Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/274

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SAT Barbara, on. 20 July, 1818, to the Rev. Thomas Bedford, of Hawnes, eo. Beaford, who d. 9 March, 1816; she d. 15 May, 1655. fib lordship, an eminent lawyer, and anthor of His lordship 4. 1805, and was s. by his brother, Sr. ANDRew, 15th baron, 0. 22 Aug. 1759; on. in 5807, eeves-al standard legal works, became a member of Louisa, eldest dan. of the late Sir Charlos-Willisso-Rouse Lincoln’s Inn, and was called to the bar in 1807 Broughton, Dart., by whom he loft issue, ST. ANDREwBsiauonan svaa inado King’s counsel in 5822; solicitor-general p, the present baron; and a 1osthumous dau., and knighted in 1829, which office he resigned in Louisa-Barbara, m 55 July, 1057, Norman Maeleod, Esq. 1830; Lord Chassoellor of Ireland for the first timo of Slaeleod. His lordship d. 15 Oct. 1017, and his widow, in 1834, n’hioh he resigned in 1835. His lordship an. 4 Aug. 1825, the itt. II, ss. Sir John Vaughan, formerly heeanae Lord Chancellor of Ireland for the 2nd a baron of the Com-t of Exchequer, who d. in 1859. Shed. time in 1841, and again resigned in 1846. He was 9 July, 5000. Creaiisoe—Barou, 18 Jan. 1588—0. Baronet, 28 June, 1860. appointed Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain, Arsss—Arg., on a chief. gu., two mullets, or. t’reol—On a mount, vert, a falcon, rising, or, belied of the March in the same year. His lordship rspreseuted last, duoally gorged, gu. Ssppsrirre—Twe monkeys, ppr. Afslls—Iiata fata ssoutus ,Seal—Melehbenrno Park, Higham-Ferrors, Ilodfordshire, his seat for the latter place in 1841, on his being ST. LAWRANCE, VIsCOUNT, set Howm, EARL OF. tune, and never sat in the House of Commons ST. LEONARDS. ST. LEONARDS, BARON (Sir Edward-Bnrtensbaw Sugdon), of Slaugham, in tho on. of Suesox; P.C. of England and Ireland; high-ateward of Kingston-on- Thames; bcueher of Lincoln’s Inn; DCL. of the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, and deputylientenant of the on. of Sstaoex; b. Fob. 1781 ; us. 23 Dcc. 1808, Winifred, only child o Mr. John Knapp. and by bee (who i. 19 May, 1861) has had ST. Pans., Sin HonaCg, of Ewart Park, Co. Northnuaberland; issue seven 50115 cud coven datso., of whom four onus have rl. so? in. leaving s Liii sssrvi dug, I. Henry, barrister-at-law, a registrar of the Court of 6. 29 Dcc. 1812; fornnerly H.P. for East Worcester. Chancery of Ireland; 0. 15 March, 1811 is. 1 Aug. shire; s. his father, as 2nd baronet, in 1840 ; at. 24 1844, Marianne, 2nd dau. o Lient.-Col. Cookeon, of April, 1867, Jane-ELan, dan. of George-Annett Grey, Neasham Hall, eo. of Durnam (eec Buoite’e Loaded Esq. of Milfield, Northumberland, and has a dan., Gesiry), and 1. 20 Dee. 1066, havis’g haul issue, 1 Eowano-Buaveuonaw, 0. 12 Aug. 1047. 2 Henry-Frank, 0. ii May, 5050. I Walter-James, 0. 28 Nov. 1855. 4 Wilfred, 0. 6 June, 1861. 5 Marianne-Winifred. 2 Emma-Frances-Mary. of Thomas Wright, Eaq. of the en. Sussex, and dying in 5 Henrietta-Mabel. 4 Alice-Hand. S A san., t. posthumous. ii. Frank, in holy ordors, 51. A., Cambridge, vicar of Hale Eossar Pant, Esq., who obtained an act of parliament, Magua, Linoolnohirs, 0. 17 May, 1817; os. 4 July, 1880, nausse of Saner, lie us. Judith, only dan. of Nathaniel Henrietta, 2nd dan. of Philip Saltmarshe, Req. of Saltmarshe, Collins, Nsq., and had iaaue, Yorkshire (see BuaKo’s Loaded QentruJ, and 1. iloaacz. ii. Roberl, 0. 6 Jan. 1780. has issue, Frank, 0. in Cot. 1052; Rdward-Maloolm, 0. i. Elieabetls, is. to Chasles Policy, Eaq. of Riverbead, zo. 16 Oct. 1000; Iloury-Riohard, 0. 18 July, 1862; Ethel; Katherine; and henrietta. in. Arthur, in holy orders, A.B.,Trinity College, Dublin; iii. Casherine, ii. nusus. sv. Mary. rector of Newdegate, es. Surrey, 0.17 Oct. 1822; m. 20 The elder eoss, Polo. 1054, Annie-Jane, 2nd dan. of the Rev. George Honaca ST. Pact, Esq., an officer of dtstinetion in the Elton, and has Arthur-henry, 0. 17 Dee. 1805 he d. Austrian service during the Seven Years’ Was-, was created 26 Oct. 1000. i. Laura, ci. 28 Aug. 1820, William Jemmett, Esq., barrister-at-law, 0. 14 April, 1720, and us. Anne, only dan. of henry Weston, e,,nimissioner of bankrupts for Mauchester, Esq. of Woat Horaley Place, co. Snrrey, and by her (who d. and baa issue. Ii. Juliet, us. 1 Feb. 1852, to the lute Kennott Dixon, Esq. 5 Aug. 1080, aged ninety-one) had issue, and has issue. 1st. Charlotte. iv. Sopbia, us. 10 Sept. 1052, to Major-Ben. Frederick. Darhy Cleavelaud, royal artillery. v. Harriet, sa. in 1048, the Rev. Robert Mann, MA., Cha,-lolts, d. an infsnt. Anna-Maria, d. 18 March, 1806, reetorof Long Whatton, Loioesterolsire, and has issue. Count St. Pass1 1. 56 April, 1012, and was o. by his son, vi. Caroline, us. 11 Aug. 1052, Col. John Turner, CD., 1. HoRacn-D.uvsu-CnoLWEs.L Sr. Paon, Esq., Count of royal actillery. vii Augusta, us. 11 Aug. 1815, John Reilly, Fsq., barrister-at-law 1775, who wise emated a Bassinet 17 Nov. 1515. lIe represented (see Dunn’s Laadsd Qealry— sf 976 SAT Sres’sagh), clerk of the Writs and Records, Ireland and has issue. 27 Feb. 1852, and raised to the peerage lot in Parliament the boroughs of Weymouth, Meloombe Regis, St. Mawea, and }tipon; he vacated appointed Lord Chancellor of Ireland for the 2nd again. Oreaflso—l STarch, 1052. Areus—Arg., a fesse, or, beiween lhree seaidecs’ heads, cooped sod erined, in chief, ppr., and a leopard’s Ilead, erased, in base, or. Ores—A heopasul o head, erased, or; darnlly gorged, an. Ssppsriers—Twe leopards, or, spoiled, lined, and dsseally gorged, as. JIsTle —Labors vinees. Seal—Doyle Farm, Thames Bitten, Sarrey. ST. PAUL is Cossnt of the Holy Rnmass Empire; 6. 19 Jan. 1868. It Cli 676fiC. SAMUEL Pact, Eaq. of Coventry, grandson of Thomas Paul, Req. of the saaue place, is. Eliea, sole dan. and heir 1720, was 0. by his son, in 1768, to anthorize the assumption of the additisnal anr— Kent. ii. Jssslith, ‘I. sines. a Count of the Holy Reman Empire, 20 July, 1706. He was llosars-Davsn-CO0LwELL, his heir. iheusry-Ilensage, HO’. fer hisrwirk; d. in 1820. Clsarles-Ilaxinsilise, ef Ewart Park, Northumberland, major, and a eennt of the holy lteman empire; 0. 27 Feb. 1781; d. 7 April, 1064. the H’ 4y lleman Eioldre, asad eel, in the army; 0. 6 Jan. Bridport for asiveral years In parliamsnt. He ss. in