Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/248

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ROB iv. Napior-Douglan, is. at Macno, 3 Dee. 1036; late capt. 7th royal funihere; ,o. 14 March, 1865, litscouoin, Sophia-Jane, yoiugost dau. of the Rev. W.-8. Robinson. i Louisa b. at Maeao; its. lit, 11 August, 1850, to the late C.-R.-G. Douglas, Req.. 32nd Bougal iufautry and andly 7 Jan. 1563, to the 11ev. John Prideaux Lightfoot, DO., ‘rectorof Exeter College) and s-ice-chancellor of the Univoreity of Oxford. Sir George d. 25 Jan. 1855. crcc’doo—ll Nov. 1823. Arms—Per feooe, enshattled, az. and gu., two chevron rio, his elsicat can, Sin Jealss-LUNIN-DevenLov, the 2nd and between three bucko, trippant, erg., attired and hoofed, 01 preneut baronet. th5nsk buck, trippant, in front of park paloo, ppr. Jfstto—Spoe inca in futuro oct. w ROBINSON, SIR JA3IES-LUEIN, of - Bevofley House, na the city of Toronto Bart. and of the Middle 3Li J Temple, London, barnstor-at.Iaw; ,- 5. 27 March, 1818; e. his father, as 2nd Bart., 30 JaIl. 1863; or. 15 May, 1845, Elizabeth, eldest sian. of John Arnold, Esq, for- o b merly of Halated, noar Seven • Oaks, cc. Kent, bnt now of Toronto, and has issue, s. lles-nv-Gsaeszr, Ii. 16 April, 1549. I. Emma. ii. Careline-Longloy, ci. W7 3t forage. JOHN RoBINsoN, Req. of Croetwick, in tho parish of by whom he had one eon, Arthur; and lndly, Mery-Nille, Romaldkirk, Co. York, sit. Anna Mont, and was great- dan. ef —Bindon, of filungroft Castle, end bad, with a grandfather of Faa BlunT Rr.v. JonN ROBINSON, M.D., Lord Bishop of 1st, Mary, dau. of C. Tierney, Req., and had issue, one eon, Brietol, and afterwards of London, in the reign of Qneen George (see BueNos Aqssdesi Gooses); and Indly, Bridget, ANNE; and of CnaleropnEr. ROBLNCON, of Cleaeby, co York, Req., who, dan. of Stephen Winthrepp, of Wiuthi-epp, by whom he had, settling in Virginia, temp. Cnsntae II., became secretary of that colony; and d. in 1690, aged 45. Mis 2nd eon, JOHN RoniNsoN, Raq., President of the Council of Viiginia, was S. in Virghiia; and no. Catherine, din, of Robert lioverloy, Req. of that colony, formerly of Beverley, in Yorkshire. He had ieene by thin marriage, seven eons, one The 2nd son of the 2nd marriage, of whom wae COL. BEvrtsLrv Roniwson, of the British army. d. at Req. of Linseriek, and by hor )whe ci. in 1816) had, Bath, in 1771; who was hither of the late CoatuzoexavGEN. Sin WiLLIAM Roan soN, and of GEN. Sm 1”nrneseleK- Paitirsa ROBINSON, G.C.ll., who d. loll; and other cone, who settled in Now llrnnowiek after the peace of 1753, ansi havo left numerous deecendante. From another eon of this noarriaga descended CsisoloTerurn ROBINSON, of the city of Toronto, in he Birch lull, n. Fermanagh, and had issno, prrv:nro of Canada, Esq., barrieter-at-law 5. 1704; who Ia. in 1784, Rether, dan. of the Rev. John Sayre, of New Brunswick. She ci. in Aug. 1627, baying (svith several other ehildren a eon, JonN-BtveNLzs’ ROeINeON, who was 1.26 July, 1791, and was a distingniehe’l Canadian lswyor. lIe was appointed lie ci. 1030, and as-as e. by hie eon, actiesg attorney-general of Upper Canada in Nov. 1512; solicitor-general in Starch, 1015; attorney-general in lob. isis; 14 Feh. 1023, Frances, 2nd dan. of Colonel Johss OrnsnbyYandelenr, rhiefj’ietieoef Upper Canada, 13 Jul 1523; and afterwards president of Ihe C’ ‘urtof Appeal. In N ov. 1550, ho was co. Limerick; and by her (n’ho ml. in Sept. 1041) had issue, appefntol a Companion (eivil division) sf the Order of the Bath, and create’l a bar, -net, 1 patent, 21 Sopf, 1554. lIe was ilso ehaiirellc,r of Trinity Colloge, in Upper t’anada; he rn 3 lone, 1017, 1 Inma, only surviving child of Charles i1’alhtr° Rsq. of I1srles.len, ro. Middlesex, an’l h3-hcr 1whe .5. 2i lIa , 1o631 ha,l issue, I. .JaNoe-T.rKIN. of Toronto, prceont harenci. ii, J sn-los er1c-. of I oronla, harrislcr—a,—lass’ ; 5s 20 Ps’S. lie us. dndly. 10 June, 1543, Cecilia-Caroline, yosnigest dan. 1630; ,., 30 lees’. 1557. L’s Mary—Jane, lad dau. of the lb on, (by hio wife, Dorcae Spread) of henry Deane O’Crady, Req. Chrisloplier—Als’xassdcr Ilsgcrsson, I’ai,se Judge of the s,f Lodge, cc. Limsriok, end Stillorgan Castle, eo. Dublin, Qason’s lionch, t’pper f’anola, and has issne, 1 lies rrler. 1. 2 .1 Ime. 1 s-IS. 2 SIrnehan-Nslier, b. 17, Sell. 1049. 3 Chnsl,phs-r-( ‘‘sissvos’,b. 17 March, 1633, 1 Minni’-—Car,,hnr. iii. (‘Isrisis ‘pOse,of ‘forsnlo,l’arrislcr-al—la,r, 0. 21 -lan. 1826. is’, (‘lsarbes—lVsslkcr, Sienl. ride lirigaslc, 5. 1 April, 1530. ROC i. Emily-lIes-vP, s,.it April, 1846, to Brigadier-General Johnhenry Lofroy, hA., and ci. 25 Jan. leSS, having had issue. ii. Aagnsra-Anee, so. 31 Oct. 1844, to James SIcttill Strachan, of Toronto, Fsq. (formerly cspt sin in the fsth foot), eldest eon of tiso late aught Rev. John Strachan, bishop of Toronlo. ii,. Lentsa-Malilda, Os. 16 April, 1046, tn Goarge-Williain Allan, Req. of Rose I’ark, Toronto. Shod. e.g. IllIlay, 1852. iv. 3lar--A,nrlia, 01. 30 April, 1562, at Toronto, to Donald SleNines, Rsq. of blannifon, Upper Canada. Sir John Deverley Robinson ‘5.20 Jao. 1262, and was a. by Crealiee—21 Sept.2054. Araie—Per chevron, vert end az, on a chevron, nebnlde, between three stags, trippant, or, an nnicoi-n’e head, conped, i beto-sen Iwo cinqnefsile, of the first. Creab—A stag trippant, or, sem6o of lozenges, az., end rosting the dexter forefoot oa a millrind, sa. ,SIslte—Propcrb et providS. Jeal—Beverley House, Toronto, Upper Canada. ROCHE. Eocn, Sin PAVID-VANDELEuB, of Carass, co. Limerick, and of Barntic, oo. Clare; 6. 24 June, 1833; s. his father as 2nd hart, 8 April, 1565 ose. 24 Oct. 1867, the Hon. IsabellaSneannah-Adelaide Massey, youngest dan. of Eyre, 3rtl and present Lord Clarina. k us rage. GEONOE Rocne, Req., eorvod an mayor of Limerick in 1102 end 1721, and w-ae re-ni-ned its member to parliament in 1713 assd 3715. JIe ci. 1st, Alice, dan. of J. Vincent, Eeq., dan. Anne, ot. to Majer Carlton Whitolocko, a nssn, Dawn Rorno, Rnq., niayssr of Lhnerirk in 1749, who -so. Winlhropp, capt. 45th regf.; si. in 1601. DAwn, of whons preeontly. lienjanin, caist. in the army sb ins ss. Frances, a. f’ Fdnound Blood, Req. of Rrickhilb, eo. Clare. Mary, taCo C. Whitoloeke, Req. of Prior Park. Anne. Dawn Rocus, s. let, Freuces, dan. of William Manneell, DAvID, his heir. Bridget, so. to Neptune Blood, Fsq. of Drichhill, co. Claro. Fiancee, ci. to Jotfery Browning, Rsq. of Caraes Cenrt, Co. Limerick. Mr. Raeho so. Ondly, Reheeca, dan. of Captain Long, of i. Willians, of Donkip, cc. Limerick, S. in 1021 ; na. 1840, Emily, dais, of Rohort Borrowen, Rsq. of Gillton’n, Co. Kildere, and bee isenc, Cecil-Robert, h. 25 Slay, 3040; Rye-Alice; and Blanche-Charlotte. r. Rebecca, ii. onto. is. Nary, ci. sass. I. Sin Penn Rocne, se-h’s wash. 19 Jan. 1701; andni. let, of lladdenotown, Kildare, and of Ballinamona, llavin.VANOEJ,00n, present ls’srt. R’’sc Ila, s,s. lb SepI. 1010, te leielsas-d-Steele Fethorsienlsangh, lleq. of Rssekviese, Wcslneeetls. Aliee-Vandebenr, ml. in SepI. 1049. 5raeces-Fiinstelh, so. 57 Oct. 1010, fe Philip-Jshn-Wibliain ShIes, Req., eldest son of Sir Willians Miles, Bert., H.P., of Leigh Court, Drisissl. and Isy her had a eon, Sraenisn-Draar-O’Gaanv, 6.36 Joby, 1015. Sir i),svid, who represented the oily of f,ieneriek in parliamc ’itfrom 1534 to 3534, wan created a B-srenet in 1818. Me ci. 8 April, loSs, and wee a, by his elder eon, Sn DevsnVANnELCUE biscuit, Ihe Sub end preeent hurt. (‘s’velieo—l 836, bibs sister Ehirabeth m. William Merry, P.sq,, depnly Poses—On,, thrse roaches, natant, within a blrdnre, enseerelary-et-war. grailed, erg. hi 5s)