar, eempony, as the 2 Rliaaheth-Feederiea (Hon.), late maid of honotsr to the bsrdnre in the amos. Queen, nt. 12 Nov. 1800, to Alexander-Charles Stuart, JJetls—En ba rose jc fleorte. Esq. of Englesearnic, ltaddtnglonslsirc, eldest son of Ltent.Gen. ,S’eofo—,-Goodss’osd. Cltichcster, Sussex; and Gordon Castle, the late Hen. Sir Patrick Stuart,, uncle of Foehabers, Slornyshttre. Lord Blantyre; and 3 Esnlly-Sarah, vi. 10 Aug. 1851. mrs. henry-Adam, RN., 5. 6 Sept. 1707, who fell overboard from the “Illake,” when sailing from Port Stahon, in 1812, and was drowned. so. William-Pitt. 5. 20 Sept. 1799; as. lot, Ities Paton, which snarriage was dissolved; he es. 2dly. 1814, Ellen, dan. of SIr. I. Smith, by whom (who tO. 3 Nov. 1859) he has Witliam-ltohert, 5. 16 Joly, 1855. His lordship ci. 3rdly. 17 Nov. 1863, Maria-Jane, eldest dan. of the Rev. Capel htolyneox, ineonabent of St. Paul’s, Onslow-sqnare. (Ste cute, Motasnux, Pt.) v. Frederick, 1.24 Jan. 1801. capt. 7th foot; 4.21 Oct. 1029. vs. Sussex. S. Ii June, 1002; ci. 3 April, 1828, the Hen. ttary-Stargaret, dan. of Talentine.Prosene 2nd Lord CIsecurry, and has had, I Berkeley. te the r.rnsy, S. in Jan. 1031; 4. 9 June, 1817. 2 Susscx-IVttttam, capt., 5. 22 Dec. 1434; a. 15 Oct. 1007, Eleanor-Jane, 2nd dan. of 3V.-lt. Peters, Rsq. of Ilarefleld Haute. Devon. 3 Charles, capt. 102nd feol.. a-st. Arthur, lieut.-eet. in the army, ls. in Get.; Sot; vs.) July, 1835, Adelaide-COnstance, dan. of the late Cot. John and Iady Charlotte Campbell, and 4. 15 Jan, 1864, having had Ho ot. 2udly, 29 Jan. 1852, Lady Carolitme-Amsgsssta issue, 1 Arthnr-Charles-Wriothesley, 1.25 Jan. 1042. I Constance-Chsslotte-Eliza, ss .5 Starch, 0667, to George, Duke of Nen’eastle, aud has by her, 2nd son of Sir Henry Russell, Part. 2 Ada-Fanny-Ssttan. 3 Ethel. 5. Story, te. II Starch, t820, to Sir Charles-Angestns Pitzroy, it. Evclyn-Enohy-Assna-Slarta. N.C.R., son of Lord Charles Fitzroy; and s5. 7 Dec. 1847. is. Sarah, sos. 9 Get. ISIS. to Gee. Sir Peregrine Staitland, G.C.B., svho tO. 1054. mu. Georgiasa, at. 7 June, 1024, to William. Lord de Rot. iv. Jane, ns. 20 July, 1822, to the Rt. lien. Lawrence Peel, Sir Cornwallin was high-sheriff of Leieeaterahiro isa son of the 1st Ste Robert Peel, Hart., and 4.27 ltarch, 1061 1851. V. Lossisa-Maddelena, sos. 18 April, 1821, to the Eight lion. William-Frederiek-Pownes Tighe, of Woodsteck, to. Nilkenny, ReseaT Hscaens, Esq., who sum, in 1760, Eliza, dan. of the lord-ltent. of the eo. and city of Itilkenny. vs. Charlotte, as. 4 Dec. 1023, to Maurice-Frederick, 1st Lord Rev. henry Roberts, left issue, Pitohardinge. G.C.B., and d. 20 Aug. 1833. vts. Sophla-Georgsana, ns. 7 Aug. t838, Lord Thomas Ceet. His grate, who was Governor-General of Canada, 4.. there Gilbert, s,s. a dan. of Admoirab Itodney Rlsgh, amsd had sssoo. 28 Aug. 1019, from the effects of a bits from a dog, and was n. Rum, cv. to John Ogilvte, Esq., and has issue. by his eldest son, 943 ETC of tngletey, by sehem he has had, is. Fitzroy-George-Charles, in the srnay; S. II June, 1820; lost in the ‘President” steamsr, is. 1541. to the Admiralty, 8.2 Nov. 1d21. iv. Alexander-Francis-Charles, Is. 11 Jane, ISIS; cnptain royal horse-guards. late iIl.P. fur Sls’srelsame ; a,. It Aug. 1563, Enally-l’rassers, 3rd dams. of Csst. C. Tosvneley, of Tsssvneley, Lancashire, and has a son, 8. 17 Aug. buN. far aosssse tisse in the lsorse-gssards. William-Augustus-Edward, of Saxo-Weimar, and bears the title of Cessntesa ssf lsornbarg. sv. Amelsa-Prederica, s!. 20 Oct. 1841. eldest son of the Earl of Ltsean. 1836. The duke svsss a Iieest,-eol. in the army, ant was engaged in active service during the lattvr years of the tale war. lie 2nd, Scettand; 3nl, lrelassd, (being the arms of or, crowned with a ducal coronet, gu., and gorged ungastesi, or 1 sissister, an antelope, org., assased and Isoefed, Ferns fleece—Il, Belgrave Square. ETC K E T T S. ReCEETT5, SIlt C0RNwALL28, of The Elms, to. Gloucester, aud Be:mumout Leyos, to. Loieooter; 8. 27 Feb. 1803 renr-adm. RN.; o. his father, as 2nsl burt., 16 Astg. 1842; sos. let, 31 May, 1834, Henrietta, youngest dan. of Col. John Tempest, of Tong HalT, to. York, and by bee (who ci. at Florersee, 13 Nov. 1838) has issue, s. Roneav-Tessensx, 5-at Rome, 7 Dee. 1836; es..26 July, 1881, Amclia-Itelen, eldest surviving dan. of Jolsn .Hessart, Esq. of Datguise, Pertlsststre, and niece of lord Etibank. Poiham-Clinton, 3rd dan. esf Hens-y-Polham, 4th I. Prederiek-SViIhiam-Rsdney, S. 27 Sept. 1057. m. Angusta-Heurietta-Mary. is,. Constance-Charlotte-Rotc. my. Gertrude-Charlotte-Eleanor. a-. Mildrcd3tay. EIlIrilgc. John, 4. in India. ItoaeeT-TxssTaaas, erealed a Baronet. - The 2nd son, 4.-