Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 2.djvu/292

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SEE 26 July, 1446, the chief-forestership of the royal forest and its. ilsnry-Iliclsas’d, lisni. eel. in tiss army, 9.27 Aug. 1800; parks in the wapentake of West Derbyshire, with tho offices iv. Franris-ficorgo, late sccrclarv af Irgation to the Gsrotanic of cerjeast or steward, of that and the wapenvake of Sal- ford, and a]so the office of constable of Liverpool. Sw Georgians -Josnisea Asbbas’nlsass (Shoes sssarriags wills Richard a, Joan, dan. and heiress of Sir Gilbert llaydsck, Itenry-R.Milford, Esq., woo dissolved), and has a dan. Hut., and relict of Sir Peter Leigh, Ent. of Lyme, in Cheshire, by whom he had eighi eons aol three dans. Tie i. Goorgians-laabella-Franeos, sit. 22 Jose, 1819, CharlesI’ascoo si. Sndly, Helen, dan. of Radclitf of the Tower, and relict of Sir Wilham ltarriogton, and hail two other dana. lIe was u.Slaria. in. Lsoisa-Asse—SIaria, it. July, 1855. sv. Frances. a. at his decease by his eldest son, Sia Rrcu.ton Motviciiuoc, who wae in sneb high favonrat v. Carolinr-tlasvistl, oc. 19 Nov. 1536, to Cisas. Toavnsley, court, that in the out of resumption, passed in the 36th vs. ltathserisr, ci. mass. 25 March, 1055. HENRY VI., we f.n’l tins provisional ci oaoe :_iProvided Rio lordship ci. 26 Nov. 1918, and was s. hy his son, always that tIns act extend uot, Her in any ways be prejudicial CssaRLeo-WsLLsAai, 3rd sail, lard-lieutenant and eustos unto Richani Slolynoux, Req. of Softon, one of the ratul,crum of Lancashire ; 8. 10 July, 1796 ; who sc.59 Juns, osisoro of our priry-chatoher, its the constableehip of onr 1524, Slary-Augusta, only dan. of Robort-Grsgge Hopwood, castle of Liverpool,” stw., Re. Sir Itichard as. Elizabeth, Es’1. of IIopwood Ilal], cc. Lancaster, and niess of tbs lats 2nd dan. of Tbamae, lot Lord Stanloy. Sir Itichard fell, ‘Viscount Torrhsgtsn, and bad issus, fighting under the Laneastrian banass,r, at Blorehsath. WILLCAM-PmL5F, present peer. 23 Sept. 1459. and was s. by his eldest son, Sso Tuoasxs 3leLYNEux, knigbt-banneret, ss. Anna, eldest ilcary—ltera 07, romns. EN., 1. IS April, 1041. clan, and heirsos of Tbsmas Dotton, of Dutton, and was s. lls,gdr-Osrdon, officer ltlb hassars, 8. 4 Jan. 1849. in 149], by his oldest son, Sso WILLIAM JIos,yxeux, This gentleman distinguished The earl ci. Aug. 1855. himself at the battle of Flodden Field, in 1511, and took, Cc’oohosss—Daranot, 22 Slav, 161], Viscoans, 22 Dec 1621. with his own hand, two standards, which are still preserved Rail, Id Nov. 1771. Ilaronef the United ltingdnns, 16 Jane, 1161. is the fanaily ; so. 1st, Jane, dan. of Richard Ruggo, of Aroca—Ae., a cress-moline, or. Rugge; 2ndly, Eliza, only dan. r’f Cnthbert Ellison, Esq. Crest—A chapean, ga., tm’nsd up, ems., adorned with a plcscas TIe it. in 1518, and was s. by his only son, SLO Riemoan SloLvxrux, ‘a. 1st, Elesnore, dan. of Alexander ,Scsppsrlero—Tars lions ac. Radcliffe, Ern1. and Indly, Elesssre, dan. of Robert .iilstia—Virers oat viocore Maghull, Hog.; who was kmghted at the cosunation ofQneeo Sozls—Cs’oxtetb IlsIl, Liverpool and Stoke Farm, Bucks. NARY, and served the sffsro of oheriff of Lancashire in 1556; Tosra Hoooe—Seflon House, 37, Relgmvo Square. dying in two years afterwards lie was s. by his grandson, I. Sm Rseuoou StoLYNEux. This gsnllsman, eldest son of William llolyisenx, by Brigitta, dan. of Jsbn Lasell, Esq .,scs. Frances, eldest dact. of his guardian, Sir Gilbert Gerard, of Sudbnry, master of the Rolls, by whom he bad six sons and seven daus. Sir Richard, upOn the institution nf the order of Baronet, was amosgst the first slevated to that dignity, 1611 ; and was s. by his eldest surviving son, II. Sm RscuAan, who was advanced to tbe peecage of Ireland, 22 Dec. 1655, by ths title of Viscs,,ol Malpasox, o,f Msrptsrsssyhc. IRa lordship iso Slssry, dan. and ce-heir of Sir Thomas Caryll, Rut, of Bonteno, ca. Sussex, and was a. in 1612, by hia eldest son, RICIIARO, 2nd viscount. This nobleman actively espoused the cause of Ring,tvs I., and was in the battle of Worcester. lIe ci. soon afterwanis, and leaving nn issus, the honours devolved upon his brother, CARYLL, Ird viscount; who was ontlawed by parliament SaLRIRK, EARL oF (Dnnbar-Jamoa Douglas), and fsr his exertions in the royal cause. His lordship it. at an Baron Daer and Shorteisuch, iu tlso peerage of Soot’ advsncsd ago, 2 Feb. 1656, and was s. by his only surviving l.sucl, lc,rc’l-lisntsnant of Kircuclbt-ight, ens of the san (by Mary, dan. of Alexander tiarlow, Esq.), WILLIAan, 4th viscount. Tbis nobleman as. Bridget, dau. reprecssutativo lorda, and Kesper of the Groat Seal and heiress of Robert Lucy, Hog. of Cbarlscote, en. Warwick; of Scotland; b. 22 April, 1809; a. his father1 as 6th and dying in 1717, was s. by his eldest son. EIORARD, 5th viecoutst; who ccc. Mary, eldest dan. of Francis, Lord Brudonoll, and had a son, Wilhasis, avbo S. in Loan WLLL5AM Horooao (eldest sos of William, 1st Marquess 1706, and two daiss., viz., Starr, m. I sI, to Thomas Clifton, Cq. of I.ytbam astd 2adly, 1st Slatatisass of lismtly) was slsratod to tbo poongo of Scotland, to William Andertots, Log. of Laatoa Ilall, Lastrashire. Darathy. His lordship d. in 1738, and was s. by his brother, CARYLL, 6th viscount; who was s. in Nov. 1745, by his was ereatrd Issue of Bamilteu for life, s’han lie rosignod tho oldest son, Ricnaao, 7th viscount, a clorgynaau of the churob of ttss original precedency, upon his grace’s It’d and yocmgsr sons. Rome, whose brother, WILLIAM, ttb viscount, S. without issue, in 1756, and was p,’isnagenitstrely; its roafarmity v’ith o’birh Rouster, lbs lad son, s. by his nephew, CtsxssLro-WLLLtaat, Otis vissoust, who conformed to the Shisrsrlesris sod EARL sr Ses.asaa, and dying toss in 1719, eslablirbed church is 1369. lIsa 1 ssstship wan advanced to avas a. by Isis bratisor, the dignity of EARL OF SOFTeN, in the peerage of Ireland, Lccan JOLLN IlxossLToN, as 3rd Earl of Selkirk, vlto bad been II Nov. 1771. 11 ca. 17 Nov. 1768, lsabella, 2nd dan. of l,imsolf elevated ta tSr pennigs ol Scotland, 14 April, 1(97, by William, 2nd Earl of ttasvington, and by that lady (who ‘I. llsr titlrs of Jls,ro,c liulheaae. Visra ,,,,t Rirearls sa, oasiS Earl 29 Jan. 1669) left at hi.s decease, 31 Jsus. 1795, an only child, of B”pS’ s. Ills lanlsisip cc. 1st, in 1604, Lady Anne Kennedy, WtLLsAts.PrssLsr, 2nd earl, t. 15 Sept. 1775 ; who was clan, of Jabs, 7th Had of Cassilia, by anhom lie bad, William, crsatsd a poor of t1ss t’suted King.lsm, as Dices Sqflss, of 5,15cc 1arc,Icceascd him s,stos., and twa dasso., CraMeR, 16 June, 1671. Ills lordship oc. 1 Jan. 1792, Maria, Axxo anho a. as Coooboaa qh’ Raplrn, os. Wililans, Earl sfMareb, dais, of Williasu, OtIs Lc’r,l Craven, and bad basso, 5. Cuxatca-hh’ttt.taas, Soil s’arl. it. George-ll,’s’lc Icy, liral.-r,,l. in bIts army, 8. 16 J,dy, 1799; so. SIrs. Mooch sccccl if. 17 Atm. 1041, leaving cc son. (‘laIrs— Su’.,u, s.c. to John. 5th Earl of Casitbs. and ci, in 1763, sills’ Perheher, capt. 4? Is light cirastac 05, mc. aad ltao.a son t. 2 June. 1 ada. 5 at. 5.-it. hi “ctrnessv’s widow so. lcsdly, is 1546, The earl os. lndly, ia 1701, Eliaah,elht Ilutehinson, relict of 11.-ti. Laing Ilcasesa, Lag. of Lindortis, N.B. 991 SEL ci. 23 Ray, 1041. Confederation, 0. 5 Starch, 1505; so. in 1842, laity Conslanes. Gresfdil, Hog. and ci. 27 Jnns, 1526. lIe ci. 21 liar, 1r67. Itig. of Tewnelsy, in Lancashire, and oh. 8 Feb. 1866. Ccw, 1-Craves, rapt. lOtishassars, 8.4 Oct. 1936. Creilics-Slcu’ia-Chssrlolle. of peacock’s feathers, plsr. SEEK JR K. kfncagc. of Douglas, icy his 2o,h site, Lady Racy Gordon, dots, of George, 4 Aug. 1646, by ths titiss of Bores, Doer nod Shsrlrles,oh, and EAaL or Scoesaa, to him and his heirs male for ever; hot marryiog aflersvar,ls Anne, Dc,chsss of] lcsosiltas, lift lordship Starl,laas of Selkirk, Ac., into the bands of lbs king, asho coofrrm’c’I tlsecse lsenosrs. by a new potecst, dscted 6 Cr1. 1609, antIs loan CssAaLEo Doroo.As, became 2nd Boc’on D,’cc’ ocs,l used avoa a. by her only child, WsLLsAss, Robs of Qiseenshury nod Earl of Morris and ltea’lrn at wl,aas decease, its 1510, ilse Earldons of Raglea expired. aid isssse. earl, 8 April, 1820.