Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/262

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ROX 110 X Bull GRE. rn TS’ Iloxaurieng, DUKE OF (Sir James-Henry-RobertJonas Ii. JoaN, whoa. to the .Bnersaoy ef Beueserlew of Brougktoa, Ker, KB.), Marquess of Di iwmoot and Cessfnrd, nephew of the 1st Lord Rnxhnrghs, ohboined his peerage Earl of Rixl inrghe. Earl iii RoBe, Viscount Broxmonth, by creation, 10 June, 1671, and had the rematodership Bar iii Ker, of Cessfi ird and Cavort, inn, in the enbseqnently extended in favour r’f the nobi n ol pearave of Scotland; Earl limes, in that if the United whom we are now treating. Hi’.lordship(John)os. Mary, Kingdom: and a Baronet of Nova Scotia; B 12 July, 1016 ; c. to the Scottish loom sirs, as 6th iluke, at the decease of his father, 19 July, 1 s23; and was created a peer of the Unitril Kingdom, as Earl Tunes, in 1838. His grace ia. 29 Dee. 1830, Susanna-Stephienia, only cluld of the late Lieot.-Gen. SB- Chailee Dalliac, K.C.H., and has, I, JaMes-HONRY-IIOORET, Marqacss of Beinsoni and C’eosfeed, ii. a Sopt. ISlO. ii. Charles-John, eMit. Sects fns. guards, 1. II Dee. 1842; is. 15 Jan. lOGli, Blanche- Mary, 4th dan. of Cal. Thomas - Peers Williams, if Craig-y-Oon, and Temple Manse, Berks, M.D., anti has issae, a ecu, I. 1807. I. Snoan-Jlaniet, a. 5 Aug. 1837, to J. Grant Snttie, Esq., eldest son of Sir IJeergo Grant Suttie, Dart. Ii. Chnrlstte-laabella. is. 38 Oct. ii 63, te George Russell, Esq. }tIllCZ0f!C. Sm Boasar Rca, Rnt. of Cesoford, (eldrr son of William The 2nd Earl of Moxburgho 5. in 1675, and was o. by his son, Her, of Ceseford, warden of the Middle Marches, by Janet, Roimon’r, 3rd earl, one of ths privy oonneil of Cn,oanes II. dau. of Sir William l)iaiglas, of Druinlamig,) was elevated Accompanying the Duke of Tork from Loedon to Scotland, to the peerage of Scoitland, in 1660, as Lerd Bs.ehnrghe; and in the ship “ Gloneester,” he was lost on the coast of Yarmanth, created, 16 sipt. 1616, Bacon Km sf t’esofec,J as’l t’ovei’fsaa, of John, let Marquees of Tweeddale, three eons; of whom Ra;’l of Bertsip/ie. ‘Ills uehle,nau accompanied driers VI. the eldest, inta En’la,id, and ivas Inn I-privy-seal in the reign of Eneenir, s. ae 4th earl; at whose decease, seam, in 1696, Cn.enoi:s I. liii lordship a. lot, Mary, Ani. of Sir William the hononre devolved upon his brother, lihaitland, of Lethhsgti ‘nn, so. BadUngton, by whom he had, Joan, 5th earl. This nobleman having filled the nOIse of I. Winnirse, Lord Her, who 6. en his travels in Prance, in secretary of stats in 17t4, was installed a knight of the 1615. Jean, ni, to John Brummoad, 2,id Earl of Perth, and had Gartsr, and created, 55 April, 1707, Yieceu,il .Brezmoalh, 1 JAMEs, led Earl i,f t’sntli. 2 Robert Siçl, 5. e. p. Earl of Eclas, Jlsrtieess of Ce.n’fei’d and Boweoonb, and DUKE 3 John (SiB, of Lagietilmond, ancestor of Sir William us’ Rox.a,U000e, with remainder to the heirs who ahonhd Drnmmond, rile of the elaima,ils to thio hononrs at the inherit the Eardons of Eoxbnrghe. He m. Mary, dan. of decease of the 4lli flake of Roxhnrghe. 4 William, who a as 2nd Earl of lloxbnrghe. I Jesn, Ia. to J,’hsn, 3rd Earl if Wigteun. 2 Lilias, is to James, Earl of Tullileirdine. ii. Isabel, a. to James Serimgeonr, Vieeonnt Dnndee, who Great Britain, by the titles of Demo Her and Reel Her ef fell at Marston Moon, 1644, leaving a son, John, Earl of Dundee. sri. Mary, i5. let, to James Ilalyburton, of Pitena; and installed a knight of the Garter sod a knight of the Thiotle; 2adiy, to James, 2nd Earl of Soulheok. Lord Roxharghe ci. Dolly, Jane, dan. of Patrick, Lord while the Scottish devoloed upon his kinsman, Drnmmo,id, by whom lie had m only son, I. harry, Lord Her, who a. Lady Mo-garet Tloy, only dan. Lord Seilenden, 2nd eon of William, led Duke of Boxbnrghe.) of William. lath Earl ‘if Erroll; and dying bsforo his father, in Jan. 1643, left, I Jean, a,. In William, dod Earl of Roxburghe. 2 Anne, a. to Jiihn, 4th Earl of Wiglcnn. and had an Benjamin Beehenoe, Esq., (n-horn. after his grace’s decease, only ehilil, Jean, ol. to George, 3rd Earl of Panmure, the Hon. John T,dmaeh, son ofthelate Conntossofflysart;) wlso 6. ,. p. 3 ,,r. in 1001, to Sir James Jones, EarL of expired, while the other honouns and tIm estates by doi-mant Innso, on. lOgin, (of wlaels family Dnnean Forbes for sivsnd yeats; during whioh period the succession was otates, in a 318. teenolit of the lnoe’o, that in all the contested by llajor-Genetal Walter Ken, as heir-male of the long ranrse of their eoeeeooion, ‘‘ their i,ilseritanoe 1st earl; the Right Hon. Wam Dnomniond, as heir male neoer a one to a woman that nono of them over marneil of the 2nd earl; and au ill wife ;an,l that In frie,sla ever suffered for Sia Jsnos Irsnas-Noeenive’e, Dart. 0. 30 Jsn. 1716, in their ‘lebte.”) Of this marriage titers were three sooe whose favour ths Hones of Lands decided, 11 May, 1012, and and f,,nr dane.; the eld,.st of whim, Bra He.aav, o. his fsther in the baronetcy, and marrying he sneeredad aeeaedingly, as 5th Duke. Sir James is. let, Joan, rlan. of Duncan l”orl,es, of Cnllndeu, was a. in 1762, Mary, dan. of Sir John Wray, Dart, of Glentworth, t,i 1731, by his oldest survivIng son, Bra IIa.nav, who ci. 0 O€t. 1727. Ann, 2nd dan. of Sir ,Tanseo (“rant, Dart, of Grani ; nod dying in I 763, was a. by Ins elder surviving son, Sin Jaa,oo lNnra, of lance, of whom horeafter, as Thonsas Nenchffs, Es1. Merladyship 6. without issne in 1607, 5th Dnke of Eoxbua’ghie. upon the decease of his younger and only surviving eon, of Donjsmin Chos-lewood, Esq. of Windlesham, by n-hem bs 964 R 0 X this llael of Roxbnzghe obtained, in 1646, a new charter, entailing his liononre and estates upon his grandson, the lIon. Sir William Dniammond; and afterhini upon the three ions successively of his granddan., Jane, esnatese of John, 3rd Earl of Wigtoon, upon the express stipulation that whoever should soeesed nuder the new patent, should marry his deeeaeed eon Hairy’s eldest dan. Jean ; accordingly, at his lordelsip’s deeccae, 18 Jan. 1650, the dignities and eetatee devolved upon his aforeeaid grandson, Tne lion. SIR WiLuraai DRUMSrOND, as 2nd Earl; who assumed the name of Rca, and fnlfllied the stipulation by marrying hie cousin, the Lady Jean Me; and had, i. Encesir, hie eneeeseor. at the decease of lila kinsman, Sir Wililam Sellenden, Lord Bellonden, in 1671; which William, Lord Bellendsn, 2nd dan. of henry, let Earl of Bregheda, and relict of William, Earl of lJa.ihonsie, by whom he had issue, three ems, boa; Ilensoy (Sir), ii. nato. and Winnian, nod four dano. Margaret, 5. amo. ; om. to K. Miller, Eeq., of llentingforbnry; Many. ci. to John, 4th Bike ofArgyll, and Diana, a. to Jolni Ilnltesl. Esq., of Fleet, Lievonshirr.. John, and Lord Bellenden d. in 1707; and was 8. by isis eldeol 0(00, Jonio, 3rd Lord Deilenden; who ci. and had (with a do,. Caroline, iii 1766, to Johnflawler, Eaq.l two sons, Eon aol Enocar; he 5. 16 Marob, 1740, and was e. by his elder son, 1 Ease. 4th lord, an officer in the royal navy, who was e. in 1654, by his only child, Joms-hIan, 5th lord, whr d.e.p. 1726, and was s. by his nnele, 5 ResenT. 6th lord: at whose decease, seam, in 1797, the title devolved npon his kinsman, Wn,neaio, 7th lord (son if Lient.-Cel. the Hon. W. Bdilenden, 3rd son of John, 2nd Lord Bellendcii), of ivhom hereafter, as 4th Duke of Roxbnrghe. 7 llay, 1682, leaving isone, by his wife Mary, dan. Daniel, Earl ofRottiaghani, and widow of William, Marquess of Halifax; and dying in 1741, wao e. by his only son, Itosear, dud duke; created c-p., 24 Stay, 1722, a peer of lvaf’fleld. es. York. Tie a. in 1738, Essex, dan. of Sir Roger Moetyn, Dart.; and dying in 1735, woos, by his son, Jonas, Ird duke; the eslebratod book collector, who was hot ,f. nina., in 1804, when the British honours expired, Wrnnsrn, 7th Lord Selleoden, as 4th duke (refer to John, This nobleman so. let, Margaret, dan. of the Rev. Dr. Borronghe; and dndly, ir June, 1789, Mary, dan. of but dying n’ithout issne, in 1605, the Barony of Bellendera cc. Liocoin, snd assumed the additional snrname of Nosers,sret, upon Lady Tunes’s inheriting the estate of her maternal ancestors, at Langton. en. York, by the will of anil the (then) lnstonst o. 2ndly. 20 July, 1607, Harriet, dan. left an only son, Jrzno-Hznas, the present dnko. The