Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/284

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SCA land, and was at the siege of Bristol, where he remained Ralland, E.G.; and Sndly, 34 Aag 1837, to Johns LodgeEllerton, until its surrender, in 1845. ILs lordship ci. Frances, don. of Henry SheU.y, Esq. of Worniinghurot Park, in Sussex, and was e. on his decease by his grandson, Rienaso, 2isd vi.oeoni,t Q ii of the 1 [on John Lnmle’, by Mary, elan., intl eveitialls’ one of the heirs of Sir Henry The earl rI, 21 Feb. 1830, and was e. by his son, Compt:n, KB., of Iie:n,ihlerve, in Siusex), who was Josise, 8th earl, lord-lieut. and euetoe rotulorum of Notts; enrolled ..mongst the p: “s of England, ii Slay, 1681, as o is July, 1768; who if. oem. 10 Oct. 1026, and war a. by Darsa L,oal’ qsf Lassie di,. se;th remainder, in defanit his cousin, RIcHARD - Geonor., present EARL 00’ Scan. of male issue, to his h.-etnor ilenry. His lordship was created, 10 April, loss, ‘ekes1 Ascii’s, and 15 April, 1600, Crrstiens—Vieconnt (huh), 12 Jnly, 1625, Baron, ii Stay Laos. os Sexonsonon. fhia nollonian was a military 1681. Visrount, 10 April, 1660. Earl, 15 April, 1600 (English). officer, and had a chict eoai,san,1 at the battle of Sedge- Ariss.—Arg., a four, gis, hiri,,ceen three parrots, vert, collared, moor, in 1065, wherein ti,e n:sf ‘rtnnate 1.tulre of Slonmonth of the second. Creel—A pcirsn is pioIy in her nest, all ppr. was defeated. His lordship o,. Frances, eoiy dan. and heir Esyporhcre—Two parrots, wings inserted, vert. Melts—Mores of Sir Henry Jones, of Astsn, i’s, Oxford; and dyin hi ainrus rsmeientia sans, S’eats—Ssndbeek Casile, and TickIdlI 1721, was s. by his eldest on, Rtenssn. u,5 earl, KG., at whose deoease, uRic, in 1740, Lincoleahire. Tosris Jlsnac—IOJ, Eaten Square. the hstisuis ‘levolved open his brother, Tnoatxn, isd earl, 16G., who bad assumed the surname of Seua.orss :51, by act of parliament, upon inheriting the estates of J ii, m Sannderson, Earl of Castleton, in Ireland, at that n ‘blroane decease, 1721, Ills lordship w. Fmnees, dan. of George, 1st Earl of Orkney; and dying in 1752, was e. by his eldest ens, Rionaon, 4th earl; who ci. 12 Dee. 1722, Barbara, sister and heir of Sir George Sarile, Bart. of Rnfford, cc, Nottingham, by whom he had issne, i. Geouoe AuousvA, his successor. is. Rsenaon, successor to his brother. lii. Thamas-Charles, capt. 0tH.; killed on board the ‘‘Isis,” 3 Sept. 1702. iv. Jossie, who s. ae 7th earl. v. Freds,irk, 6.1702; Ia. let, 1780, Harriet, dan. of John Boddington, Esq.; who 5. 20 July, 1810, leaviog aeon, Frederick, of TiekhillCastle, cc. York,O. 14 Jan. 1708; who assumed, in 1814, the surname and arms of SAvIsr; is. I Slay, 1012, Charlotte-Mary, dau. of tlae Right SCARSDALE, BARON (Sir Alfred-Nathaniel Holdon Rev. George de Ia Peer tteresford, Bishop of Kilms:e; Curznn), of Scarsdale, eo. Derby, and a Bart., in holy and if. 27 Feb. 18.17, leaving issue by her lw-ho indly, 20 July, 1030, Robert-Henry Sentbwell, Roq.’, orders, rector of Kedlestun, it 12 July, 1881 ; as. 3 1 RscuAssD-fiennoe., lreeent earl. 1 Frances-Charlotte-Ar:,bclla, of Tiekhill Castle, is. 8 July, 18 Id, Blanelse, 2nd data, of Joseph Potklingtom March, 1056, to Colonel Charles-John Hill, of Colgrave, Senhuiese, Esq. of Netherhall, illaryport, Cnmben Notts,whe,l. 22 May, 1007. Thieladyand her land, anel has had, sisters have been granted the precedence of an earl’s daughters. 2 Henrietta-Susan Dcresford, is 5 Nov. 1832. to Edmund ii. Alfred Natlsa,nel, hi. 12 Sta,rh, 1880. L’Estrange, Esq. of Tynte Lodge, eo Leitrins, cii. Francis-Nathaniel, 1. 15 Dee. 1865. youngest eon of the late Colonel L’Estrange, of Moystown, iv. Assheton-Nathanioi, t. 10 Stay, 1807. King’s Country: Ilseir 2nd dan.,Constanee, was s. Sephta Caroline. ii. Blanebe-Fehela. m. 0 April, 1863, to Lord Sluneastor. 3 Anne-Georgtna, a. in la4s, to the late Sir WilliamM.-E. sic. Mary-Ereline, if. an infant, 4 May, 1802. Illilnor, Bait, He is. lndly, 1810, Jane, lnddan.eflateAdmiralDradby, His midship a. his uncle, as 4th baron, 12 Nov. 1856. of Hanable, near Sotitbamplon; and d. 20 Sept. 1601. vs. Savile-Henry, 6. 18 June, 1708; on 13 Dec. 1806, Slice M.-H. Tahonrdin, dan. of Henry Tahsmdin, Esq. of This family easesei uto Ene-land with the CoNQuERoR, acid Sydenham, Kent; and ,l 14 Nov. 1646. vii. William (Sir), G.C.B., a heist. gen. in the army, and its earliest ancestor nposs rerord is eol. 1sf dragoon guards; a diatinguished offlrsr,wboeomsnanded GsRALiaE cc Cuazose, lord of the manor of Loekbag, Rerks, the carairy at Albnera. Sir William, 6. 28 Aug. and of Fiehead, es. Oxford ; whose 2nd son, 1760; is. let, in 1804, Mary, dan. of Thomas Sutherland, Rectiann no Cocoon, of Kedleston, cc. Derby, contInued Esq. of Ulverstone, who if. in iso?; and 2ndly, in 1017, Louisa-Margaret, widow of Colonel Lynch Cotton. Sir Wllliam if. in Bee. 1050. Ilis widow sI. 11 Sept. 1020. 1. Stary-Arabolla, ci. in 1702, to (the late) F-F. Foljambe, Esq.; and d. in 1017. ss. Louisa, sa. 28 Feb. 1700, tnWinebessnbe-Henryflartloy, Eeq.; and ,t. 1811. its. Sophia, ii. siass. 1822. His lordship, who was appointed deputy earl-marshal of England in 1785, 5. in 1782, and was o. by hie eldest son, Gsossoc-Atnusax. 5th earl, 6. 22 Sept. 1705; at whose The grandson of the 2nd eon, decease, nato., 2 Sept. lso7, the honours devolved upon his tlceuAnn Cuozose, was living in the time of Hxaersv III. brother, RICHARD, 6th earl, 6.16 &pril, 1707; whom. 25 Slay, 1787, Sic Jocat Conan, one of the king e eonnrE, who see. Has’riett, dan. of llonry, 5th Lord Sli’ldlstou ; but dying Eleanor, dau. and heh’ of Sir Robert Tsvyferd, Knt. The without issue, 17 Jane, 1832, he was e. by his tsext brother great-grandson of this mas’riago, (the ci: mtess if. in March, 1848), JonN, 7th earl, in holy orders, prebendary of Yr rk; I. esiths the eelilie 1usd), was htgh-slserill’ of the eoe. of Nottingham in 3761. This nobleman, who, pursuant to the will if his maternal uncle, assumed the ssirname of SAYLLE, ci. in 1782; same shires in four years afterwards. Me ci. Joan, dan. of Anna-Maria, dan. of Jnlian IJerring, Eeq., and by her (who Sir John Bagot, of Btithfield, and was e. by his only eon, ci. 1? SOareh, 1050) bad issue, Oesrge-Angwstue, if. young. Joan, 8th earl. Richard, 6. 16 Sept. 1000; if. 17 July, 1018. Anna-Maria, if. 5 Slay, 1040. Lossisa-Franres, oilS Sept. 1020, to the late Rev. Thss. Cater. of Hassep, and was s. by No only eon, Henrietta-Barbara, m. let, 1 Sept. 1021, to the Rev. Frederick ReeseAsen Outmost, Esq., ,s. Ihelena, dan. of German Pole, Slanners Soil on, great- grandsan of John, third Bake of Eeq. of Radborne, and wae e. by his son, 986 S CA Esq. ot Rodnlin, eo. Carnarvss, a poet and row- poser of note, and bmther of Adam Lodge, Esq., MA., liarrister-at—lair, the distinguished Iranslatar in verse of Sehiller’s Bei,fe ‘if ,lIee,ii,is, and of other eontinesatal poetry. Lady Itenrielsa-Itarbai-a 5. 27 July, 1s64. 0:1:000. Cs,stlr, Yorksldre; Lunsley Caslie, Dueham; and Glentwarth, SCARSDALE. G5nnOE-NATHANICL, 6. 11 Jmi. 1829. cv. Eveline-Slary. LII the line of the family. His grandson had two eons, 1. Itoeenv, his successor, w’hsse on, Rstnacn, is. Petronel, dau. and es-heir of Walter do CarneGIe, 2ad son of Richard de Camvihle, founde of Combe Abbey, I eeaji. Saee’nsc. The line of this branch of the family terminated with StAcY, dsu. and sole heir of Sin Ge000E Cunzoie, that. ef Croxhahl, who ceo. Edward Saekvillc, Earl of Dorset, KG. ci. Thonsas. and from him liiseally descended Jons Cozszost, Esq. of Kedleston (commonly called J5155 and Derby, 12th HENRY VI., and escbeator for the Rsecacc CuiszoN, Esq., aa. Alice, dan. of Sir Robert Willoughby, of Wollaston, Notte, and was s. by his eon, Joan Cuczoal, Req., high-sheriff of Derby, 13th EnWA5D IV.; who m. Elizabeth, dan. of Stephen Lyre, Leg.