Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/276

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SAl SAL jsue,to his nephews, William-Henry Rickctts and EdwardJcrvis Eicketts, successively: and afterwards, to those S A L I S B U R Y. gentlemen’s sister, Mary, Countess of Norehesk, and her nialedesceudants. The earl ta. 5 June, i7ts, Martha, dau. of Lord-Chief Baron Parker, by whom (who it. S Feb. 1856) he had no issue. His lordship it. 13 Marsh, 1825, when the earldom and barony expired, hut the viscouuty devolved upon his only surviving nephew, EDWARD-J000IS-RIrKO.r05, 2nd viseosuat, 0. 1767; as. 1st, 29 Jan. 1795. Mary-Cassandra, 2nd dan. of Thsmas, 10th Lord Says and Solo, h-v whom (who is. 2ndly, her mon-lags with Lord St. Vincent having been dissolved by art of parliajuont in 1798, iiirhard.Charles-Hcad Graves, Eoq. ; and sO. 20 June, 1041) he had issue, I 1. Wmcssu-Jrovss, 0. 11 Oct. 1794; so. 28 July, 1815, Sophis, dan. rf Gesrge-N.srbonne Vincent, Esq., through whom Loni St. Vincent inherited the Clarges property. By this lady why at. 8 Nov. 1828) ho left at bis decease, in 1839, surviving issue, I I CAaNsose-floseo’r-JonN, present peer. I SALISBURY, MAgguEss OF (Robert-Arthur-Talbot 2 Williom-Il onk,° 0. 25 Jan. 1927; so. 21 April, 1064, Harriet-Wilmot, don of R,-Ssehsvervll Sitwell, Esq. f Gascoyne-Cocil, P.C.), Earl of Salisbury, so. Wilts; Morley house, co. Derby (see BURKE’S Loaded gea,try). Viscount Cranborue, ro. Dorset; and Baron Cecil, 1 Carolno-Mary-Frouros. of Essendine, co. Rutland; and co-heir to the Barony 1. Maria, sa. 25 Oct. 1833, to George Wilkie. M.D. of Ogle; col. Hortfordshire militia; b. 13 Feb. 18303 Ills loralohip aa. 2udly, Mary-Anue, 2nd dau. of the late so. 11 July, 1857, Goorgina, eldest dan. of the late Thomas Parker, Eoq. of Park Ilall, cc. Stafford, by whom Hon. Sir Eelwara’I-Hall Alderson, a baron of the (who aS. 3 Jan. 1055), he bad, Exchequer, and has had issue, so. John-Edward, it. 16 Jan. 1837. j, JassosdinwsenHrsesv, Vi’caanl Uraabsrsc, 0. 21 Oct. sit. Edward-Swynfon Parkor-Jerrir,f of A stan Mall, Sutton 1061. Coldfleld, so. Warwick, and of Park [loll, eo. Stafford so. 12 March, 1838, hliss Mary Barker, and boo bad ‘- Bupert-Wiltiam-Ernest, 0. 9 March, 1863. issue, L ‘°‘ Edgar-Algernon-Rohest, k 14 Sept. 1864. iv. Asoo, 0. 12 July, 1867. Edward-John-Parker, 9. 15 Fob. 1839 : sat. 12 Dec. 5861, Grace-Catherine, younger dan. of the late Chief Beatrix-Maoale. Justice Sir John Jervis, and it. 31 July, 1568, having Owcndoton. bad Edward-St. Viucsat, 9. 29 Sept. 1803; Katherine- TH. Fanoy-Gcargiua-Mildrod, d. 24 Apral, 1087. Dorothea; and ta-u other daus. I 2 John-St. Vincent, 9. 25 Sept. 1840. His lordship, u-ho was 31.1’. for Stamford, and was 9 Wtlliam-Rshert, liont. 47th regt., 9. 11 flee. 1841. secretary of state for India from 151(6 to 1867,0. 4 George-Itenry, EN., 9. 4 Nov. 1843. 5 Augustus-Whitehall, 0. 2 Aug. 1945. his father as 3rd marqunss, 12 April, 1868. 6 Charles-F.dward, 9. 25 July, 1853. 7 Thsmas-Swynfen, 9. 8 tlee. 1852. I 4LIltcagr. 8 Aifred-Octactus. 9. 10 Nov. 1854; it. 19 April, 1865. 9 .Artbnr-Eiekats. 0. 4 Sept. 1857. I The founder of thie branch of the Cecil family, 10 Hubert do Gotbam, 9. 23 Dee. 1858. Boaear Cecas., (youngest son of SViilians Cecil, Lord I Masy-Boode. I Burloigh, Queen Erteonavn’s eslebrated high-treasurer, 2 Alirr-Ealith. I 3 Esolyn-Beatriee-Caaustaaes. by his 2nd wife, Mildred, dan. of Sir Anthony Cooke,) who received the honour of knighthood in 1601, was sworn of it. Mary-Anus, am lot, 28 Sept. 1840, to David-OebtorlonyDyes Sombre, Esq. of Sirdhsnah, in the Northern the privy council, appointed secretary of state, and sub- Provinces of Hiodastan (who loheritod the private sequoutly master of the Court of Warde in tbe reign of p055050iane of Her highness the Begum of Sombre EL,zAoEvn, bait did not attain the bonours of the peerage Strd.hanab. and it. 1 July, loSt): and Sndly. 186’?. ta the until after the accession of JAMes I., when ho was created Ri. Hon. G.-C.-W. Forester (see acE, gaRreTs-a, B ). I 13 Stay, 1632, Baroa mcd, of Eseeadhae, rs. lloflassd; adEts lairdobip assumed, lay royal permission 7 May, 1828, the va,sced to the Vaoesuafy of (‘a-arstasrsr, ye. .Dsreef, 20 sornaaae and arms of Jrstvss aidy, instead of those of his A°g. 1684; and created Eaad of S’ahsbary, 4 May, 1605; ow.: paternal family RsvKsrTs. He it, 23 Sept. 1859. I during which periods ho continued secretary of state, I bnt otsereeded suhosqoently, at the decease of the Ca’eaflsas—27 April, 1831. Earl of Dorset, to the lord high treasurership. The Earl A raao—Sa., a ebosron, es-rn., between three martlete, arg. of Saliol.’ory a. Elizabeth, sister of the unhappy Henry Crest—Out of a naval crown, or, enwrapped by a wreath Brooks, Lord Cobham, and it. worn ant with bosinose, of laurel, s-ott, a domi-pogasus, arg., maned and hoofed, of s’ May, 1612. In his last illness, be was heard to say the first, winged, as., charged on the wing with a flour-dc- to Sir Walter (‘ape, “Ease and pleasure quake to hear of ho, gold. death ; but my life, foil of cares and miseries, desireth to Sapporters—floxter, an oagio. wings elevated and endorsed, be dissolved.” He bad some years pt-cvioaasy (1603) addressed holding in the sinister claws thunderbolt, all ppr.; sinister, a letter to Sir Janaes Tlaringtno, the poet, io pretty mstch a psgsons, arg., maned and hoofed, or, wings, so., charged tbe same tans. “Goad Knight,” saith the minister, “rest with a flour-do-ho, gold. content, sod give hoed to one that bath sos-rowed in the Jlette—Thns.7 bm’ight lustre of a court, and gone heavily on even the bestSeste—Iloaford Ilsll, Stone, Staffordshire ; Gednisrsham sessniog fairground. ‘Tie mgroat task to prove one’s honesty Pork, Caatorlaory. [ and yet not mar one’s fortune. Von have tasted a little ____________________________________________________________ tberrof in our blessed queen’s time, who was more than a This gentleman and his sister hare been granted by ra ayal man, and, an truth, senaotimes loss than a woman. I wish licence, Fvh. 1860, the precedency ‘f the younger children of waited now in your presonce-rhasober, with case at my as vise,aint. food and rest in my bed. I an poohed from the shore of This gentleman obtainod, 21 April ]s61 the raayal comfort, oud know not where the winds and waves of a license to tako the nsnsa of PARKeR before that of Jeans, court will boar nos. I kuaaw it hringoth little comfort on and taa hear the arms of t’srkor qsaarterly, tn the 2nd earth ; and lie is, I rerkan, no wise man that loekoth this qa:srtor, w’itla these of .1 ervis. I way to hoaveo.” His lordship u-sos. by his only son, 7 This matte isa gmeefal anal seamanlike allusion implying WiLLIAM, 2nd carl, 16G. This noblsnasn oa. in Dec. 1608, perfect eertilado. “Thno” is the ward of direetiaan given to liar Calberttae, youngest dan. of Thomas Ilowsrd, Earl of steersman lay the goartermaaaaster when the ship is coieg is a a Suffolk, and seas o. at his ,leresss by his ga-andson, - perfectly correct eaaarss. Far ioslonre, if he os-isla the vessel to Jx0505 3rd earl, K C. (san of Charles, Visronnt Crsnpoerood to hue right. be says “Starhearal; “ if to the left: “Part;” bait if ilas ship he gaing abate 05 it eogbat 10 ala, he borne, by Jane, dan. sod so-heir of James Maxwell, Earl says” Keep thus.” ‘ar “Thus” simply, cars-opted in nautical of Dirletou(, who to. Slsrgaret, dan, of John Slaoners, Earl larounnelatton into “Tbehs,” of Rutland, and was s. in 1663, by his eldest san, Jxatre, 4th earl, This nobleman, being a csnves-t ta the 978