Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/246

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B 0 BERT S. ROBERTS, Snt RaNnAL-HOWLAND, all points, pierced, of time Oct,t. of Brightifeldetowit, en. Cork, late fcc-st—-On a mount, yen, an eagle, aliadayeel, azure, aercalliei lient. 33rd foot ; 8. 28 March, JIalt’c—t’oat fmsnera vis’tua. 1836 a. lila father as 4th hart., Tew,a Hos’ee——17, Aidridge Road ‘illaa, Bayou-aler. 1 March, 1864 so. 14 June, lSaS, Mary, tian. of the late (uI. ‘1’ urn— lntl,lionabay artillery, anti has had issue, ,. WscTrR-Howtaao, 1,. 2 Starch, 1rt9. t. Anee-Sandelia, 1. 24 Feb. 1064. ii. Lisa-Macian. iii. Beat riee.Bidaey-Jane-Margaret. iv. Amy-Constance. v. Amy-Gilbert, A an infant, 10 Feb. 1867. This family is of English origin, springiag treat WILLIAM lOose mUssy, of Gondinitsi, SCent, living 1163. athose descendent, SIR Toossws ltoaEaTs, of (tlasscnboiy, teas created a baronet 3rd July’, 1 600, which batenricy l,eeante iii. Fdward-Villiers, t. 17 Jan. 1834; t. 4 Jane, 1800, near extinct on the dealt,, s. p. ia, of SIR WALTER ttOeERTd, the Clii hart. (eec PUREE’S Belied Bare,tetafli). A Francis of tic, iv. Williant, an officer in the army, S. ii March, 10371 at. 10 family had, however, settled in I roland, of aelneh, Iiaceett. Rosenva, Es6., 5. 16 May, 1704, sott and heir of v. Frederick-Land, 1’. 20 June, 10-13. Thomas Tioliorts, Faq. of Rrigltistieldstosvn, cc. Cork, iy Jane S. Fmnta-Franeea, 1.07 Jan. 1833. his wife, only dan. of William hloddarsi, Esq., by Itridgetoas Ic, at Dorollmea-Ann-Fliza, mm. 27 Oct. 1509, to Capt. A.- 1-1. nt. 2 Feb. 1731, alartha, dan- of Ralph 7testropi, Faq. ci Caherdogan, Co. Cork, awl had tattle, I. TnotsAs, his heir. Is. Jehn. s. Hannah, cii. to Nicholas-Green Evans, Faq. of Corkee. It. Jane, io. to Jet. Nercott, Faq. of Springfield, eo. Cork. in. Anne, iS. to W.Aneletaon, Faq. of Aghe Geese, cc. Cock. city of Lon,lon, eldest semi of the 16ev. W’illiatn Robinson, it ivh— Tv. Nanny, iii. to Arthur Neteait, Faq. i,f Park, co Cork. The eldest son, 1. Tnoatea R6nERTe, Faq. of Brightfleldstown, created a Baronet Anne, alan. of SirCeerge Whilniore, lint, of Barnes, eo. Surtey, 20 Sept. 1800, a. tat, 24 Sept. 1765, Amy, dao. and co-heir ottO dying in 1607, a,aa o. by his eldest sureiring son, of Wiltiona Johnson, Faq. of Lizard, co Limes-ick, and left It. SiR Joust, ci b’arnnng Woods, cc. Norlhatnpten, who tie. issue, 5. WALTER, his aoecesaor. i. Martha, to. to the 61ev. John Cramer, of Sally Mooai, co. patrick, Lord G,,a-ran. Sir John having thus tto naale iasne, a Itildare, who aaaome,l the name aad anna of ROREOT5. ii. Flitabeth, icc. to Win. Baker, Faq. of Liantaeae, co. Tipperary. Sit’ Thotnas iO. 2ndly, 23 Dec. 1806, Ann, dau. of Thomas Walton, Faq. of Walton Court, co Cork, and had by her, I. Thonta.a-Watton, of Glaaaenbnry, Feat. t. Goorgiaa, so. Jol,n-Drew Atkin, Fsq. of 3iett-ioa-square, i. Joust, isis successor. Dublin, and has issue. 1 Waller-Roheeta. 2 John-Roberto. — 3 Wa1tce—Tlseeas—Rid,eeto. I Anne-Robotic. 2 Geoegina-Iloberts, as. 14 Dee. 1831, to the Rev. R.-W. Adams, AM., rector of Cloghran. 3 l{ale-Itoberia, ii. Is Michael Roberts, Faq., ETCh.). 4 Teniaaina-tlebetts. 5 Maty-Victeria. 6 Soaaa-I.eniaa-Florcnee. of hiinsthorpe, co. Northianmplou,t by whom lae had cisc surviving Sir Thomas ,t. in 1817, and was o. icy his son, II. Sic WALTeR, 5.13 Nov. 1770. This gentleman ,ic. 0 Feb. — Perkins, Faq. of Maraton, co. Ware icE, by ,rliesmi Ito had a 1000, Catherine, doe, of the 16ev. Fihnsmd Gilbert, of P,odn,in, son, William, and a dan., Fhizabeth. lIe 0. SlAng. 1766, anal liy whom (who it. 4 Aog. 1803) he had hattie, ROB CcoIioo—OO Sept. 1009. Ae,,,o—Sa., on a rhevrosi, org., eotsaed, or, three outlets of rocmnal the neck stills ivy, ppe. ROBINSON. llontNsON, Stn GEORBE-S’TAIJP, of London, in holy orders, 6. 29 Aug. 1797; a. as 7klm hart., at - m tlae decease of hid undo, 23 Nov. 1833 ; Oil. 24 May, 1827, Emnaa, 6th dan. of Robert - Willia hen4 ‘ 4 cowe, Eoq. of Hayoe, in Middlesex, and has had ivone, I. George-Wifliam, too 3lareh, 1028 ,t.17 Wet. 1836. xi. Joint Beeveowe, ii. 20 May, 1570; ma. 0 Dee. 1861, Mini- fred, eldest dao. of the Rev. Edward Stuart, and granddau. of use Hon. Etitear,l Stuart. ttio, on his passage home from Soulla America. Sept. 1865. Ileokina, RN. lit. Agnes-Lucy, t.37 AprO, 1841. Jiiticitgt-. I. AtneoRAw Sin Joint Ronisisote, lint., lord niSyor of the deacon of Nottingham iii 1635, nat created a Baronet 20 Jona, 1660. Sir Geoi’ge, eho was neptieat of Archbishep Land, us. Mary, dan. of Sir William Dudley, Fart., by avhonm he left liPaey, a. to David, 3r,i Earl of Weiaym t Anne, em. to Ricliaed i-liz— portion of his estates passed at his decease to his daus. 05 dohmeira, and the baronetcy devolved upon Ins tcrotlmer, III. Sin JAases. Tisis gesmltesnait me. Anne, alan. of Sir William Jesson, hat, of Neo-henee, co Warca’ick,5 ond co-heir of her uncle, Sir William Villiera, Rare. of Reookaby; by this lady he had issue, us. Gcoege. sit. Whliam, who rn Sties Ludby, cud hind tn’o sons, who n-crc both accidentally drowned. u. Penelope, cc,- to Ilenry Ihalcell, Faq., ban-later-at-lace, son of Sir Ilenry llstaoll, KnL, a baron of the Fvehuqtter. Sir James dying in 1731, n-as a-by eldest son, IV. Ste Joint, who e. 1st, 3fary, dan. of John Morgan, Faq. son, and a don., Aaue ; and 2o’lly, Elizabeth, dcci. of was a. by his eldeR son, V. Sic Geosue, SOP. for Northaumpten, is 1774. This gentleman lit. Dorottmoa, dan. of Jolmn Chester, Esq. of Leadon,I end co-heir of list late William Wood, Faq. of LomscThasn tiall, Fatinamnd—Giiticcl, Dli., 151 hilly et’dcra, rector of Pasci’s Cray, Suffolk, and Imeirosa of William Hewett, Faq. of Stretton, heist, and aflcra,’oeda rector of lilanvillo Wi,ccn,,n, I)ormt. cm .aact ci. March, 1 sOC leaving issmce ; his eldest samrvivmng Lcieeatenshire, by n’Jmoaa he heft, aun, ‘i’lmomas—I.angdusi, ci. 01 Feb. 1 aGO, timuily, only data, of u. Geoaoc, his aoeeeason. is. Wilhianm-Vilhicra, in holy oedere, eectoe of Graften-Undaravooci, Azne-ttllbeet, Ia. to the Rev. J.-D. Perkins, D.D., rector of asad of Irehester—cuna—Wollaston, tim Nortliamaptenalmii’e who cii. tOlled. 1795, Anne, dan. of Stamp Rroekabauk, Faq., by Anmme, lilt stife, dau. of ‘l’tmomas Gataker, Fsq. ammal ,I. 14 Jon. 1805, leaving issue, I Geonon-STAaIP, preacn f baronet. 2 llenry-Wihhiosu, t. 3 Aug. 1509. I Carotino-Penelope, ,,c. 76 Oct. 1834, to Hernsan Merivale, Faq-, CR., neder-secretary of state for India. 2 Fszmza, oc. to Ihe For. Williatam Dtmthy, cedar of Samd— horotmgti, co. Northonaptea. 3 isabella-Anne, , 1834. ROB w Tuetuas-IbowLasto. Sal baiwnet. ‘fit, ‘immas M,,or, Faq. of SI. Atphenge, Canterbzry. Slanilmemid. Amy. Flizo. Catimorlue, it. 1836. Sir Wallcr it. 9 lIce 1908, and sraa o. by 1mb elder son, Ill. t4mms ToosuAe-ltou-Lx-co, c, Ito was t. 4 Nov. 1604, and was loghs-olmeriff et lime ccc. Coth in I837 lie ,o. let, 00 Oct. 1834, llhieo—Careliitc, Omit domm. c,f t.zscderdole Slaitland, Faq. of Ecclcs, co. 1 ‘cmomfriea, avhiich 1ad3 af. 3 ft,-t. tOM, leaving a son, FaaoAs.m.- llon’r_Avo, preacut lcoronc’l. lie ec. Sadly’, 14 Juice, h-GOd, .Snmie-Fllhc,lt, only child of Wilhiani Langclon, Faq., RN., __________________________________________________________________ a’f I man,vc,ect t.’olgc’, cc. Sonmem’sel, and by tier (avho id. Sadly, By Pemselope hit wife, aloe, of Sir George Villiers, of 20 Jsmnc, I SIP, I”. .. t,atc,’llee, Faq.) had, liowland, heat. Brooksby, in Leiceeleeshire. 16.A., 5. loiS; Wal,vc,rllmhiowland, 5. 1843; Florence-Maria; Ry Tniphena lila wife, Oats. and heir of time lIon. Robert and Ltitmlrerl-htrodio-Fhll,,lt, il. Oh Sept. 1868. Sir Tlmocmias 0. Sheffield, uncle to John, Ituke of Itcmckhmsgbaiac. 1 SEarch, hsf4, and wao e, by hio eldest son, Sic RANOALL- 3 Dy Ftieabetli his wife, don, of Sir Wilhinm Chester, Fart. IhowLasco Rc’nenvo, the 4th and peeaeut baronet, of Chiehelcy. 94S