Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/286

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sco SCOTT, SIR EOWARD-WILLIAMDOLaIAN, E owoan-Wst.Ls.aas-Donajoao SCOTT, the prosseist hart. of llartington, co, Derby, asad of Great Barr, Co. Stafford; The name of Balrinan appears in tlse reign of Ensvocn Ill., 8. 23 Dee. 1854; a. his father, when William Batesnan, bishop of Norsricls, and fetmder of 21 Nov. 1863. sco Wsrnioa,, who succeeded him; and Annasiw SCOTT, Esq., who obtained frem his father the 1750, leaving (svith three doss., Eleanor, see. to Robert lands and barony of Glendeick, co. Perth, with the express Croxabb, Esq. ; Frances, tim. to Miller Sadler, Esq.; and prevision thet, after his death, these lands eheuld ret,,rn Elizabeth, sss. to Esimnnd Croddoch, Req ) an only loss, to the family of Balweary. This ,Unlrew lived leesp. Qoeen Witmast SoovT, Esq. of Great ilarr, who so. 27 Dee. 1744, MARY, assd shtaieed the la,,ds ef itirkstvle, cc. Perth, winch Mary, eldest don, of Thonsas Whitby, Eoq. of Groat Hay’, subsequently became the title of his family. The grsatgrandson wood, eo. Stafford, and ,l, 16 March, 1713, leaving bone Inc of this Andrew, 1. Joose Seen, Req. of Ilirleotyle, ebtssinhsg a charter Josern (Sir), his t,eir. under the great seal, is 1 070, of the boils asd hareny of Anernm, assnn,ed that eleeigiettien, ansI sests created a Be reset of N,,es. Seethe, 27 Oct. 1701, with remaissder to hie elder don., Frances, so. 1801, John-Polliott Powell, Esq, heirs male generally. Sir John so. thrice: let, Elizabeth, don. of Francis Scott, Req. of 3langerton, by whona (with three other scns and five dane.) be had, PaTshs’s, los oereosser. Chsrlcs. who is. M.srgarel Ralherferd (sister ef ,Tslss, who velest at Peers eleetisso, as 5th Lsnl ltsnherfersl), as,l ttey left a son. Jsha, of Belfent, sail several dasss.. of whom cisc is. Mr. Sissetair, ,eriter to the signrt its Rdissl,ssrgts ; ssss,ttser iss. Mr. liossahsts. a sssiltlary otlleer asad a third s. the 11ev. Tue only aen, Jassses Rose, of Uslney. Sir John so. fnDy, Elizabeth, dau. st Sir Willliana Rennet, of 1777, Isis eansi:s Margaret, dan. assd heir of Edward Whitby, Grsslshet, by whesss he laad two dane. ; ossd Irdly, Ilssrbara, Esq. of Shut End, cc. Stafford, and Isy her (who ‘7’ 0 Oct. dat,. of 10cr of Littledeanby, by whona ha bad no loosso. tie 1022) hod ioene, ci. in 1712, and was o. by Isis eldest sass, II. Sic PATCICK, a lawyer of eminence, who was snsnmotsed i. Enwean-BoLasos, lila successor. lay tlse Prissee of Orange to the Scottish convention in ISsO, for the es. Selkirk. Tbis gontlomass os. 1st, Anne, dat’. of William Wallace, Esq. of Helissgtssn, lsy whssssa ho obtained a esnsiderahle fortune, hut had nss surviving isssae. Sir P.slriek rn ltsdly, Margaret, dass. of Sir William Scot, of i. llary, st. 19 Ang. 1807. Harden, by w]sosn he had two soils and four dons., viz., I. Jona, his Iseir. si. William. advocate, si. s. p. i. Clsrietias, ,o. so,iehs Pringle, Req. ofWlsitchassk. ss. Elizal,etts, si. to Geerge Doesglas, Req. sf Friarsl,aw. sit. Jean, so. lit, tss David Stssiehead, Esq.; sad 2tsdly, to 1792 ; is. lot, 14 Eels. 1210, CalharineJsshiana, eldest dan. Jan,e, Gsr;lsshsre, Rsq. iv. Istorgsret, is. oasis, in 17i0. Sir Patriale sl in 1731, and was z. by his eldest son, OH. Sta Join. ‘OAsis geistlentan ,,s. Christian, doss, of William Nisbett, F.sq. of Dirleton, by whosa he had fossr sons end a do,,. Sir John ,l. 31 Feb. 1740, and was a lay his eldest 55,55, flT SIc WILI.IA2F, whe ii. 14 June, 1709, sssd was s. by his W’illiain-Besiglae, 8. 10 April, 1020; 1. 3 April, 1843. nephew, V. Ssc Jonse. This gesstleman sit. 10 July, 1792, Harriet, Edms,nd Robinson, of Thorp-green, Yorkshire, and don, of do’s. of Willians Graham, tlsq. of Garteasre, and sI. 1911, the Lste Rev. Thonsas Gisborne, of Yoxball Lodge, which havinghy her had (with four dane., Margaret I hlarriet, so. to lady ‘t 19 June, 1008. Sir Edward ii. 77 Bee. 1501, and George Oldmixon, Eoq., comm. RN. ; Elizabeth, ss. to Cob. was z. by hie eldost sosi, do Fevebss; and Lucy) a son and heir, Wstnissi, present III. Sin Fcoxess.Enwoan, who is. 20 Feb. 1004, had barsnot. Cs’retiass—27 Oct. lel. Arsas—Arg., three lions’ l,eads, erased, pa., langned, 00. Crest—A lion’, Iseast, esnoe’l, gss., langssed, so. ,Ss’ppec(s se—Two greylsoondo, ppr., collared, or, J1’slle—Tacc ant fore. Seats—A.,scrnm, tloxtsnrghohire; and Ba.lgay, Forfarelsire. OF GREAT BARR. ‘ ILillclIgc. The ancient tonally of Scott l,as been waled 01 Crest Barr, Ibartington in 1389, sa. Coorge Parker, Esq.,.oncestor of lbs in the cc. of Staffocd, frons else reign of Rnwosen 1. Isa 1295, Earle of SIaecleofcld. Robert Bateinan, b. at Harlingten, and else ancestor of the prescat t,arosaot, sot,,, traI is, Ilac ceder of yomsgcr bs’othscr of the alcove Otssgh, seas chamberlain and JOHN Senior, ICing of Seotla,sd, when that nss,aoreh toes siciainesl some time 3LP. for the cily of London, and an eminent mer. a prisoner is, Lo,sslon, ansl reairaissr’l soitl, tlse rest of chant Ilsere. lie fon,sdosl s,sa’l essdoo’eel tise slit’inity lectureship his cenntoynsen from passing to lIce ssorlli of ;l,e ricer front of .lshhsonrnc, 00. Llerliy, and dying 1040, beqneatlsed landt in nader pain of losing their heads, fixed his,self as near that the counties of Essex, Borsch, aisd Iacnbigh ansongst his four slroona as the shick forest of Cannack (nose stripped of ite sons, viz.: i. llobcrt, styled of hlotterdamn, in lbsllond ; it. Sir woods) wonl,l allow then,, Jonse SCOTT, Esq. of Great Barr, 8. irs 1005, so. Eleanor, tbso city of Londoo, 1504; and sv. Sir Thossat Rateman, created 908 don. of the 11ev. Thomoo Jordan, of Wbitney, and d. 4 lIar lser (wlso ,i. in 17:19). Otary, so. 9 Sell. 17e0, Is Cha,beo trsnett, Esq. of Taft, co Slofford, and had i050e three sons and too dan,,; the (dcc Bocac’s Lsssisle,l G’tnlry,—Pesvet.t sf Brcsialieeesse hell). Jano, s. 1709, to Joha-Addys ltachelt, Eoq. of Mosr Hall, en. Wsrwiels, and s(..’.p. 1771. Frances, si. lot, 1789, to Willissns Rlayllswayl, Req. of Byrhons Park, ro. Gloucester; oisdladly, 1 Jose, 1020, to Admiral I Jasnes isongbas, and eon of Sir James Isostglao, Bore.; and sI, in 1940. I. Joocro SCOTT, Eoq., 8. iolll2, high-sheriff of Stafford shire iii 1779, and lit’, for Worcester frssiss 1802 to 1906, at. is. Willlasn, is Isoly orders, roctor of Aldridge, co. Staffsrd sss. 18 Jssly, 1818, Mario, lcd Oosi. of the Rev. Dr. Gohelb, of Winchesler College; and ‘I, 3 Feb. 1920, leaving issno, 1 Wilhiasi-I ienry, 2 Edsrard, 3 Boogba’. I Frances. 2 1sioy. tir. Scott was created a Iloronet 30 April, 1000 ; a,sd dying 17 June, 1820, was o. by his elder son, 11. Sic EsswoanDoLaioN, SIP. for Liehfield ; 8. 22 Oct. and co-heir of tho bate Sir Ilugb Batenoan, hart, of Hart. bngtosa Ilabi, cc. Bcrlsy, aisd by Isor (srlao it. 4 Ang. 1048) had, Sm Fa.o,ec,s-Enwasn ScoTT, B.irt., sche iohn’ifed at his birth a baronetcy conferred upon his mabernal graLsdfather in 1400 (eec bsj’s’e), and succeeded Is his tsther’o title in Bee. tell. Rdsrard-Bolnsosi, 8. 12 Feb. 1020. Sir Edward se. 2ndly, S Nov. 1040, Lydia, widow of the 31ev, inherited as Osad hart, of Itartingtoss at his birth (according io the binsitattoss in thn patoist), frosu Isis maternal grandfathor, Sir hugh Batesssssa, who d. Ia Jssn. previously. He so. 9 Jo’s. 1054, Shibdred-_ ne, eldest doss, of Sir WilliamCradock Hortopp, Bart., assd (by her, who ‘is. 2ndly, 12 Sept. ISOS, Edsvard-Pakcnhom Alderso,,, Eoq., eldest son of the bale Baro,s Abderson) load, 5. Ecwocn-WTLLTAIT.B0LS5AN, presool hart. Is. Asvisrc-B000Las, 8. 1 SepI. 1000. i. Shildred-hlonrielto. 51. Cohlsei’iae-Matildo-Annie-Georgina. us. Sbabel-Augnsta. Sir Fr:naeis ef. 21 Nov. 1803, said won. lsy lots, eldoc soss, Sin dTzimitn or 2SatcIIlzol. Trinity Mall, Cainisridgo, was sent to stvignon to lay before the I’ope, Rn,r.esn’o elaimss to the crown of France; Ilarthsolossew Ratensan, MI’. for Norfolk, 1330, sras isis brother. Tho paternal ancestors of time fasnily s’esidod for severol generations its lIme parish of Iiartington, cc. Derby. linen RATEStAN wan bapIioed lherc in 1514, he hod issue b hio don. Grace, 8. at William Botensoas, Rat.; ni. Sir Antheoy Batoman, lIP. for